Auto Expand Row When Typing Lenthy Text

Nov 13, 2008

I am trying to have a form that people can fill in and I know it would be far better to use Word for this purpose but it looks so much better in Excel format. The problem is I have merged about 10 cells in a row and copied this format down a few rows.

Now although I have set the 'Text Wrap' option the rows will not auto expand unti to accodate all the text unless I do a ALT-ENTER combo. The problem is anyone using this spreadsheet to complete the form may not know how to use this feature.

Is there anyway Excel can expand automatically or do I need some sort of Macro based in the Worksheet that will automatically adjust the row if the text is too long to fit?

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Auto Expand A Spreadsheet When Filling It In?

Nov 21, 2013

I've created a spreadsheet in which I want a blank row added when a previous row is filled in any of the boxes. I've used VBA code to insert a row but it just inserts a row in which all the cells are unmerged. I want a blank row the same as the ones we're filling so the document auto expands and there's always a blank row available to fill.

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Auto Jump To The Immediate Right Cell After Typing Any No

Dec 5, 2007

is it possible to create in Excel something similar to the text box you have when you enter the product key on the text boxes?

like for example, when you need to type 1997 as your id.
when you typed "1" in A1, cursor will automatically move to B1.
when you typed "9" in B1, cursor will automatically move to C1...
and so on..

thus, user that fill in the form does not need to press enter, or right arrow key when inputting their id.

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Auto Fill A Cell With A Color When Typing A Number?

Jul 2, 2014

When I type numbers in the cells from D4 to D14, E4 to E14 and so on, the particular cell should turn into "Green". All the the cells will remain "yellow" and blank until numbers are entered based on the daily cleaning of machines. When particular machine no is entered in to a cell cell, that cell should turn green(this shows that "service is done for that machine")

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Auto Populate Quarters By Just Typing In The Number Of Years?

Aug 20, 2014

I need a formula that can automatically populate yearly quarters in separate columns based on a number of years. So if I put in 5 years - excel would populate 20 columns with Quarter 1 - Quarter 2 and so on. If I then change it to 3 years it would only populate 12 columns.

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Auto Fill Dropdown Not Showing When Typing Code?

Oct 8, 2012

I am not sure the correct term for this but the autofill drop-down menu that pops up when typing code does not come up for me.



I usually get a drop-down menu with a list of members of the "ComboBox" class.

Is there a setting for that enables/disables this?

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VBA Code To Auto-expand Columns When Pivot Tables Refresh

Mar 30, 2013

I have 2 drop downs that when changed, auto refresh all pivot tables. My problem is getting the columns to auto-adjust based on the refresh or change of the data in the pivot table. Listed below the code I have thus far for the auto-refresh on pivot tables. How to auto expand all columns simultaneously.

The pivot tables are based off of tables on a different sheet(TOS Tables). So the code listed below is in the table sheet, not the pivot table sheet (TOS Customer Level). So followup question will be, which sheet to put the auto-expand columns code?

Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
'If data on this worksheet changes, refresh the pivot table
Sheets("TOS Customer Level").PivotTables("PivotTable2").RefreshTable
Sheets("TOS Customer Level").PivotTables("PivotTable5").RefreshTable
End Sub

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Cell With Formula Won't Expand To Fit Text

Mar 31, 2009

I have a cell set up with a formula to copy the content from another cell. However, the cell won't expand to fit the text. If you delete the formula and just type in the cell, it does expand. See attachment.

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Wrap Text And Expand Cell?

Apr 16, 2012

I have a sheet that copies text info (merged and centered cell)from a cell in another sheet (text alt+enter to create more line), the text wrap is on, however i have to manually expand the cell to see all of the text

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Excel 2010 :: Expand Text Number Range Into Separate Cells

Feb 20, 2014

Using Excel 2010.

I have data in excel which looks like this:

Column 1 has 1200-1209,1300-1350,1523-1563
Column 2 has 1400-1409,1600-1650,1823-1863

I would like to take the range of e.g. 1200-1209 and have excel put 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 into separate adjacent cells for me. And be able to do this for each column/cell of data I have like this.

Column 1 1200
Column 2 1201
Column 3 1202

Like that only. Is it possible?How?

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By Typing Specific Text Into Cell A1, It Will Know What Goes In Cell B1

Apr 3, 2008

I am creating a spreadsheet that when I type the product series in cell A1, it will automatically know to enter the corresponding catalog # into cell B1. I will be doing this for hundreds of product series.

For Example:

If I type AEP into cell A1, the worksheet will automatically enter #123 into cell B1,

If I type DEB into cell A2, the worksheet will automatically enter #458 into cell B2,

and so on...

I understand that I will have to create a master list with what series goes with each catalog #, but I am not to sure where to go from there?

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Correlation Between Colour Brightness And The Auto Change From Black Text To White Text?

Aug 16, 2013

So I have been playing around with the tab colors on my workbook and am trying to figure out the correlation between color brightness and the auto change from black text to white text. I've noticed that if the Green color value is higher, excel is more likely to use the black text. If Blue is high, white. Green takes precedence over Blue and Red is just kind of in its own excel calculates this?

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Auto-populate Cells To Display Text From Another Cell Without Cutting Off Text?

Sep 2, 2013

I am trying to auto-populate text in cells in area A, based on data I enter into other cells in area B. I want the area A cells to be for display only, as all editing will be done in area B. The problem is: how do I do this such that the text I write does not get cut off if is longer than the column width? See the attached document for a clear example and description of what I am trying to do...

Excel Q.xlsx‎

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Typing And Adding More?

Dec 24, 2012

When I'm doing cells in a column, there are times where I start a word and it tries to complete the word based on what I wrote before. For example, I'll put Base I, Base II, Base III... etc.

How do I get it to add the word base, but then I can continue typing the numeral after it? I do not want to create another column after with the numeral. So as I type B, A, [click certain button and continue typing] II

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Allow Typing But Not Pasting

Jul 12, 2007

On a sheet of my workbook, I need to allow typing but not pasting. I'm using Workbook, because I'd just as soon not allow pasting anywhere.

If the data is copied from within Excel, this seems to work:

Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub

but if the data is copied from somewhere outside of Excel, it pastes it anyway.

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Typing In Comboboxs

Nov 14, 2006

I'm in need of a macro that takes data from cells in column A and moves them into different cells. Each block of data includes a company name, contact name, address and usually (but not always) phone, fax, email, website, etc. I want to move each set of contact info into a set of cells that begin in column A, starting with company name. refer to the attached spreadsheet

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How To Expand Dropdown List

Feb 20, 2013

I have a data validation list that has approx 40 items.When I select the cell with the drop down list - only 10 or so items appear . I then have to use the scroll bar on the side to look further in the list. Is there a way that more than 10 or so ( possibly all ) items appear in the drop down box when the cell is selected - or is there a way that one can scroll down using the mouse wheel. ( I have to use the scroll bar at the moment ).

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Expand Selected Range

Nov 15, 2009

I need help please. Using a macro, I have selected the range C7:C12. Now I need to keep this selection and expand it 18 columns to the right. This would give me a selection of C7:U12.

The original range changes at various times. Some times it might be C7: C452 etc.

I know it's easy, but I can get the code to keep the selection.

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Expand, Copy & Paste

Jan 22, 2009

If I select lets say cell "A46", expand the selected range from A46 to Q46 and paste that range to another sheet. I know how to do the copy and paste features, but I can't figure out how to expand the selected range. I will always be selecting a cell in column "A" and going to out to "Q".

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Expand And AutoFill Ranges

Dec 10, 2006

I have two ranges. I need to add a row at the bottom of the first range and autofill formulas in the second range using the new added data

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Expand Named Range

Jun 11, 2007

I am trying to dynamically manage a named range. As a new column is inserted to the right of the named range, the named range is then expanded/extended by one column to the right.

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Expand Range In Macro

Oct 16, 2007

I have a named range. The range includes a block of cells plus one extra row and one extra column. That is so I can insert a new row or a new column and still have them within the range. The last row and column are simply blank. I am trying to figure out how to select the part of the range that excludes the extra row and column, so I can then do a fill-right and fill-left. It seems like this should not be hard but I am getting all gummed up in the syntax. The last line of the following code excerpt produces a run-time error 13 Type mismatch. It compiles, however. (I have omitted some extraneous lines that have no effect on r or rf.)

Dim r As Range
Dim rf As Range
Set rf = Range("TotalFTEByStaff")
Set r = Range(rf.Cells(1, 1), rf.Cells(rf.Rows.Count - 1, rf.Columns - 1))

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Expand Cell Grid

Mar 3, 2008

Looking to expand grid in Excel 2003,

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Typing Accents In XL 2003

Sep 23, 2007

Is there anyway to type accents in Excel the same way you can do in Word,
for exemple ctrl+' before e gives é

I am using the Language setting "US and Western Europe" for Office Language settings.

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Disable Typing In ComboBoxes

Jun 10, 2009

How do I keep users from writing data into ComboBoxes on a UserForm?

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Fast Typing With Keywords

Mar 1, 2007

I'm working on an Excel spreadsheet and basicly i'm inserting manually data from a lot of paper forms.

It isn't a dificult thing, but is boring, because I have to do more than 2000 forms per week!
I want to accelerate, and how to do that

Problem: "Address"! The Excel page that i'm working has a column to feel with Addresses manually, but I have a table with all correct Address names from the city that I'm working about in other page.

What I would like is when start typing some keyword from the Address cell, it could show me all the choises of input (based on the correct Address Table)

Excel, by default, show, by exact order, all the choises, already typed on the same collumn.
I don't want that.

- imagine I have the Table 1 (representing the table with all city adresses) with a collumn called 'Address' with:

A1 - Street ZXY
A2 - Avenue QWE
A3 - Street QWE
A4 - Avenue ZXY

when typing on another Table, if I write something like “QWE” show me the A2 and A3 to choose wich I'm going to feel, and the same to “ZXY”, showing the A1 and A4. Other thing, if I write “QWE street” may show A3 also. Keyword is what i'm talking about

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Cell Codes For Less Typing

Aug 11, 2007

Is there a way I can set up the worksheet so that in one cell I can type out for example product codes/numbers and by doing the description for the product will come up in another cell. Rather then copy and pasting very the many different product descriptions?

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Expand On Existing Sumproduct Formula

Feb 26, 2014

Still finding the SUMPRODUCT function a bit challenging to fully grasp.

This formula works great to sum the miles (Q16:Q38) the team (A16:A38) drove in a particular month (B16:B38)


How would I expand it to check yet another column say (S16:S38) for the term " Charge Call" ?

So I can see the miles the team drove in March for all the charge calls.

Where can I go to study and learn more about SUMPRODUCT. Seems like just what I need to build interactive type dashboard reports.

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Expand / Compress List With Buttons

Jan 27, 2012

I am trying to make a spreadsheet for a customer and would like to include a feature where the list of parts can be expanded or compressed with buttons.

Each SO# has a set of PO#'s associated with it, and it would be nice if the viewer can choose to see the PO#'s or not see them at will (this will make a lot more sense if you see the spreadsheet example in my link.)

Ideally, there would be a button next to each "SO#" which would expand/compress accordingly. I don't want just a universal button that would expand/compress all of the SO# at once (although having this option on the side would be nice).

here's link to my spreadsheet: [URL]....

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How To Expand Beyond Row 1000 Without Correcting Each Cell

Mar 4, 2012

I have about 300 cells filled with different formula's like the ones written below.

=SUMPRODUCT(--('Book 1'!$B$1:$B$1000="H"),--('Book 1'!$C$1:$C$1000=D21),('Book 1'!$W$1:$W$1000))

=SUMPRODUCT(--('Book 1'!$B$1:$B$1000="H"),--('Book 1'!$D$1:$D$1000=I21),('Book 1'!$S$1:$S$1000))

Spreadsheet works great, but I've realized that I should have expanded beyond the 1st 1000 cells (example: $1000). One book 1, my data entry will extend beyond row 1000.

Is there a way I can replace all $1000's on the spreadsheet with say $3000 without having to correct each of the 300 cells separately?

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