Auto Create New Tabs

Jul 17, 2008

I have a column with multiple currencies. Is there a way to write a formula or some code that will look to that column, and create a new Tab for each new currency name it finds, and then name the Tab that currency?

For example, C5:C15 has an assortment of entries either USD, GBP, AUD. I'd like a search that looks to C5 and creates a new tab labeled whatever the first currency is, then move down the column and do the same thing every time it encounters a new currency, but pass over a cell if it's a currency that already has a tab made for it.

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Use The Names Of The Tabs In The Summary Page And Create It Into A Formula To Lookup Fixed Cells Within The Various Tabs

Oct 12, 2009

I have a summary page that includes the titles for each tab within the excel 2003 workbook. I want to use the names of the tabs in the summary page and create it into a formula to lookup fixed cells within the various tabs. Sorry for not uploading an excel doc but I was at work earlier and the thread did not load for some reason, so I am reposting it.

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Get (tabs) Of Action Log To Auto-populate And Auto-delete In Master Log

Jul 29, 2014

I need the tabs of a project action log to auto-populate and auto-delete in a master log. (So when something is added or deleted in a tab it is added or deleted on the master) I use excel a little bit for work and personal finance purposes but I have zero experience with macros or VBA.

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Auto Renaming Of Tabs?

Dec 13, 2013

In Excel, is it possible to put coding/formula to rename a tab based on a cell value? For example if cell D3 says "America" could "Sheet 2" get automatically renamed to "America"?

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Auto Naming Of Tabs

Aug 22, 2009

Does anyone know if there is a way of automatically renaming a tab based on a value in a cell?

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Auto-naming Tabs In A Workbook

Jan 11, 2008

I have a workbook with a list of names of up to 15 people in each of 5 rows. Each row then populates a row in a separate workbook with those names. Each person is identified by a number and each person then has their own worksheet in that workbook.

Is it possible in some way to auto-name the tab for each worksheet from the number in the name cell?

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Auto Page Number Tabs In A Spreadsheet

Dec 3, 2007

I am interested in printing an entire workbook in one shot with multiple tabs, where each tab is one page. I would like to print the tabs such that the first tab has the number '1' in the footer, the second tab has '2' etc. And I don't want to go into each tab and type the number in the footer.

Does anyone know how to easily make this happen?

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Create Tabs Within A Tab?

Feb 28, 2013

Is it possible to create tabs within a tab? If so how?

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Auto Name Tabs With Dates Excluding Weekends And Holidays

Dec 5, 2013

I am trying to run a macro to put in the Month, Day, Year on each tab but I want it to exclude holidays and weekends. I am not a techie or anything but I would like to know how to do this. I have tried various vb codes but they don't exclude the weekends/holidays.

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Tabs Name To Auto Populate From A Specific Cells Contents?

Nov 23, 2008

Is it possible for the tab name to auto populate from a specific cells contents?

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VBA Macro To Create And Name Tabs?

Jun 9, 2014

I had in my macro toolbox a macro where in column A I listed names for worksheet the macro would then create and name the worksheets from the list in Column. But unfortunately our share drive where I kept the toolbox crashed and all the data was lost.

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Create New Tabs From A List

Jun 16, 2014

I have a list of pairs of 406 pairs of currencies like the list below and I need to create a tab for each one of them and will take ages to do it manually, I am looking for a macro that can do it.


I have tried to use the one in other thread but I am not that good in editing the code:

Sub addsheet() Dim newsheet Set newsheet = Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Worksheets.Count), Count:=1, Type:=xlWorksheet) newsheet.Name = "ww16" End Sub

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Create 3 New Tabs, Name Them, And Use Template

Aug 25, 2008

Well I am here at this fork in the road again.

I need to create 3 new tabs... 10,4, and 1

I have tried this and it creates the worksheet, but does not copy the "sheet1" as its format.

I need to do this 3 times.

For i = 1 To 1
Set ws = Worksheets.Add
ws.Name = "10"
Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Copy wsnew.Range("a1")
Next i

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Create New Tabs For Every Different Field Value Within A Column

Jun 2, 2014

I'm trying to reduce some manual labor that I do each month by figuring out a way to create additional tabs for every different "branch" within a given column from a master table. The branch numbers may not necessarily be the same each month as some old may go and some new ones may come.

I have attached two excel workbooks. One shows the master "Data Table" and the other shows what I want it to look like "After Sorting". As you can see, I have to create a separate tab for each of the branches listed in column A on the master table. This becomes really cumbersome, especially when we really have about 20 branches but I'm only using these 6 for the example.

Data Table.xlsxAfter Sorting.xlsx

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VBA Code To Create New Tabs In A Worksheet?

Sep 5, 2013

I don't know VBA code but i am familiar enough to know that a code can be written to separate out information into different tabs on a worksheet.

For example, I have a standard worksheet with say 20 columns going across and 20,000 rows going down. At each "name" change in row 1, I would like a macro to copy into a new tab. Basically the end result will have a tab for each name and the corresponding columns that go with the name.

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How To Create Worksheet Within A Macro With 10 Tabs

Feb 6, 2014

I need to create a Worksheet within a macro that has 10 tabs. I had something running, then I made some changes and I got Application-defined or object defined error.


Sheets.Add after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)

I was looping thru this up to 10 now its not working. This isn't too complicated,

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Create New Tabs From Values In A Cell

Feb 10, 2014

I have a large spreadsheet and want to sort by Column "L" and copy all the rows where Column L has the same value into a new tab named with the value in Column L.

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Create Multible Tabs From Names In Column

Jun 4, 2009

i got a workbook made by one of the members in which on clicking of a button (make sheet)---->tabs of all the data in column A is made in that sheet. but if i want to copy a specific data that is present on main sheet to all the sheets created on click of button.

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Create Formula Using 2 Different Tabs Within Excel Workbook

Apr 24, 2014

I need to create a formula using 2 different tabs within an excel workbook. I need to search column A on the first tab and column A on the second tab and if they match I need to compare column F on the first tab to column F on the second tab. (This column contains my staff names but the problem I am running into is on the first tab their names are listed first name last name and on the second tab they are listed last name, first name). If column A and F match I need to search column H on the first tab to column H on the second tab. If all columns match up to this point I need to take the data in column Q on the second tab and in put it into column K on the first tab. Is this even possible?

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Create Drop Down List For Worksheet Tabs

Mar 19, 2007

I have seen it accomplished where all worksheet tabs are arranged in a drop down list, and was wondering how to make that happen.

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Merge 2 Tabs Into 1 Spreadsheet To Create Pivot Table?

Jul 9, 2014

I would like to combine 2 tabs into one spreadsheet. I was not able to do so, because it exceeds the max rows allowed in excel. I have installed powerpivots but not sure how to combine data using powerpivots.

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How To Create IF / AND Formula Draws Data From Multiple Tabs

May 21, 2014

Is it even possible to create an IF/AND formula that draws data from multiple tabs?

For example,

(assume there are tabs named exactly the same as each of the data entries in column A)

IF A2 = "ARI" then D2 = ARI!H3. Is this possible?

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Macro To Create Multiple Tabs With Same Spreadsheet On And Date Them

Jul 20, 2014

I am trying to create a workload spread sheet for work I need to have the same looking spread sheet 365 times but also need each sheet to be dated, EG (tue,01/04/2014 through to tue,31/03/2015) I can create 365 tabs that have the same spread sheet on and I can create dates but not do both at the same time, it isn't fun doing copy and paste 365 time.

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Macro To Create New Tabs Based On A Contract Number

Apr 11, 2008

I work with contracts and have to report the sales for each contract by customer number, name, address, product code or sku, sales amount, quantity, and invoice date. Each contract number is associated with a product group and within that product group are a laundry list of product codes or skus.

Customers are often on different contracts for different products and may purchase some or all of the products on that contract. When I run a query from the system to extract this data, I get one sheet that contains 20,000 lines that have to then be sorted and seperated into different tabs based on the contract number. Keep in mind that a customer may be listed multiple times because each line in the query represents a product code and an invoice date.

I currently have a macro that will format the reporting such that it sorts the data, however, what it doesnt do is look for each instance of a particular contract number and separate it into different tabs.

So below are two examples: April and May 2008 Reports

April 2008 Report
Contract 1 contains 5,000 lines of data - extract into new tab
Contract 2 contains 5,000 lines of data - extract into new tab
Contract 3 contains 5,000 lines of data - extract into new tab
Contract 4 contains 5,000 lines of data - extract into new tab
Total lines = 20,000

May 2008 Report
Contract 1 contains 7,500 lines of data - extract into new tab
Contract 2 contains 5,500 lines of data - extract into new tab
Contract 3 contains 8,000 lines of data - extract into new tab
Contract 4 contains 9,000 lines of data - extract into new tab
Total lines = 30,000

So for the April Example, I would like excel to take this one list and break into 4 new tabs based on the contract number and carry over all of the data into that tab.

Where this may become difficult is that there may be more lines of data one month and fewer another. Im not sure if there is a function that will tell excel to stop when it reaches the last line for one contract number and to start a new tab for the next contract number. (see the month of May example)

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Create Documents Based On Cell Values And Input Tabs In New Document

Sep 12, 2013

I want to create a macro that creates a new .xlsx document based on cell values. And input 4 tabs into each document with specified tab names. I have a document that pulls from external sources and fluctuates with amount of data per day. I envision something that will make a new document named for the contents in cell A1, then function as a control+down to create a new document for A2, then A3 until there is no content left (should mention these are lookup formulas, and if there is no data it pulls a value of "0")

Is there a way to put in the code, the tab names it would create in each new document, or would that have to look to a cell value for the naming? The tab names would be "GS", "MYSS", "COLL SHEET", and "WIRE".

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Create A Macro To Use Auto Filter?

Jan 25, 2013

I have created a macro to use auto filter with the name specified in the vba code, can I specify a range of cell to do Sutofilter.

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Create An Auto Fill For 01.01.01 As A Date

Jun 23, 2009

Everytime I try to create a date list in the format by using dragging down the only number that increases is the year. Is there any way to do this using the specified format.

List would be;


etc to the end of month 31.01.01
then go to;


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Auto Create Series & Namnig

Mar 30, 2009

I need to get a macro that will auto plot number of series and name them according to a value. The attached file has an example, I have highlighted column H (x-axis) & K (y-axis) and the name of the series should be from column B. Each series has to end at the begining of the other series. The graph there is what I want to get. This is only example, I have over 20 series to be plotted!

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Create Auto Saved TXT File

Oct 17, 2012

I have an excel file that gets updated every month but i only want one of the tabs to get saved automatically into a txt file when i click on a "finish" button or something like that.

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Formula To Create Custom Auto-Number

Sep 22, 2013

I am creating a custom autonumber in excel. The autonumber will be based on the value of another cell's value. So for eg, in cell A1 will look at B1, if B1 has the number 1, A1 will take B1 and add the autonumber to it, eg a, b, c.

If within, b5 the number is 2. So if the number in the corresponding row in b changes, the autonumber must restart.

I've decided to go with a-z for the autonumber as i realized for .1, .2, .3 is limited to 9 values in the list bec. 1.10 may be read as 1.1

I've tried a few options such as creating a named range, however the problem is getting the autonumber to restart.

Below is what i want to achieve via excel formula:

Column F
Column F


[Code] .........

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