Booking Userform: The Spreadsheet To Automatically Save Under C:My Documents
May 31, 2007
I have put together a booking spreadsheet which uses a UserForm. see attached worksheet. When you start the UserForm and select a name, date, number of nights, and then 'Add', the data is added to the worksheet.
1. My first problems is that when I select the 'Cancel' button on the Userform, I would like the spreadsheet to automatically save under C:My Documents. And also save the file as 'Marketing_DDMMYYYY.xls' as todays date.
2. My second problem is that the 'Leaving Data' column sometimes shows the leaving date in American format (MM/DD/YYYY), and sometimes English format (DD/MM/YYYY).
How can I make this always use English format?
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Feb 26, 2007
I've been working on a spreadsheet to control the 'booking diary' at work and linking it with the movements in and out of our 'chambers'
If you look at Column L & M, they are the volumes and column N is where the 'pallet' is coming / going to .
If you look at line 149 and below I've tried to translate these 'volumes' into movements by time but as you can see it is not to totalled up correctly during certain times.
For example line 158 should total 40 and line 187 should total 80.
Can anyone work it out for me as this happens on numerous lines
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Feb 24, 2014
I have a file containing thousands of hyperlinks to respective image files. How I create a macro to save them with respective document names as shown in individual cells ?
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Sep 28, 2009
I need a little assistance opening a Word file via an Excel macro. The two files are linked and upon opening, the Word file asks if the links should be updated. I need this to automatically be "Yes" everytime the file is opened.
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Jun 20, 2013
Basically I have manually generated word documents based on a spreadsheet. Now, I need to countercheck the contents of the word documents with another spreadsheet i.e. make sure the courses in the word document for a particular student is same as that reflected on the spread sheet. Is it possible to write a macro for this? I'm a beginner and I'm waaay out of my depth. I have attached sample documents and spreadsheets.
The link to the documents are as follows: Macro to check data from Word documents against an excel spread sheet
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Jul 25, 2006
how do i show a userform in Excel in the spreadsheet environment? I used to "run macro" but unable to run userform code "private sub".
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Sep 4, 2007
I want the user to save the spreadsheet before he/she logs off, and I think this needs to be a 'force save' rather than an option, just in case the user accidentally clicks on 'do not save'. Also, it would be really usefull to either prompt to save, or automatically save at intervals of maybe 30 mins or so.....
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May 28, 2014
How do I save an excel sheet as a fillable form with only certain cells allowable to be filled and than after the form is filled and the automatic calculations(formulas) are done can I save each form seperately.
This is like a student report card.
You will enter students name and his grades and the form will do calculations than i want to save each completed form as its own file
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Dec 2, 2013
I have a spreadsheet in which I do calculations, I need to do them many times and want to record on another spreadsheet the results of two cells. I would like to show the results as a string of values.
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Mar 12, 2008
I'm trying to create a lesson booking system,
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Sep 27, 2013
I produce spreadsheets which is conditionally formatted to be both functional and aesthetically pleasing. The tables are separated by one line, and can easily be defined by VBA, I was wondering if it is be possible to export them as image files via vba? I know it can be done for graphs, but not sure about defined sections of the worksheet?
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Sep 20, 2013
I have a program that creates a query of data into two different spreadsheets.I wish to create a master page that automatically searches for data in each of two spreadsheets and add them appropriately to the master page.
I get how to do such thing using vlookup to search for data in one spreadsheet, how to do that in two spreadsheet situation.Here is a formula that I am stuck on...
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Mar 6, 2006
I am trying to update 25 different spreadsheets, and have the latest row of data from each of the 25 automatically go to a 26th spreadsheet that is my summary.
My goal is anytime I add a new row of data in any of the 25, that the summary sheet gets updated automatically.
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May 10, 2014
I am trying to create a booking calendar for boarding kennels.
I have a separate sheet for each client, containing their personal info and dates of their bookings. I have downloaded a basic calendar but would like it to show certain information.
Is it possible to create a formula which will highlight each cell on the calendar, for each kennel when it is occupied, and show the name?
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Jul 27, 2009
I am attempting without much luck to create a Room Booking system.
I am facing 2 issues:
So far when you enter the guest iformation onthe booking sheet it is copied to a worksheet which stores the booking information.
Then i need it to be copied to a worksheet called Required Gantt - I have attempted conditional formatting and Lookup formulas but i am having difficulty getting the booking displayed on the gantt sheet (blocking out the entire period that the guest will stay)
Also if a guest is leaving on 28/07/2009 and i have another guest arriving on the same date, i can't make a new booking as the old guest is still blocking the room, even though they have left. Is it possible to make it so at 12 noon, checkout time, i can book another person into that room?
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Oct 22, 2009
When I close my worksheet excel asks me if I wish to save the file one last time, if I click 'yes' I would like some more code to be executed and then have the spreadsheet save itself and close definitively, how can this be done using vba?
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Dec 30, 2008
Is it possible to have the worksheet save itself automatically every 5 minutes or so?
I don't want the user to have to click on a macro or do anything. Basically they will not even know that it is saving.
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Jan 3, 2007
I would like to save a spreadsheet at a certain time every day.
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Mar 24, 2014
I've got a master spreadsheet grabbing data from 12-13 different tabs/spreadsheets.
One of those has a table, and I was wondering:
Is it possible for the master spreadsheet to automatically add a new line every time someone adds a new line and creates a new entry in a different spreadsheet?
In other words,
If there is a table in the master spreadsheet, and someone adds a new line, is there a formula which allows the master spreadsheet to add a new line in order to autopopulate?
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Dec 31, 2012
I have a Spreadsheet with five columns. The column headings begins in rows 3 and 4(merged), these are Reg.#, Rank, First Name, Last Name and Station respectively.
The 5 row is used as a filter row. Therefore my Data Range is from A6:E505. So far I have input some data up to row 25.
Problem: Each time I input data I have to sort manually, I need a VBA Code to paste to automatically sort by Last Name even as I continue to input data in the other rows.
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Mar 15, 2007
I have a master spreadsheet that I hold data relating to an event, the spreadsheet lists various companies names and contact details that I will need to the event and also what function they will provide by yes/no boxes. the data is currently spread all over the spreadsheet but I suppose it could be linked into some sort of simple table.
I then have to email or telex all the companies and request their assistance. Can excel automate this task? I know it can write an individual letter but could it write one message to all requesting exactly what I need that I could cut and paster to the application I would use to transmit the request?
Also when the list of Companies ends can the message move onto the next if there was a list of 4 Companies to use the message would start "Attn: Co1 / Co2 / Co3 / Co4" but if there was only 2 I would want "Attn: Co1 / Co2" only I currently get "Attn: Co1 / Co2 / /" For example
if the "catering" column and "water" column has "yes" but the "marquee" column has "no" as a check could it write "Please provide catering and water" BUT if all three columns were "yes" could it make it "Please provide catering, water and marquee" ?
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Jan 26, 2010
I want to make a booking/reservations report based on excel and I want it the following way; On my excel book I have a "bookingList" and "Planning". on the BookingList are listed all the bookings received. After inserting this data, I want a planning which could display all bookings by apartment.
I want to fill "planning" sheet automatically based on the bookinglist sheet, this to be showned, for exemple, all bookings listed, on "bookingList" Sheet, for apartment C1A, to be showned on "planning" by apartment and for the dates occupied in the same row. i.e., fill "planning" sheet based on all bookings in "BookingList" Sheet.
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Aug 5, 2013
I just started a boat rental business and I would like to create a booking sheet for a small fleet of boats. Some of the boats can be rented on half hourly basis and for longer periods (in hours only not days).
I would like to have a sheet to maintain a booking system and to calculate the total income per day as well as keeping the basic information of the booking clients (names, numbers etc..).
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Dec 1, 2007
I am creating an hourly schedule (for a calendar year) that shows rental space occupied by 4 different groups (baseball, softball, soccer and football). I have created worksheets for each group and am entering proper names. I want to be able to search the worksheets for ANY text and return a value to a master sheet based on the group they belong to. If the cell is empty I want it to remain empty in the master sheet. Example: Ed Jones is entered in sheet 1, cell a15, and will show as "Baseball" on the master sheet cell a15, Mary Smith is entered in sheet 2, cell b16, and will show as Softball on the master sheet, cell b16, etc. The sheets are divided out into sports fields that they can rent. Multiple sports can rent the same fields so it is important that my master sheet show who is renting the field that day so it can be set up properly and they don't get double booked.
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Aug 3, 2008
I'm a student who doing a excel spreadsheet. I've stucked in this situation for long time, could any body point for me what i have to do.
1. I have to do a nest lookup, mean that when i look in a date (RoomBookingStatusList) and do a nest lookup in side to find the status of the room (RoomBookingStatusList). In short this help me to check that a room has not already been booked for the arrival date the customer wants (Clientbooking).
2. Next, if possible could anybody tell me how to alert the result. For example, it will turn red if the room is busy.
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Apr 16, 2014
I have a spreadsheet for payroll. The last column is for net pay. I enter this by hand when I get it back from the payroll tech. There are no formulas in this column. When done entering these figures, I click on "save". Then I close the file. From past experience with this sprdsht, I have found that it doesn't always save this column. It saves all the other info. I have entered in the sprdsht, but not this column. So, I have to re-enter everything in this column and "save" again. Close the sheet, then re-open it to be sure it got saved. Why won't it save this column of info. the first time?
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Aug 29, 2009
I need to create multiple copy of workbook from a named range called - CoCode - range is on sheet called - Data - cell range - L2:L37. Problem is that i want each workbook named as the name that is in cell range (CoCode). Also in same workbook in a sheet called - Company Summary , in cell J1 there is validation list that refers to range same (Codode) i want that to change in each workbook.
I.e 1st copy of workbook name is equal to 1st reference in range CoCode and same 1st reference in Validation list in - Company Summary - Sheet in cell J1. Also selecting Validation populates several sheets in workbook to information revelant to that company code selection in cell J1, - there are no external links to this document-
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Apr 26, 2013
I have a shared document used by as many as 11 different people. right now I go into a document and save a copy each week in case one of them messes it up.
just curious if that can be done automatically.
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Jun 13, 2009
I am trying to fix is that I have two computers networked together both with multiple users all with access to the report form that I am using which is in the shared file. If I have been working on it (I am still trying to do improvements when I have time), and I have to leave for a fire or forget to close the report, no one can access it other than with read-only.
My idea was to run some type of code that either when the screen saver comes on or after so much time with no activity, it would close and save the file with a new file name(just in case I don't want the changes that I have made in the code or something).
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Sep 13, 2012
I have a workbook with 4 worksheets the first is called "input" which I use to enter information which goes to the other worksheets which arecalled engine, gearbox, doors.
I am stuck on the following; after inputting the information. I want to save as pdfs in various locations.
Is it possible to have 4 buttons on the input sheet which automatically :
Button 1 - Save "engine" worksheet as a pdf to a specified folder
Button 2 - Save "gearbox" worksheet as a pdf to a specified folder
Button 1 - Save "doors" worksheet as a pdf to a specified folder
Button 1 - Save the sheets as multiple excel files to a specified folder
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