Email Generated
Jan 18, 2009
I’m creating a spreadsheet to control corrective actions. Each corrective action will have a date that it needs to be completed by. When the completion date plus one day is passed, I need the cell that the completion date is in, to turn a specific colour and a warning mail to be sent via outlook When a further six days have passed I need the cell to turn a different colour again and another email is sent
Ive generated the following code to call an Outlook subroutine if the correct conditions are met. The subroutine runs ok but I can get the sheet code to run.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Range("A1"), Target) Is Nothing Then
If IsDate(Target.Value) And Now() = Target.Value + 1 Then
Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 3
Call Mail_with_outlook
ElseIf IsDate(Target.Value) And Now() = Target.Value + 6 Then
Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 5
Call Mail_with_outlook
End If
End If
End Sub
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Jun 5, 2012
I'm attempting to put multiple lines of text (not one huge string) in the body of an email. I've tried Chr(13), Chr(10), vbcr, and vblf....all to no avail.
Sub AttachEmail()
Bk1 = ActiveWorkbook.Name
Sh1 = ActiveSheet.Name
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Mar 14, 2014
I have the following code to do something similar to above but I need to add the filepath as a hyperlink to the email along with the body text. I have 4 cells in the Excel workbook that contain 1) Who to sen to:, 2)The Subject:, 3) A sentence for the Body of the email and 4) The filepath of the workbook as a hyperlink.
I want to add both the Body text and the hyperlink to the email so that the person opening the email can click on the link and open the file.
[Code] ....
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Nov 22, 2013
I have this code as seen below that sends an email.
I would like to change the font size of - mymail.body=
How can I modify this existing code to achieve that.
Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set mymail = myOlApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
mymail.Subject = strSubject
mymail.Body = "WHAT DO YOU PUT INTO A BOX ?"
mymail.ReadReceiptRequested = False
mymail.attachments.Add "P:SR.xls" = ""
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Jan 24, 2010
I'm trying to format my email generated of excel sheet to have an HTML formal before they are sent out using MS Outlook.
I have googled, searched your forums and also tried to figure out a solution with the existing helps on the internet. I need help on how to format emails genarated out of my excel sheet. I know a bit of HTML syntax but a newbie to VBA. I'm guessing the formatting has to be done in the Emailbody text function in my code.
I'm also trying to understand the logic behind the code and also learning excel vba bit by bit at the minute.
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Nov 7, 2013
I would like to search an outlook folder for a variable in the subject line and return the date when that email was received. Here is the code i have so far...
Sub Get_pos()
Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Dim olNs As Outlook.Namespace
Dim Fldr As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim olMail As Variant
Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
[Code] ........
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Feb 7, 2014
I'm trying to sort some data that is generated from a PDF. When I copy the PDF into Excel all of the data is placed into one cell. Is there a function or formula I can use in VBA or within the spreadsheet to accomplish this?
For example, the cell may contain "Employee John Employee Steve Employee Dave Employee Jed Employee Mark" in cell A1. I want the function to list John, Steve, Dave, Jed and Mark in separate cells. So I need to get rid of the space bar hits, the word employee and to separate the names to different cells.
A1 currently is "Employee John Employee Steve Employee Dave Employee Jed Employee Mark"
I would like to create a formula to have cells:
A2 = John
A3 = Steve
A4 = Dave
A5 = Jed
A6 = Mark
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Aug 30, 2007
I wish to create a new sheet/workbook which promts the user to enter a start number and an end number. I want to then display 20% of randomly picked numbers between the start and end figures.
For example, the user enters 1 as a start and 20 as an end figure. 20% of this is 4, hence I want the system to randomly return 4 numbers between 1 and 20.
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Jul 11, 2006
I have the following code that will look through an individual worksheet, if the value in column D is equal to 5 and the value in cells E6:L1000 is "a" then it should generate an email. The problem I am having is that it generates 8 emails, one for each column. What did I do wrong in the code? It should only generate one email for the cell which has the "a"
Sub Test()
Dim OutApp As Outlook.Application
Dim OutMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim cell As Range
Dim wsWH As Worksheet
Dim lngMax As Long
Dim intFiveDays As Integer
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
On Error Goto cleanup
Set wsWH = Worksheets("WH")
lngMax = wsWH.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
For intFiveDays = 6 To lngMax...................
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Dec 6, 2006
We are having a sporadic issue throughout our company where when users attempt to open an ASP generated spreadsheet in Internet Explorer and then hit CTRL+A to copy all contents and attempt to paste into a regular Excel-launched spreadsheet (i.e. launching Excel independent of IE), the last two columns are not being copied. Further, when attempting to just copy the two columns, themselves, only the first is copied, and when attempting to copy one cell each in the two columns (that are in the same row), only the first cell is copied. Additionally, when examining the clipboard in this instance, only the first cell is being copied to the clipboard, so for some reason attempting to copy it out of the Excel spreadsheet that opens in IE is when the issue occurs (vs. having the issue occur when you are trying to copy into the new Excel spreadsheet from the clipboard).
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Aug 14, 2007
I am have some code that takes values from a range (sourceAll) defined on my worksheet as:
Set sourceAll = Workbooks(pathnm).Worksheets(m).Range("A1", "S34")
I'd now like to be able for the range to be generated dynamicaly, but my problem is that the far right column (S) does not always have a value for every entry. Is there a way of using a column that does have a value for every entry, say column B, but then extending the range accross to S? If possible I'd like to avaoid having to move one of the columns with values for every entry. Auto Merged Post;I was looking at some of the suggested threads and found some code that I worked into my own
Set countRow = Workbooks(pathnm).Worksheets(m).Range("B1250").End(xlUp)
Set sourceAll = Workbooks(pathnm).Worksheets(m).Range("A1", countRow)
sourceAll = sourceAll.Resize(sourceAll.Rows.Count, sourceAll.Columns.Count + 17)
now this seems to work mostly, but it has deleted everything that was in column B.
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Apr 29, 2014
I have specified the email addresses in the code to whom the email will be sent when the user presses "Send Email" button but now I want to add all the addresses in the Access table and write down the code that will send an email to those people whose addresses are in the Access table.
[Code] .....
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Jul 23, 2014
I have a macro to send emails to a group people that based on various criteria, it will attach a number of files to a recipient's particular email. This is a small portion of the code that does the attachment adding:
If Range("B" & a) = "Y" Then
If citChev "" Then .Attachments.Add citChev
End If
If Range("C" & a) = "Y" Then
If citMits "" Then .Attachments.Add citMits
End If
If Range("D" & a) = "Y" Then
If citToyo "" Then .Attachments.Add citToyo
End If
If Range("E" & a) = "Y" Then
Most people get several of the files attached to their email and all works fine. But, there are certain conditions when all the IF() stmts fail where a recipient will not get any files attached. I do not want to send the email if this is the case, but it currently is sending it.
Is there a way after all the IF() stmts have processed to check to see if this current email has any attachments assigned to it? (IF .Attachments "" Then...) does not work.
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Sep 16, 2013
I am using Excel 2010. I have been given a task at work that can save my team a lot of time if I can solve the problem. Every month, we have a spreadsheet with about 5000 rows that we have to email. In each row, there is a range that we have to email to a specific email. For example, I would have to copy and paste Range A2-R2 in the body of the email, and then email it to whatever email is in cell S2. I would then continue this for the next 5000 lines, making it a possibility that i will be sending 5000 emails manually.
I have been trying to come up with a solution through VBA that would automatically send these emails. My goal is to automatically send the Range A2-R2 to outlook email, then cell S2 into the "To" email address box, and then automatically send it. So far, i have successfully been able to send one row, but cannot figure out how to loop it for the remainder of the rows.
A couple other key points are that I have column headings as well (Range A1-R1). If possible, I want to be able to include the column headings in the email body as well. Example - first email would be range A1-R2. second email would be range A1-R1 and A3-R3, and so forth. The body of the email would also contain a standard script, such as "Please review the information below."
The goal here is to save everyone from having to send 5000+ manual emails. This would be a big boost for my team.
Sub Email()
Dim rng As Range
Dim OutApp As Object
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Mar 2, 2009
I currently have a button then when pressed automatically sends a summary report taken from the first page of Sheet 1.
Worksheet needs to be protected all the time, but Macro only works on an unprotected worksheet.
I was wondering what additional code and where to put in so that when
protected back again after Macro has been executed?
Here’s the Macro taken from [url]
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May 3, 2014
I have a file here that already has macros in it. The file is basically a excel document generator. When you click create sku, the document will generate multiple documents based on the user inputs.
1) In the generated documents the original "generator" file creates, I need generated files to have column B and D formatted to TEXT, currently all the generated files are formatted to general. (This code is in module 1, line 84 col 34.)
2) The other problem is I need to append the value in Cell N1 in the "sku data entry" sheet to be appended to the generated file names. (this part of the code is is in module 1, line 150 col 28.)
I was unable to attach my file to this thread because it was to big. however I copied the module where I think the code is causing problems:
Sub procData()
' Starting point for read/extract process
Cells(4, 6).Select ' Range = F4 (row 4, col 6)
For x = 6 To 52 Step 2 ' col F to col AZ
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Aug 7, 2008
I have a schedule sheet (on week days what assignment is be to taken in concerned period).
I need a report based on the same. i.e. I need to generate a report for each individual.
I have attached a sample file, in which I explained the requirements.
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Jul 7, 2009
Prior to Excel 2007, the functions provided by the Analysis Tool Pack (ATP) are provided by a separate add-in. You cannot call them using the methods shown above. First, you must load the Analysis Tool Pack - VBA add-in. Note that this is different from the Analysis Tool Pack item. Once this add-in is loaded, go to VBA, open your project, and choose References from the Tools menu. In that dialog, choose atpvbaen.xls in the list of references. Once you have that reference in place in your VBA code, you can call the functions in the ATP as if they were native VBA functions.
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Feb 28, 2014
I have thousand rows of data in the following format:
Despatched Time
Amended Time
20/4/2013 3:45:00
[Code] ..........
'Date' is generated by =IF(A2="", "", TRUNC(A2))
'Time' is generated by =IF(A2="", "", IF(E2 = "", A2 - TRUNC(A2), TIME(LEFT(E2,LEN(E2)-2),RIGHT(E2,2),0)))
And sometimes I may want to change the Time, so I used another column 'Amended Time' to insert a 4-digit value to do so.
I want to arrange them into batches according to the hh:mm, so for the column 'Batch', I used the following formula:
=IF(D2 = "", "", IF(EXACT(D2, D1),MAX(B$1:B1),MAX(B$1:B1)+1))
The problem is, when I changed the time by inserting 4 digits in 'Amended Time', the time value is actually different from those generated by TRUNC(), so even two cells have the same time '03:46', the time value is not exactly the same and so they are arranged into different batches (please refer to the following table).
Despatched Time
Amended Time
20/4/2013 3:45:00
[Code] ..........
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May 4, 2014
I have written the VBA code to color any figure above 15, but it display rows above 15 as red including other rows.
Below is the VBA code
Sub FillCells()Dim lRow As Long, lColumn As Long
'Using Cells property to refer to range
'Loop through rows
For lRow = 1 To 10
'Loop through columns
For lColumn = 1 To 5
Which shows the output as Workbook1.jpg But my query is how to get only rows above 15 with red color
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Sep 7, 2006
In my worksheet in column CC in C1:C20 I want Excel to ganerate 20 random numbers between 1 and 80 without repeating the same numbers.
At present I have the following formula entered and it works, but after I click F9 some repeated numbers are generated.
How can I change the formula or replace it?
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Jul 2, 2008
how to use the random number generator to generate unique numbers (1-55) based on the odd percentages in the attached chart.
for example in the chart, chances 1 through 10 are more likely to be generate first rather then the last chance number 55 based on the draft pick odds....
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Dec 14, 2009
Suppose that you have some data points and you want to fit a straight line to them. You write the line's equation in the cells ajacent to your data points, make the square of each difference, sum up all the squares and you have your objective function. Of course your line equation depends on two parameters, that you enter in two cells. Then you run the Excel Solver, enter your objective function as target cell to minimize, enter the range containing your parameters, set your constraints and off you go.
So far so good.
And now suppose that in order to generate your model data it is not enough to write a straight line equation in some cells, but rather to run a complete reactor model (contained in a macro). How do I couple that model-generating macro with the Excel Solver? Now, I actually found a solution. I wrote a Worksheet_change macro in the sheet containing the model parameters, which calls the model-generating code each time the parameters are chenged by the Excel Solver. This has worked fine for a simple example as the straight line one.
Now one of the two:.....
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Oct 9, 2007
Is there a way to control the number generation. I would like to be able to run different scenarios with the same set of random numbers, then regenerate the random numbers and do it again. Right now every time I do anything in the spreadsheet, I get a new set of numbers.
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Jul 3, 2013
I have the below code to email a specific sheet to an email address, however the email stays in the outbox and isn't sent. Is there something missing from the code or is it a setting issue with my email? I'm using Outlook 2010.
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Jul 29, 2009
When I test the email link on my computer, the 'Outlook Express setup' wizard initiates. However, I don't use Outlook Express (Yahoo and Zimbra).
I am wondering of it is possible to automatically ensure that in cases where a user doesn't use Outlook Express by default that Excel will open the users default email client- which could be a web browser or another application? Is this something determined by each users (Control Panel?Registry?) settings for handling email hyperlinks? Is there a piece of VBA code I could include in the workbook which identifies the relevant email client to open?
I know I can simply provide my email address on the workbook and allow a user to copy/paste it into their email application but I feel that by minimising the amount of effort required by a user to provide a rating that I'll be more likely to receive user rating feedback.
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Mar 2, 2013
I have a spreadsheet which contains 30,000 lines Column A contains an email address. This spreadsheet was merged from several and so I know that there are duplicates in it.
How can I look up column A and if an identical value (email address) is found further down the sheet on another row. Delete that duplicate row?
I'm not concerned that the data may not be identical in other columns. If the email is a duplicate delete the next and all other rows that contain that email address.
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May 20, 2008
I am trying to send an automated email by use of a "email" button. What I want it to do is to pop up a input box that will ask me who I want to send the email to, and once I hit ok it will send open up outlook and send the email. I have the code to work if I want it to be sent to a specific email address, but I can't seem to get the email address entry part to work. I will attach my code as it lays right now.
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()'Need to reference: Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object LibrarySet OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")OutApp.Session.LogonSet OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)strbody = "This is the most up to date copy of EAS Tracking 2.0 as well as the Resource Planning Sheet."attachmnt2 = "C:My DocumentsResource Planning Sheet_External.xls"On Error Resume Next'?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|?|? BELOW IS WHERE I CAN'T GET TO WORK!!!With OutMailDim range As Longrange = Application.InputBox("How many copies do you want?", "Number of Copies").To = range.Subject = "This Weeks Reports".Body = strbody.Attachments.Add (attachmnt2).Display.SaveEnd With'__________________________________________________attachmnt3 = "C:My DocumentsReport DataWork Request Tracking Data FolderEAS Request 2.0.xls"On Error Resume NextWith OutMail.Subject = "This Weeks Reports".Body = strbody.Attachments.Add (attachmnt3).Display.SaveEnd .........
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May 10, 2009
Ok what I am trying to do is lookup a value in a table (kinda like one below but alot bigger). What I plan on doing is creating a drop down list for the rows that show "A, B, C etc) and then another drop down for (AA, BB, CC etc).
So lets say the 2 drop-down list are set to C and BB
I want to be able to fill another cell with the value -134
I would use If statements but like I said the table would be alot bigger than example. If possible I would rather not use VBA due to work security settings.
a b c
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May 2, 2014
I have a file here that already has macros in it. The file is basically a excel document generator.
When you click create sku, the document will generate multiple documents based on the user inputs.
Two things in this file
1) In the generated documents the original "generator" file creates, I need generated files to have column B and D formatted to TEXT, currently all the generated files are formatted to general. (This code is in module 1, line 84 col 34.)
2) The other problem is I need to append the value in Cell N1 in the "sku data entry" sheet to be appended to the generated file names. (this part of the code is is in module 1, line 150 col 28.)
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