Application.quit Not Responding

Apr 17, 2007

I have this I found here and want it to close down excel as well but its not working and not sure why.

I have a command button tied to this: ....

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Macro To Quit Application

Jun 16, 2014

I am trying to add the following to my macro to close excel when the macro is completed:

[Code] ......

This will save the workbook before exiting. How do I direct it to not save any open workbooks and exit the app?

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Crashes With Application.quit

Apr 2, 2007

I'm trying to close out excel through a user form (excel is hidden) button but excel crashes when it reaches the application.quit line of code.

I searched google and found one message that said that if you have add-ins that they can cause excel to crash when closing but there was no explanation or work around.

Is there a way around this problem?

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Application.Quit Not Closing Excel

Sep 13, 2006

I hate to have to come back to the forum after I Thanked you all for solving my problem, but here I am.

The code below disables the (X) button, no problems

Option Explicit
Public BooleanForClosing As Boolean
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
If BooleanForClosing = False Then
Cancel = True
MsgBox "Please Use Exit Button"
End If
End Sub

The next code saves the workbook , but won't Quit the programme and goes back to the Exit Button ...

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Excel Won't Quit

Sep 25, 2009

I'm having a bit of a issue at getting Excel to fully shut down. it is still running in the Task Manager. There is a bit of infomation on the net about but i can;t seem to make it go away. I'm using Excel 2007 and running VBA code out of MSaccess 2007

Heres my code.

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Error After Using Quit

Dec 15, 2006

I Wrote a little program that seems to be working quite nice. The user never sees Excel but will work with userforms. I have lately come across a very irritating problem: If the user clicks on "Exit" I run the code

Application. ActiveWorkbook.Save
Application.DisplayFullScreen = False

It does the job but about a minute after the whole program has exited and you are "back in windows" I get the. Microsoft Office Excel has encountered a problem and needs to close. error message. Is my file corrupt? Can I fix it? Am I exiting the wrong way?

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VBA To Let Internet Explorer Quit

Jul 19, 2006

If Excel VBA can let Internet Explorer quit if it have been running when you open excel workbook?

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Disable X (quit) Button

Jun 11, 2007

I'm sure there is a way to disable the 'X' (quit) button in the top right-hand corner of the EXcel application (not the 'X' for individual workbooks), or the hook the quit event so that I can run code that shut down the application cleanly? I'm sure a Windows API call is involved but do not know enough about that side of programming to know for sure.

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Cell Is Not Responding?

Oct 1, 2012

Some times the cell having formula, is not calculating , i need to click F2 then enter to get the real calculation. Why this is happening and how to avoid it?

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Worksheet Event Not Responding

Jul 25, 2009

I have created a chart with four data ranges. I have a check box for the four ranges. If a check box is TRUE the data is shown in the chart. When I check one of the check boxes, I want the CreateChart macro to run, but this is not happening with the code below?

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Before Print Event Not Responding

Jan 9, 2007

I have a Word document that I'd like to print first, when I click Print on a specific worksheet (not on Print of other worksheets in the workbook, just the one). The worksheet contains customer information and is essentially a cover page for the Word document. the Word document already prints in reverse order, as does the worksheet, so I just need the Word doc to print prior to the worksheet/cover, to give me the total print package in the correct order. I've tried using the following code in the Sheet object for the worksheet in question;

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforePrintEvent()
Dim appWd As Word.Application
Set appWd = CreateObject("Word.Application")
appWd.Visible = True 'Change to False when code is good
'Open Doc
appWd.Documents.Open Filename:="S:BryanQuoting ToolsP'Binder Leading Pages.doc"
'Print Doc
appWd.ActiveDocument.PrintPreview 'Change to PrintOut when code is good
'Close Doc
Set appWd = Nothing
End Sub

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Macro Quit Working - Dynamic Named Ranges

Jun 1, 2006

I did the huge macro that names a bunch of dynamic ranges, all similar to the following: Range("=OFFSET(BD!$C$32,0,1,1,COUNT(BD!$32:$32))").Name = "ChtBDLabel"

I tested it as I went along, so I know it was working. Then I worked on several other tasks (copying the range to another location on the sheet, making graphs from the ranges). Now when I go back to run this again, I get: Run-time error '1004':
method 'Range' of object '_Global' failed. I went and looked what I thought were my named ranges, and they were wrong (not dynamic, just a cell reference). I deleted them and tried again with same error.

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Meaning: Quit, Exit, Break, Continue & Return

Nov 9, 2006

difference between these statements:
Quit, Exit , Break , Continue, Return

For example if want to stop code execution what should I use?

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Macro Not Responding To Cell Deletion

Nov 12, 2008

if column E is "Annuity", you can type a value in column J and it runs a formula to calculate a value for column K. If E is not "Annuity" it clears the contents of J (which should clear K). What's not working is when column J gets cleared or manually deleted, column K must be blank. The worksheet_change event is not working for deletion of column J.

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Endless Loop? (stops Responding)

Jun 15, 2009

Having another problem with the same macro that has been giving me trouble for a week now. Now, the macro will run, but after it finishes, excel stops responding. Is this because the macro continues to run indefinitely.

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VBA Code - How To Skip Macro While Not Responding

May 16, 2012

I have create excel VBA to put data from excel sheet to Server database through network. I create the VBA on the "Workbook_beforeprint" so every time the user print out the sheet, the code will run.

Problem occur when there is no network and excel application become not responding.

I want to make VBA code so that every time excel application become not responding because no network, this code will bypass the existing VBA and resume to print.

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Navigation Keys Quit Working After Workshee Change Macro

Mar 25, 2004

why my keyboard navigation keys (Tab and arrow keys) quit working after the code below executes? Other keyboard keys like alpha or numeric characters and Enter work but I can't move to another cell without clicking it. Selecting another ws, then returning to the "Master" ws fixes the problem. I tried activating Master near the end of the code but that didn't help. Master is not a protected sheet.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column 7 Or Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If IsEmpty(Target) Then Exit Sub
Dim NextRow As Long, MySheet As Worksheet
Set MySheet = Sheets(Target.Value)
NextRow = MySheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
With MySheet
.Unprotect "1234"
Range(Cells(Target.Row, 1), Cells(Target.Row, 6)).Copy .Cells(NextRow, 1)
With .Cells(NextRow, 7).......................................................

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Excel 2010 :: Keeps Crashing And Not Responding Or Saving?

Mar 9, 2012

I have a genuine copy of office pro 2010. All works fine except excel!

It seems to be mainly on one workbook I have brought over from open office and on a mac! It wont save due to errors it won't tell you about? It then stops responding or crashes? Wont save as etc....

I have repaired, I have even deleted and downloaded a new office pro genuine and installed and doing the same so i guess it has to be the file?

BUT it seems to work on another laptop we have, same file, same excel????

The only thing i seem to be able to find is in the permissions it has an "unknown account"? Also under the file menu where it allows you to check the file it states something about conditional formatting i have used and not being compatible BUT i cant for the life of me find that in the menus to get rid?

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Cells Not Responding To Left, Right, Center Arrangment

Jan 19, 2010

I think I did something but I don't know What. I select a cell that has a 20 font Size I enter a number it show at the 20 Font. Now when I go some ware else in the work unselecting that cell the number went to font 10 and droped to the left bottom of the cell. When I select the cell again and select the the left middle and right to move the number it does not responed. It happens everyware in the worksheet.

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Combobox Not Responding - Imbedded Directly In Worksheet

Jan 25, 2012

I am working on a macro that runs when a combobox is clicked. The combobox is imbedded directly in the worksheet, not in a form.

Basically, the user clicks the down arrow on the combobox, selects one of the available choices, and the choice selected is written to the spreadsheet - each time the selection is made, it is written to a successive row in the spreadsheet - keeping track of every selection made.

The macro works, mostly. But problem is that if the user repeats a selection in the combobox (makes a choice, and then in the next cycle makes the same choice) the macro doesn't run - nothing happens.

Here is the code:

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
i = Cells(2, 4) ' value in cell D2
Cells(i, 6) = Cells(4, 9) ' selected value from cobobox stored in cell I4
' This value copied to column F - successive rows
i = i + 1 ' counter to increment row for next value
Cells(2, 4) = i ' Update cell D2 with new i value
End Sub

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Workbook Causing Intermittent Freeze & Not Responding

Dec 31, 2008

I recently added some command buttons to 6 excel files each with about 20 sheets. most of the sheets got 6 new buttons. After I added the buttons I would get memory errors when I treied to open other files. So I upgraded to Office 2003 and Excel 2003 because I read that it had increased memory available. It did not seem to help much, and now on average about evry say 10 minutes Excel hangs for about 1o seconds, sometimes saying "Not Responding" up the top. Then it starts working again. MY PC has Server 2003 and 1GHz and 512MB of Ram. Here is some info:

=INFO("totmem") 51817832
=INFO("numfile") 173
=INFO("osversion")Windows (32-bit) NT 5.02
=INFO("release") 11.0

I do not think the PC memory or chip is being stressed it seems to be Excel's memory?

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Quit Fullscreen, Hide Sheets, Save, Close On Userform Button

Apr 15, 2008

I have a fairly elaborate close-down routine for my workbook.

1) Quit out of fullscreen (restore initial state of excel before saving)
2) Hide all sheets but one (enforces cant do anything unless macros enabled)
3) Automatically save without a prompt
4) Close the workbook

I've researched it well and implemented it to the point where it works, but only if the user clicks the excel application close button -- the "X" in the titlebar (hence not in fullscreen).

However, if I launch the process via a userform button click, then for some reason the
DisplayFullscreen = False, Sheets hiding, and save codes have no effect (fullscreen persists, sheets are not hidden, no file is saved) in the Workbook_BeforeClose() subroutine....

I repeat: all the above works fine if process was launched by "native" excel button, but does not have any effect if launched from a userform commandbutton. (?!?!) any ideas what's going on?

I'm including my code so you can get an idea how it's structured.... by it's pretty "by the forum" as far as I can tell...

Private Sub CloseButton_Click()
If(1) Then
'Method 1 - close directly from userform command button
With ThisWorkbook
'.RunAutoMacros (xlAutoClose)
End With
'Method 2 - set a timer to call a function to perform
' "ThisWorkbook.close" in a function outside of the userform
CustMenuCloseTimer = Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 2)
Application .OnTime CustMenuCloseTimer, "CustMenu_CloseAction"
End If

End Sub

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Application.DisplayAlerts Freezes Application

Jul 14, 2006

Im copying and pasting data from one workbook to another but when I want to close the source workbook, it comes up with this message that I have much data and if I want to keep this in a clipboard. I thought I could disable this with Application.DisplayAlerts = False but when I do this, Excel freezes. Im I doing something wrong. How can I supress this window?

Public path As String
Sub Get_data()
path = "\Nlchoosa.nlOPS_Processes$OPS_ProcessesReports Sector performance"
Workbooks.Open Filename:=path & "ReportsSector Performance Reporting week.xls"
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Windows("Sector Performance report Week.xls").Activate
Application.DisplayClipboardWindow = False
Windows("Sector Performance Reporting week.xls").Activate
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End Sub

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Form Controls / Objects / Images Disappearing Not Responding

Aug 10, 2014

My form controls (cmd buttons) and images don't appear or don't work. I was working on a macro to cut and paste a set of cells (protected sheet, I did unprotect it), and I noticed the cmd button tied to this disappeared. It then re-appeared but I couldn't engage it. This is part of a larger workbook that consists of a single page of cmd buttons that release specific worksheets (no activex). These buttons disappeared and re-appeared and don't work either. When I select the button I can see the cell underneath light up. It's like the image is there but nothing else?

The macros run fine from VBA editor. I was thinking the issue had something to do protections? There are more than 5 passwords (set on a worksheet) being used here, there is a fair amount of protecting and unprotecting going on, and I loop through the worksheets several times. Everything was working fine and now I'm stuck. I was getting a the-object-invoked-has-disconnected-from-its-client error related to an "insert cells" command on a co-workers computer, but not on my machine. This is actually what I was trying to solve when it crapped out. I would delete the buttons and create them all again, but I can't even select them to delete them.

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Worksheet Change Event Not Responding To Cell Deletion ...

Nov 13, 2008

I have a code where column K is not responding to a value being deleted out of column J. I've highlighted the portion of the code dealing with this. Deletion should trigger the worksheet_change event to clear out column K as it's supposed to. how to get deletion to take effect?

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Worksheet Change Event Not Responding To Cell Deletion

Nov 14, 2008

This is part of a macro in a worksheet_change event. When a cell in column J gets deleted by a user, the corresponding cell in column K should also clear. But it's not responding to the delete.

It DOES clear when the other 2 criteria are met (.cells(1,10) = 0 and .cells(i,5) <> "Annuity"). The worksheet_change event should pick up on the cell deletion, but it's not. And column J is already a trigger for the macro to run, so I'm not sure what's going on. Either the trigger is still wrong, the isempty(.cells(i,10)) is not correct syntax, or this event just doesn't respond to cell deletion.

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Not Responding: Added A Formula To A Spreadsheet With Som Complicated Formula

Jun 1, 2006

I recently added a formula to a spreadsheet with som complicated formula. It worked ok and I saved the sheet. Now it takes 5 minutes to open the sheet and when I try to do anything,like delete the inserted column the program locks up giving a no responding message. I can do without this column if I have to.

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Application Run

Mar 14, 2007

I want to make a macro where it will use the current filename of the workbook I have open (where is says New Quote Sheet 2.xls below) Is there something I can put where it will use the current filename when the filename is changed?

New Quote Sheet is a read-only template, and when a new quote is started, it is renamed.

Application.Run "'New Quote Sheet2.xls'!Part8"
Sheets("8-Part").Copy After:=Sheets(25)
Sheets("8-Pack").Copy After:=Sheets(26)

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Application.Run Error

Aug 5, 2009

I have the following

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Dec 11, 2006

With the help of Professional Excel Developement by Bullen Bovey and Green, I am building a Dictator Application. All-in-all, it is coming very well, EXCEPT that I can't seem to get the IgnoreRemoteRequests setting to get written to the registry properly on ShutDown.

On Open, I change this setting to True. In the BeforeClose event, I reset it to False, along with all of the Settings that I hosed on Open. All of the other settings get properly saved on exit, however, the IgnoreRemoteRequests is still set to True the next time Excel gets re-opened.

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