Auto Copying Column Formulas To New Rows

Feb 14, 2014

I'm working on a spreadsheet that tracks project accepted and done over a course of time. I am expecting the data to eventually reach the thousands in a year's time. I have several formulas in specific columns that I need to replicate as the user enters new data into the next row.

While it is easy to copy paste the formulas from the cells above, we are looking to save time by having the sheet do this automatically which also prevents the user from accidentally deleting/modifying the said formulas. I am also looking to save file size which is why I am considering doing this in VB. An example of a formula that I need to move down into the next column is:


I am new to VB but would like to gain some understanding on how this works.

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Inserting Rows While Copying Formulas

Jun 18, 2008

I have a spread sheet that I have locked with the expection of certain cells. I also have left the ability to insert and delete rows. The cells that are locked have functions in them run in sequance.

Is there a way that when the new row is inserted its copies the formula from the row above automatically but also adjust for the new row and adjusts the rows below it automatically?

For example if I insert a new row between rows 2 and 3 below.
(orginal layout)
a1 (unlocked) b1 (locked)(function is =sum(a1:b1)
a2 (unlocked) b2 (locked)(function is =sum(a2:b2)
a3 (unlocked) b3 (locked)(function is =sum(a3:b3)
a4 (unlocked) b4 (locked)(function is =sum(a4:b4)

(layout after inserting row)
a1 (unlocked) b1 (locked)(function is =sum(a1:b1)
a2 (unlocked) b2 (locked)(function is =sum(a2:b2)
a3 (unlocked) b3 (unlocked) *inserted row*
a4 (unlocked) b4 (locked)(function is =sum(a4:b4)
a5 (unlocked) b5 (locked)(function is =sum(a5:b5)

this is what i want the end product to be.
(layout if formulas are copied and adjusted after inserting row)
a1 (unlocked) b1 (locked)(function is =sum(a1:b1)
a2 (unlocked) b2 (locked)(function is =sum(a2:b2)
a3 (unlocked) b3 (locked)(function is =sum(a3:b3) *inserted row*
a4 (unlocked) b4 (locked)(function is =sum(a4:b4)
a5 (unlocked) b5 (locked)(function is =sum(a5:b5)

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Copying Values But Keeping Rows That Have Formulas In Them

Dec 31, 2012

I have a spreadsheet with a lot of financial information going down a column (about 500 rows down). Most of the cells are just typed in, but certain rows have sum formulas in them. Is it possible to copy values from another workbook, paste the values in, but somehow keep the formulas that are running through?

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Macro For Copying Formulas + Inserting Rows

Apr 25, 2009

I was tired of making my list smaller to upload it here, so I uploaded the complete thing on megaupload :P Here is the link:

On the bottom of the list is a button; "Add New Anime". When you click on that you get a UserForm where you can enter; Title, Type, Total Episodes, D/L Eps and Watched Episodes. When you press ''Add Anime" the entered values are entered at the bottom of the list, underneath the corresponding list names on the top.

Now there are 4 list names left (Left, Status, Status 2, and Progress (%)) I still have to make a option to enter Status 2 as well in the UserForm.

Now the question:

In columns F (Left), H (Status) and I (Progress (%)) are formulas. How can I copy those formulas automatically when I add something new with the UserForm? And can it automatically insert a new row, since I have to move the buttons down with every new title.

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Copying Formulas Into Adjacent Columns But Same Rows

Nov 13, 2006

If I have formulas in A1, A5, A19, and A36, highlight them with goto, how do I move them into B1, B5, B19, and B36? Copying and pasting puts them in B1, B2, B3, and B4.

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VBA Macro To Delete Rows/Columns, Insert Formulas & Auto Fill

May 28, 2009

I'm running a macro that opens another workbook and read data from it.How can I incorporate this code into my macro.Sorry i don't knwo VBA.

Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:Documents and SettingsmsimantbDesktopINFRACHEM_POLYMERS - DON''T DELETE.xls]Sheet1"

UserGRP_MAcro Macro
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Existing userGroup"............................

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Copying Only Rows With Data In First Column - Skipping Rows With Blank First Column

May 12, 2014

I have 2 columns of data E and F. Column E has 11 different words that randomly repeat, Column F has 10 years of dates, about 1,000 entries (10/11/12 format). Both columns values come from formulas.

I am trying to copy cells E & F to columns K & L starting in row 2 only if there is is data in column E (one of the 11 words) and skipping all others rows. Both the E & F values of tthe row must be copied together, i.e if text is in E45, then copy E45 and F45 into column K and L starting with K2 & L2. This is a task which will be repeated multiple times as data is replaced in columns A-D.

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Copying Formulas From Column To Column

Jun 4, 2009

In the attached spreadsheet, I am trying to drag the formula from one column to the next but I need the same cells to be used in every column with the exception of one cell. For instance, the formula I want to use is in the cell highlighted yellow. In the next cell over (highlighted blue) I want the formula to use the same D and E cells with the only change being the first part of each (G). Both the blue and yellow cell represent what I want to do. For example, the next column (H) would have (H4+D4+E4) in the first part. Column I would have (I4+D4+E4), and so on.

The D and E columns will be in every equation for each column. The problem is that excel wants to use the next column over instead of keeping D and E in each. How do I drag these equations so that it just changes the first part and keeps the D and E columns the same?

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Air Force Mission Tracker-Auto Counting & Auto Copying

Jun 19, 2009

Making a mission tracker that requires less upkeep than my units previous methods. I am using Excel 2007 and have some things in mind that I would like it to do.
On the down side, I have only basic experience with excel and have never used macros or VBA.
Even if what I am after could be solved with functions (which I prefer), I simply do not quite know how to make what I want without assistance. Ok, now on to the description.

The mission tracker aside from showing a list of the missions we have done during our program, it needs to also generate metrics automatically. In my worksheet, I am using columns A-G and rows 1-501.

The mission scheduling type in Column E are listed below. The letters on the left are what I am using in the sheet, the part to the right is what it really means:

Column D has the day of the week listed as: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun.

now the metrics I need to be generated are the number of different types of each mission compared, how many of each type of mission was flown per day of the week, how many of each type of mission was flown per month.

Basically what I need is a way to automatically count the number of rows that meet a specific criteria throughout the range. This would require being able to check the value/text of multiple cells at a time and count the number of rows that meet that criteria.

[SOLVED] 1. The first part would be to have the worksheet be able to count the number of each type of the 9 mission scheduling codes throughout the range. I would be storing the count in new cells that would then be connected to pie charts.

[SOLVED] 2. The second part would be to count the number of each type of mission that was flown per day of the week. That would require searching both mission type and day of the week. All I would need is a working formula for 1 set, then I could switch mission codes and weekdays to match all the 63 possible outcomes.

3. Knowing the number of each type of mission flown per month. This would be checking the date and the mission type. The trickier part that comes up in my mind is that our programs span multiple calendar years, so it would have to track it by month and year, that way there is a difference between Jan 2009 and Jan 2010. The counted numbers would be used to make histograms. It would be nice if the chart titles could be automatic based on the dates inputed in the mission tracker. If I needed to choose a maximum time length for it to cover, I would pick 3 years.

4. I would like to figure out how to make an inputted line of data on the main tracker sheet to create a copy in the corresponding worksheets based on schedule type, that way a person could look at/print a specific type without having to sort the main list.

The actual goal is to make it where a person can enter the 1 line of data per mission (cells A-G) and the mission metrics update automatically after each mission is inputed allowing upper level supervision to have current information quickly whenever it is needed. Currently we need about a weeks lead time to get the information asked for on our current progress.

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Table Copying Formulas But Not Copying Value

Apr 27, 2014

i have created a table. when i m editing new row then formulas is copying bu value is not copying ?

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Copying Cell Contents From One Column To Multiple Rows

Mar 20, 2014

I'm sure there is an easier way than copying and pasting each individual cell from one spreadsheet to another. Is there a way I can define a batch of cells (city, state, phone #) and copy them into the other spreadsheet so I don't have to do each cell individually?

Here is a picture to show what exactly I am trying to do.


Also, the cells that belong in the same column and row on one spreadsheet are equal distance from each other throughout the other spreadsheet that has all the info in 1 column.

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Auto-fit Rows & Column For Printing

Sep 14, 2007

I've got a report that is filled out every day and submitted to the VIP's within the company.

They normally just open the file, press print and read the hard-copy.

Quite often the text of the column is larger than the cell size and the text is cut off.

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Copy Formulas Based On The Number Of Rows In Column

Jun 16, 2009

I have formulas in cells B8:F8. I need to copy these formulas down based on the number of rows in column A that has data. The data in column A will vary based on user input.

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Auto Numbering .. Number The Rows In Column B From Row 4

Jun 2, 2009

I have an excel spreadsheet in which I would like to number the rows in column B from row 4.

Code I wrote:

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Excel 2007 :: Macro - Copying Column In Which Number Of Rows Can Vary

Sep 23, 2013

I am using MS Excel 2007 and I am trying to create a macro which will copy column E and paste the data in column E to the bottom of column D. However each week the amount of rows in these column with vary, they will always be the same amount of rows in column E as in column D but there may be 20 rows one week and a 100 rows the next.

The formula I currently have is below but this will only work for a specified number of rows. How I could change this to work for any number of rows?

Sub IPT()
' IPT Macro

[Code] .....

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Auto Insert Rows From Another Column Based On Count

Jun 9, 2014

I would like to insert rows into column A from column D based on the count values and without affecting subsequent values in column B and C. For example. Count of a value in column A =1 and count of that same value in column D=5, THEN 5-1 (count of D - count of A) insert 4 rows in column A (shift cells down) without affecting data in column B AND C. Basically making the counts in column A and D equal.



The above example should look like this -



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Macro To Insert Auto Sum Function In Various Rows With A Column

Sep 4, 2009

I have to create a spreasheet monthly that has perhaps 60 transactions. The data is in columns A - G, with columns E and F having the costs figures. I need to sum the value in column E and also in Column F every few rows. The problem is that sometimes there are two rows per transaction and other times it could be 30 rows per transaction. Where I will be lucky is that there are two rows between transactions, and the sum goes in the first empty row.

Basically what I would need it to do, from a macro point of view is to go down column E, and every time it finds the first empty row, insert an auto sum. It would then need to ignore the next row, because it too, is empty.

Just Column E - I need an autosum in the "empty row 1's)

empty row 1
empty row 2
empty row 1
empty row 2

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Copying A Row And Pasting The Same Below It With Just Formulas

Feb 12, 2010

I have attached the file. The row being copied is row "X" for both buttons. I have 2 buttons in the same worksheet to copy a row and insert the copied row below it. I have this macro running for 2 different rows in the worksheet, assigned to the respective 2 buttons. See my code below.

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Copying Table Without Its Formulas?

Jul 7, 2014

I wanted to see if it is possible to copy a table from one sheet to another sheet, but only the values of the cells, without the formulas in it. As there has to be a different calculation in the new table, when the calculations are done, the numbers go all crazy in the Row that has a formula in it.

This is the code I have got so far:
Sub Copy_fromSheetinMA()
Dim CellValue As Range
Sheet2.Range("Table1").Copy Destination:=Sheet1.Range("Table2")
For Each CellValue In Range("D2:CW50")
CellValue.Value = (CellValue.Value) * (135)
Next CellValue
End Sub

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Copying Formulas From Above Or Below Row Into Inserted Row

Jul 15, 2008

When I insert a row in my table (below the headers, which are between rows 1 and 4), I want the formulas from the above row (or below row) to be copied down to my newly inserted row. I say "below row" as well in case I want to insert a new first row and want the formulas in the row underneath to be copied up.

e.g., formulas currently in the first row are:

Column A: =SUBTOTAL(3, $B$5:B5)
Column H: =IF((F5="N*"),(1),"")
Column I: =IF(((SUM(H$4:$H5))=(SUM(H3:$H$4))),"",(SUM(H$4:$H5)))
Column J: =I5

Any other values in the other columns should not be copied to the new row.

I also do not want my table to be scrambled if I should delete any particular row.

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Copying Formulas Across Tabs

Feb 3, 2009

How can I create a macro that will:

Copy a formula in multiple cells to the next cells in each tab that I designate in my workbook.

For example,

I need the EXACT formula in cell N13 to be copied to O13. And then paste special the "value only" back into N13.

I also need the EXACT formula in O19 and O20 to be copied to P19 and P20, respectively. And then paste special the "value only" back into O19 and O20.

Can I have this exact process done in several different tabs within my workbook?

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Copying Files With Links And Formulas?

Aug 5, 2014

I am working on a file that has multiple worksheets with many links, lookups and formulas; some between the worksheets and some external to another Excel file. The plan is to use this file as a template and copy it over and over with new names. Once I save the file as a new name in a new folder on my network, will I lose all these links, lookups and formulas? Or is there a way to maintain the links or do a global change of the formulas (i.e., the original file name is "TEMPLATE" and the new file name is "PROJECT!1")?

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Excel 2007 :: Not Copying Formulas

Mar 24, 2012

I am running Excel 2007.

I have set up a table and for ease of explanantion Column C has a formulas in it to add together the values found in Column A and B.

EG C3 foumula = "=sum(A3+B3)"

Now in cols d & e I have manually entered figures and in colum F I want to add up those figures so F3 should read "=sum(D3+E3)"

In the past I have always been able to just copy the cell C3 and paste it into F3 and the formula would automatically copy and offset the various cells to the correct cells for the new posiitoning.

However, for some reason when I copy the cell, it now pastes the value only into the pasted cell and does not copy the formula, if I click on paste special to try to just copy the formula I now get a pop up asking me if I want to paste as Unicode Text or Text.

I have no recollection of changing any settings.

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Copying Formulas - Mirror Copy

Mar 9, 2007

How do I copy a range of cells containing formulas to another range of cells without chaning any of the letter or numbers from the original. I want a mirror copy of whats in A3:B10 to got to D3:E10..

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Automate The Copying Of Formulas And Cell Formatting

Oct 31, 2009

is it possible, after inserting new sheet rows, to automate the copying of formulas and cell formatting into the newly created space, instead of manually copying the formulas and formatting down into each column?

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How To Create Patterns When Copying / Pasting Formulas

Jan 24, 2012

I was wondering if there was a way to create patterns when copying and pasting formulas?

For example, here is what I want to do right now:


In other words, have a pattern in the formula?

Or something like this, but filling out cells horizontally.




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Copying Formulas Linked To Multiple Sheets

Apr 9, 2014

I'm working in one workbook with 2 sheets.

sheet 1 have simple values, for example
cell A1:5
Cell A3: 10
Cell A5:15
Cell A7:20
Cell A9:25
Cell A11:30
Cell A13:35
Cell A15:40

In sheet 2 i have the following formulas:
Sheet 2 Cell A1: =Sheet1!A1+Sheet1!A3
Sheet 2 Cell A2: =Sheet1!A5+Sheet1!A7

I need to respect this sequence when copying these 2 formulas in the same sheet 2 cell A3, however when I do that I get the following formula: =Sheet1!A3+Sheet1!A5. While i need it to sum up A9 and A11. i.e respect the order of the first 2 formulas.

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Macro For Copying Formulas & Edit In New Cell

May 17, 2009

I need to be able to copy a formula from a row that is 180 rows before the current cell.

I then need to edit the formula so that the rows all start at 6. then i need to change the column references.

The formula that I am editing looks like this after it has been copied from before:

=IF('Entry Form Portrait'!$d870="m",IF('Entry Form Portrait'!$n870="a",'Entry Form Portrait'!$a870,""),"")

So I need d870 to be changed to d6, the n870 to be changed to o6 (current column +1), the a870 to be changed to a6.

Then this resultant formula to be copied to the next column and a6 changed to b6, then copied to next column again and b6 changed to f6.

Then all 3 columns to be copied (or autofilled) down 105 rows.

I tried to do it by recording the macro, however it only works for the first time that i use it, and then just keeps repeating in the same place. I need it to use the cell i have selected as the starting point.

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Copying Sumproduct Formulas Between Worksheets Causes Errors

Oct 19, 2007

I was kindly provided with a formula from this forum a few months ago (in the attached workbook) to calculate the area under the curve of strings of data of varying length (i.e. different number of rows) these strings of data are aligned with a timeline (providing the Y and X axis for the curve respectively). The formula is able to calculate the area under these curves without the need for adjustment to the number of rows of the dataset.

However I have now tried to copy this formula to a new datasheet with a different total number of rows and a timeline fixed (of different intervals) in column A (rather than moving for each string of data) and I am receiving a #N/A error. I am sure that I have copied the formula correctly. Can anyone help fix my formula so that it calculates area under the curve again? I would like it to calculate the area under the curve for the data in the same column but using the fixed timeline in column A.

The working formula is on the sheet ‘original formula layout’ and the formula containing the error is on the sheet ‘new formula layout’.

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Auto Copying Data

Jun 29, 2006

I've a workbook with several worksheets, namely "Jan06", "Feb06"......and
"Summary". This Summary worksheet consolidates all data from columns A, B & E
of all other worksheets in the same workbook(they are identical). Every time
when I filled in all records for that month, I've to copy the data from
columns A, B & E to the "Summary" worksheet for further analysis purpose. Is
there a macro which can copy those required data from any of the worksheets
automatically to the first blank row in the "Summary" worksheet?

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