AutoFit Visible Columns Only

Jan 4, 2008

I have a worksheet that has several hidden columns and wish to have the EntireRow.Autofit apply to all rows in the current region based on visible columns. After using the WrapText method on all visible cells, one of the hidden columns with a lot of characters causes the entire row to be much larger than desired. Is there a way to use EntireRow.Autofit to only expand the height of each row in the current region as necessary based only on the visible cell contents in that row?

Set AllCells = ActiveCell.CurrentRegion
With AllCells
.Font.Size = 6
.Font.Bold = False
.WrapText = True
.EntireRow.AutoFit = True
End With

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Autofit All Columns

Nov 25, 2008

I am using Excel 2007 and I would simply like to autofit every column o that the information fits and is visible. I would do this myself, but when you have to open many files with as many as 100 columns, its not fun.

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Resize Visible Rows Based Only On Visible Columns Text

Apr 22, 2009

Need to correct code to resize all visible rows on a sheet based only on the text in the visible columns. I have tried the below code but when it resizes it is using the largest amount of text in the rows including that in the hidden columns.

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AutoFit Columns With Macro

May 14, 2014

I am trying to program a macro to AutoFit 29 columns on 3 different sheets. However it keeps coming up with "run-time error '1004' select method of range class failed". Here is the code

[Code] .....

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Autofit Columns (A:G) On The Last 5 Sheets Using VBA

Apr 20, 2006

I have an excel workbook with 7 worksheets. I am wanting to autofit columns (A:G) on the last 5 sheets using VBA.

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Autofit All Columns Of The Activesheet

Jun 7, 2007

I am trying to write a small sub which will make do an "AutoFit" for all columns of the Active Sheet. For example, the code below does an "AutoFit" for columns A:J of a sheet. How can I make it do the same for all columns (not only for columns A:J) of the ActiveSheet?


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Autofit All Columns In All Worksheets

Jun 7, 2008

I'm trying to not have to go through every worksheet in my large workbook to autofit the columns in each worksheet to my cell content.

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Create New Workbooks From Filtered List Then Autofit Columns

Jan 16, 2008

I used the code below to successfully create workbooks from the filtered list using the below code provided on this forum (see link below). The only problem is that I want the resulting columns to fit to width.

Looping Through A Range - Use Result As Criteria In A Filter

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Count Of Visible Columns?

Nov 27, 2012

Is there way to do this? I did not find it.

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Read Only Visible Columns From A Range

Jun 17, 2009

I do hav a sheet in which i do hav some column;s n data


in work type few rows are hidden which i don't need what i need is i want to populate only comman metrics in other range named metrics i had build a macro for this and that's working fine but the problem is it also reads metrics from hidden rows too. i had tried a loop in which i had placed as hidden column property condition.

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Getting Sum Formula To Only Include Visible Columns

May 28, 2012

Starting from D6 to the end of the data (could be F6 or AA6) I need to sum the total, but only if the column is visible.

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Count Number Of Visible Columns

May 8, 2013

I am looking for a bit of code that will count the number of visible columns either. I have the following which is missing the code to establish if the range is visible or

Do Until rngVisibleColumnCount.Column = Range("HRISData_RoleError").Column
'Code to establish if visible
intVisibleColumnCount = intVisibleColumnCount + 1
Set rngVisibleColumnCount = rngVisibleColumnCount.Offset(0, 1)

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Automatically Auto-Fit Visible Columns Only

May 9, 2008

In the code below, I found out how to make the column widths automatically adjust on a worksheet based on the text entered. This code works great but it also reveals the hidden columns on the worksheet. Can i prevent it from doing that?

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
With Me.Cells
End With
End Sub

Found here: Automatically Adjust Row Height & Column Width

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Make Columns Visible/invisible As Per The Conditions

Sep 4, 2009

I am trying to create a daily task activity sheet. I would like to know, how to make the columns visible and invisible as per the selection from previous column.

For eg:

Column A has a list which has values 'TC creation' , 'TC modification', 'System Test' etc.

Upon selecting TC creation, i need to make a column visible ie 'total tcs created'.

Upon selecting 'TC modification' i would have to make the previous column invisible and make a new column visible for entering no of tcs modified.

Upon selecting 'System test' the other columns should go invisible and make other 3 columns visible for no of tcs executed, no of tcs passed, no of tcs failed etc...

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Dynamic Range To Select Only Visible Columns?

May 6, 2014

I need a macro to start at cell A11 and select across 10 columns and down to the Lastrow (last row with any data).

There are hidden columns after column D so it CANNOT have any columns hardcoded except for column A.

This selection then needs to be set as a single print area to print out on 1 page. I have already set Rows 1-10 as a title area to print at the top of each page.

Code i currently have is:

[Code] .......

I just need it to now go across 10 visible columns and set as a single print area.

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How To Total Only Visible Columns Or Rows After Filtering

Dec 1, 2009

I have filtered a worksheet and want to only total the data in the columns that are visable, is this possible?

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Hide Columns, Filter & Copy Visible To New Workbook

Jun 4, 2007

I have an Excel sheet with all client information...For clinical supervision I want my team members to open their own "Supervision.xls" and click a button...this button will open "Client.xls" and select "Client info sheet"...It will then hide rows c,d,g & will then filter column "e" based on the specific caseworkers name ( say "Joe") and copy only the visable columns back to their "supervision.xls" Values only (doesn't effect the colour formating of Supervision.xls) then close "Client.xls"

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Write Visible Worksheet Rows/Columns To Text File

Feb 5, 2008

I am trying to write the contents of a worksheet to a notepad file. Also, the worksheet has some hidden columns.

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Way To Autofit Whole Workbook?

Feb 5, 2009

Is there a way / code i can put into a macro which can autofit a group of sheets or a whole work book. I have a workbook with 100's of sheets and it takes alot of time to click each sheet and autofit them manually.

I do run a macro for each sheet, so if i could build it into a macro by adding the code to it that would be great

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Multiple Checkboxes Visible Or Not Visible?

Jul 1, 2014

I have many checkboxes (1 to 26) that I want visible or not, based on whether the cell states "n/a" (are in a column in a different worksheet). Rather than writing this code multiple times, I'm looking to condense the code.

[Code] .....

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Autofit Rows Using Macro

Nov 19, 2008

I'm trying to Autofit a number of Rows within a macro. I need to autofit Rows 8 to 80 as the content of these rows will have been updated by lines earlier in the macro. Some rows will now contain more than 1 line of text whereas others will now be blank.

I initially tried to use the

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VBA To Autofit Row Height With A Minimum

Jul 10, 2009

I have a range named "rngOrders" on an Excel 2003 worksheet. I'm looking for a VBA macro that will set the row heights of the range to autofit (for rows/cells with wrapped text) and also set a minimum row height of 19.5 points for all rows.

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AutoFit Max Width Size?

Feb 22, 2012

I wish to autofit all cells in a database to a maxwidth. ie:

With Range("A1:F1250")
.MaxWidth = 100px
End With

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Autofit Selection Is Not Working

Jun 11, 2008

After Format > Column > Autofit Selection, the cell width is STILL not sufficient. Values with many digits do not show up in the print out (only ######s appear). What should I do?

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Autofit All Cells In Many Worksheets

Jun 22, 2008

1. autofit all cells in 38 worksheets
2. copy the previous row without looking up or deleting or inserting. Just a simple copy previous row of values and formulas down one (to the next row empty or not)
3. Hide columns with headings hide in the first cell of the column.

Remember, I have 38 worsheets in the same workbook that it has to cycle thru. 4 of those are pivots, so no need to include those.

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Autofit, But Not The Complete Column

Feb 2, 2009

I have some Worksheets in which cell A1 contains a textual heading for each Worksheet.
On each Worksheet, cells in the range A2 to O5 containg headings; the data goes in rows 6 onwards.

In VBA script, I'd like to autofit columns A to O, but starting at row 2 so the text in A1 is not included. For each sheet, I can determine the last row, to get a "range" to autofit (e.g. "A2:P15").

I've run a search on Autofit; the only examples I can find autofit the whole column or set of columns.

Is it possible to autofit starting at a specific row?

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Autofit On Workbook Open

Feb 27, 2007

autofitting on workbook opening. i'm using on workbook_open:


but underneath, i have a data query range that refreshes and best fits the columns accordingly...(over writing the autofit...)?

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Auto Size Cells On Visible Columns Not Auto-sizing Correctly?

May 27, 2014

I have the following code:

[Code] ....

When I run the macro, some columns are already hidden. The macro doesn't seem to autosize cells correctly. For instance, one cell in a row appears to have some contents hidden (or below the reading area of the cell). In other instances, the rows are auto-size to huge heights and widths.

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Autofit Merged Cells From Pdfs

Dec 3, 2009

I've just created a spreadsheet that we will be using as a project review form. In this spreadsheet I have multiple rows of merged cells, column D to N, for comments. I need these comment areas, merged rows, to autofit whatever is cut and pasted or typed into them.

The first problem is cutting and pasting from a pdf. All of the documents we received for the projects we bid are in pdf format. We often cut and paste from those documents into an older version of our review sheet that was built in Word. Trying to cut and paste the same information into Excel ends up in failure. Is there a way that this can be done without jumping through hoops?

The second problem I’m running into is when I cut and paste into a comment area I get the typical Excel error message that the information being pasted does not fit the area it is being pasted into. It there a workaround for this?

My third problem is autofitting the pasted information into the merged cells. I’ve seen some VBA and tried a couple but they don’t work automatically when the comments area is filled. How can I do this? I don’t know VBA. I'm using MS Office 2003

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Listbox AutoFit Column Width

Jun 18, 2013

I just want to know how to Autofit Column width of Listbox.

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