I have a sheet (Sheet 3) that is pre-populated from another sheet (Sheet 1), and the user is allowed to update the numbers (for forecasting).
I have a column ( Total Hours) that I use to total the new numbers in the row.
If the user inserts a row, the Total Hours formula does not follow. This is the Total Hours formula that I am using SUM Formula (=IF(SUM($G30:$AP30)=0,"",SUM($G30:$AP30))
How do I (Can I) get the formula to cascade into the new row.
We have created a macro that basically looks for rows that contain an "H" and hides the row if it does.
Users can add new rows throughtout the year to this spreadsheet. and based on certain criteria, an H or U will be placed in a hidden column which the macro looks at and hides any row it finds an H.
The user has to click on the button that has the macro assigned to it once they have finished working on the spreadsheet.
The problem we're finding is that for users who insert/delete rows, once they click the button it takes up to 15 seconds to run through macro (which is ok). However, users who haven't added or deleted any rows and who click the button, they have to wait upto 5 minutes (which isn't ok) for the macro ro run.
We can't figure out why the macro takes longer to run when no changes have been made?
I'm using a template that has formulas using a $ sign to attempt to stop the ranges they refer to changing. The problem is, when I use the template (which involes Access importing some data and adding columns to the sheet the formula refers to in the process) the rows referred to in the formula change in line with the number of rows of data that have been imported. Only the row numbers change not the column headings. So for example:
I've created a simple budget sheet outlining various group expenses eg: Fixed, Flexible, Variable, and their totals sums.
How can I add all totals while still allowing for a new row to be inserted in any group?
eg:..............Row E
1........Fixed Expense group 2..................$20.00 3..................$40.00 4..................$40.00 5....Total sum $100.00 6.......Flexible Expenses group 7...................$10.00 8...................$20.00 9...................$20.00 10..................$10.00 11..................$50.00 12...Total sum $110.00 13......Variable expenses group 14..................$10.00 15..................$10.00 16..................$10.00 17..................$20.00 18..................$10.00 19....Total sum $60.00 20-------------------- 21..Grand Total $270.00
I have a worksheet on which users will enter data one row at a time, in columns A-K. When the user starts to enter data in a new row #, that is, when they make any column in the next, unused row have non-blank value, I'd like the sheet to update the borders of the row for columns A-K. I want the Range from A1 to K# to have full borders, so that the whole data set is outlined and easier to read.
For a bonus, I'd like the formulas from the previous H, I, and J cells copied down into H#, I#, and J#, adjusted appropriately for their reference changes.
Normally, I would work around the edges of such a VB problem by recording the actions manually and then modifying that code as I learned more. But I'm not sure if what I've done is the right way to start that process. I think that if I use the CurrentRegion property, and the Worksheet_Change event, I'll be well on my way.
I have a workbook where on one sheet various peoples information is listed and based on their organization the information is then linked to one of a few different worksheets for costs. On the cost worksheets, when a new person is added to the original worksheet, their information populates the next row. At the end of the cost columns I have a the total cost of each person added together. What I need to do is have these totals continue to move down the worksheet as new people are added. Is there a way to do this in excel using VBA or another function?
I am working on a spreadhseet with multiple tables present on the sheet. Each table has various formatting, merged cells, formulas, and defined lists. I need to have the table add a new row below the last including cell formatting, formulas, defined lists, so I can just keep going through and do data entry. The code adds a row at the end so I don't run into the table below the present one, by monitoring how far away it is from the "Type" cell tag in column A. The code below is a compilation from viewing other threads, but it just does a copy and paste, including the data that was input so I'm looking at a duplicate row. How can I get ito to clear values in the new row? I can't seem to get it to paste xlPasteFormat and xlPasteFormulas Is the new row in fact being added below the last? I think it's up one after the macro had run through.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) r = Target.Row c = Target.Column If c <> 1 Then Exit Sub Application.EnableEvents = False NextLineValue = Cells(r + 3, c) If NextLineValue = "Type" Then ActiveCell.EntireRow.Insert ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).EntireRow.Copy ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).EntireRow.PasteSpecial xlPasteAll Application.CutCopyMode = False End If Application.EnableEvents = True
I recently added a formula to a spreadsheet with som complicated formula. It worked ok and I saved the sheet. Now it takes 5 minutes to open the sheet and when I try to do anything,like delete the inserted column the program locks up giving a no responding message. I can do without this column if I have to.
I have a sheet titled PartNumbers....which contains in numerical order just 1 column of random 1, 2, or 3 character numerical part numbers. nothing special. and not necessarily in 1 by 1 order. like 45,46,47,48,49, it will skip number more like 45, 49, 50, 55. I have another sheet titled FinalReport.....that takes the raw data i have from the PartNumbers sheet and outputs the data onto a nice pretty looking designed sheet.
on 1 column of FinalReport I have =PartNumber!C2, C3, C4 and so on for the total number of parts i have to fill in the FinalReport sheet for each cell. The Question is, on PartNumbers when I want to add a part, say my sheet goes number 45 then 49 and i want 46... What I do is right click row number and select Insert, that adds a new row for my new part number. Now that move doesn't correspond to FinalReport now, it just removes the row i inserted. How do I get everything to flow to FinalReport?
So I'm trying to create a macro that will simplify dealing with a file we receive at work pretty often. I've enclosed a spreadsheet that shows a very basic example of the files we receive. What I need to happen is this: On the rows that have only the Company # in column A and Total $ in column D (ie. rows 5 and 6), I need the Total $ amount moved up one row and then for the row it was previously in to be deleted (at that point that row should only have the Company $ and no other data in it so it's basically useless). The problem I'm having is that if any rows are added to the file (for instance if an row was added between rows four and five) it would throw off my macro.
I'm using a workbook that has one sheet that pulls data from all the others, displaying a series of rows that summarizes data from each worksheet, each of which is full of data. Its a worksheet that a lot of people use so its kind of tedious to use as of now, because whenever you add a new worksheet of data you have to manually create a row and then manually change all the worksheet references. Is there a way to make rows automatically add and update when a new worksheet is added? I know it would probably have involve some sort of Macro or VBA.
I'm looking for: a cell (in column C) that sums Column C from C6 to the row above said cell. (A Total) So if new rows were added, these values would be included in the sum.
What I'm currently working with is a simple Sum formula, but this sum does not include rows added after the predefined sum range.
I have a worksheet used for a car game. Each row is designated to show one particular car that can be used in the game, so let's say that there are 40 cars taking up 40 rows.
Column A shows the car type and model; column B shows the engine that the cars has represented by a number (the higher the number the better the engine is); and so it continues, Column C shows the transmission; column D the brakes etc.
Underneath the 40 rows (lets say from row 45 to 65) I then have a table with spare-parts that can be used to replace the cars existing parts. This Parts-table is also arranged with engines in column B, transmissions in column C, brakes in column D etc...
This point of this layout is that it should be easy to compare each type of part in the spare-parts table with the corresponding type of part already used in any of the cars as everything is perfectly lined up by the columns.
About the spare-parts table: because the inventory in the spare-parts table often are added to or subtracted from, as parts are won in races or being put on the cars, I have created a macro to sort the parts in each column so as to put the best parts at the top of the table and the bad ones towards the bottom - so far so good.
The problem is this - as I add new cars, the table of spare-parts is pushed down worksheet and that means that the macro no longer will reference the right rows. So the question is this, how do I automatically update the macro to adjust for rows being added above it? I am not really interested in redesigning the worksheet.
I'm using the record macro function to make a code that is concerned with formatting information generated in excel by another software program.
My original idea was to replace the information in column F with the concatenated info of column F-L, but I couldn't get this to work either. So now I'm looking for a work around for my work around.
I can get the macro to work just fine with "Macro 1" below, but unfortunately when I use the entire column range, it populates thousands and thousands of rows below the (around 50) lines of information I have. However, the populated information in my sheet is completely variable - it could be 1 line or 5000 lines. These will also be printed, so I cannot just cap the range at 5000 because then it would print all of the blanks.
I tried several work-arounds after googling. I tried to leave the blanks and then delete them once they were populated - messy, and it crashed excel. I tried End(xlUp) and I tried using lngLastRow = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
how to only copy the formula in Column M to the last row of information (which would be the row with the last value in Column A).
I am needing to write a line of VB code for a macro that will insert a VLookup formula into a cell where the "named" table_array can be a variable. Example of what I am looking at below.
I need it to be imputed in the active cell of the active sheet with the variable able to be gathered possibly from a cell reference. Say the cell c3 on the active sheet says V080606, the formula imputed would be =VLOOKUP(g2,v0806,6,false).
All detail data begins in Row 6 in the detail spreadsheet.
In the Summary spreadsheet, it appears to make a difference where my calcs are located in order for my COUNTIF's to work correctly. As long as I keep my summary calc (to total the number of work orders in the detail) in Row 2 of the Summary, it works fine...but if EITHER I move my calc down a row OR if my detail drops down a row because a row was added above (where I have just header info), my summary totals change?!?! I don't understand.
Here are two examples of the calcs I'm using in the summary:
Can someone tell me what is going on? What I'm doing wrong?
I have a formula in my spreadsheet that shows dates for servicing of products. Column F show's Date Last Serviced and the adjacent column (G) then shows Date Next Service. When there is nothing on the F column's cell then the date that appears on my spreadsheet is 31/12/00. It looks messy and I would rather have a formula to make it so that if the F column is blank, then the adjacent cell in G column should stay blank also.
To automatically calculate the next service due date, I have variants of this formula that creates the dates in G column:
This formula calculates the average mailing return rate of all the mailings added together. J15 is currently white text to hide it from the end user.
Everytime I add a new row of data I need the formula to update itself automatically. So for example, the next time I add a row of data the above formula has to change to
Or if I were to add three rows of data the formula would have been
I'm having trouble getting my random number generator functions to use my variables that are defined by text box inputs. I can mouse over the variables in the code and they have the correct values, with the excpetion of where they are listed in the functions. I'm sure I'm missing something simple, thanks in advance for any help!
Private Sub cmdPopulate_Click() StdDev = txtStdDev.Value RandomNum = txtRandomNum.Value Mean = txtMean.Value lambda = txtLambda.Value OriginCell = txtOriginCell.Value If cmbDistributions.Value = "Normal" Then .................
I have a number of array formulas that refer back to the table in the top left. The array formulas are in Columns I and L, and cells N200, N203, and P203.
Normally when I add a new line to the top left table (usually by clicking on the empty box below the previous final line and typing the date), the table expands by one row and the array formulas all adjust to match, i.e. all the A180/C180s in the formulas become A181/C181s, etc.
However every once in a while (maybe once a month), the arrays simply refuse to update, and I can't figure out why. When they fail, they all fail, it's not hit or miss. You'll see in the attached sheet that though I've added a line to the table (A181) and data to that line, all the arrays still read through A180/C180.
Why this randomly fails to update, and if it's something I'm doing incorrectly?
And that leads to an associated question. In the past when this has failed in this manner, I've laboriously gone through and changed all the cell references manually, in every single individual cell. (After doing it once, the arrays usually magically start auto-expanding again.) I'm certain there is a way to make those formulas refer to a named range, instead of all being manual references, but after spending an hour on it, I keep getting #VALUE errors.
I've been using [URL] ..... and pages like it as a reference without success. Obviously, I would prefer that the formulas auto-update without issue per my first issue above, but in the event that they don't, it'd be really nice to just change the ranges in one location and have that propagate across the sheet.
I'm trying to create a formula that will added the correct amount in the correct cells, I have create a dunny sheet in trying to achieve this. If Cell B8:B11 = ABS or Dum that any points won should be added to Cell L8:L11 right now its adding it into K8:K11. If Cell B8:B11 = is Blank any player points should be added to cells K8:K11. I'm using this formula throughout cells K8:K28 =IF(J8>J25,1,IF(AND(J8<>0,J8=J25),0.5,0)) Any thing in red is incorrect anything in blue is what I'm trying to achieve.
I have a macro which is copying data from several worksheets into one consolidation worksheet. When determining where to paste the data into the consolidation sheet, the macro includes some logic to find the last row that has data in it (using e.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row, where "e" is a variable holding the name of the consolidation worksheet).
Once all the data is on the consolidation worksheet, I have a second worksheet with formulas that link to the consolidation sheet. The issue I have is that the first step of my consolidation macro deletes all data on the consolidation sheet to ensure that no data is double-counted). I am deleting the data with logic that simply deletes all rows from 3 to 65536. Once these rows are deleted, Excel returns a #REF! error on my second worksheet which is linking back to this data.
Rather than deleting the rows on the consolidation sheet, I have tried using the Clear and/or ClearContents commands instead. This works (i.e., my formulas no longer error out), but results in the consolidation macro running very slowly (~15 minutes, compared to
dear friend in my document column "L" has some numbers & formulas.if any cell has formula base in that i need to inset rows below that formula cell & that formula need to spread on that new rows.i have 4 type of formulas.each formula has (1.5).that part is common. it 's like this...
(01.)ex- L1 cell =150*2*1.5 ,need to inset one row below this cell & after running the macro it should change like this.. L1 cell =150*1.5 L2 cell =150*1.5
(02.)ex- L1 cell =150*2*1.5+50*1.5 ,need to inset two rows below this cell & after running the macro it should change like this.. L1 cell =150*1.5 L2 cell =150*1.5 L3 cell =50*1.5
(03.)ex- L1 cell =150*2*1.5+130*3*1.5 ,need to inset four rows below this cell & after running the macro it should change like this.. L1 cell =150*1.5 L2 cell =150*1.5 L3 cell =130*1.5 L4 cell =130*1.5 L5 cell =130*1.5
(04.)ex- L1 cell =150*2*1.5+130*3*1.5+20*1.5 ,need to inset five rows below this cell & after running the macro it should change like this..
I have the following codes to delete all blank rows in column A
Dim lastrow As Long lastrow = Sheet1.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row MsgBox lastrow
With Sheet1 For t = 1 To lastrow If Cells(t, 1) = "" Then Rows(t).Delete End If Next t End With
End Sub
Although it is working , it is not deleting all the blank rows at once, I have to keep pressing on the macro button running the macro several times, until all blank rows are completely deleted.