Spreadsheet To A Whole Load Of People And Some Have Received Emails Back Saying That It Won't Open Properly
Sep 15, 2009
I've sent out an excel spreadsheet to a whole load of people and some have received emails back saying that it won't open properly. It's got a form which pops up and populates two data sheets behind it.
One of the issues I've had so far is that the Microsoft Common Controls library isn't installed on some computers so the form won't work. Are there any other controls that are likely to not be installed and thus prevent the form from opening?
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Feb 22, 2007
This code has worked for me about 6 months now, and I havent done ANY changes at all to it. Can any of you guys think of a reason why it wont work?
The following is just en excerpt of the entire code, but the only thing thats relevant...
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Oct 7, 2012
I am looking for a way to count the number of emails I receive per day and hour, below is a chart that I use to see the data. I had accomplished this with sumproduct, however it severely slows down the workbook processing to the point that it is no longer an option to use it. I extract my data from outlook and format my date and time in the same column such as 10/01/2012 15:00, I work from 7AM until 5PM then all other email are considered after hours and go in the 5p-7a row.
Email count.xlsx
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Jun 7, 2009
I am trying to send to multiple people so everyone sees each other received the email. How would I add other addresses?
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Jul 3, 2009
to create a macro to send emails.
1. Attached is an excel spreadsheet. In column A, each time the word total is seen, i want an email to be sent to to someone with the total in colum E.
UAFEQ1 TOTAL xxxx xxxxxxxx xxx R 15 000
ALPROP TOTAL xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxx -R 20 000
For UAFEQ1 TOTAL I would like a mail to be sent to john@example.com
For ALRPOP TOTAL I want like a mail to be sent to peter@example.com
If the total in column E is positive i want the mail to say:
Please see deposit of R 15 000
If the total in colum E is negative i want the mail to say:
Please see withdrawal of -R 20 000
The currency is Rands (South Africa)
Sometimes, i need to send 20 or more e-mails. And these can repeat themselves so, there may be two totals for UAFEQ1 TOTAL and a mail must be sent each time. See attached as an example.
The macro can stop when Grand Total is reached. No email needs to be sent for the grand total.
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Nov 25, 2013
I am look for a way to send out an individual email to a list (Column A) in my excel spreadsheet.
I need to send out an email with a signature in to a lot of addresses.
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Jul 12, 2013
Every week I receive a sheet of data that I need to import into my master spreadsheet. The problem is I have to adjust the data I receive to import it unless there's a better way of doing it. I'm trying to automate both the modification and the importing of this sheet. I've tried to create a macro to modify and import without any success.
To adjust the spreadsheet I receive I need to: delete or find a way to exclude the first 3 rows, the bottom row with data stating "complete" and columns C,D&E from being imported; change font, size, color, bold to match the main spreadsheet in addition to formatting; split data in column A and remove any special characters. Formatting is important because I have to be able to easily remove duplicates. Also, the number of rows in the sheet I receive changes weekly.
I've attached a workbook with sample data. The first sheet is representative of what my master looks like, the second is what I sent and the third what I've been modifying it to and then importing. As stated before, I'd like to have my master automatically update with the sheet I sent, but I'm at a loss having to reformat everything every week before importing. Having the sheet that's sent to me revised before I receive isn't an option. What's the best way to automate this?
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Nov 20, 2008
My Splash screen opens a few seconds after the workbook has loaded. Is there a way to make the workbook open minimzed until the the splash screen closes then open properly? What I trying to say is that only the splash screen is visible until it closes.
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Apr 14, 2007
It also renames the CommanBarPopop with the new filename.This allows the user to open both Projectworkbooks/files (If required) and load each CommandBarPopup for different filenames .Therefor opening the Userforms and worksheets for the CommandBarPopup clicked ...
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Apr 17, 2008
Using some custom VB code to put the filename of the document into a cell.
I save the spreadsheet and load it up on another computer and all I get is #VALUE.
How do I fix this so its loaded on every machine without problems? (Multiple people will be using these sheets)
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Feb 16, 2014
I made the excel file with the VBA source code, saved it, opened it many times, and all at sudden I cannot open it anymore. When I try to open the file I get the following screen:
actually, Excel asks me if I want to enable macros or not, but this window is different than usual window:
when opened file with macros works fine.
So, in my case I click the Enable Macros button of the first picture and my file seems to open in some hidden instance, because the file name isn't writen in the title of the Excel window.
When I close the Excel window it asks me if I want to save changes to my file, and that proves that it was opened in some hidden instance of the Excel.
I have to say that I was not playing with the security options of hiding any part of the file that I want to open, and which doesn't open properly.
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Jan 5, 2010
In my spreadsheet I load 26 CSV files. Each CSV file has 3 columns and 7 rows. It uses the connection query in Excel. It is only relatively slow to refresh the data. To refresh the data, I can press the refresh data button in Excel.
But in practice I use this code every 5 seconds:
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Sep 4, 2013
Error in data validation: "A named range you specified cannot be found." However, the named ranges are in the Name Manager, and if I go to the sheet and select the range, I can see it is already named.
Full description:
I created a spreadsheet model (no VBA, just formulas, etc) in a workbook that another coworker took and added VBA to. However, he was not working with the most updated version. So last night I checked the sheets which had the same names, made sure there were no differences except the changes I had made since that version, and then moved the ones from my current workbook into his workbook.
On the sheet where the user was to input details of the report, there are 4 cells that each contain different lists (non-dependent). I want the user to only be able to choose one of the 4 drop down menus - that is, if any of the 4 cells are filled in, I would like the other 3 to default to N/A (or somehow not be allowed to be chosen). This was solved in a previous thread:
Using A1: =IF(COUNTA(A2:A4),NA(),G2:G6) from the other thread solution, I used a named range instead of G2:G6 and it worked well.
When I merged the files together, the 4 cells no longer worked at all. It was suggested that I look at the Name Manager, and some of te named ranges I had were in there multiple times. I cleaned them up.
I tried to enter the same formula again, and it gave me the specific error: "A named range you specified cannot be found." However, the named ranges are in the Name Manager, and if I go to the sheet and select the range, I can see it is already named.
I am unable to load the spreadsheet due to sensitive data, and removing the data would make the workbook make no sense.
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Dec 4, 2007
I have cut and paste a series of numbers from my online bank account statement, however, when I go to add a total to the spreadsheet it comes back as zero. I have removed the currency sign from in front of it, I have changed the column format to be numbers but the total still reports a zero.
However, if I type in the number the value is recognized.
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Feb 18, 2014
get the code for sending multiple emails as per the spreadsheet list. Assume the spreadsheet has 100 line items and each columns specifies the name of the person, value, recipient email address ("To" and "CC") and sender name.
And the Body of text is :
Hi "Name of the person" Please find the value of "Value" to be paid for the moth of xxx and kindly let me know for further clarification.
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Feb 21, 2013
We created a database for our employees who have security items and other things we need to keep track. We created a spreadsheet where data was entered on Sheet2 (Entry Form) and then by clicking various buttons would be thrown over to Sheet1 (MasterList) and put in alphabetical order. Then last week he said lets change it to a User form where i can put all the data, be able to tab through my text boxes and make the whole process of entering information faster and more efficient.. but now hes gone and I'm left with his macros and all this stuff i don't really understand! I have been doing pretty well on my own but im stuck "Search Employee" Here is what i have...
Private Sub SearchEmployeeButton_Click()
LastName.Value = Range("A500").Value
FirstName.Value = Range("B500").Value
use code tags around code. Posting code without them makes your code hard to read and difficult to be copied for testing. Highlight your code and click the # at the top of your post window.
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Jan 3, 2013
I have a "txtQuoteNo" box used in my userform "FrmQuotation", and this is recorded in column A of my Central Data spreadsheet (with a fair slug of other data from the userform).
I can currently recall the data into the userform from the spreadsheet using the QuoteNo, but when I need to resubmit it back to the spreadsheet, I can't see why the following code posts this new data onto a new line rather than the blank cells in the corresponding row of txtQuoteNo and column A (if you see what I mean...)
Set wb = Workbooks.Open("M:Central Taxi Data.xlsx")
With Sheets("Data").Range("A:A")
Set cell = .Find(myVal, LookIn:=xlValues)
rw = cell.Row
End With
RowCount = Worksheets("Data").Range("A" & rw).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
[Code] .......
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Dec 16, 2002
I need to do a macro that will open a search window, the user would select a folder and it will search for a .csv file within it. Then after locating the file, it would automatically load it into a specific sheet in the workbook.
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Oct 27, 2009
I have a spreadsheet that on open needs to open a 2nd spreadsheet minimised and delete 2 named sheets in the 2nd spreadsheet.
On close of the first spreadsheet it should then copy 2 sheets with the same name from itself into the 2nd spreadsheet.
This is to start a spreadsheet that will track project risks and issues that I will post further details for as other functions are required.
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May 22, 2008
To set up the problem, I have a folder that contains files that are all named numerically, ex. 08-100, 08-101, etc. Each file is identical in format but contains different data, ex. cell B1 is alway "material weight", cell B2 is always "estimated man hours" and new files are added weekly.
I am trying to set up a master spreadsheet that all I have to do is enter the file name (08-102) in the first column, and the second column will return the data in a specific cell of that file.
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Dec 16, 2008
I cannot open an Excel spreadsheet except through the Excel application. This includes through Windows Explorer, on the internet (this forum), in email. I need to save the file first, then open Excel, then open (through Excel) the file.
In Email, I get "System cannnot find the file specified" On this site, I get "Access to the specified device/path is denied" From Explorer, "Cannot find the file.... based on the criteria xls(or one of its components). Make sure the path and file name are correct and that all required libraries are available."
Last time, our IT group couldn't fix it and had to reinstall the entire Office package to get it working again. I'd rather not go through that.
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Apr 19, 2006
I am just wondering if it is possible to insert a module or a code such that it is user specific.
In detail, there are two types of users: Administrator and User.
If it were administrator, it should ask for a password. If user, it should give the read-only or a protected form of the spreadsheet.
I just need the workbook to pop-up with a msgbox of administrator/user with a radio button or a select button. If administrator, it should ask for a password. Also, disabling the macros should not open the spreadsheet as making this would lead to nothing.
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Aug 11, 2012
I have a layout something like the following:
Where each (i.e., A1) represents a location. I have tried to use a coordinate system but this will not work for the back-to-back locations. (Assuming each location is 2 feet wide, For example A1 to C1 is 4 feet apart, not 2 feet (as Euclidean or rectilinear would calculate it as).
Would there be a way to incorporate an if statement for those locations that are back-to-back? As a rectilinear distance calculation would work as long as the locations are not part of the same "block".
Ultimately I am looking to have a matrix which contains all the distances between each location:
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May 18, 2007
I would like to have a popup appear on the opening of my spreadsheet that warns me of things that are past due or due today. I would like it to be in list form...
For example my source is:
Customer 1 Customer 2
Topic Expected Complete Expected Complete
One 05/18/2007 05/10/2007
Two 05/12/2007 05/15/2007 05/18/2007 05/18/2007
Three 05/12/2007 05/17/2007 05/16/2007
Four 05/21/2007 05/17/2007
What I would like to see is a popup that analyzes this data with the result of:
If run today...5/18...................................
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Jan 26, 2009
I have an excel sheet that has 3 command buttons on it, i am wanting to open a saved excel sheet that i have on my shared drive from the command button. I know the path of the saved file but how do i get the button to open this file?
As well as this i this i also have another command button what i want to open another sheet in the excel document with the command buttons.
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Jan 30, 2014
I have a Excel Addin file which i would like to open and view the contents on the spreadsheet
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Mar 5, 2007
I've got a 'Control Panel' spreadsheet which is all based on UserForms. When a user clicks a particular button, it opens one of many separate 'Regional' sheets which they work in.
When the user closes the 'Regional' sheet, I would like the 'Control Panel' sheets userforms to show again. However I can find no way of doing this as it simply switches back to the 'Control Panel' sheet without loading the forms (as I had to hide the 'Control Panel' useforms to give them access to the 'Regional' sheet).
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Mar 24, 2009
I'm especially having trouble with loops. I'm a little dense in that department. Here is what I am trying to do. I open 3 spreadsheets. I want to consolidate them into one of the spreadsheets. The first obstacle I face is that one of the spreadsheets has a name which varies. It is always called either "PLR.xls" or "PendingLoans.xls". Also, it will have a number at the end depending on how many excel books have been opened so far in the day, i.e. "PLR (2).xls" or "PLR (5).xls". At this point, all I want to do is be able to select this file consistently. I currently have something like this (excuse my syntax - its saved at work and like I said, I'm still learning VBA).
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May 24, 2012
There used to be a way to open an Excel spreadsheet and have it go to a specific sheet....... I want to open Grants.xls and have it always go to the "index" sheet....
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Jun 18, 2013
I inherited a spreadsheet from a recently let go co-worker. This spreadsheet has a lot of important financial data on it, so I really need to get into the spreadsheet. we contacted the former employee and he said he forgot the password. Is there any work around to get into the sheet?
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