“Stamping” An Auto Generated Reference Number

Apr 28, 2009

Is there a way to auto generate a unique number that will stay with the adjacent data record? My problem at the moment is when a record is deleted or the data sorted the ref number changes. I am using Excel 2008

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Macro Wait While Filling In Auto-generated Form

Nov 18, 2008

when I run a macro, it takes me to a different sheet, clicks on a cell, and then goes to data--> form to automatically generate a form so I can make a new entry. I want the macro to wait until I have completed the form, and on completion to do something else. I'd prefer it if I could indicate completion of the firm by just a keystroke, but a mouse click will do as well.

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Copy Specific Data From Monthly Auto Generated Workbook To Master Sheet

Mar 26, 2014

I get this monthly report that has 5 tabs in it. The last tab, ALL_FAILURES_1mon, is a list of part and serial numbers that have failed that month. From that tab I copy the information into a master workbook that houses all the failures broken up by part number, each part number is a separate tab. I am wondering if there is a way to search in the "Monthly_Report" document for all rows containing the part number, 07X-000-ZZZ" and copy the entire row into the master fails list. I have attached a couple examples with sensitive information blocked out.

What I need is for when the macro is run, it will search "Monthly_Report.xlsx" ALL_FAILURES_1mon tab, for "07X-000-ZZZ" and copy all rows containing the part number and paste them in the next blank row of "Master_Fails_List" in appropriate tab.

*NOTE*I have attached both examples however my "Monthly_Report" document was too large so I had to upload it as a .xlsb but the original is .xlsx

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Random Number Generated By % Criteria

Jul 2, 2008

how to use the random number generator to generate unique numbers (1-55) based on the odd percentages in the attached chart.

for example in the chart, chances 1 through 10 are more likely to be generate first rather then the last chance number 55 based on the draft pick odds....

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Randomly Generated Number Focusing On Range

Jul 30, 2012

What I need to accomplish here is to randomly (or at least seemingly enough) generate a number between A and B values for many cells.

I know i can accomplish this through =Rand()*(B-A)+A

However lets say that the lower limit is 96 and the upper is 100. How would i get my data spread to appear to center more around 98-99, with a few randomly placed a little farther out but still within 96-100? I'll say i have 500 instances of this generated number. So what i need is the appearance that most of the numbers lie within the inner range with some anomalies outside that but still within the greater range, having fewer and fewer instances as the value gets closer to the outer limits.

I'm also placing this value in cells using VBA (most likely "for each cell in range(xxx)...")

How would i go about this?

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Calculate The Number Of Lengths Required From Generated Infromation

Jun 27, 2007

Attached is the zip file with the detail of what I am hoping to achieve which is calculating the number of lengths required from generated infromation.

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Highlight Cell Based On Two Randomly Generated Number

Jan 19, 2014

I am trying to highlight a cell based on two randomly generated number, one is the column and the other is the row. Based on those values I want to change the color of a cell in a range of data. The formula I am using does not work like I intended. It only changes the cell once I enter a value in the cell not until. =OFFSET(A1,B27,B26). B26 and B27 are the cells housing the random numbers and A1 is the base reference.

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Time Stamping

May 13, 2002

Is there a way to get excel to apply an auto time stamp to a spreadsheet. I've tried to get users to type in the formula =NOW(), but that doesn't work because when you reopen the file the formula changes the time and date to the current status. I need a time stamp or macro to use for when users are making calls out to employees for overtime. I need to record the exact time the call was made.

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VBA Time And Date Stamping In Row 1 Instead Of Row 8?

Jun 4, 2013

I have a VBA Time and Date stamp code that is working. However, I would like the code to date and time stamp in Row 8 instead of Row 1. I need modification to the current code to start the date and time stamp in Row 8 as oppose to Row 1. The code is provided below:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
With Target
If .Count > 1 Then Exit Sub [code]....

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Date Stamping A Cell

Oct 12, 2007

Is there a way to put a date stamp in a cell.

IE when cell D2 has any text/numbers entered into it. Cell C2 will put the current date in it and never change.

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Time Stamping A Cell

May 4, 2006

I am populating column A with data from a bar code. In column B, I would like to insert a date/time stamp when that row's A column recieves a value. That stamp would then need to be static. I have attached a small portion of my spreadsheet to this query in case one of you divine beings has any ideas that would get me past this step. My thoughts run along these lines. If B2 has a value, skip to next row. If B2 has no data, then examine A2. If A2 is empty, then do nothing. As soon as A2 has a value entered, insert the date/time stamp in B2. Any data entered in B2 should remain unchanged from that point on.

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Date / Time Stamping Into One Cell

Sep 3, 2010

I have the code that will allow me to enter a time into a cell beside the changed data. How do I alter the programming to update a specific cell when a range are changed.

I.E when a monthly update is changed in cells range c75:C100 how can I get the latest update box at A1 to change.

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Auto Update Formula Reference & Sort

Feb 21, 2008

1. Is there any way a Cell can automatically be updated? for example:

On Citi Bank worksheet, As soon as a deposit matures, I insert another row and enter new fixed deposit data on "Row 13", but then I have to manually change the references on "Row 4" so that it points to the new "Maturity date" and the "Interest" and the "Current balance".

Is there any way I can automatically update Maturity, Interest rate and Current balance as soon as I enter new deposit information.

2. On the "Fixed Deposit Report" worksheet. Is there any way the list of deposits can automatically sort based on the maturity date as soon as I enter the new deposit information?

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Creating PDF File From Word Document Inside Folder With ID Number And Reference Number?

Jul 31, 2014

I have an excel database where I register cases. I have in it a button that creates a folder with and ID nr that is in column A (I create new ID nr in the next row, when I press the button it will create a folder with that ID nr and inserts a blank word document in it). We have a template that we copy to the folder (depending what type of case). The idea would be that once the template is filled in and ready to print, It would take the values from the ID nr and a reference number a few cells to the right. Is it possible to tell excel to open the word document in the folder and create a PDF version with the ID nr and reference number. (there are only 2 templates, so the macro would have to look for one of the two in the folder) The names of the templates are: "Standard" and "Other". I guess the best way to start maybe this would be that I select the cell with the ID nr and then press a macro button to have this done. One thing that needs to be done, is to put a copy in the same folder and another in a second folder called "Binder" in my documents folder.

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Excel 2013 :: Formula To Auto Delete Number In Dropdown List When Number Appears In Another Cell

Apr 27, 2014

I'm making a Excel 2013 spreadsheet that has formula in a column that auto enters a number 1-40 when something is entered to the left of that cell. There are 300 rows in the spreadsheet. I would like to make a drop down list in a column cell to the right that would delete that number in that cell from the drop down list. For example cell C1 has 39, that 39 then is deleted from the drop down list. C2 has 22 in it, click on the drop down list cell and it shows 1-40 less 39 and 22.

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VBA Macro Needed For Auto Fill Using Another Cell Reference

Apr 28, 2009

Is there anyone who can suggest a solution to my problem below ?
Basically, what I need is a macro which would ideally work like this:

if D32 = 1, then the background colour of D4 should be red
if D32 = 2, then the background colour of D4 should be orange
if D32 = 3, then the background colour of D4 should be yellow
if D32 = 4, then the background colour of D4 should be green

And then I plan to use it for columns E, F, G

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Auto Updating Range Reference In Vlookup Macro

Feb 20, 2008

I have the following macro which runs vlookups between two sheets in excel. Whenever i add columns to the range the vlookup column reference is not the correct cell. Is their any way I can adjust the macro so that the column number adjusts in the formula when a new column is added??

Sub template()
ActiveCell.Formula = "=if(VLOOKUP(C6,'Project master'!B7:BG150,3, FALSE)="""", """",VLOOKUP(C6,'Project master'!B7:BG150,3, FALSE))"
ActiveCell.Formula = "=if(VLOOKUP(C6,'Project master'!B7:BG150,4, FALSE)= """", """",VLOOKUP(C6,'Project master'!B7:BG150,4, FALSE))"

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Auto-Populate Items From Master Reference Chart Based On Job Description

Dec 3, 2012

I have attached the sheet :

Certain job descriptions require certain training. Drivers needs these two particular trainings and an office employee only needs that training...

I have a reference sheet with what trainings are required for what job. I then want the next chart with each employee name and subsequent job title to have the required trainings automatically checked. (I can take care of the conditional formatting after that).

Job Desc.xlsx

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Auto Generate A Comment Box Based On A Cell Value That Has Variable Reference Cells

Jan 30, 2010

I have been given the following code and it works great. I now need to adapt it to the following scenario: In the attached sheet, the user has to select either, "Suburban" or "Squad" in row 5. If the user selects, "Suburban" I need this script to compare the values they enter in a given row to the value in column "B".
If the user selects, "Squad" I need this script to compare the values they enter in a given row to the value in column "C".

Look at row 48, for example. If the user enters, "Suburban" in cell D5 then the value they enter in cell D48 should equal "1". If it does not equal "1" then it should proceed with the adding of a comment. Conversely, if the user enters, "Squad" in cell D5 then the value the enter in cell D48 should equal "2". If it does not equal "2" then it should proceed with the adding of a comment.

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Auto Number With Letter

Dec 11, 2012

I need to make a series of numbers and letter auto fill in a spread sheet


And so on.

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Can Vlookup To Sum Same Reference Number

Feb 3, 2010

I am working on a data with a range of same customer number but different sales figure. If there any way I can search for a duplicate cusomer number and then summing up the sales? I tried to use vlookup but it only recognise the first reference number. I have attached the excel for your reference.

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Auto Number In Excel?

Jul 23, 2012

I have been trying to "auto number" property ID's

I am putting a database of properties all over the world and can't find a way to autonumber based on property criteria.

For example:



Incremental in the number must be when a property meets the same criteria, that way the end will be "0002" in each case above.

I would like that Excel can display which is the next number following once the criteria is resumed, is this possible?

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Increase Reference Number

Dec 7, 2007

in cell A1 I have a ref no. eg aa/01/bb
in cell A2 I have a ref no. eg aa/02/bb

only the middle number increases in the reference each time eg: /01/

is there a formula that can achieve this or am i doomed to manual input, I have made a few attempts but cannot work it out.

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Using Letters In An Auto Number

Apr 16, 2006

I have a database to which I am connecting a form, I need to have a unique ID for each record and due to the number of tables need to include letters in my numbering (ex. U00001, for Users; B00001, for Books; and V00001, for videos.) I have adjusted a very helpful macro I recieved from Roy Cox and am currently trying this code on the "user form":

Count_Row = 1
DATABASE_RECORDS = Sheets("Users"). Range("B1:B10000")

'To identify the next blank row in the database sheet

If DBRECORD <> "" Then Count_Row = Count_Row + 1
RowNum = Count_Row
X = RowNum - 1
Sheets("Users").Range("A1" & RowNum) = "U000" & X

This is supposed to find the fill the "A" (ID) column after the "B" Column has been filled. Currently It is placing U0001 in cell A12 when all that is in the sheet is headers.

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Email Generated

Jan 18, 2009

I’m creating a spreadsheet to control corrective actions. Each corrective action will have a date that it needs to be completed by. When the completion date plus one day is passed, I need the cell that the completion date is in, to turn a specific colour and a warning mail to be sent via outlook When a further six days have passed I need the cell to turn a different colour again and another email is sent

Ive generated the following code to call an Outlook subroutine if the correct conditions are met. The subroutine runs ok but I can get the sheet code to run.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Range("A1"), Target) Is Nothing Then
If IsDate(Target.Value) And Now() = Target.Value + 1 Then
Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 3
Call Mail_with_outlook
ElseIf IsDate(Target.Value) And Now() = Target.Value + 6 Then
Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 5
Call Mail_with_outlook

End If
End If
End Sub

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Auto Insert Invoice Number?

Jan 21, 2007

I've created an Invoice Template in excel. Each time I open it I'd like a certian cell "D3" to increase by one number starting at 2000. Each time this is opened a new customer information is input and then saved to their file. Please give me the very basicis on how to do this. I've already gone into other forums which have provided a code, but I have had any luck getting ti too work.

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Generate Unique Reference Number?

Jan 9, 2014

I'm wanting some sort of formula to generate a reference number that relates to numbers i put in a cell. i want the end result to look something like this:

Reference number
362 3620001
456 4560001
362 3620002
487 4870001
456 4540002

As you can see id like it to generate a reference number to the number that i input, and also when i input that number twice or three times it picks that up on the reference number also.

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Creating Reference Number With Each Change In Row Value

Feb 6, 2014

I am running an ordering sheet that I need to attach reference numbers to, no format for the reference number has been determined.as yet. I need this reference number to change when the 5 digit number changes, see example attached.


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Search Workbook For A Particular Reference Number

Dec 27, 2006

I am just wondering if there is a way i can search an excel workbook for a particular reference number. eg

name reference money
dave 60056835 £20.00
clare 50065755 £30.00

If i want to search for Ref 60058635 i just want to type it in and excel will the search the workbook and direct me to the correct page and column.

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Auto Populate The Number Of Units

Apr 3, 2009

i have been trying to write an Excel sheet in 2007
that can be given a random amount of (money) and show
me the best way to spend it.

Name - Power - Cost
1 - 10 - 20
2 - 20 - 40
3 - 40 - 80
4 - 80 - 160
5 - 160 - 320
6 - 320 - 640

So i have 40K to spend, i want to eneter 40000 into a box and it
will auto populate the number of units i can buy, always setting the weapon
#6 as the priority.

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