Auto-Populate Data Depending On Selection From Dropdown List
Jan 21, 2013
How to populate MTD data linked to the other spreadsheet file (monthly data) to the table on the left, depending on the month selected month from the dropdown list.
Attached files for reference :
Dropdown Month.xlsx‎
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Sep 11, 2013
I have two worksheet. One worksheet is a form where in the Field Door No. should be a dropdown list. The list will be retrieve from worksheet Source. Now upon selecting a specific Door No. it should also autopopulate the respective Type, Brand, Serial No., and Type.
First thing i need to know is what should i do on Cell B1 worksheet Form for it to be a drop down list retrieving the Column A on worksheet Source.
Second, upon selecting for example ATC0009 on the drop-down, it should auto-populate like these
Door No. ATC0009
Type AT Crane
Brand A
Serial 43679
Type Crane
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Jan 11, 2013
I'm trying to make a spreadsheet that can be used to easily build a collective list of steps, for a user to read and follow line-by-line.
I want a source sheet of "steps" that I can change over time, and the resulting tabs that reference the source sheet get updated/populated automatically.
I've pieced together some VBA code from other sources, which kind of does what I want it to:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Row > 1 And Target.Column = 1 Then
Dim SourceSheet As Worksheet
Set SourceSheet = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Steps")
Dim TargetSheet As Worksheet
Set TargetSheet = Target.Worksheet
Dim c As Integer
Dim Source As Range
But there are some problems:
1) The data auto-populates into a row. It would read better if each step was in the same column, meaning rows would need to be automatically added upon selecting something from the drop-down list. The number of rows that need to be added vary based on the number of steps in the source sheet, for the selection made from the drop-down list.
2) If you make a change to the source sheet, my goal is to have the other sheets referencing the source sheet's lists of steps update automatically, so you only need to update the steps in one spot and everything you've built from them gets updated instantly. Currently, you must select a different choice from the drop-down list, and then change it back, before it populates the "new" steps from the source sheet.
This is my first time using VBA.
What I have so far is attached: testAutoPopulate.xlsm
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Jan 20, 2013
I have a dropdown list selection on the form for types of machines. The list of machines, their sizes and related noise level are in a chart on worksheet 2 and I'd like to automate the form so that when the machine is selected, the related noise level auto populates.
The dropdown box has been put in the form using the data validation function.
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Feb 9, 2012
If I make a selection using a drop down, can I have it auto populate another cell with information associated only to the made selection? For instance, if I select January from drop down in A1, I want it to auto populate B1 with 100.
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Jun 22, 2014
I have a cell in my spreadsheet that I use to control the size of a column. I formatted the cell as a number and added data validation to make sure the number is greater than zero. Then I realized that I need to also allow for the option of auto sizing the column as well. This would require a data validation list type with something like True and False for the choices.
What I want to be able to do is have it both ways. I want a drop down list in that cell with the options Auto Size or Custom. If Auto Size is selected the cell value gets set to that. If Custom is selected I then want to be able to type in a number.
Is there a way to setup a cell such that the value is either an item from the drop down list or, entered directly (depending on the list selection)?
I know I can do it with dependent lists but that would require two cells, one for the auto size mode (true/false) and the other for manual width value.
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Sep 22, 2008
I am trying to make a calendar spreadsheet to enable me to track allowance payments i am due from my company.
This payment is worked out by three conditions - where i am working (7 regions), how many days of the week (4,5,6 or7) and how many hours (<7,8-9 or 10-12)
I have made drop down lists to select each of the values for the three conditions and want to show the total for them
i can total the entire spreadheet for the month up using fairly large "COUNTIF" statements, but i want to be able to show what the exact amount is in each cell not just a complete total.
i.e. i am away for 6 days i get £15 extra, if i am in Europe i get another £50 and if i work 12 hours i get £30.
I want to be able to calculate this total in each cell for that day.
I can send a copy of the spreadsheet i have got at the moment if that will make things clearer than what i have tried to explain.
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Dec 16, 2013
I am looking to auto generate a roster/schedule. I have a spreadsheet with shifts for each weekday that I need to populate every week with names to pick from a drop down list. the drop down list is made using data validation and looks at a dynamic named range to allow me to select only the people who are available to work a certain shift.
Is there a way to do this using vba?
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Mar 7, 2013
[URL]....When I select a name in column B, it populates column C's dropdown with that name's list of units. When I select a unity type in column C, I'd like it to automatically populate column E in the same row with the value associated with that unit. The values associated with a particular unit can be found to the right of the sheet. So if in row 2 I select Blake in column B, then Unit 5 in column C, I'd like column E to be populated with 14.
Edit: using Excel 2007.
I attached stripped down version of the sheet which is small enough to post. None of the things I removed should affect the topic at hand. The full sheet is available at rapidshare.
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Dec 16, 2012
auto fill the rows after selecting a particular option from a drop down list. For Ex., In Drop down list we have Cool drinks and Ice cream as two options. If i select Cool drinks the respective columns should be filled with brands like, Coke, 7 Up etc...
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Jan 27, 2012
I have a question on how I could populate data using a combo box selection in Excel 2010.
For example, I have a table with values in Sheet 1, & below that table there is a combo box whereby another table of values can be populated based on the selection of the combo box.
Maybe to make it clearer...
Table 1
Name | Address | Phone number
Andy | Avenue 2 | 999
John | Road 5 | 998
Combo box (selection of names): John
Data derived from combo box - Table 2
Name | Address | Phone number
John | Road 5 | 998
how I could solve this Also, do let me know if this can be done without the use of VBA.
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Jun 11, 2013
I'm creating a spreadsheet to keep track of my costs of production in an online game. Within the game there are a range of spawned resources that appear for only a short time before being unobtainable these resources have specific types that is shared between multiple spawns of the resource but each resource spawn has a unique name.
My first worksheet lists all the resources and their various qualities and the later worksheets are meant to allow me to choose from a list resources matching the requirements of the item I'm looking to craft. The example i have shown in the second picture requires Tatooinian Fiberplast and Lokian Wild Wheat to craft so in the Chosen Resource column I would like to have a drop down list allowing me to select the named resource type i would like to use - for Tatooinian Fiberplast the only thing on the list should be Omnitwixi and for the Wild Wheat it should show Fizi and Krad
I am aware there are people with more pressing problems than computer games and as such
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Nov 8, 2012
Attached is my sample data.
In sheet "support data" I have two columns.
One column is a client reference and the one next to it is a client name.
On my form the combo box is populated with the client references.
When i select a reference in the combo box I would like to populate textbox1 with the corresponding client name from "support data"
(as an advanced feature it would be good if the textbox1 kept changing as the mouse was hovering over the list of client references in the combobox)
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Dec 6, 2013
Any way to apply a formula to a cell depending on what choice is made from a drop down box in a cell that it refers to.
I have a drop down box in A1 with 2 options: Cookie Making Costs - or - Cake Making Costs
In cells A3 through A10, I have cells with the costs for all the ingredients (and B3 through B10 for cake ingredients).
If I select Cookie Making Costs, I would like B1 to apply a formula that sums up all the costs associated with making cookies "=sum(A3:A10)"
If I select Cake Making Costs, I would like B1 to apply the sum of the cake ingredients "=sum(B3:B10)"
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Jun 12, 2013
I have 3 different tables on a sheet which I want to do a vlookup on depending on the selection from a dropdown.
I created the ranges I want to use in 3 cells and tried to reference the cell rather than the range. Excel no likey:
=vlookup(B2,A1,2,FALSE) instead of =VLOOKUP(B2,D1:H14,2,FALSE)
Is there anyway I can do what I am trying to do?
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Dec 26, 2012
I've created seven names in my data validation source list on Sheet 3 in the following range of cells, A2-A7. My data drop down validation list is located on Sheet 1, A2 in the same workbook. I would like to trigger a macro based on the name I select in this drop validation drop down list that will fill out an address, telephone number, and email address in the following cells next to my data validation drop down list on Sheet 1: B2, B3, and B4. I want it to be designed so that users will select a name and have that person's corresponding address, telephone number, and email address fill right next to their name on the same sheet.
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Jan 25, 2008
I found many examples on this forum of how one can pull in data from closed workbooks, or copy it and have it stored in the active sheet. So far so good, but I need a solution which would do the opposite - I need the macro to take a range of data form the active sheet store it in a closed workbook and save any changes in the target workbook without opening it.
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May 2, 2014
For example, I have a master sheet that has a drop-down list of the months January and February, which have their own sheets. I am trying to populate the sales of the week 1, 2 ,3 ,4 in the master sheet based on the same data for the month chosen.
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May 27, 2014
The file is attached here. I would like to be able to autopopulate cells based on a dropdown. The first tab has the final report and the other 2 tabs are the raw files.
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Dec 16, 2013
Every time a name is selected in column C12:C15, I need that respective row to populate with $10 in column J. When column C12:C15 is blank, I need that respective row to read $0 in cloumn J. It's either one (10) or the other (0).
There are rows above and below it as well that have nothing to do with this, so the formula/function would be specific to just this subset of rows (rows 12-15).
I get close, but can't seem to nail this simple formula/function down. I am unable to download any sheets due to my work's firewall.
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Apr 3, 2007
I have 3 dropdown boxes I created using the control toolbox which pull corresponding information from 3 different columns. I would like to be able to format them so that upon data entry in the first dropdown box, the subsequent two boxes auto populate with the corresponding data. Currently I have to select the information for each dropdown box manually.
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Dec 4, 2013
I am trying to create a sheet for identifying work hazards based on the job assigned. So what I have set up is a drop down list to select the job type. Once this job type is selected I want the pre written hazards to autopopulate in the hazard box. I would also like the required PPE to appear in the PPE box for the job selected.
I have 6 different choices in the drop down list. For each choice I have the hazards and PPE in a separate sheets in the worksheet.
Is there a way to get this information to autopopulate?
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Mar 14, 2014
I have the catalog #s of some products in column A, and I have the brand in column B, Product name in Column C, and the model # in Column D. I want to create a formula that if I select the catalog # it should autopopulate the brand in column B, product name in column C and the model # in column D!!
And I have the brand/product & model # in a different sheet!!
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Jul 6, 2012
I'm trying to make a listbox that contains a list of items from ranges that differ depending on the contents of one cell.
In other words, say the contents of the cell in question is 'flower' the listbox will be populated with the range of cells containing flower names; if the cell was 'shrubs' the same listbox would be populated with the range of cells containing shrub names.
I've scoured the site, but can't find an exact query that matches mine (though I've probably missed a bunch of them).
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Aug 18, 2014
I would like to use or not use a dropdown list in data validation depending on the value of another cell. The application is to be able to choose a state from the dropdown list only if the country selected in another cell is "US". If the country is not US then I want the user to be able to fill in free text and there be no dropdown list. I know it's possible to have a dropdown list and allow entries without it being on the list but I need the dropdown list not to appear at all if the value is not US.
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Dec 18, 2006
Im currently creating a spreadsheet for my work, with common problems and solutions to one of our websites.
When the spreadsheet is opened, the user will click a button depending on what sort of problem he/she is having. In the example attached, if the user clicks on "make payments" a form will appear. This will have a list of problems.
if the user choses problem 1 from the drop down list, then I would like the list of solutions to problem 1(from the MPData sheet) to show in the box below. The same goes for problem 2, problem 3 etc.
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Jan 3, 2013
see attached document - this is a stock record sheet. what i want it to do is when Bed is seleceted in column B - i want colum C to show the BedSize list which is in the lists tab. and the same with Chair i want it show ChairSize
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Jan 30, 2007
I am trying to make a spreadsheet where I use a drop down menu for several of my vendors. When I select the Vendor's name from the drop down menu (for example in A1), I would like A2 to display that vendor's phone number. But when I switch vendor name from drop down list in A1, A2 would need to reflect the new vendor's contact info.
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Jan 30, 2007
I am trying to make a spreadsheet where I use a drop down menu for several of my vendors. When I select the Vendor's name from the drop down menu (for example in A1), I would like A2 to display that vendor's phone number. But when I switch vendor name from drop down list in A1, A2 would need to reflect the new vendor's contact info.
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Mar 18, 2014
I have a drop down list with 6 recipes. When I select chocolate for example I want that to automatically populate different cells in the worksheet based on a standard I have created for that recipe. The recipes won't change they just have different ingredients and I want that to show up depending on what I select on the drop down list. I went into VBA and worked a little with this starting code:
If Target.Address = "$F$3" Then
Target.Offset(0, 1).Value = "1"
but It wouldn't populate separately based on what I had selected in the drop down it would just populate all 6 recipes the same.
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