Auto Copying Entered Preferences From A Master Sheet To Multiple Worksheets
Jun 26, 2009
I have a master page with A1 containing the names of staff members and then 5 columns indicating preference1 .... preference5. Each preference column will have one 4 digit site code i.e. 8156 entered. I will have 64 worksheets matching all potential 4 digit site codes that could be entered in the preferences columns.
SAMPLE - one staff member entering 5 site codes (A1 to A6)
Billy Bloggs - 8124 - 8456 - 8456 - 8123 - 8882
What I am looking for is a way to autocopy the persons name to the appropriate worksheet and into the correct preference column as I enter the 4 digit code against the staff members name on the master sheet.
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Jun 22, 2009
I have a workbook with multiple worksheets. Each worksheet is a set o data from a certain year. I want to create a macro that automatically copies the data from these worksheets into a master worksheet that can easily be used to make a pivot table.
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Feb 5, 2013
Copying data from multiple worksheets, but my problem is quite the reverse.
I have data for each month as a worksheet from 1970-2012. They are in a workbook with the recent years at first and the oldest years at the end/..
Like 2012Dec,2012Nov...............1970Feb,1970Jan
I would like to know how to write a macro to copy a range of data from Jan 1970 then add data from Feb 1970 and so on until Dec 2012.. The range remains the same throughout all the sheets.
I was able to do a rough code, but I am stuck doing the reverse part...
Sub ReverseList()
Dim Sht As Worksheet
For Each Sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If Sht.Name "MEGA" Then
[Code] ..........
Also is it possible to restrict the range selection in each sheet based on the month and year?? For Ex. Accounting for leap year and 30 day months...
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Jul 22, 2008
l need to consolidate up to 3 columns of data from a varied number of worksheets within the same workbook. The sheets are (format/layout) structured in the same way. The columns need to get added next to each other in the consolidation sheet.
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May 15, 2006
I have an identical worksheet for all the days of the month - i.e. the May workbook has 30 identical worksheets. I am wanting to pull only certain rows from each worksheet onto a master. Something like - copy row from all worksheets where that rows cell "D" has any value other than " ".
I have used the following macro to pull all the data from every sheet onto a master - but i don't want all the data - just the qualifying data.
Sub Combine()
Dim J As Integer
On Error Resume Next
Worksheets.Add ' add a sheet in first place
Sheets(1).Name = "ALL"
I am not sure what the range "A1" is - i am thinking i can modify it to only grab certain rows.
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Aug 4, 2012
how I can keep a running total of information added to a different worksheetS. They would not always be the same peson ID so I would like to return a match on any unique ID number found on multiple worksheets and add their values on a master front sheet. i.e this becomes a running total of items purchased per ID number.
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Jul 11, 2014
Attached is a master metrics deck, where data needs to be refreshed every week, from two different workbooks.
The catch is, the two parent workbooks would be new versions every week (data would be same format, and style within), but file name would change each week, for eg: for 1st workbook, 'XXX_Weekly_Week24.xlsx' to 'XXX_Weekly_Week25.xlsx' and so on.
for 2nd workbook, 'YYY_Weekly_Week24.xlsx' to 'YYY_Weekly_Week25.xlsx' and so on.
In the master metrics deck, a consolidated vew of some of data from workbook 1 and workbook 2 is presented for each week.
This master file would remain same, and only be refreshed each week (preferably with a button on its sheet "REFRESH!!")
Next, need to manually change cells C2:G2 each week to reflect week titles correctly.
For e.g.: week6 would show week 1 through week 5, but during week7, it needs to show week 2 to week 6. Only last five weeks of data any given time.
The first datarows of each set are conditionally formatted (they are compared with other rows in the set and need to reflect danger values, good values etc) (I have done that already).
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Jan 16, 2007
I'm writing code which will copy multiple sheets of information in a workbook (from a report) and trying to paste it onto one sheet in another document where I can further manipulate the data. Here's my code, I've made some mistakes, and I've just been banging my head against the screen try to fix it. I'm erroring at ActiveCell. Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select. I'm trying to paste it all in one sheet at the next blank cell in the sheet and then close the document after it's all been pasted.
Sub OpenDataSheet()
'Opens CSS Report
Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:Documents and SettingseichornjDesktopTest and Destroy est and destroy CSS.xls"
'Delete first two sheets of CSS report
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Worksheets( Array(1, 2)).Delete
Dim mySheet As Worksheet
For Each mySheet In Worksheets
'Delete unneeded rows of CSS report
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Oct 6, 2009
I have a workbook that tracks pollutant emissions. The workbook could end up having up to 180 worksheets, one for each pollutant and the emission total. I have VBA to create a new sheet for each pollutant (attached) using a hidden template sheet.
The summary sheet in position 1 needs to list each pollutant worksheet on a new row, and the same 4 cells from each worksheet (id, name, value, value). I have been typing out the cell references in the summary sheet, and it gets boring [=Sheet!Cell id], [=Sheet!Cell name], etc.
Is there a way for me to copy those cells to the summary sheet when the new sheet is created?
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Mar 14, 2014
I have to input information into a master worksheet which contains data (employee names, location, start date and client) that then needs to be repeated in several other sheets. I want to input the data into a master worksheet and then automatically populate the other sheets with the data. If the data could then be filterable on each sheet that would be good.
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Dec 19, 2012
consolidating data from 3 worksheets which contain same data fields but each representing 1 brand. I like to have a summary/mastersheet to contain data from all 3 worksheets and then when the data in each worksheet is added or updated, the summary worksheet should reflect the changes (adding new data to the last row).
Project Submissions.xlsx
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Jul 28, 2008
I have a single workbook with 4 worksheets in it. This is a dimensional report sheet. We measure stuff and report our findings.
The first worksheet is the master sheet. The next three sheets are filled in by three different inspectors.
I've got a formula in all the appropriate cells in the master sheet that brings in values from the other 3 sheets. It uses an IF formula. If there is no value reported on any of the 3 inspection sheets, the master sheet displays the text "MISSING".
So, the Master Sheet is the compilation or summary sheet, if you will.
Is there a way to have the master sheet bring in not only the values, but also the comments of cells from the other 3 sheets? There will be no cell that has comments on more than one inspector sheet.
Right now, I'm using Copy -> Paste Special -> Comments. I'm looking to automate this, so that as soon as an inspector fills in a value and adds a comment, both items get put into the master sheet automatically.
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Mar 1, 2014
In this attached example, this is a portion of a actual work procedure. The yellow highlighted cells are the same work element within the master procedure but one is for one type of machine while the other is for same model but added options. This is a pattern throughout the entire worksheet. Basically 1 model with several different types of options. I don't want to have unnecessary elements in a work procedure.
So what I am trying to accomplish, I want to create a userform or dashboard which will allow selection of model #, model type #, then based off those selections have excel populate a worksheet with all correct procedures based off model type choice.
In this example there is 6 model variations, all share same basic procedure, but all have their own work procedure based on options, so my above approach will allow me to make changes to the master procedure only instead of changing 6 procedures.
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Apr 17, 2008
How do I write a vb macro that copies everything from multiple files, including sheets within files, and puts them into one master file. Here's what I have so far. I used a script from gnaga that worked great but it didn't copy seperate sheets. If you can help me out, I would greatly appreciate it.
Sub MergeSheets()
Dim SrcBook As Workbook
Dim fso As Object, f As Object, ff As Object, f1 As Object
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fso.Getfolder("C:Temp")
Set ff = f.Files
For Each f1 In ff..........
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Jul 12, 2014
I need a macro that would consolidate all data in multiple worksheets of multiple workbooks in one Master file.
All the workbooks will be in one particular folder. The macro should search for data in all the workbooks and consolidate it in one master excel workbook.
I am currently using both excel 2007 and excel 2010. This macro would really reduce manual work as currently consolidating data from 45 to 50 sheets takes an ample amount of time...
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Sep 17, 2008
I have a file with 10 tabs (worksheets) and i would like all the information on each sheet (it's all in exactly he same format, same headings, etc) to automatically feed itself onto a "MASTER" tab. sure i could cut and paste it, but here's the tricky part. as the separate tabs are changed (deletions, additions, edits), i want the MASTER sheet to automatically update with newest information. am i asking for too much from Excel? (I think not, as I've become a firm believer that Excel can do anything - except the laundry!)...
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Jan 2, 2007
The title says it all - every month i have 60 or so workbooks i would like to add to a master worksheet for that month - each tab name being the name of the worksheet. I also have 60 or so mht copies of the same workbooks i would like to add to a different workbook.
The workbooks are titled K11_120106, K11_120206, K11_120306 ....
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Jan 17, 2013
I have a workbook with so many sheets as the working days of a month. I also have a Master sheet.
The sheets are named as the dates. Example: 020113 , 020113, 030113......etc
In the Master sheet, first column has ALL working dates of the month(i don't care about Holidays).
First row of this sheet are headers.
My goal is from the sheet of the certain date of the month automatic copied certain cells values(same in eatch sheet) to certain cells in Master Sheet.
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Jun 7, 2014
I am trying to auto populate one spreadsheet from a master sheet
What I am trying to do: I have a master sheet where information on 25 countries is entered. Sheet has multiple columns for data entry I have 25 additional identical spreadsheets that correspond to one of the 25 countries so can drill down to country specifics
From the master - is it possible to select a country from a drop down menu so when I start entering data on the master it auto populates the corresponding sheet by the country selected.
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May 14, 2012
I have 2 nearly identical workbooks and I need to update historical data from the old workbook into the newer one.
My current Coding Snippets that I want to use look like the following:
Sub UpdateWorkbook()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim r1 As String
Dim r2 As String
Dim r3 As String
Dim r4 As String
Dim r5 As String
Dim r6 As String
Now, this code isn't working I suspect because the Copy and PasteSpecial Functions don't work the way I wish to.
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Sep 11, 2013
I have a lot of files with data that i need to copy into a master file.
I could open each file copy the data i need and paste it into the file. But I know there must be a way to do a loop macro.
All the files are labled "Sauce Data "Date"". all the data is in the same place in each file. I can easy have a list of all these file names in a tab in a main file "Main Data".
I what to be able to open each file copy from tab "Sauce info" A1:B65, and paste into "Main Data", tab "main" and then create a long list of data.
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Oct 21, 2007
I want the font color I have chosen for a cell in a worksheet to change the font color of a cell in a different worksheet inside the same workbook. Can someone help this newbie out?
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Jul 24, 2009
I've been looking through code online, but i'm still not understanding how I can combine data from multiple worksheets into one master worksheet.
I have 16 worksheets, with identical column formatting (6 columns), but with different amounts of rows.
The master sheet is called Master Holdings. The first worksheet's data should be placed stating on row 2, and the second sheet's data should follow right after sheet 1's data, etc...
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Mar 5, 2010
I am trying to consolidate multiple worksheets in one workbook into one master worksheet in the same workbook. Problem is though that the headings in the multiple worksheets are not excatly the same. Ie. some may have one or two additional headings (other than that they should be the same).
How can this be done or is this a manual process of headings alignment before any consolidation can be done?
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May 24, 2013
This code does creates a Master Sheet for all the worksheets in the workbook.
Sub CreateMaster()
Dim wrk As Workbook 'Workbook object - Always good to work with object variables
Dim sht As Worksheet 'Object for handling worksheets in loop
I will run this code monthly thru a button to be created on the 1st worksheet.
VBA for the Master worksheet to be created in another workbook? So One code for the Master to be created on the active workbook and another to a different workbook.
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Jan 29, 2008
I am trying to consolidate a specific range on 8 similar worksheets into a master list through the use of a macro, and the workbook has a total of 26 worksheets. Details:
The worksheets to be consolidated are named: AR, CM, JR, Trader1, Trader2, Trader3, Trader4, and Trader5. The range to be consolidated are: A6:F26, of each of the above worksheets. Currently, A6:D21 are linked through an array from the worksheet "Index". This is because there are often changes to the names listed under "Trader/Backup Trader", or there may be additions/deletions of a row.
Right now, I have set up a sheet called "Traders List", using arrays to link the data on the 8 different sheets. The only problem is, if there were a change in the "Index" worksheet, I would have to manually drag out each array, for these 8 different worksheets in the "Traders List" sheet. Is there a way a macro can be written such that it is automatically linked to each range (A6:F26) on those 8 worksheets? Is it possible to only show rows that are non-zero?
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Jun 10, 2008
Each salesman has an enquiry log / hot prospect sheet that they are responsible for.
At present at the end of the month our receptionist has to consolidate this information manually onto a master sheet.
I would like to create an automatic master sheet that auto updates each time it is opened.
It has to read data from about 13 work books each with varting amounts of date. All works books are formatted identically (or they will be)
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Feb 26, 2014
adapt the code write by TURBO at [URL]....
I'm trying to add more sheets to consolidate the data from different worksheets
What I want it to do is to consolidate each worksheet in every excel file into one workbook that will have the same worksheet structures as the child files
If every excel file has {Sheet1,Sheet2,Sheet3} structure The Master Consolidated workbook should have the same structure but with all the date copied from the child excel files.
Attache it's also an example
Test xls
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Feb 8, 2013
I have a work book with prob close to a thousand individual work sheets in it. I have a goup of cells that are the same in ever work sheet that I would like to pull and place into a master work sheet. I dont want to copy and paste each one, I'd be a hundred before I finished and I dont have that kind of time. Im thinking a macro might be what I need but Im not very good with useing them let alone making one to fit me needs.
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Feb 8, 2009
I have a master workbook with 20 worksheets. 5 worksheets in the worksbook are distributed to field reps, but the remaining 15 worksheets are not. What is the best practice for receiving the 5-worksheet workbook from the field rep and importing the data into the 20-worksheet master workbook? If I merely use Copy Sheet I am able to copy the worksheets into the master workbook but then I have to remove the pathname references in each of the copied worksheets in order to map the data in the master workbook - which is quite cumbersome.
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