Automatically Move Rows To Another Sheet

Feb 29, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that contains large amounts of data. I've looked through the forums and tried to adapt other VB code to work for me all to no avail.

I would like a macro to automatically cut a row from sheet1 and paste it on to a new line in sheet2 when data is input into column 'X'. (The data input in to column X is a date the specific case is resolved)

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Automatically Move Data To New Sheet

Feb 12, 2014

Is it possible to create a cell in one sheet, where after data is entered, will move it to another sheet. Additionally, the data in the cell, after the transfer to another sheet is made would delete itself. Once the data is entered, sent to another sheet and deleted, next time data is entered into the same cell, it would be sent into a row below the cell that the first piece of data would be in. Therefore, after I enter data, [for example] press enter, then go back to input some more data, after a while there would be a long list in another sheet. The last feature of the problem (it would be something extra really) is that the function/macro is to be time dependent - during one month the data would stack up in one column, after the next one begins, the next column will automatically start all over.

The idea is to create a budget book - where on the main page I would only have to enter the value in a specific box, the value then would be automatically sorted into the right row and column in another sheet, after the month/week ends, data would start to stack up in a column devoted to a new month/week.

Of course the data could be entered manually in different sheets, but it proved to be too complex to be useful.

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Automatically Move Data To Another Sheet

Jan 23, 2008

I have Excel 2003. I need a formula that will automatically move data in a row to another sheet, in the same workbook, based on either a two digit department code or possibly a date. I enter information on a master sheet, (8 columns of data: Text/$/digits) and I need that information to separate out to the other sheets when that department's two digit number is entered on this sheet. There are a total of 6 sheets in this workbook, counting the master. The data I am entering will be about 40-50 rows down of information, 8 columns across. Will this take a macro? Loop?

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Formula To Move Column Automatically To Different Sheet?

Apr 23, 2014

I have a excel file Sheet 1 is active data Sheet 2 is complete data, How can I make the column move automatic from one sheet to another with out cut/pasting?

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Move Rows From One Sheet To Another Sheet Without Having Duplicate Entries

Apr 16, 2014

I need to move the rows from one sheet to another sheet upon clicking the ‘Submit’ button.

I will manually update my efforts in ‘Sheet 1’ and when I click ‘Submit’, it should “copy” the rows to the next sheet (Sheet 2). However, it should not duplicate the entries irrespective of clicking Submit multiple times. Obviously, while clicking ‘Submit’ it should check the entry for that particular employee name and date in the ‘Sheet 2’ and remove that completely and update the new entries and this should avoid duplicates for that date. Every time when I add new entries for a different name and for dirrerent employee, it should keep appending the Sheet 2.

In addition, it should avoid copying the blank rows from Sheet 1 (S. No column will not be blank usually) to Sheet 2.

All this should happen upon clicking the Submit button.

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Move Rows From One Sheet To Another ...

Dec 23, 2009

i learned how to highlight a row by placing an X in a single cell, my next question is:

Is there a way (most Likely there is) By placing "J/C" into a cell, make the entire row cut and then insert itself into my second sheet on row 2? "insert into a new row and not over existing information?"

now i have done this in the past using a Macro, select the row and then by pressing ctrl+k it would cut the row and then insert it into row 2 of the second sheet.

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Move Strikethrough Rows To Sheet

Nov 3, 2006

It is supposed to take the rows with striketrhoughs and transfer them to the other sheet.

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()

If Cells.Font.Strikethrough = True Then
Sheets("Completed Deployments").Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=True
End If

End Sub

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Filter & Move Rows To Another Sheet

Dec 6, 2006

I need to update a sheet called Database by filtering the word Served in column F (6th field) of another sheet called Detention Register. After the 'Served' rows have been filtered today's date needs to be pasted into column E for all of these rows.

The filtered entries from A:F only then need to be cut & pasted into the next empty A column cell in the Database sheet. Finally, another macro called Update Database needs to be called.

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Move Rows Up In Sheet And Skip Printing?

Jul 17, 2013

I'd like to know if is possible and how to move up rows that I change a value for example the column time has a row with value 02:00 and I change the value to 01:00 and the row moves up

Also when I change the value to 00:00 how to move up the row and when printing skip these rows.

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Move Rows From One Sheet To Another Based On The Year

Mar 15, 2009

I want to do is copy all rows from the worksheet DATA based on column G (Date) and copy it to a new sheet based on the date (all 2003 on the 2003 sheet and all 2004 on 2004 sheet.....).

I have already created the new sheets including headers minus data. I would like to have all the data moved except the last to Columns AW & AX. I have two hidden sheets in this workbook. Would it be possible to have it auto-populate future entries from the "DATA" worksheet to autofill onto the new sheets?

Just noticed that I titled the Thread with Move but what I am asking for is copy. I cannot change the Thread title.

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Macro To Move Rows To The Bottom Of Sheet

Apr 24, 2009

I am attempting to write a macro so that when a user selects enters a particular selection in a cell, it will automatically move the entire row down to the last row and shade it in a different colour.

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VBA - Move Entire Rows From One Sheet To Another Based On Cell Value?

Jun 3, 2012

I have two sheets:

1. Not yet printed
2. Printed

My data is in sheet 1 (Not yet printed). I would like to move automatically entiry rows (sometimes more then one) to sheet 2 (Printed) based on one cell's value. Here is a screenshot:

For example when I enter into Sheet 2 '264450' then row 2 would have been moved to Sheet 2.

And also with multiple rows, if I enter '264461' then row 4 and row 6 would have been moved to sheet 2 as well. I wouldn't like to enter a value more than once.

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Move Rows To Another Sheet When Value Is Chosen From Dropdown Menu In Cell

Nov 25, 2013

i am making a simple complaint tracking system and there is a column where there are two choices Resolved and Unresolved if you choose resolved it copies the row to the resolved sheet and if it's unresolved it copies the row to the unresolved sheet. i attached a template to give you an idea, i want the first complaint to be copied to the resolved sheet and second one to the unresloved sheet, i don't want the status column which contains the choices to be copied to the other sheets, also the unresolved sheet doesn't have a 'date closed' column because the complaint is not yet resolved so i dont want it to be copied there, i want it only in the resolved sheet.


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Automatically Copy Rows To Different Sheet Based On Value

Dec 24, 2013

I have several rows worth of tasks with several columns associated with each one of them. In other words, each task will have some event, comment, date etc. and a flag at the end if it's complete or not. Below is a very simplified idea.






Formulas that I have used so far have accomplished everything I need except one thing. I would like to copy rows to a different sheet (tab) based on the flag condition i.e. if the string says "Yes" (in this example), I would like to copy that row to a different sheet and do that for each row. In the example above, rows 2 and 3 would be copied to a different sheet creating a list/summary of complete events. As that is copied, I would use that information again on that new sheet to do more things.

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Transfer Rows Form One Sheet To Another Automatically

Sep 4, 2008

i need a little help. I have a workbook with 2 sheets. I need rows to transfer to the first sheet automatcily if the record dose not already exsist on the first sheet based on if a vaule in a certin cell is below a certin number.

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Automatically Add Multiple New Rows When Data Entered Into Sheet

Aug 18, 2014

Download the attachment and have a look.

I want there to ALWAYS be 5 FREE/EMPTY rows to be able to enter data into them I also want the black area around the outside to ALWAYS be a further 15 rows in height below that.

Sheet 1 = Simple Example
Sheet 2 = A much larger example
Sheet 3 = Erroneously added data should still extend the sheet by 5 rows each time.

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Automatically Copy Rows To New Sheet In Excel When Column Marked With X

Nov 4, 2013

Automatically copy rows to new sheet in excel when column marked with an X. If a column is marked with an X, I need to copy this row to a new sheet. So if a column C is marked with X, I need to copy this row in Sheet2 , if a column D is marked with and X, I need to copy this row below next empty row in Sheet2, if a column E is marked with X, I need to copy this row in next empty row in Sheet2.

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Automatically Copy Rows To New Sheet In Excel When Column Marked With An X

Sep 9, 2009

If a column is marked with an X I need to copy this row to a new sheet. So if a column C is marked with and X I need to copy this row to Sheet2 , if a column D is marked with and X I need to copy this row to Sheet3 and if a column E is marked with and X I need to copy this row to Sheet4., Please can someone help with the VBA code to make this work?

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Automatically Copying Rows From One Sheet To Another Depending On A Cells Input

Jun 2, 2009

i have a certain column that tells me if a client has withdrawn from the company, and the column just says "y" or "n" i want excel to automatically copy the whole row to another sheet if that cell is a "y" for yes the client withdrew...

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Automatically Move Cells Down After Entry?

Aug 1, 2014

Is there a way to automatically move cells down after I entered data in it? This way I do not have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the list to add new data.

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Import And Move Cells Automatically

Oct 23, 2008

Every day we receive a text report via email (only way it can be received), so we take this text report print it out and manually type it into an excell sheet.

I believe this is a waste of time. Is there any way I could take this info and automatically place in the the excell?? Until know I found a text to excell converter and was gonna create a macro to automatically convert this info into the excell report.

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Automatically Move A Number To A Different Cell

Oct 5, 2009

i've got a worksheet with a column of unique numbers that i sort from smallest to largest; colA. these numbers are asset #'s of all items that i should have in inventory and all are barcoded.

using a scanner i scan the barcode # into colB however these items are on the shelf in random order.

as it stands i place my cursor in the first empty cell of colB (B2) the scanned # is entered into B2 and the cursor moves down to B3.

What i'd like is to have the randomly scanned number automatically move to the cell in colB that is beside the corresponding # in colA regardless of where the cursor is prior to the scan.

e.g.: 16 is in A16, cursor is in B2 waiting for first scan, first randomly scanned # is 16; so 16 is automatically entered into B16 instead of B2.

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Automatically Move Data From Working Worksheet?

Dec 27, 2013

I'm looking to automatically move data from my working worksheet, when a particular column states "Won" or "Lost". I'm hoping the entire row of data can be cut, and added to the appropriate sheet, determined by "Won" or "Lost".

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Automatically Move & Sort Row Based On Cell Value

Sep 20, 2008

I have a simple projectlist on sheet1 formatted like this:
Column A=Projectname, B=Description, C=Owner, D=Deadline and E=Status.
On sheet2 I have the same columnheaders.

What I would like to do, is that if Status changes to "Done",
* the entire row should be copied to a free row on sheet2, or just inserted on sheet2.row2 without overwriting anything
* the now empty row on sheet1 should be deleted (so there're no empty rows)
* the data on sheet2, should be sorted with D as first key and C as second.

Then, if Status on sheet2 changes to "Reopened", the same procedure should happen but from sheet2 to sheet1.

My first choice was to create a checkbox on each row in the Status column,but I noticed it didn't seem to follow with cut/paste even though I changed the property Locked to false. Anyone knows if it's possible to change this behaviour?

I only know small bits of VBA but my idea is this: ...

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Move A Number From A Group Automatically And Post In A Different Colume

Nov 3, 2008

I would like to move a number from a group, automatically and post in a different colume. Like remove the 4 from 439 to a different colume.

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Targets To Make Data Move Automatically Across Sheets

Aug 1, 2013

I want to make a spreadsheet that has codes that make items show up on another sheet but how to do this.

For example I would start on sheet 1 and on cell A2 I would type the amount $100. Then in cell B2 I would type in F (I will call this a code).

Now on sheet two I want the amount on cell A2 to show up in a column of items designated for F items. If I had typed in G instead I would have wanted it to go to a column for G items. All the values under the given code will show up in the column that is represented by them.

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Move Automatically Data From Dynamic Table To Static?

Feb 13, 2014

I need to transfer data from a table dynamically updated every 10 minutes to a table that never changes and maintains data, how can this be done using a macro?

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Task To Automatically Move To Another Worksheet For The Relevant Month

Nov 19, 2008

I have created a spreadsheet for internal use in my workplace that logs task by members of staff, What I am trying to achieve is when someone selects from a drop down box that a task has been complete I want the task to automatically move to another worksheet for the relevant month, as I will have worksheets for every month logging all the past tasks that have been assigned. I believe an IF statement should do the trick, but I am having no luck so far.

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Information To Enter The Tables And Then Automatically Move Into The Next Available Cells Below

Sep 23, 2008

I am trying to use visual basic editor in excel. I have all ready set up my user form where information can be entered, but I ave having trouble getting the information that is entered in the user form into the correct cells in excel.

I am wanting my information to enter the tables and then automatically move into the next available cells below.

Private Sub cmdadd_Click()
Dim iRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("details of cars in stock")
iRow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 1) _
.End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
If Trim(Me.txtreg.Value) = "" Then
MsgBox "please enter a registraion number"
Exit Sub
End If
ws.Cells(iRow, 1).Value = Me.txtreg.Value
Me.txtreg.Value = ""

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Delete Rows Matching Criteria & Move Rows

Aug 28, 2007

I have a worksheet in which I have sorted the data based in date and numbering (column I and E). I would like to create 2 macros for following actions:

1- all rows with the value "TOM" in column C will have to be deleted.

2- all rows with a value of 601 or 602 in column E, will have to be moved to the bottom of the sheet after the last row with data. The rows that have been moved will have to be sorted based in date (column I) and numbering (column E).

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