Sumproduct Formula: Find The Orginal Topic

Feb 22, 2007

I am back for the unequal length of Sumproduct as I could not find the orginal topic. In the attached file, in cell B10, I just modified * to - - but got error result. Is it because to the unequal length situation, we can use * only?

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Hyperlink In Excel Cell To Locate PDF File With Specific Page Or Topic?

Apr 3, 2014

I need hyperlink to pdf (as this is given in one block how to give hyper link to pdf file).

I want to give give pdf hyperlink in in excel to locate the pdf file with specific page or topic number in pdf file (like pdf file name is 'ABC' and page number '10')

Can i give this type of specific link in excel?

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Copy Range To Seperate Sheet & Clear Orginal

Mar 4, 2008

I have a macro set up on a command button so that when you click the button, it takes the info that you entered and puts it into line form on a seperate sheet. I need it to clear the original sheet after this happens, but the way I have it set up, when you remove the info from the original sheet it removes it from the second sheet. Does any one have a sample form that submits information this way? I think I can figure it out if I could see how someone else has done it.

The form is set up so that the user has to enter their name and then go through a series of drop down boxes, and select the correct options and then submit the form when done.

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Workbook Code Errors When Orginal Sheet Hidden Or Deleted

Oct 14, 2007

I copied the sheet and redid the format. I renamed the original dashboard sheet from count to "keep" and named the copy after the original "count" Everything still works great - until i either hide or delete the original count which is now named "keep". I get an error at the red colored line below ".publish false".

I have attached an image of the error....

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Sumproduct To Find Average

May 25, 2008

I have 3 excel sheets (A,B and C) linked to a master sheet (X). In each sheet (A,B and C), people enter unique idetifier in first column, its type (mr, ab, J) in the second column, start date in the third column and finish date in the fourth column. At the end of every week, i subtract each start date from the finish date and get the number of days spent for each unique idetifier (column N). I preiously posted a thread (Calculate difference between dates excluding weekends) to inquire about how to calculate the difference between finish date and start date and exclude the weekends. I received some nice solutions, but none has worked as the start date cane be weekend as well.

My second and major query is once i have the difference in weekedays for each unique identifier in all the three sheets, I want to calcuate the average of each identifier type (mr, ab and J) in the master sheet. In the master sheet, i have used sumproduct to calculate the average of each idetifier type from column N for each sheet. That means i have a column for A sheet, subdivided into three types, which include the average. I am using sumproduct for this. Once this is done for each sheet type, i need a final colum in the master sheet that calculates average of all mr from A, B and C together, and similarly for ab and J. The problem here is if i combine all the sumproduct formula, i am not gettng the right answer.

My formula looks like SUMPRODUCT((SheetA!$E$5:$E$40="mr")*(SheetA!$M$5:$M$40)) for all mr in sheet A. I then divide this by SUMPRODUCT((SheetA!$E$5:$E$40="mr")*(SheetA!$M$5:$M$40<>"")) to get the average of all mrs in sheet A. I do the same for sheet B and sheet C for all three identifier types. Now i want to combine the formula for all sheets together under mr, Ab and J. I thought the following should work ((SUMPRODUCT((SheetA!$E$5:$E$40="mr")*(SheetA!$M$5:$M$40))+(SUMPRODUCT((SheetB!$E$5:$E$40="mr")*(She etB!$M$5:$M$40))+(SUMPRODUCT((SheetC!$E$5:$E$40="mr")*(SheetC!$M$5:$M$40)))/((SUMPRODUCT((SheetA!$E$5:$E$40="mr")*(SheetA!$M$5:$M$40<>""))+((SUMPRODUCT((SheetB!$E$5:$E$40="mr") *(SheetB!$M$5:$M$40<>""))+((SUMPRODUCT((SheetC!$E$5:$E$40="mr")*(SheetC!$M$5:$M$40<>""))).....
But this is giving me wrong value. It is working fine when done for individual sheets, but when combined for all three sheets together, the value is wrong.

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Sumproduct To Find Text

Nov 18, 2008

I recently had a lot of help using the sumproduct formula with isnumber datevalue added to it. I now want to do the same but rather than finding numbers, i want it to find text.

In my attached example. You can see that Jerry A has received three applciations, but 2 of them have been cancelled. How can i add the formula where it would only count Jerry A's applications, but where they have been cancelled i.e. the formula would show 2 not 3.

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Using Sumproduct But Need To Find Specific Word In Cell?

Jan 29, 2013

I am currently using this formula -

This gives me the count of rows that have Jan as the month, 2013 as the year and Contract word in column J. Now I want to add another column to be checked. That column has values in format - Design: X, Design: Y, Design: Z etc.

So I want to have the condition above and the cells that have the word Design.

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Option Of "SOLVED" On The Post Reply When You Are The Orginal Poster

Aug 20, 2009

Is there any way someone can put the option of "SOLVED" on the post reply when you are the orginal poster.

Now you have to reply to the post then go back into your orginal post to mark it solved. they would be more willing to mark the thread solved. I have noticed many people get an answer and never respond or mark solved.

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Concatenate 2 Columns & Delete Orginal Columns

Sep 25, 2007

I had wanted to go through my spreadsheet and concatenate two columns (A & B)into one (A) then delete the duplicate column (B), but have found no way to do that. Now I am trying to search then insert a column prior to the other two, concatenate the data into the new column then delete the columns. I am specifically having a problem with my Range statement and can't figure out how to activate it or discern it after using the Find command.

Sub GroupGender()
Cells.Find(What:="Group", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:= _
xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:=False _
, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
Selection.EntireColumn.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
With Range("a1", Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp))
.Offset(0, 0) = "=RC[1] & "" "" & RC[2]"
.Offset(0, 2) = .Offset(4, 2).Value
End With
Selection.Replace What:="Group Sex", Replacement:="Grp/Sx", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _

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Dec 9, 2009

I'm trying to write a SUMPRODUCT formula (cell H2 in the attachment) that gives different outputs according to the value of another cell (H1), but the output values are incorrect. I suppose it's because the "else" value given in the IF formula won't be recognized as a formula but as a text.

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Jul 11, 2007

I'm currently using a series of SUMPRODUCT formulas to populate a summary page from a large data source. This works fine in the most part, however one part of the summary page calls for a number of different criteria to be counted within the same data range. I'm currently using a work around by having three seperate SUMPRODUCT formulas on hidden rows, and then totaling their answers to give me the result I want, however I wondered if there was a cleaner and better way to do this? An exampel of the formula I am currently working with is below:

=SUMPRODUCT(('Filtered Data'!$A$2:$A$10000="Stock-Out")*('Filtered Data'!$I$2:$I$10000="Open")*('Filtered Data'!$Q$2:$Q$10000="A"))

The final part of the formula is what is causing me the problem - I would like it to look for and count occurances of "A" , "B" , & "C"

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Sumproduct Formula - #Value! Returned

Jan 29, 2009

I've got a workbook where sheet "Raw Data" is used to enter audit findings. Subsequent sheet "Analysis" contains formulas to extract quantities and nature of audit findings so that they can be shown on quarterly reports.

When I set up the workbook the formulas on the "Analysis" sheet worked fine. The department has filled the columns with data and now all the formulas are returning #Value! There's something fishy going on here.....

=SUMPRODUCT(--('Raw Data'!$H$7:$H$1000=A4),--('Raw Data'!$K$7:$K$1000=C$1))

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=SUMPRODUCT Formula Failure

Feb 24, 2009

No doubt due to a fundamental lack of understanding my SUMPRODUCT formulae (please see attached workbook) is not working.

Can someone be kind enough to point out the error of my ways? I've tried every possible combination (except the right one).

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Sumproduct In Vba (formula Array)

May 6, 2009

I have a function that has a formula sumproduct and here it is:

Set RSheet = Worksheets("Rawdata")
Set RSheet = Worksheets("Rawdata")

RSheet_lastRow = RSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
RSheet.Range("AJ2:AJ" & RSheet_lastRow).Formulaarray = "=SUMPRODUCT

The problem is that when the formula is sent to each cell V2 (bolded) does not change to V3, V4, V5.

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Sumproduct Or Sumif Formula

Aug 24, 2009

a2 = 100

b1 = bad
b2 = 50

c1 = good
c2 = 100

would like to sum a2+b2+c2 only if a1,b1,c1 = good.

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Simplifying A Sumproduct Formula

Feb 8, 2010

I'm using Excel 2003. I have been using SUMPRODUCT to look at too compare columns and data that is contained in both. Column L11:L52 contains the numbers 1 to 4 and Column K11:K52 contains the word YES in some cells. I just want to look and see if text is contained in a row in column L is it contained in that row in column K. This is the formula I'm using but it seems over complicated and I'm sure there is a way of just looking if the cell contains information without worrying what it is.


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SUMPRODUCT With Indirect Formula

Jul 15, 2013

I am trying to sum the same data across several tabs but I am using information in the column and row headers to find it. For some reason this formula wont work and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.


I'm getting #REF! and when I step through it, it fails when it reaches the Indirect statement.

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Sumproduct Formula With Dates

Apr 12, 2007

I have a workbook which contains multiple lines of data. In column H it contains a date. I want to count how many of these dates occur in January. I also want to be able to add other criteria as well. Example, column H = Janaury and column D=Open. In cell B2 I have the number 1 which represents “January”. Below is my formula but it returns an error.


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Jun 20, 2007

I would like to have a sumproduct formula to sum up in a paticular table in my worksheet. But its in a weird table format. Look in cell A1 that is my criteria it should sum cells G24 thru G28 and it should return the total of 1.8000. The rows could varies from time to time in those table formats. Does anyone knows how to accomplishment this.

******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Book1___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutG27=
ABCDEFG1114Y1.8000 2 114C 3 Material #DescriptionMan/Machine ScrapMaterial 4 Operation # Std/Rate lbs5 100510 6 101010 0.56207 8 9 10 114D 11 Material #DescriptionMan/Machine ScrapMaterial 12 Operation # Std/Rate lbs13 14 S-SO2 0.400015 100510 0.895016 101010 0.200017 18 19 20 114Y 21 Material #DescriptionMan/Machine ScrapMaterial 22 Operation # Std/Rate lbs23 24 100910 25 670114X 1.000026 670114C 0.400027 670114D 0.4000Sheet1
[HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name box

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SUMPRODUCT Formula- Getting #VALUE! Result

Nov 21, 2007

I'm trying to use the sumproduct formula to query 3 columns: I want it to look in column E for either a "P" "C" or an "A", multiply the corresponding numbers in column D and F, and put the sumproduct total in cell C5, D5 and E5 for each formula below. The problem is that I keep getting #VALUE! result. It's because some cells in the range have #N/A in them, but I can't control that.

Here is my formula:




How can I use this formula if for example cells D15-17 have no values or are #N/A?

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How Does This Formula Work- Sumproduct

Oct 18, 2008


how does this formula work?

It counts the number of instances in a list but not sure how

does the ranges have to be differant for this to work? ie C1:C17 C2:C18

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Use Sumproduct Formula In Macro

Oct 18, 2008

Is there anyone know how to Use sumproduct formula in macro?

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Countif/sumproduct Formula

Oct 22, 2008

I have a sheet with repeated dates for several months and I need to break out data by week and then by certain criteria. I can do 1 or the other but combining the COUNTIF formula and the SUMPRODUCT formula has proven to be beyond me.

I have this now:


but it returns a value of 0 which is incorrect.

What I need to do is have the formula return a sum of all of the fields in colG that are >5 within a date range. Once I find that # I have to divide it by another field and multiply by 100 to get the percent.

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Sumproduct Formula Returning #VALUE

Jan 19, 2010

I have the following SUMPRODUCT FORMULA, Ive tested all the data in the columns. It's returning a #VALUE. Can someone explain?


I'm using Excel 2003, if that is a factor.

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Sumproduct Formula Returns #Value

May 20, 2006

Some reason my sumproduct formula returns #Value!


wb is attached (stripped down for upload)

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Convert Sumproduct Formula For Use In Powerpivot?

Aug 25, 2014

I'm looking for a formula for use in powerpivot, that can convert the following formula (I do not wanna use any VBA, only generate a caluculated column in powerpivot, based on a formula)

[Code] .....

The formula checks for 3 different values, and returns a status code for each. If no match is found it returns "no match".

The formula looks for the criteria (1234 or 1857201 or 1857206) in column2 (item) and writes a status code in column3 (output). At the same time it also checks for simular order numbers (column1). So the same status code is present for all order-number rows. (If a match in column2 / item is found)

See the excample in regular excel here: [URL] ....

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Sumproduct Formula Based On Criteria

Dec 26, 2013

I have a sumproduct formula based on some criteria, but I don't know how add another criteria wherein I need to exclude in the count if the date in column F is 1/1/2009

Attached excel file for reference. LE26dec.xlsx

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Formula Not Working For Sumproduct When Only Looking Up 2 Values

Jan 19, 2014

I am trying to sum up column V, when for a specific date in column z, and only sum when the two names EEM, Merri1* are involved. I used the * because there are a couple of variations for MErri1 after the 1. The formula is not working. I believe it's the way I'm combining this

[Code] .....

Full formula is below:

[Code] .....

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Expand On Existing Sumproduct Formula

Feb 26, 2014

Still finding the SUMPRODUCT function a bit challenging to fully grasp.

This formula works great to sum the miles (Q16:Q38) the team (A16:A38) drove in a particular month (B16:B38)


How would I expand it to check yet another column say (S16:S38) for the term " Charge Call" ?

So I can see the miles the team drove in March for all the charge calls.

Where can I go to study and learn more about SUMPRODUCT. Seems like just what I need to build interactive type dashboard reports.

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Minimum And Maximum Value In Sumproduct Formula

Dec 1, 2008

Is there a simple way to find the min and max value for my formula below

HTML =SUMPRODUCT((Data!$J$2:$J$10000="E700")*(Data!$M$2:$M$10000>'Rental Rates'!$A3)*(Data!$M$2:$M$10000<'Rental Rates'!$B3)*(Data!$M$2:$M$10000))

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