Move Rows From One Sheet To Another Sheet Without Having Duplicate Entries
Apr 16, 2014
I need to move the rows from one sheet to another sheet upon clicking the ‘Submit’ button.
I will manually update my efforts in ‘Sheet 1’ and when I click ‘Submit’, it should “copy” the rows to the next sheet (Sheet 2). However, it should not duplicate the entries irrespective of clicking Submit multiple times. Obviously, while clicking ‘Submit’ it should check the entry for that particular employee name and date in the ‘Sheet 2’ and remove that completely and update the new entries and this should avoid duplicates for that date. Every time when I add new entries for a different name and for dirrerent employee, it should keep appending the Sheet 2.
In addition, it should avoid copying the blank rows from Sheet 1 (S. No column will not be blank usually) to Sheet 2.
All this should happen upon clicking the Submit button.
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Jun 28, 2014
I currently have a sheet of 20,000+ items and 2 columns. My first column is an part number and the second is a date. Each part number can be show multiple times but will have a different date each time. What I want to do is that the first occurrence of each part number (and corresponding date) and put it in sheet 1, the second occurrence of each part number and date into cell 2, third in cell 3 and so on... not all part numbers are showing multiple times, only certain ones.
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Feb 17, 2014
I have a file with many values, distributed across multiple columns.
From sheet1 i want to find and move all the duplicate values in the sheet 2 and I need a macro,a code macro to work at the level of the sheets, Sheet1-Sheet2
I want to move cut/paste all values duplicates 2 times 3 times or how many times is found from sheet1, in sheet2,but in sheet1 to keep single values, in sheet 1 to remain single value, only the values themselves which didn't pair I mean if a value is 2 times to move the original value but and double found.
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Feb 18, 2014
Code macro, is to move the duplicate values in sheet2,
I want to change that results from sheet 2 to be placed on columns A and B, not as it is now spread all over the sheet 2
This is the code....
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Jul 14, 2009
I have only recently started to learn VBA and have been putting it to practice in creating userforms to help people at my work to be able to timetable more quickly.
I have realised however that in many cases the basic code that I have been using could often be improved. However in the sections below I have not been able to work this out for myself. This needs to be done as after a large number of worksheets exists excel gradually gets slower and slower when running the macros.
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Feb 17, 2009
I copy rows of data according the Workgroup entries in Column C and paste them in to the relevant team sheet so that it is separated and printed off. Currently I am doing this manually, as the report length is variable and can be a few hundred rows or sometimes a few thousand which takes up some time. I know I can use the auto filter option, but as I currently use a macro to format this report I was hoping to include it whilst it is being formatted. Also would like to apply all borders to report so its easier to read when printed and a comments column at the end, but this can be done later.
There are teams and 27 workgroups to separate into each team, I have to do this everyday and was hoping to save some time here. I've attached a sample work book as an example.
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Dec 23, 2009
i learned how to highlight a row by placing an X in a single cell, my next question is:
Is there a way (most Likely there is) By placing "J/C" into a cell, make the entire row cut and then insert itself into my second sheet on row 2? "insert into a new row and not over existing information?"
now i have done this in the past using a Macro, select the row and then by pressing ctrl+k it would cut the row and then insert it into row 2 of the second sheet.
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Nov 3, 2006
It is supposed to take the rows with striketrhoughs and transfer them to the other sheet.
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
If Cells.Font.Strikethrough = True Then
Sheets("Completed Deployments").Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=True
End If
End Sub
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Dec 6, 2006
I need to update a sheet called Database by filtering the word Served in column F (6th field) of another sheet called Detention Register. After the 'Served' rows have been filtered today's date needs to be pasted into column E for all of these rows.
The filtered entries from A:F only then need to be cut & pasted into the next empty A column cell in the Database sheet. Finally, another macro called Update Database needs to be called.
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Feb 29, 2008
I have a spreadsheet that contains large amounts of data. I've looked through the forums and tried to adapt other VB code to work for me all to no avail.
I would like a macro to automatically cut a row from sheet1 and paste it on to a new line in sheet2 when data is input into column 'X'. (The data input in to column X is a date the specific case is resolved)
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Oct 24, 2013
We are currently in the process of having a system makeover, with some documents written in Word, as the lines add up, if it fills the page and jumps onto a second (from a template) the document replicates the layout (almost like a master) and additional lines are added onto a second page.
We have moved some onto excel for formulas and general layouts which seem easier - but is there a way to do the above in Excel? for instance, if I have 50 rows on 1 page and need to include 75 for instance, I need to copy the entire layout and have page 2 show 51-75.
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Jul 4, 2008
I have this code picked up from a friendly website:
Public Sub Extraction_to_new_sheets()
Dim My_Range As Range
Dim My_Cell As Variant
Dim sh_Original As Worksheet
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set sh_Original = ActiveSheet
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Jul 17, 2013
I'd like to know if is possible and how to move up rows that I change a value for example the column time has a row with value 02:00 and I change the value to 01:00 and the row moves up
Also when I change the value to 00:00 how to move up the row and when printing skip these rows.
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Mar 15, 2009
I want to do is copy all rows from the worksheet DATA based on column G (Date) and copy it to a new sheet based on the date (all 2003 on the 2003 sheet and all 2004 on 2004 sheet.....).
I have already created the new sheets including headers minus data. I would like to have all the data moved except the last to Columns AW & AX. I have two hidden sheets in this workbook. Would it be possible to have it auto-populate future entries from the "DATA" worksheet to autofill onto the new sheets?
Just noticed that I titled the Thread with Move but what I am asking for is copy. I cannot change the Thread title.
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Apr 24, 2009
I am attempting to write a macro so that when a user selects enters a particular selection in a cell, it will automatically move the entire row down to the last row and shade it in a different colour.
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Jun 20, 2007
I have a worksheet that is composed a header row, and columns of data (client call results).
Each client is identified by a unique ID number in column A, a seperate column F has the 'call number, from 1 to x'.
So a client can have a single or multiple rows of data. Each client group of rows is sequenced with call 1 as line 1, call 2 at line 2, etc. etc. as your proceed down the rows.
The entire worksheet is already sorted (with a header row) ascending by client id and call #
What I want to accomplish is this
1 - copy the existing worksheet (CallRecords) to a new worksheet (CallToday)
2 - in the new worksheet, scan down (or up) from first data row (2) to the last row {ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row} and delete duplicate rows of the Client ID retaining the row with the max call number for that client id.
3 - sort the new worksheet (CallToday) ascending by column (G) date, and column (H) time.
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Jun 3, 2012
I have two sheets:
1. Not yet printed
2. Printed
My data is in sheet 1 (Not yet printed). I would like to move automatically entiry rows (sometimes more then one) to sheet 2 (Printed) based on one cell's value. Here is a screenshot:
For example when I enter into Sheet 2 '264450' then row 2 would have been moved to Sheet 2.
And also with multiple rows, if I enter '264461' then row 4 and row 6 would have been moved to sheet 2 as well. I wouldn't like to enter a value more than once.
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Jul 30, 2014
The following code compare two sheets and remove the duplicate rows to a new sheet. In this code I have to create the third sheet manually.
I need the "New Sheet" to be create automatically with the name of "Dup".
Option Explicit
Sub nomatchnoty32()
Dim X, i As Long, j As Long, Y(), Dic As Object, k&, Z, name1$, name2$
Const shSource1 As String = "sheet1"
Const shSource2 As String = "Sheet2"
[Code] .........
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Oct 27, 2012
In the attached worksheet I have UserForm2. When I click on open compare form button on the menu sheet it opens UserForm2, I would like the information I select in the first 7 combo boxes Vegetable - Ball on UserForm2 to loop through the data in the database sheet Columns A:G and compare the entries to the non empty/not blank cells in each row. If the form contain data that matches all the non empty/not blank cells in a row in the database sheet then it is a match and should show the label and display the message. If the form entries does not match to the non-empty/not blank cells in any of the rows on the database sheet then do nothing.
The problem I am having is getting it to loop through the sheet and bring back the right results. It is only matching on row 2 of the database sheet when I select cabbage in the vegetable combo box and apples in the fruit combo box . I cannot figure out how to get it to loop through all the rows for the range I want to compare (A2:G7) - I need this range to be flexible so as data is added it will expand to read all added rows.
The code is on the btnSave_Click() for UserForm2
I attached the spreadsheet and I am explaining what I want to do and the expected result.
Fruit Type
[Code] .....
What I want to do is loop through the Database sheet and if the fields on the form contain all the values in any row of the Database sheet, excluding empty cells in the Database sheet, then display a message.
So if on the form I selected Broccoli fron the vegetable combo box, Cricket from the games combo box, puzzles from the toy combo box, bananna from the fruit combo box, grits from the cereal combobox, and baseball from the ball combo box, in the databse sheet tabel shown above the match would be row 6 since the values for vegetable, game, toy, fruit, cereal and ball on the form matches what is on row 6 of the Database sheet. It does not matter what other fieds are selected /filled in on the form, the match should only take into consideration the populated cell in each row of the database sheet.
So, if the user enters Apples in the fruit combo box and Cabbage in the vegetable combo box but had blank or something other than bike in the toy combo box on form it would be a match to the Database sheet row 2, regardless of what the user enters in the remaining fields on the form
If the user enters Berries in the fruit combo box, Blueberry in the Fruit Type Combo box, Carrot in the vegetable combo box, and Grits in the cereal combo box it would be a match to Database sheet row 3, regardless of what the user enters in the remaining field on the form .
If the user enters Apples in the fruit combo box, Cabbage in the vegetable combo box, and Bike in the toy combo box on form itwould be a match to the Database sheet row 5, regardless of what the user enters in the remaining field on the form .
If the user enters Grape in the fruit combo box, Carrot in the Vegetable combo box, Cards in the game combo box, and football in the ball combo box on the form it would be a match to Database sheet row 7, regardless of what the user enters in the remaining field on the form.
If the user enters Kiwi in the fruit combo box, Cabbage in the vegetable combo box, and Bike in the toy combo box on form it would NOT be a match to the Database sheet because the Database sheet does not have a row that contain Kiwi, Cabbage, and Bike.
So basically, if the entries on the form match the exact values for all the non-empty (blank) fields for any row in the Database sheet, then it is a match.
-If the entries on the form do not contain an exact match to all the non-empty (blank) fields for any of the rows in the Database sheet, then it is not a match.
-If it is a match show the label and display the message box
-If it is not a match the do nothing
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Nov 25, 2013
i am making a simple complaint tracking system and there is a column where there are two choices Resolved and Unresolved if you choose resolved it copies the row to the resolved sheet and if it's unresolved it copies the row to the unresolved sheet. i attached a template to give you an idea, i want the first complaint to be copied to the resolved sheet and second one to the unresloved sheet, i don't want the status column which contains the choices to be copied to the other sheets, also the unresolved sheet doesn't have a 'date closed' column because the complaint is not yet resolved so i dont want it to be copied there, i want it only in the resolved sheet.
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Apr 17, 2014
In the attachment you will see an example of what I am trying to accomplish. What I am trying to do is find VBA code that will move data by date from an (Entry) sheet to a (Historical) sheet. I want to enter a date in B3 on the (Entry) sheet. I then enter data into C3. What I would like to happen is when the data is entered into C3 the sheet goes and finds the same date that I entered in B3 and copies that data from C3 into Column E of the (Historical) sheet.
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Dec 19, 2008
I want to end up with is when I type text in any row of the Master sheet, I would like the entire contents of each row to automatically be repeated on the worksheet of the same name (as per column O). For example row 5's contents from the Master sheet would duplicate into the sheet named Accommodation. In addition, should the details ever change in the Master, this would need to be reflected in the individual sheets also. My only concern is that I'd like the individual sheets to fill from the top rather than match the exact row number position from the Master, ie row 5's contents to be placed into row 2 of the Accommodation sheet seeing as it's the first occurrence, and row 6's would go into row 3 etc.
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Dec 19, 2008
I want to end up with is when I type text in any row of the 'Master' sheet, I would like the entire contents of each row to automatically be repeated on the worksheet of the same name (referred to by text entered in column O). For example row 5's contents from the Master sheet would duplicate into the sheet named 'Accommodation' as O5 contains the word Accommodation.
In addition, should the details ever change in the Master, this would also need to be reflected in the individual sheets. My only concern is that I'd like the individual sheets to fill from the top rather than match the exact row number position from the Master, ie if row 5 had the first occurrence of the word Accommodation in column O, the contents of that row would be placed into the next available first blank row of the Accommodation sheet, which in this case would be row 2 as the headings are on row 1.
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Jun 4, 2013
I have attached a before and after image of what I am looking to accomplish.
In the before image, you can see that there are 3 rows of data
- a header
- a repeating model number (in column F) with accompanying data (values in columns G - J are the items of interest)
In the after image, you can see that I took the 3 rows of data and turned it into simply two rows of data
- a header
- the repeating model number
What I did however in the after image, as can be seen, is I took the data that appeared on the repeating row (Row 3 from the Before image), and included the PRICE, COST, BEGIN, and END values in new columns on row 2.
The model number is the same of course, which is why I did it that way.
If the model numbers were different, I would have simply left it alone, as-is.
Is there a way to accomplish this via some functions or maybe even a VBA script?
By the way, if we have to dump all of this onto a new sheet, then so be it.
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Aug 2, 2009
I currently have this code here that DELETES duplicate rows in the "Customer Number" column..
How can I modify this code to instead take any 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc occurrence of a duplicate row and move it to a new worksheet named "Duplicates" and ALSO KEEP THE HEADER ROW?
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May 23, 2014
I have a UserForm which writes data to rows in a master spreadsheet. I'm attempting to write some vba code for a CommandButton in the master spreadsheet which can identify and delete duplicate entries based on "user ID", "Date", and "Time". I would like the CommandButton to retain the most recent entry from a user and delete all previous entries.
My master sheet is set out as such...
A, B, C, D,
UserID, Date, Time, Response
The users could potentially submit multiple entries on the same day. Ideally I would like to be able to click a CommandButton and delete each user's submission but retain their most recent one (based on "UserID", then "Date", then "Time").
I've searched all day for a solution and I've come close but I can not figure out a code that accounts for my three variables ("UserID", then "Date", then "Time").
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May 9, 2009
how to assign values into arrays. I need to compare two sheet (sh1 & sh2), range a2:c20 using array function and get the duplicate values in sheet3.
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Jul 4, 2014
I am using Excel 2007 on Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit.
My Workbook contains 2 Worksheets, both with the same headings in row 1. Sheet2 is initially empty, except for the headings in row 1.
The following is a sample of the data in Sheet1:
[Code] ......
I want to create a Macro to operate as follows:
In the above sample data, rows 2, 4, and 8 are identical, so I want to copy rows 4 and 8 to Sheet2, and delete them from Sheet1.
Rows 3 and 9 are identical, so row 9 should move to Sheet2;
Rows 5 and 11 are identical, so row 11 should move to Sheet2.
Rows 6, 7, 10, and 12 are all unique, so should be unaffected by the Macro.
New records will be added to Sheet1 periodically, so the Macro will be used each time to move any newly discovered duplicates to Sheet2.
The Macro should make no assumption about how the rows are ordered, and should not change their order.
I have uploaded two Workbooks, such that Workbook1 shows the original data, and Workbook2 shows the result I want to obtain.
Attached Files :
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Aug 6, 2009
What is the correct method to duplicate the last sheet when using Sheets.add Type: (how to finish this statement to have the newsheet be the same as the preceding sheet)
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Feb 26, 2009
I have I workbook that contains 2 sheets. The first sheet "Business Objects" is the master list. The second sheet "Gene" contains similar data but is incomplete. There is a unique identifer for both sheets and that is item ID. what I would like to do is look at the Item ID column on sheet1 compare it to SS# on sheet two and copy any rows from sheet1 to the end of the sheet in sheet 2. I have found in my searches on this forum a bit of code that identifies the ones in sheet1 that are not in Sheet2 and highlights them red(which is not neccessary for me, but I am struggling to figure out how to take that and paste it to sheet2.
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