Emails Won't Get Received Time

Feb 22, 2007

This code has worked for me about 6 months now, and I havent done ANY changes at all to it. Can any of you guys think of a reason why it wont work?

The following is just en excerpt of the entire code, but the only thing thats relevant...

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Count Number Of Emails Received By Day And Hour?

Oct 7, 2012

I am looking for a way to count the number of emails I receive per day and hour, below is a chart that I use to see the data. I had accomplished this with sumproduct, however it severely slows down the workbook processing to the point that it is no longer an option to use it. I extract my data from outlook and format my date and time in the same column such as 10/01/2012 15:00, I work from 7AM until 5PM then all other email are considered after hours and go in the 5p-7a row.

Email count.xlsx


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Spreadsheet To A Whole Load Of People And Some Have Received Emails Back Saying That It Won't Open Properly

Sep 15, 2009

I've sent out an excel spreadsheet to a whole load of people and some have received emails back saying that it won't open properly. It's got a form which pops up and populates two data sheets behind it.

One of the issues I've had so far is that the Microsoft Common Controls library isn't installed on some computers so the form won't work. Are there any other controls that are likely to not be installed and thus prevent the form from opening?

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Count Hours Where Calls Are Received?

Jan 27, 2014

I am trying to count hours where calls are received between 8am and 5pm Mon-Fri. If just one call is received between 8am and 5pm Mon-Fri then only one hour would be counted. Calls in excess of one call in the same hour do not count more than one. So if two people called from 8am - 9am then that would equal 1 and if on call came in from 9-10 then that would also be 1. Attached is a sample output.

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Calculating Revenue Received Vs Owed

Aug 23, 2008

I have created a model that shows me the money that I am owed each month. However, I receive the money over a 3 month period.

Using a formula I need to determine how much I actually receive in total each month, factoring in that I receive each months revenue in three equal payments over three months.

For example

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6
$A $B $C $D $E $F

In month 1, I am owed $A, but this payment will be split over 3 months.

So in month 1 I collect $A/3. In month 2, I am owed $B but this payment will also be split over 3 months so in month 2 I collect ($A/3 + $B/3), etc etc. In month 3 I collect the ($C/3) + ($B/3) + (last payment of $a/3) etc etc

How do I present this in a formula so I dont have to adjust every single column manually?

I need to follow the same structre for another scenario using 18 months as well.

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Extract The Total Number Received For The Various Scenarios

Apr 29, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with 4 columns named:

date received
time received
number received

Is it possible to use vbscript and extract the total number received for the various scenarios:

all numbers received
numbers received before specific date
numbers received on specific date before specific time
numbers received after specific date

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Import Received Sheet Of Data To Master Spreadsheet

Jul 12, 2013

Every week I receive a sheet of data that I need to import into my master spreadsheet. The problem is I have to adjust the data I receive to import it unless there's a better way of doing it. I'm trying to automate both the modification and the importing of this sheet. I've tried to create a macro to modify and import without any success.

To adjust the spreadsheet I receive I need to: delete or find a way to exclude the first 3 rows, the bottom row with data stating "complete" and columns C,D&E from being imported; change font, size, color, bold to match the main spreadsheet in addition to formatting; split data in column A and remove any special characters. Formatting is important because I have to be able to easily remove duplicates. Also, the number of rows in the sheet I receive changes weekly.

I've attached a workbook with sample data. The first sheet is representative of what my master looks like, the second is what I sent and the third what I've been modifying it to and then importing. As stated before, I'd like to have my master automatically update with the sheet I sent, but I'm at a loss having to reformat everything every week before importing. Having the sheet that's sent to me revised before I receive isn't an option. What's the best way to automate this?


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How To See Percentage Of Items Received Daily / Weekly / Monthly

Apr 20, 2013

I'll use following as an example.

I work for a supermarket, I receive many fruits per day and I want to see what percentage of them are bananas, apples, oranges, watermelons etc.

Are there any templates of pie charts and bar graphs that I can use for this that will show the percentage of said fruits daily, weekly and monthly?

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Send To Multiple People So Everyone Sees Each Other Received The Email

Jun 7, 2009

I am trying to send to multiple people so everyone sees each other received the email. How would I add other addresses?

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Excel 2010 :: Assigning Name To Range Received By ODBC Query

Apr 29, 2014

I have been working on some ODBC queries in Excel 2010.

First, I recorded them using Excel's Record Macro function, to get an idea of what sort of source data I would need. Then, I rewrote them into something a little more intelligible.

Pulling out all the sensitive info, I want to know how to add the .ListObject.DisplayName property back onto the results of the query. I tried doing it intuitively, but it didn't work. It was in there when I recorded the macro, but I can't seem to figure out where to put it back into the re-written code. Other parts of the code depend on the results of the query being a 'named field'.

[Code] .....

Also, where would I find out what all that stuff in Cnnect means? DBA, APA, EXC, FEN, etc are all just assignments, and I might like to change some to make this run a bit quicker, if I knew what they meant.

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Search Outlook Email Folder For Particular Subject Then Return Date Email Received

Nov 7, 2013

I would like to search an outlook folder for a variable in the subject line and return the date when that email was received. Here is the code i have so far...

Sub Get_pos()

Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

Dim olNs As Outlook.Namespace
Dim Fldr As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim olMail As Variant

Set olApp = New Outlook.Application

[Code] ........

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Opening And Using Emails

Jun 16, 2006

In a desperate attempt to find a solution, I thought I would try what seems to be a very good and helpful forum filled with loads of expertise (yes I'm creaping here).
Out current mainframe systems churns out *.DOC reports for various managers all the time. I am trying to extract the data from these *.DOC files to a meaningful Excel spreadsheet. The first hurdle is killing me and I know that once I get past it I will be heading for the finish line. The email that comes to the inbox has the same title each time. I would like to open the *.doc file in excel, do my calculations and then move the email message to another email folder ready for deleting.

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How To Delete The Emails That Have Duplicates

Oct 24, 2013

I have two columns with emails. I would like to delete the emails that have duplicates. I want to delete them from both columns.

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Sending Emails From 2003

May 9, 2009

I have a macro which uses Outlook to send an email. I know it's not possible to over-ride the annoying 'Another program is trying to send an email....' dialogue box but I wonder if there is a way of exiting sub if the user clicks No on that dialogue box?

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Sending Sheets To Emails

Jan 21, 2010

I'm trying to send sheets to an email.

My code up to now saves a copy of the sheet in a file, and I send that file out.

Unfortunatly when I run my macro it ends with the email opening, the file being attached, and I need to input the email adress. Also, i need to automatically overwrite what is in the folder.

My code looks nothing like the one on Ron's tutorials.

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Sending Emails Automatically

Jul 9, 2013

I want to run a macro dailly where he is going to look in a specific column and based on that value he needs to send emails based on several other cells.

It is a contract database. So for example in:

column A = Country
B = Supplier
C = Days untill end
E = Manager

What do i want that when i run the macro he looks at column C and where-ever he finds "90" he send automaticly an email to the personnes in column D and E.

In subject i want to see the name of the supplier.

In the email i want to put a text like :


Hereby i want to inform you that the contract "Supplier" is going to expire.

Please take the necessary action!,

Also i want to do the same thing when it hits the "30" with other text but i guess that it easy to do when the "90" works

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VBA To Create Outlook Emails?

Jul 21, 2014

I have successfully adapted some code to create e-mails in outlook, insert text, add an attachment and specific who to send - all from within excel.

However, all of the recipients are contacts in our internal address book and what I would like to do is use the "shortened" version of their contact to send the e-mail.

e.g. Simon Jones e-mail address might be - but if I simply type in Simon Jones; and then tab to the next line, outlook works out who this is all on it's own.

The problem is, if I specify in my code to send to Simon Jones; it does not convert it / work out who it is.

Is there a way of doing it via VBA?

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Count Emails In Outlook

Dec 14, 2007

If there is mailbox in outlook called "MIS". What VB should I use to count emails in Mailbox.

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Deleting Duplicate Emails

Nov 24, 2009

I have a list of emails and want to check a new list (a new column) if there is a duplicate email (comparing with the original column). I know some common filter methods, but my problem is that they work on "identical cells"; however, my cells are different

A1: Title,
A2: Title

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Too Many Emails Generated By Code

Jul 11, 2006

I have the following code that will look through an individual worksheet, if the value in column D is equal to 5 and the value in cells E6:L1000 is "a" then it should generate an email. The problem I am having is that it generates 8 emails, one for each column. What did I do wrong in the code? It should only generate one email for the cell which has the "a"

Sub Test()
Dim OutApp As Outlook.Application
Dim OutMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim cell As Range
Dim wsWH As Worksheet
Dim lngMax As Long
Dim intFiveDays As Integer
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
On Error Goto cleanup
Set wsWH = Worksheets("WH")
lngMax = wsWH.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
For intFiveDays = 6 To lngMax...................

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Filter Emails From Doc With Mixed Info

Dec 4, 2012

How can I make Excel create a column with only email addresses from a document that has all contact data of each customer in it? The column that contains the e-mail addresses also contains phone numbers at present...and many blank spaces in between addresses.

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Send Email (box That Pops Up To Allow Emails To Be Sent)

Feb 3, 2009

I was wondering if there is a way to get rid of this? There are about 300 emails that are going to be sent out and this comes up every time.

Or if there is a way to only do it once no matter how many emails get sent.

Here is part of the code..

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Generating Emails From Excel Without Sending?

May 15, 2012

I have a spreadsheet that has a command button which generates an email in outlook express, which until today was 100% fine no problems at all.

However I now need it to generate an email (with the email address and subhject line completed) but not to send it - I've tried everythign I can think of but with no joy

Code below:

Private Sub CommandButton6_Click()
If Range("I88") = 1 Then
MsgBox "You have not completed all the details.", vbCritical


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Outlook Emails To Excel Sheet?

Mar 6, 2014

I have the need to convert regular emails to a excel sheet,

The emails are always sent from the same email address, and will have the same format ( however can contain small or large amounts of data eg 1 part number or 50 ).

sample email below

" PowerForce v4.00
Report : INR3050 v4.5
For : ch3inl
Date : 05-Mar-14 06:06


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Emailing- How To Automatically Delete The Emails

May 15, 2007

I understand how to email from Excel, but what I need to know is how to automatically delete the emails I just sent from my sent items. I use the code in Excel to email out many reports with attachments every morning, and need to delete them right after I send them to conserve space. Can this be done form within Excel code?

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Build Macro Which Emails Specific Records?

Jan 13, 2013

I am trying to build a macro using two files. The file 'master data.xls' has student details in a table containing 10 column heads as attributes (roll, name, address, email etc). The file 'Student Profile.xls' has been formatted to show individual student details in the form of a report. I want to prepare a macro such that each time I enter a new record in the "master data.xls", the data from new entry is printed in the format as given in "Student Profile.xls" as a pdf file which is saved with a file name defined by "(roll number) (First Name) (Last Name)" and the same is emailed to the student's email ID as specified in the "master data.xls" with the mail containing an address to the student name (ex: Dear Tom) and a standard text message in the body.

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Convert Macro To Send Emails Automatically?

Feb 3, 2013

I have attached a sample workbook. The workbook already has a macro that can send an email after working out if the date is overdue. I have put a button on the screen, but I would like to remove the button and automate it, I got the initial macro from,( whoever initially put it together) but I have since made some changes to it regarding how the message displays etc. i, 15 or i, 16 in the macro means, There isn't anything in column i and I can't work out the relevance of it.

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Excel Macro That Will Send Emails From Outlook

Feb 13, 2014

I got this VBA code from a colleague which he uses when sending multiple emails from Outlook. This code sends email based from the last cell. What I would like to do is send emails to all the recipients listed in column C. Column A will be the sender and column B will be email subject. Attached is the sample file.

[Code] .....

Send email.xlsm‎

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Find Totals And Send Emails To Different People

Jul 3, 2009

to create a macro to send emails.

1. Attached is an excel spreadsheet. In column A, each time the word total is seen, i want an email to be sent to to someone with the total in colum E.

UAFEQ1 TOTAL xxxx xxxxxxxx xxx R 15 000
ALPROP TOTAL xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxx -R 20 000

For UAFEQ1 TOTAL I would like a mail to be sent to
For ALRPOP TOTAL I want like a mail to be sent to

If the total in column E is positive i want the mail to say:
Please see deposit of R 15 000

If the total in colum E is negative i want the mail to say:
Please see withdrawal of -R 20 000

The currency is Rands (South Africa)

Sometimes, i need to send 20 or more e-mails. And these can repeat themselves so, there may be two totals for UAFEQ1 TOTAL and a mail must be sent each time. See attached as an example.

The macro can stop when Grand Total is reached. No email needs to be sent for the grand total.

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VBA - Send Emails To A List Based On Matrix

Apr 30, 2012

Here is how my spreadsheet is set-up. This is unfortunately not something I can change :

- I have a list of products A to Z, starting in A2

- I have email addresses in row 1, starting in B1 up to Z99

- I have a matrix with 4 possible values in B2 to Z99. The values are either "L", "C", "I" or blank.

Here is what I am trying to do :

I would like to have a macro created for each product (column A) to send emails to those indicated in the matrix.

When the email is identified with "L" in the matrix for particular product, this email should be in the To:, when "C" or "I" it should go to CC:

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