Move Rows Up In Sheet And Skip Printing?
Jul 17, 2013
I'd like to know if is possible and how to move up rows that I change a value for example the column time has a row with value 02:00 and I change the value to 01:00 and the row moves up
Also when I change the value to 00:00 how to move up the row and when printing skip these rows.
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Jan 21, 2010
I've got a pretty nice Worklist setup in Excel that enables you to organize all the work you need to do in a month. However i end up with little holes in the list whenever i finish a task because what my macroes does is whenever a job is marked as done on the list it moves that job to sheet2, which contains completed jobs. I'd like to have a macro that shifts all the rows 1 down whenever a job is completed(ill just call it from the job complete macro) but it needs to jump over(skip) row 26 because that row contains some images that my macros use. Altso i would like to, if possible avoid inserting any rows or cells or hiding them because that will totally mess up my macros :p I know i know, im not dynamic enough.
I've included a sample of the worksheet so you can see what i want.
By the way, I've altso got some trouble with a public function.
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Apr 16, 2014
I need to move the rows from one sheet to another sheet upon clicking the ‘Submit’ button.
I will manually update my efforts in ‘Sheet 1’ and when I click ‘Submit’, it should “copy” the rows to the next sheet (Sheet 2). However, it should not duplicate the entries irrespective of clicking Submit multiple times. Obviously, while clicking ‘Submit’ it should check the entry for that particular employee name and date in the ‘Sheet 2’ and remove that completely and update the new entries and this should avoid duplicates for that date. Every time when I add new entries for a different name and for dirrerent employee, it should keep appending the Sheet 2.
In addition, it should avoid copying the blank rows from Sheet 1 (S. No column will not be blank usually) to Sheet 2.
All this should happen upon clicking the Submit button.
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Dec 23, 2009
i learned how to highlight a row by placing an X in a single cell, my next question is:
Is there a way (most Likely there is) By placing "J/C" into a cell, make the entire row cut and then insert itself into my second sheet on row 2? "insert into a new row and not over existing information?"
now i have done this in the past using a Macro, select the row and then by pressing ctrl+k it would cut the row and then insert it into row 2 of the second sheet.
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Nov 3, 2006
It is supposed to take the rows with striketrhoughs and transfer them to the other sheet.
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
If Cells.Font.Strikethrough = True Then
Sheets("Completed Deployments").Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=True
End If
End Sub
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Dec 6, 2006
I need to update a sheet called Database by filtering the word Served in column F (6th field) of another sheet called Detention Register. After the 'Served' rows have been filtered today's date needs to be pasted into column E for all of these rows.
The filtered entries from A:F only then need to be cut & pasted into the next empty A column cell in the Database sheet. Finally, another macro called Update Database needs to be called.
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Feb 29, 2008
I have a spreadsheet that contains large amounts of data. I've looked through the forums and tried to adapt other VB code to work for me all to no avail.
I would like a macro to automatically cut a row from sheet1 and paste it on to a new line in sheet2 when data is input into column 'X'. (The data input in to column X is a date the specific case is resolved)
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Mar 15, 2009
I want to do is copy all rows from the worksheet DATA based on column G (Date) and copy it to a new sheet based on the date (all 2003 on the 2003 sheet and all 2004 on 2004 sheet.....).
I have already created the new sheets including headers minus data. I would like to have all the data moved except the last to Columns AW & AX. I have two hidden sheets in this workbook. Would it be possible to have it auto-populate future entries from the "DATA" worksheet to autofill onto the new sheets?
Just noticed that I titled the Thread with Move but what I am asking for is copy. I cannot change the Thread title.
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Apr 24, 2009
I am attempting to write a macro so that when a user selects enters a particular selection in a cell, it will automatically move the entire row down to the last row and shade it in a different colour.
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Jun 3, 2012
I have two sheets:
1. Not yet printed
2. Printed
My data is in sheet 1 (Not yet printed). I would like to move automatically entiry rows (sometimes more then one) to sheet 2 (Printed) based on one cell's value. Here is a screenshot:
For example when I enter into Sheet 2 '264450' then row 2 would have been moved to Sheet 2.
And also with multiple rows, if I enter '264461' then row 4 and row 6 would have been moved to sheet 2 as well. I wouldn't like to enter a value more than once.
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Nov 25, 2013
i am making a simple complaint tracking system and there is a column where there are two choices Resolved and Unresolved if you choose resolved it copies the row to the resolved sheet and if it's unresolved it copies the row to the unresolved sheet. i attached a template to give you an idea, i want the first complaint to be copied to the resolved sheet and second one to the unresloved sheet, i don't want the status column which contains the choices to be copied to the other sheets, also the unresolved sheet doesn't have a 'date closed' column because the complaint is not yet resolved so i dont want it to be copied there, i want it only in the resolved sheet.
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Apr 9, 2007
I have 2 worksheets. On worksheet 1, I want to copy every 8th row in Column A. I want to copy the data from these cells onto worksheet 2. I want the data to appear on every other row on worksheet 2. To summarize, I'm trying to copy the data from every 8th row in one column BUT I want it to appear on every other row in another column.
I tried hiding the cells I don't need but then I can't sum.
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Apr 18, 2012
This formula holds good for regular offsets (7 cells).
how to copy a formula that skip rows?
How to get the values from irregular offsets...??
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Sep 13, 2013
I have used VLookup function to reference some information between books. The formula used is:
When I drag down I want the formula to skip from $A15 to $A25 and so on. Is there a way to do this? Or am I better off using another formula?
What I am trying to achieve is:
Book2 Cell D54 = Book1 Cell L15
Book2 Cell D55 = Book1 Cell L25
Book2 Cell D56 = Book1 Cell L35
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Nov 25, 2013
I would like to know how do I skip a row if the data in that row is the same as previous rows?
Say I have a column of names, and John is in row 1 and 5, and I want to store this column of names in array, but I dont want to have two Johns inside it. How do I skip row 5 then?
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Apr 13, 2009
macro to skip delete sheet question. i have this as part of my code
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Jul 16, 2009
I want my macro to consider the # of rows of data on a spreadsheet and insert values into columns for those rows but then stop when it hits a blank one. For simplified example below, I have 3 columns in my spreadsheet. Row 1 has headers of Location, Status, and Effective Date. The first 5 rows of data under the headers have a value in the Location column (San Jose, Oakland, etc). When I run the macro, I want it to insert a value of "ACTIVE" in the Status column for each row that has a value in the Location column. Also, a single Effective Date value is stored in a cell elsewere in the spreadsheet, and I want the macro to insert that value in the Effective Date column for each row that has a value in the Location column. When it hits a blank row - row 7 in this spreadsheet - I want it to stop.
Location| Status | Effective Date
San Jose
I currently am using an IF statement in the Status column fields to say if Location = blank, then blank, else "ACTIVE". That works, except that the # of rows populated in Location column could be 5 or 1,000, and inserting the formula that many times seems to quickly increase the file size.
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Nov 24, 2008
I have a spreadsheet which contains data for crime incidents occurring in a month. I have created a worksheet which uses "IF" statements to pull in data that occurred within the last 24 hours only. I would like to create a report that can be printed which has a crime category and lists all the incidents for that category below that occurred during the day. The issue I am having is that all "IF" and "LOOKUP" statements are line for line and I want to be able to skip blanks or where it is not the category in the title.
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Jan 10, 2012
Can a macro make a workbook everytime you copy, it will paste special formulas only and skip blank rows? And can I still let me select the range manually? I would like to use this to link workbooks.
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Mar 7, 2013
I have a list in Excel, and it has the company in one column, and it's information in the next x rows until there is a blank row (4-7 rows). I get that you can copy the rows under the Company, transpose next to the company, and then delete the contents of the cells that you just took the data from, but I have 6200 rows do to this to, for 500+ companies. I tried recording a macro for two entries, and this is what I have (see below), but how do I modify this so that I don't need to type in every single range, and it will do it to the whole column? The data is in column A, I am posting in column B.
Basics for Macro Requirement:
1. Find the blank cell in row A
2. Skip the next cell/row (this is the company)
3. Select all the cells beneath the company cell, until it reaches the blank cell underneath
4. Copy, transpose these cells next to the Company cell (transpose in column B)
5. Delete the contents in row A that were just transposed
6. Find the next cell with data (company)
7. Repeat Steps 2-6
My recorded Macro:
Sub Macro2()
' Macro2 Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+q
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Aug 11, 2013
I have a few pages of information and have grouped rows collapsed to show only the summary information. When I try to print only visible summary rows, whether I use print, print selection, copy and paste to another sheet or copy and "paste special" values to another sheet, all the hidden/grouped rows print or the summary rows print separately on different pages. Is it possible to print only the summary rows.
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Jul 23, 2014
I have a worksheet that has rows of information up to row 3000. Sometimes all the rows are shown and sometimes a lot of them are hidden. When I try and print, the rows with info are printed but then the hidden rows are included as just blank pages. Is there a way I can get excel to print only the rows in 1-3000 that are shown and not hidden?
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Sep 6, 2007
I've a worksheet that contains a whole list of items in stock.
For example
Item Quantity
hot water bottle
cooking oils
breakfast oats
The above is an example of what might be seen in the spreadsheet. What i'd like to be able to do is before printing it out, i want items with 0 quantity to be shown only. So i decided to hide the rows that have items with no quantity. To do this, all i could think of is to have a button that may contain codes to hide the rows. The problem with that is the button will appear there in the printout. Is there any way of making the rows hidden before printing without using a button to trigger the code?
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Nov 28, 2007
Is there a VB routine that can unhide rows when I print?
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Mar 10, 2006
I have a report that pulls data from another worksheet in Range A26:J58.
What I want to be able to do is assign a button for printing the report but
before printing from A1:J70 removing or hiding any row in the A26:J58 range
where there is no data. The range is filled from row 26 down so it is not a
random fill.
Also, I want to save this workbook as a template so that it can be used over
again, so I guess it would not be good to delete the rows in the range
otherwise I would have to recreate them.
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Nov 1, 2009
I am making a project in which there is vast data of around 10-15 pages to get print...but due to vast data its not possible to get all printed in 1 pages...So i want that cell A1:K4 & A47:K53 to get print in every sheet...Header and footer is not posisble due to some logo at the end of the there anyway for such printing option...
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Jan 9, 2007
By adapting a worksheet macro obtained previously via Ozgrid, I built a workbook that dynamically produces a database, in a worksheet titled NumLtrWBS DB, based on all possible combinations of what is listed in column A of three 3 worksheets titled: Num, Ltr and WBS, respectively.
The macro, named NumLtrWBS", works wonderfully, until I add a row at the top of each list to contain a column header. The unchanged macro includes the column headers in the produced database. When I change the macro by altering the variable definitions to begin at A2 rather than A1, it still includes the column headers in the produced database. How should I change the macro so it doesnt produce the column headers in the database worksheet?
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Jan 18, 2007
I'm completely at a loss I have a worksheet with hidden rows which I do not want to print yet Excel prints them anyway resulting in 12 pages rather than just the pages I want.
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Dec 12, 2007
I want to be able to print individual rows from my sheet. When I try, they run onto a number of pages. The information needs to be printed along with the column headers to make sense. Is there a way I can do this and get the rows to 'wrap' to save paper?
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Oct 13, 2009
I have this attached sheet that i need to print one for every day for the next 12 months.
The problem is i can find a way of doing this and getting the cells in red in row 6 to change to the next date.
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