Consolidate Multiple Worksheets Into A Master Sheet Same Workbook

Jul 22, 2008

l need to consolidate up to 3 columns of data from a varied number of worksheets within the same workbook. The sheets are (format/layout) structured in the same way. The columns need to get added next to each other in the consolidation sheet.

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Consolidate All Worksheets Into Master Workbook

Feb 7, 2009

I think this needs a For Each loop, but I am stuck on how to get it accompished. In the folder I will have about 26 workbooks with all different titles, but the beggining is always the same for the workbook and the worksheet (Bldg). There will be only one ws per wb and the wb I am using to collect all of the worksheets is Final.xls. The code attached works fine, but the only way right now I know how to capture the next wb/ws is with a call.

Sub CopyAllWrksht() ....

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Consolidate Ranges From Several Worksheets Into A Master Sheet

Jan 29, 2008

I am trying to consolidate a specific range on 8 similar worksheets into a master list through the use of a macro, and the workbook has a total of 26 worksheets. Details:

The worksheets to be consolidated are named: AR, CM, JR, Trader1, Trader2, Trader3, Trader4, and Trader5. The range to be consolidated are: A6:F26, of each of the above worksheets. Currently, A6:D21 are linked through an array from the worksheet "Index". This is because there are often changes to the names listed under "Trader/Backup Trader", or there may be additions/deletions of a row.

Right now, I have set up a sheet called "Traders List", using arrays to link the data on the 8 different sheets. The only problem is, if there were a change in the "Index" worksheet, I would have to manually drag out each array, for these 8 different worksheets in the "Traders List" sheet. Is there a way a macro can be written such that it is automatically linked to each range (A6:F26) on those 8 worksheets? Is it possible to only show rows that are non-zero?

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Consolidate All Data In Multiple Worksheets Of Multiple Workbooks In One Master File?

Jul 12, 2014

I need a macro that would consolidate all data in multiple worksheets of multiple workbooks in one Master file.

All the workbooks will be in one particular folder. The macro should search for data in all the workbooks and consolidate it in one master excel workbook.

I am currently using both excel 2007 and excel 2010. This macro would really reduce manual work as currently consolidating data from 45 to 50 sheets takes an ample amount of time...

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Consolidate Multiple Workbooks Into The Master Workbook?

Jun 12, 2013

how to consolidate multiple workbooks into the master workbook? I need to consolidate 12 workbooks into the master workbook every month. The subsidiaries will report me their figures monthly. Hereby attached one of the subsi, "B Co" reporting package, and the master copy "XYZ Holding Co" how it look like. Hence, may I know how to write a macro so that it will auto update monthly when the subsidiaries return me their reporting package, so that I can auto update in my master copy for tab BS and tab PL.

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Consolidate Several Worksheets To Master With Auto Update When New Data Added?

Dec 19, 2012

consolidating data from 3 worksheets which contain same data fields but each representing 1 brand. I like to have a summary/mastersheet to contain data from all 3 worksheets and then when the data in each worksheet is added or updated, the summary worksheet should reflect the changes (adding new data to the last row).

Project Submissions.xlsx

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Populate Data From Multiple Worksheets Into A Master Workbook

Feb 8, 2009

I have a master workbook with 20 worksheets. 5 worksheets in the worksbook are distributed to field reps, but the remaining 15 worksheets are not. What is the best practice for receiving the 5-worksheet workbook from the field rep and importing the data into the 20-worksheet master workbook? If I merely use Copy Sheet I am able to copy the worksheets into the master workbook but then I have to remove the pathname references in each of the copied worksheets in order to map the data in the master workbook - which is quite cumbersome.

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Pulling Data From Multiple Worksheets Onto Master Sheet

May 15, 2006

I have an identical worksheet for all the days of the month - i.e. the May workbook has 30 identical worksheets. I am wanting to pull only certain rows from each worksheet onto a master. Something like - copy row from all worksheets where that rows cell "D" has any value other than " ".

I have used the following macro to pull all the data from every sheet onto a master - but i don't want all the data - just the qualifying data.

Sub Combine()
Dim J As Integer

On Error Resume Next
Worksheets.Add ' add a sheet in first place
Sheets(1).Name = "ALL"

I am not sure what the range "A1" is - i am thinking i can modify it to only grab certain rows.

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Consolidate All Of The Tabs In The Master Sheet

May 19, 2009

I have a file that will have a maximum of about 25 tabs in it. They are all the same format - Column A have account codes, Column B have the account name and Column C through to Column AD have figures. Column B has a drop down menu, so not all tabs will have the same account code on the same row.

I thought that I would create another spreadsheet in the file and call it a master sheet with the same formats as all the other tabs but this master file will have all of the account codes available and will not have a drop down menu in column B. What I wanted to do was consolidate all of the 25 tabs in the master sheet.

Example Worksheets
Acc Code Desc Amount

Acc Code Desc Amount

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Copy Common Cells And Variable Range From Multiple Worksheets To Single Master Workbook

Apr 2, 2014

Basically, i have a common workbook template that is used by multiple users across the business to request a cost for numerous new products.

Within the template, there is a common section at the top, where specific project information is entered. There is also a table beneath where 1 or many products can be entered, with specific information relating to that product in the same row.

All the submitted requests are uploaded via an email attachment, to a particular sharepoint directory.

What i would like to do in the master workbook is the following:-

1. Open in turn every uploaded workbook within the sharepoint directory and copy the following cells into the master workbook, each in it's own row (or next available), with the data in adjacent cells.... 1st cell to enter data is $B6.

Cells to copy from each sheet:

Common info contained within cells:

Product specific info: $U37, $AD37, $AH37, $DH37, $C37, $O37

Depending on the number of products requested, we need to repeat (loop?) until it finds the next blank row in the table. I have hidden a blank row in the table, so there will always be one!

All of the common information needs to be included for each product specific entry.

For each file, once the upload has been completed, i would like the file to be moved to another "archive" directory.

I have attached the template for information. The master workbook is still in development so can't share currently.

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Returning Match And Adding Values On Multiple Worksheets To A Master Sheet?

Aug 4, 2012

how I can keep a running total of information added to a different worksheetS. They would not always be the same peson ID so I would like to return a match on any unique ID number found on multiple worksheets and add their values on a master front sheet. i.e this becomes a running total of items purchased per ID number.

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Auto Copying Entered Preferences From A Master Sheet To Multiple Worksheets

Jun 26, 2009

I have a master page with A1 containing the names of staff members and then 5 columns indicating preference1 .... preference5. Each preference column will have one 4 digit site code i.e. 8156 entered. I will have 64 worksheets matching all potential 4 digit site codes that could be entered in the preferences columns.

SAMPLE - one staff member entering 5 site codes (A1 to A6)

Billy Bloggs - 8124 - 8456 - 8456 - 8123 - 8882

What I am looking for is a way to autocopy the persons name to the appropriate worksheet and into the correct preference column as I enter the 4 digit code against the staff members name on the master sheet.

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Macro To Pull Data From Dynamic Named Multiple Worksheets Weekly Into A Master Sheet

Jul 11, 2014

Attached is a master metrics deck, where data needs to be refreshed every week, from two different workbooks.

The catch is, the two parent workbooks would be new versions every week (data would be same format, and style within), but file name would change each week, for eg: for 1st workbook, 'XXX_Weekly_Week24.xlsx' to 'XXX_Weekly_Week25.xlsx' and so on.

for 2nd workbook, 'YYY_Weekly_Week24.xlsx' to 'YYY_Weekly_Week25.xlsx' and so on.

In the master metrics deck, a consolidated vew of some of data from workbook 1 and workbook 2 is presented for each week.

This master file would remain same, and only be refreshed each week (preferably with a button on its sheet "REFRESH!!")

Next, need to manually change cells C2:G2 each week to reflect week titles correctly.

For e.g.: week6 would show week 1 through week 5, but during week7, it needs to show week 2 to week 6. Only last five weeks of data any given time.

The first datarows of each set are conditionally formatted (they are compared with other rows in the set and need to reflect danger values, good values etc) (I have done that already).

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Consolidate Multiple Worksheets Into One

Mar 29, 2009

I have attempted to code a "capture" worksheet that will consolidate other worksheets into an importable template. The problem i'm having is when I run my code I beleive it is referenceing the capture page, instead of the other worksheets. I know there are a few ways to accomplish this, one being to reference the other pages through name or location. This will not work as the other sheet names and locations will change, the only constant is the page where all will be consolidated "change capture".

I beleive it is misreferencing as it points to a being 256, and b being 0... both should have different values.

I would like the capture page to consolidate downwards (begin the second paste after the last line of the previous paste).

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Consolidate Multiple Worksheets Into One

May 19, 2013

I need some VBA to consolidate multiple worksheets into one (a 'master' worksheet). I do not have the data to hand. But I have been told every tab has identical columns but with varying number of rows. Also, please note that the data we are interested in starts a cell A15 on each tab.

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Consolidate Multiple Worksheets

Aug 6, 2007

I have several sheets in a workbook.. i need a macro that can consolidate/copy (an exact copy, word for word, number for number) all the data in these worksheets in one master sheet. however some of the sheets are still incomplete, thus i need the excel to update the master sheet whenever there are new data inserted (to any of the worksheet).

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Using Powerpivot To Consolidate Multiple Worksheets

Nov 27, 2012

I am trying to create one giant pivot table from 3 different tables. I have been playing around with power pivot but can't create any relationships since my data is duplicated or something. I have three tables, each of which have a few columns that are the same- date, account, description and amount. The three tables are comprised of 3 bank statements from Mar-Oct. What I want to do is basically pivot the three tables so that I can list account by date for all of the entries in the 3 tables, however each of my tables may have duplicate dates such as:

Table 1
DateDate DetailCB AccountTranslationTransaction
2012.042012.04.02IN TRANSITFunds to be released(211.41)
2012.042012.04.02NETAutomatic investment(7,164.27)
2012.042012.04.0212030Client Payment211.41
2012.042012.04.0212030credit card receivable (Cielo)1,684.00
2012.042012.04.0212030credit card receivable (Cielo)1,862.26
2012.042012.04.02N/Aavailable balance0.00

Table 2
DateDate DetailCB AccountTranslation Transaction
2012.042012.04.0312030RECEIVED FROM SUPPLIER 78.84
2012.042012.04.03NETTRANSFER FROM INVESTMENTS 250.00
2012.042012.04.0412030RECEIVED FROM SUPPLIER 17.68
2012.042012.04.0512030RECEIVED FROM SUPPLIER 337.90

Is there a way for me to connect these two tables so that I can pivot by 2012.04 and show the sums of transactions by CB Account?

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Consolidate Data From Multiple Worksheets

Jan 7, 2009

I have a workbook with 7 different worksheets (site_worksheets) containing data about various sites. I need to copy all this data into a single worksheet (worksheet_a). I want worksheet_a to update itself when another row of data is added to any of the site_worksheets.

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How To Consolidate Data From Multiple Worksheets

Nov 10, 2009

I have a worksheet that was created by converting a pdf file of 40 pages or so. The conversion process created 40 separate worksheets in one workbook. I would like to consolidate all the data on to 1 large worksheet.

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Consolidate Ranges From Multiple Worksheets

Jan 4, 2008

What I am attempting to do is take data from two columns on multiple sheets within the same workbook file and consolidate them using a macro. (End result would be a sum of the numbers associated with the adjacent name calculated using all the sheets data--as some names would appear on other sheets as well).

The first column is a list of names and the second is a list of numbers. I have titled the columns the same on each sheet and placed them in the same location. However, the number of rows of data each sheet contains will vary per sheet. (For example: one sheet might have 10 rows of names while the next might have 15 or so). Also, each time this file is to be used, there might be a differing number of sheets, as users add or remove a sheet.

Is it possible to create a macro that can scan the all the varying sheets's data and output a consolidation?

I have been able to create both a pivot table and use the consolidation feature by selecting the date ranges manually, but I am lost on how to automate this for other users that have very little excel knowledge.

I've uploaded an example file in case my explanation isn't clear.

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Merge/Consolidate Multiple Worksheets

Apr 28, 2008

I am writing a database for a construction site to monitor all the goods that come in and what apartment Blocks they end up in.

I have three worksheets from different areas of the site. They are simply lists of items coming in and are getting longer everyday. They are all in the same format and have the same column headings. Two of which are date and Location. The location will be Block A to Block G. I want to merge the 3 worksheets into 1 and be organised by date order so that I can then duplicate that worksheet for each Block and filter using the Location Column. The 3worksheets have data manually inputted each day and I would like the merged worksheets to update automatically.

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3-D Formula Syntax: Consolidate Certains Cells In 30 Identical Worksheets In A Workbook

Jun 7, 2006

I want to consolidate certains cells in 30 identical worksheets in a workbook. I understood that if I use the 3-D formula method, that I could insert new identical worksheets into the range of worksheets and the consolidated totals would update. Is that correct?

I cannot seem to get the syntax to work. When I read the Excel Help file it gives an example of =sum(sheet2:sheet7!B3) but I don't understand how Excel could answer this ( if the worksheets were named Sheet2,sheet3,sheet4 etc up to sheet7)
In my example, the formula is clearly wrong. Why does it not use the single quotation marks '? I cannot find references to the proper syntax anywhere. I have your training program but this does not spell it out for me either. If I use Data>Consolidate then I have to labouriously do this for each cell that I want to consolidate.

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Dynamically Consolidate Multiple Worksheets Into One Worksheet?

Mar 6, 2014

I have about 50 tabs one for each city and i need to update information everyday for each of those cities. I now what the macro to update all the new entries in each of the worksheets into a consolidated Summary sheet. This is dynamic so if 10 rows are filled in the summary tab and if i update the rows in the individual city worksheets the summary tab should paste values from the 11th row and so on

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Consolidate Multiple Columns In Multiple Worksheets

Aug 10, 2007

I am trying to consolidate information from multiple (atleast two or more) worksheets (in the same workbook) into a single sheet.

The worksheets have identical column headings. There are 4 columns in each worksheet. The first three columns are text strings (and some cell in these columns may be blank). The fourth column is an integer. The number of rows in each worksheet is most likely to vary. Within a worksheet the rows are unique. However, some rows may be duplicated across worksheets.

To reiterate, here's what I am trying to do.

Step 1. Create a summary sheet.

Step 2. When there is a unique row (identified by the first three cells in that row) across worksheets then I have that row as is in my summary sheet.

Step 3. When there are duplicate rows (identified by the first three cells in that row) across worksheets, I want to add up the cell in the fourth column associated with those row in my summary sheet

I have tried union (works only within a sheet), consolidate (works only with a single column). I don't need the sophistication of a pivot table but simply an aggregation of data

I am trying to do this using macros (within an add-in)

I have enclosed a sample workbook with the expected output. I created this workbook by hand in an attempt to clarify my problem statement.

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Consolidate Multiple Worksheets Into One - Copy Rows Even When Autofilter Is In Use

Aug 19, 2014

I have a workbook that has several sheets in it with various rows of data on each sheet. I would like to have a macro to loop through all the sheets in the workbook and copy and paste the rows into a new summary sheet. The rows to be copied should only have data in Column A, in other words if Column A of a row is blank I want it skipped. Also Row 1 of every sheet contains my headers, and I am only using columns A through M. It needs to be able to copy rows even when autofilter is in use.

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Excel 2007 :: Macro To Consolidate Multiple Worksheets?

Jul 6, 2012

I have a workbook with 4 sheets and with sheet 5 as a "consolidated" sheet. I have to create the macro, which will on a daily basis copy the populated data from those 4 sheets and paste into the sheet 5 (same workbook). The data in the Sheet 5 should be pasted from row 2 below each other.. Row 1 will be the headings and shouldn't be replaced. The data in all 4 sheets should be copied from row starting 37, columns C to BA but it will end with different row numbers. note that columns A & B are populated but shouldn't be copied.

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Copy All Worksheets Into Master Workbook

Sep 19, 2009

Using a Command button into my Master file, I'm looking for a code that give me an option to select an existing file that will have a variable name & path, open it and then copy all worksheets contained within it, into my Master workbook. Then close the selected file on completion.

Not sure if it's important but some of the copied worksheet names will contain copies. e.g. Apples, Apples (2), Pears, Pears (2). etc.

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Import Worksheets Into Master Workbook

Aug 14, 2008

There are 7 files on the network that everyone updates. These are contact databases for clients, insurance companies, our agents, etc. Any changes that need to be made are made. The first person to open a file will get edit mode, the others will only get read-only mode. I rarely have to edit, so if I'm first then I'll invariably be asked to exit so others can update them. I've tried doing the share workbook, but it's not working. That's not what I'd like to do anyway.

I've made a workbook with 7 different sheets, each tab named after one of the network databases. I'd like for these sheets to automatically update if/when changes are made to the master - but keep my formatting intact. Right now I'm relying on import external data, but that doesn't update. Therefore, I have to delete and re-import every morning, losing all of my formatting. Surely Excel has an easier way to do this?

The databases are highly sensitive information so I can't really attach one - but I will attach a dummy example of what they all look like. Each file is hundreds of rows and maybe 15-20 columns, so the thought of linking each cell is more than I'm looking to do.

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Consolidate Data Multiple Worksheets Based On Naming Convention

Feb 3, 2008

I have a workbook composed of many worksheets with varying names. Of the 40 or so worksheets, 25 of them contain data that I need to copy and consolidate into a master summary sheet within the same workbook. All of the sheets I need to grab data from have a worksheet name that ends in “(Data)”. All worksheets contain data that starts on the same row (row 8) but the number of rows of data will change daily. When I copy the data range on the individual sheets I do not want to copy the header row. I’ve tried various uses of the offset command with no luck to resize the selected range. I’ve also tried giving each range a named Dynamic Range and referring to this name in VBA code but that didn’t get me very far either. So the flow looks something like this:

1. Find all sheets with name ending in “(Data)” (i.e. “Project X (Data)”)
2.For each sheet found, find the data range and omit the first row of data.
3.Copy selected range.
4.Go to sheet “Master” and find the last row of data. Move down one row to the first empty row and paste copied range.
5.Go to next sheet and repeat.

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ALL Worksheets Onto Master Sheet

Sep 17, 2008

I have a file with 10 tabs (worksheets) and i would like all the information on each sheet (it's all in exactly he same format, same headings, etc) to automatically feed itself onto a "MASTER" tab. sure i could cut and paste it, but here's the tricky part. as the separate tabs are changed (deletions, additions, edits), i want the MASTER sheet to automatically update with newest information. am i asking for too much from Excel? (I think not, as I've become a firm believer that Excel can do anything - except the laundry!)...

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