Copying Formulas Linked To Multiple Sheets
Apr 9, 2014
I'm working in one workbook with 2 sheets.
sheet 1 have simple values, for example
cell A1:5
Cell A3: 10
Cell A5:15
Cell A7:20
Cell A9:25
Cell A11:30
Cell A13:35
Cell A15:40
In sheet 2 i have the following formulas:
Sheet 2 Cell A1: =Sheet1!A1+Sheet1!A3
Sheet 2 Cell A2: =Sheet1!A5+Sheet1!A7
I need to respect this sequence when copying these 2 formulas in the same sheet 2 cell A3, however when I do that I get the following formula: =Sheet1!A3+Sheet1!A5. While i need it to sum up A9 and A11. i.e respect the order of the first 2 formulas.
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Jul 9, 2013
I have applied conditional formatting to a cell using formulas and i want to copy that formatting to a new cell using similar formula but pointing to different cells. Is it possible to do so? I have tried to copy and paste special>formats, but that just copies the conditional formatting with the same formulas.
Sample: =IF($C$5/$C$295>$R$5,TRUE,FALSE)
I want to copy to $D$5/$D$295>$R$5,TRUE,FALSE) without having to paste the new formula in each time.
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Mar 6, 2007
Ive put some sheet code together that i need copied to 12 sheets (jan to December) in 24 workbooks (each workbook has trhe same sheet names). I dont want to alter the actual content of the Excel sheets, I just need to copy VB code from a template (in VB editor) to the 12 sheets in each of the workbooks. Is this possible to do with VB or do i need some other utility since Im using the VB editor....
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Nov 24, 2008
Basically, what I am trying to do is my workbook has 12 sheets, 1 for each month. In cell A7 on the first sheet (Jan) I would like to enter 01-01-2009 and then it add a month on each of the sheets. e.g. 01-02-2009 01-03-2009 and so forth. I know I can manually put in the first of the month on each of the sheets, just wondering if it can be automated.
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Dec 1, 2012
Im looking for a way to copy all rows with data in them from row 3 to the last row with data to another worksheet. I would like to copy the data from ALL worksheets in the workbook apart from one called Grade Boundaries.
All the sheets have the same layout. I simply want to produce a sheet with the data from all sheets in one place.
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Jan 8, 2007
I have a large workbook which has about 15 sheets. About half of these are template sheets which are copied multiple times within this workbook. The workbook is very large and can't be posted. I would like to hear from anyone who can give me any direction to look in given the following symptoms. The problem is that VBA code stops executing and gives a 1004 Error. *The problem is stable and reproduceable.
*It occurs exactly the same across three different computers with varying versions of Excel and memory.
*The problem is persistant beyond VBA. By that I mean if I stop the debugger and try to manually copy the active sheet, the screen flashes but the sheet is not copied. Therefore I think the 1004 error is a symptom rather than a cause
*From scratch, I get to copy 43 times before I get the error.
*If I then save the workbook and re-open (don't need to close Excel) I then get to copy another 27 sheets.................................
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Aug 5, 2006
There is a Microsoft VBA bug currently outstanding where if your VBA replicates a sheet too many times, it throws a run-time error. I read MS' statement that, to get around this problem, what one can do is to save and close the file, and re-open the file once in a while.
Doing this certainly helped, where it used to crash after copying only a few times and now it goes on until 40 ~ 50 times. But it still crashes. Has anybody been able to get around this problem? Currently I am having VBA save, close and re-open the file every 7 or 8 times or so...
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Apr 17, 2008
How do I write a vb macro that copies everything from multiple files, including sheets within files, and puts them into one master file. Here's what I have so far. I used a script from gnaga that worked great but it didn't copy seperate sheets. If you can help me out, I would greatly appreciate it.
Sub MergeSheets()
Dim SrcBook As Workbook
Dim fso As Object, f As Object, ff As Object, f1 As Object
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fso.Getfolder("C:Temp")
Set ff = f.Files
For Each f1 In ff..........
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Nov 3, 2009
I am trying to make a button that will re-initialize the workbook: clear (delete) all unlocked cell's values. I have the following
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Jun 4, 2009
I have a workbook containing about 20 sheets. I need to find a way of pasting all the numbers in the A column in each sheet (sheets 1-20) to the last sheet so I get a great big list of all the numbers in the 20 sheets. How would I go about doing this?
Right now I'm cutting and pasting from sheet 1 to my last sheet, then from sheet 2 to my last sheet, then from sheet 3 to my last sheet... Is there a quicker way? The ranges in each of the sheets start at A2 and go down a few cells. Sheet 4 might have 4 numbers in the A column, sheet 12 might have 47, sheet 17 might have 8 and so on.
How would I go about getting all the A columns in the sheets to the last sheet?
I'll throw up a few screenshots if the problem is unclear
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Sep 5, 2007
I have copied and then pasted & linked numerous cells from one sheet to another within the same workbook. When I copy the 2 sheets (Edit>Move or Copy Sheet>Create Copy) the linked cells on the duplicates remain linked to the original sheet. How can I copy the 2 sheets and have the cells on the copied sheet be linked to the copied sheets and not the original?
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Feb 6, 2012
I have an master excel file with 20 sheets with names x,y,z,a,b,c,f,.... Each and every sheet has data which start from Row 7 and Column 2. Now i need to consolidate this data in one sheet in another excel file.
Consolidation should be like
Suppose X sheet has 20 rows and 4 columns of data which starts from Row 7 and Column 2, this data has to be copied and pasted in my new excel file copied on my desktop. Now first 20 rows are occupied in new excel file.
Now code should move on to master excel file Sheet Y which has 45 rows and 4 columns of data which starts from Row 7 and Column 2,this data has to be copied and pasted in my new excel file from row 21, which means Master excel file sheets has to be clubbed to one consolidated excel file.
In All the sheets in Master file Data starts from Row 7 and column 2.
Data range varies row wise in each sheet but column length is fixed to 4.
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Feb 5, 2013
Copying data from multiple worksheets, but my problem is quite the reverse.
I have data for each month as a worksheet from 1970-2012. They are in a workbook with the recent years at first and the oldest years at the end/..
Like 2012Dec,2012Nov...............1970Feb,1970Jan
I would like to know how to write a macro to copy a range of data from Jan 1970 then add data from Feb 1970 and so on until Dec 2012.. The range remains the same throughout all the sheets.
I was able to do a rough code, but I am stuck doing the reverse part...
Sub ReverseList()
Dim Sht As Worksheet
For Each Sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If Sht.Name "MEGA" Then
[Code] ..........
Also is it possible to restrict the range selection in each sheet based on the month and year?? For Ex. Accounting for leap year and 30 day months...
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Aug 7, 2012
Read about the Dfunctions and SUMIFS/COUNTIFS not working between linked objects and think my error is the same.
SYMPTOMS: Formulas wont work unless linked workbooks are open. Once open they work and as soon as the sheet is altered after they are closed, they links break.
My formula =OFFSET(('Linked Workbook'!$A$1),0,VLOOKUP(Range,RangeData,2,0)-1) or go to workbook and bring back a certain amount of cells to the right of A$1$ based on a lookup formula in the Main open workbook.
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Jun 18, 2007
I have a list of football fixtures that I want to pace in date order. The fixtures are however linked to a grid which has the following formula =IF(FIXTURES!C1="","",FIXTURES!C1 )
so that a zero doesn't appear until a result is actually added. Unfortunately when you sort the fixtures into date order the grid still looks at the original square, NOT the moved one appertaining to the fixture.
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Apr 27, 2014
i have created a table. when i m editing new row then formulas is copying bu value is not copying ?
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Dec 15, 2008
I've found a few macros that will automate changing cell references from absolute to relative and they work great. However, when I run the macros on formulas that have references to another worksheet or workbook, the macro will not work correctly.
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Jun 12, 2014
I created 14 spreadsheets for each of my call center agents to monitor their metrics. I password protected all then placed the originals on the network. The 14 sheets have 1 cell within them that are linked up to their relevant agent cell in a separate spreadsheet. This spreadsheet is located on the network and automatically updates every hour.
I have monitored the the spreadsheets and updates etc for a while now and everything seemed to be working perfect. So I decided to slowly roll it out by placing a shortcut on 3 agents desktops. I quickly discovered that they were not seeing any updates as I had seen prior to the roll out. I go to the folder within the network and check all spreadsheets and I see all spreadsheets working and updating successfully.
So I thought maybe it was because they were password protected. I removed the protection and the 3 agents saw their spreadsheets update successfully on their computers, the next hour as I had hoped BUT the hour following however they did not see a further update again.
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Sep 13, 2009
I'm creating an excel sheet that is linked to several others. Basically my salesmen will enter their new prospects into their own sales sheets and that will transfer via a link to my main one. The problem I'm having is mainly with my sort.
When the information is transferred, I need the sheet to auto sort the Company names alphabetically and move any blank cells to the bottom.
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Sep 7, 2009
I'm using links to pull our sales prospects from our salesmen's individual sheets into one master sheet for reference. Once the prospect information arrives in the sheet, I need it to sort alphabetically by customer name so that we can see which customers have been visited and don't visit the same customer twice.
So far in VB, I've been working on this
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Range("A5:L" & Cells(Rows.Count, "L").End(x1Down).Row).Sort Key1:=Range("B6"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:= _
xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
End Sub
But it's not sorting the way that I need to. All I really need is for the sheet to sort automatically by Company Name and for all of the 0's to go to the bottom. They are 'blank' data that will eventually be imported from the salesmen's individual sheets as they encounter new customers.
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Feb 22, 2013
I have merged 336 individual spreadsheets into one book, now I want to merge the data in all the sheets into 1 individual sheet. All the sheets have the same size and range, I need to copy a constant range(row,column) from all the different sheets into one.
What VBA functions to use???
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May 25, 2014
i wanna copy C and D columns in Sheet1 and insert these 2 columns (copy + insert copy cells function, not copy + paste) to all other sheets except Infopage sheet
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Feb 12, 2010
I have attached the file. The row being copied is row "X" for both buttons. I have 2 buttons in the same worksheet to copy a row and insert the copied row below it. I have this macro running for 2 different rows in the worksheet, assigned to the respective 2 buttons. See my code below.
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Jul 7, 2014
I wanted to see if it is possible to copy a table from one sheet to another sheet, but only the values of the cells, without the formulas in it. As there has to be a different calculation in the new table, when the calculations are done, the numbers go all crazy in the Row that has a formula in it.
This is the code I have got so far:
Sub Copy_fromSheetinMA()
Dim CellValue As Range
Sheet2.Range("Table1").Copy Destination:=Sheet1.Range("Table2")
For Each CellValue In Range("D2:CW50")
CellValue.Value = (CellValue.Value) * (135)
Next CellValue
End Sub
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Jul 15, 2008
When I insert a row in my table (below the headers, which are between rows 1 and 4), I want the formulas from the above row (or below row) to be copied down to my newly inserted row. I say "below row" as well in case I want to insert a new first row and want the formulas in the row underneath to be copied up.
e.g., formulas currently in the first row are:
Column A: =SUBTOTAL(3, $B$5:B5)
Column H: =IF((F5="N*"),(1),"")
Column I: =IF(((SUM(H$4:$H5))=(SUM(H3:$H$4))),"",(SUM(H$4:$H5)))
Column J: =I5
Any other values in the other columns should not be copied to the new row.
I also do not want my table to be scrambled if I should delete any particular row.
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Feb 3, 2009
How can I create a macro that will:
Copy a formula in multiple cells to the next cells in each tab that I designate in my workbook.
For example,
I need the EXACT formula in cell N13 to be copied to O13. And then paste special the "value only" back into N13.
I also need the EXACT formula in O19 and O20 to be copied to P19 and P20, respectively. And then paste special the "value only" back into O19 and O20.
Can I have this exact process done in several different tabs within my workbook?
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Aug 5, 2014
I am working on a file that has multiple worksheets with many links, lookups and formulas; some between the worksheets and some external to another Excel file. The plan is to use this file as a template and copy it over and over with new names. Once I save the file as a new name in a new folder on my network, will I lose all these links, lookups and formulas? Or is there a way to maintain the links or do a global change of the formulas (i.e., the original file name is "TEMPLATE" and the new file name is "PROJECT!1")?
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Mar 24, 2012
I am running Excel 2007.
I have set up a table and for ease of explanantion Column C has a formulas in it to add together the values found in Column A and B.
EG C3 foumula = "=sum(A3+B3)"
Now in cols d & e I have manually entered figures and in colum F I want to add up those figures so F3 should read "=sum(D3+E3)"
In the past I have always been able to just copy the cell C3 and paste it into F3 and the formula would automatically copy and offset the various cells to the correct cells for the new posiitoning.
However, for some reason when I copy the cell, it now pastes the value only into the pasted cell and does not copy the formula, if I click on paste special to try to just copy the formula I now get a pop up asking me if I want to paste as Unicode Text or Text.
I have no recollection of changing any settings.
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Jun 18, 2008
I have a spread sheet that I have locked with the expection of certain cells. I also have left the ability to insert and delete rows. The cells that are locked have functions in them run in sequance.
Is there a way that when the new row is inserted its copies the formula from the row above automatically but also adjust for the new row and adjusts the rows below it automatically?
For example if I insert a new row between rows 2 and 3 below.
(orginal layout)
a1 (unlocked) b1 (locked)(function is =sum(a1:b1)
a2 (unlocked) b2 (locked)(function is =sum(a2:b2)
a3 (unlocked) b3 (locked)(function is =sum(a3:b3)
a4 (unlocked) b4 (locked)(function is =sum(a4:b4)
(layout after inserting row)
a1 (unlocked) b1 (locked)(function is =sum(a1:b1)
a2 (unlocked) b2 (locked)(function is =sum(a2:b2)
a3 (unlocked) b3 (unlocked) *inserted row*
a4 (unlocked) b4 (locked)(function is =sum(a4:b4)
a5 (unlocked) b5 (locked)(function is =sum(a5:b5)
this is what i want the end product to be.
(layout if formulas are copied and adjusted after inserting row)
a1 (unlocked) b1 (locked)(function is =sum(a1:b1)
a2 (unlocked) b2 (locked)(function is =sum(a2:b2)
a3 (unlocked) b3 (locked)(function is =sum(a3:b3) *inserted row*
a4 (unlocked) b4 (locked)(function is =sum(a4:b4)
a5 (unlocked) b5 (locked)(function is =sum(a5:b5)
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Mar 9, 2007
How do I copy a range of cells containing formulas to another range of cells without chaning any of the letter or numbers from the original. I want a mirror copy of whats in A3:B10 to got to D3:E10..
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