Automatically Select From Dropdown Based On Variables In 2 Other Cells

Jan 6, 2013

I have a sheet where I have a "Status" column in each row which could be "Waiting for Band", "Waiting for Organizer", or "Ready to Go!". These options are set as a data validation list. I have 2 cells later in each row where the response can only be "Yes" or "No". I want for the Status column to be set automatically based on the responses in the later two cells. So for example

where C3 and M3 are Yes, the status column in B3 should read "Ready to Go!"
where C3 is no but M3 is yes, the status column should read "Waiting for Organizer"
where C3 is no and M3 is no, the status column should read "Waiting for Band"

The above is actually an exhaustive list of all of the potential outcomes(!)

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Automatically Select Item From Dropdown List Based On Cell Text

Apr 8, 2013

I have a spreadsheet where user can search for information inside a search box and the appropriate rows are returned using formulas.

I have a drop down list (Category: Model) in the search box as well as a search field (Category: Program, cell D2). Underneath the search box, search rows are returned with column categories: Program, Model, etc.

What I require is that if a user enters the specific program into the search field D2, then the dropdown list would automatically choose which model that program belongs to based on the returned row.

For example, if I typed "engine" into D2 and pressed enter,

Under the records section (Row 14 and beyond), the following record will pop up:



Based on the record, F-16 would be chosen from the dropdown list. Is there any way this can be done?

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Merge Cells: Select A Range Based On Two Variables Which Store The Column Numbers

Jul 19, 2009

I am trying to select a range based on two variables which store the column numbers. what I have is:

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Cells Completed Automatically Based On Selection From Dropdown List

Jun 14, 2014

I need to make a dropdown list (I know how to do that) and based on that selection, I need some cells below to automatically complete. How can I do that? Is it possible with or without VBA?

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Automatically Updating Adjacent Cells Based On Dropdown List Selection Even If Changed

Apr 12, 2013

I have a workbook that has two worksheets. One worksheet is an input worksheet. A user will select a date from a drop-down list and type in the events that occurred on that date in 8 adjacent cells. The user selects a button that advances date and clears form. On sheet 2, whatever was typed into sheet one is saved via VLOOKUP formula. However, if I try to change something retroactively and select a previous date from the drop-down list, it clears everything in sheet 2 that was typed for any selected day.

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Macro To Set Automatically Select Value From Dropdown List?

Mar 22, 2014

I am in need of a Macro that does the following:

In cell B4 I have data validation drop down list which refers to the range of values named Tarifalist. Tarifalist list has the following range of values: 01,1A-1F / DAC / 02 / OM / HM / 5A (Baja) / 5 (Baja) / 03

In cell B5 I have a data validation drop down list with =IF(OR($B$4="03",$B$4="OM",$B$4="HM"),Thirty,ThirtySixty) Where range Thirty has the value 30, and ThirtySixty has values 30 and 60

I would like in addition, a Macro which when either 03, HM, or OM is selected in cell B4, that it automatically sets the value to 30 in cell B5. The purpose is so that the input is foolproof, and no user can accidentally leave the value at 60. As of now, if the value has been left at 60, and 03, HM, or OM is selected in B4, B5 can stay at 60, which is not a valid input and must be manually changed.

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Automatically Select Item From Dropdown List

Apr 29, 2014

I have two cells and both have a drop down list. I would like Excel to automatically select an item from the second drop-down list based on the manual selection of the first drop-down list. The second cell needs the have the dependent item appear in the second cell not just be available in the drop-down list.

For example, Cell A1 has a drop-down lsit of the names of fruits, vegetables and flowers (apples, bananas, carrots, carnations, corn, daisys, tomatoes, zuchinni). Cell B1 has another drop down with three items (fruits, vegetables & flowers) which needs to be dependent on the first list. Further, I would like cell B1 to automatically select the appropriate item.

For example, if "carrots" is selected in cell A1 then I would like "vegetables" to be selected and automatically appear in cell B1. If "carnations" is selected in cell A1 then I would like "flowers" to appear (not just be available in the drop down).

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Make Dropdown Box Select Open File Automatically?

May 9, 2014

I have attached an example sheet : LATEST.xlsm

To sum up - need a drop down box - that when "flange" is selected - It opens a file automatically - no clicking etc. just when that option in the drop down box is chosen.

[Code] .....

But doesn't work, plus means I have to click on something.. etc

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VBA Select Range To Copy Based On Two Variables

Jan 13, 2014

I have a Macro that already works great but now I need to look for another variable to sort it down even further. I think it can be done by setting up a "Case" but still not sure how to do that. It already looks through the range to find all the rows that return a value of "True". Now I need it sort those results so it only returns what has a specified value in Column "AJ". I am looking to do several choices (Listed Here). So the end result will be all the items that return "TRUE" In Column "AI" and are Items that return one of these values per Case "Starters, Appetizers, Soup, Salad, Entree, Dessert, Special" with then copy over in the exact format that is listed in the code below.

For example All the items that are selected with "TRUE" can be narrowed down to all of those that are "Salad" as well - Then copied over in the exact format that is listed in the code below.

What I am doing is breaking out all the different course of food and putting a Header in-between each (That is already built and working) - So I can select all the food from a master list and then put it in order on the "Catering BEO" Sheet with Headers in between

Sub BEOA4()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim wsSource As Worksheet
Dim wsDest As Worksheet
Dim FoundX As Range
Dim FirstFound As String
Dim lastrow As Long


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Input Data Automatically Based On Dropdown Combo

Oct 22, 2013

I have a form with a number of fields. There is a field at the top of the form for Part number. When I type in a part number I need the form to auto complete any fields that are linked (if i can link them). E.g., if the part number is 111 then based on info in another table the fields will be auto completed for me.

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Automatically Filter Date Column Based On Dropdown Of Month

Sep 18, 2012

I want to be able to show only the dates whose months are selected in the drop down in cell A1. I've been able to do this with a Macro that I must run every time I change A1; however, I was wondering if there was a way to have the macro done automatically. I've been trying the Worksheet_Change options with little command. In addition to all of the If/Thens, I've also tried the If/ElseIfs as well:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$A$2" Then

If Target = "January" Then
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$2:$C$14").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:= _
xlFilterAllDatesInPeriodJanuary, Operator:=xlFilterDynamic

[Code] .....

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Automatically Color Worksheet Tab Based On Dropdown List Selection

Nov 21, 2012

I am new to VB macros, I am trying to figure out how to color a tab Green based on a selection from a drop down list.

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Making Dropdown List Show (Select One) In All Cells?

Mar 27, 2014

How do i make a drop down list in a cell show Select One in the cell when the cells previous contence (Option selected from drop down list) have been deleted. E.g Cell E5:E400 must show Select One in the cell and when clicked on show drop down list I dont want a input message box or error box i can do that with validation

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Select Current Region Ignoring Cells In Dropdown List?

Feb 17, 2014

I have a sheet with a data in range A1:J9. I have a drop down list in each cell from A2:A100.

I'm trying to store all values in A1:J9 in an array using the property CurrentRegion.value like below

The issue is that is taking as current region the range A1:J100, even if I don't have selected any value in the drop down list from A10:A100.

Is there a way to force CurrentRegion to select only values from A1:J9 ignoring the blanks dropdown list values or a similar way to load an array with values in a contiguous range?

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Copy Data From One Sheet To Another Automatically Based On Number Selected In Dropdown Control

Apr 25, 2013

I'm trying to copy data from one sheet to another sheet automatically based on a number selected in a drop down control.

I have used OFFSET to pull some information successfully from a list. This is easy for me to do with single entries and a list and has worked well. I want to do similar but with a dataset not just single cells.

But, I can't seem to make OFFSET work to show a set of data easily.

Perhaps I will need VB code to do so? Or there is another control I'm not aware of? I've done very little with VB.

I'll attach a sample file to try to show better what I'm trying to do.

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Automatically Select Next Group Of Cells

Nov 21, 2007

I have a workbook that contains part numbers and their components listed like below. There is always one empty row between the part number and the components, and then 3 empty rows between the last component and the next part number.

The number of components varies from sometimes only 1 up to 25. Currently, I select a part number and its components like B1:C5 and then I have a macro that copies it to another workbook. What I would like to do is somehow get the macro to automatically select the next set down, in this case, B9:C14, so I could copy every set over to its proper place with only one click of the button.

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Select An Item From Drop Down List And Automatically Fill A Number Of Cells

Nov 15, 2008

I am kind of new to Excel programming and would like to know if there is a solution to my problem. What I need is to have a dropdown list (I know how to make this) then select an item from the drop down, then based on the name i select, Excel automatically fill up the rest of the cells.

For example, from the drop down list I select the company name then Excel automatically type the address, phone number, Fax number and the contact name of the company for me in corresponding cells. Is there a way to do this?

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Create Active Cell Formula Based Of Variables From Given Cells?

Apr 20, 2012

I am trying to create an active cell formula based of variables from given cells.

With ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=CONCATENATE(""RU"",RC[-12],RC[-11],RC[-10],RC[-9])-CONCATENATE(""MU"",RC[-12],RC[-11],RC[-10],RC[-9])"
ActiveCell.Formula = ActiveCell.Value

But This does nothing.

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Excel 2010 :: VBA Repeating Formula(s) In Specified Cells Based On Defined Variables?

Dec 28, 2012

In my worksheet, I know the last line of my report AND I know how many "reporting segments" (all equidistant and identical) there are in the report based on the last row using the below (which I tested in several reports in messages):

Dim vListEnd As Variant
Dim vTaskCount As Double
vListEnd = ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Offset(Sheet1.Rows.Count - 1, 0).End(xlUp).Row
vTaskCount = ((vListEnd - 5) / 22)

My "reporting segments" are ALWAYS 22 rows each and the first one always starts in row 5. Example: A document where the last row (containing an End of Report special character) is 247 would have 11 reporting segments.

Within each reporting segment, there are two different formulas needed.

For the first reporting segment located in rows A5 thru J27:

I need FORMULA1 in all cells of the range (D5:D15 dragged out to H5:H10(not 15) and D18) and FORMULA2 in cells (F20:F22,J20:J22).

Then I need to repeat that vTaskCount number of times (number of segments) and at intervals of 22 (segment repeater offset). Some reports may have 2 segments, some might have 50, but the structure is always identical.

My formulas are all pretty simple if it makes a difference (originally using FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-1]+RC[-3]" --- but because I now know solid cell locations I suppose I don't need to make them relative, too.)

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Dropdown List Based On Other Cells Value

Jun 26, 2014

Column C and D are should be picked from a dropdown list (data is in named range on sheet 3).

The choices that have t become available in a dropdown list in column E (values also in named rnage on sheet 3) should be based on the combination of column C and D.

The choices that have t become available in a dropdown list in column H (values also in named rnage on sheet 3) should be based on the value of column C.

I'm not sure the way it is set up now (as far as it is setup) is the way to go.

Here is a link to the file : [URL] ...........

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Lock Cells Based On Dropdown Value

Oct 31, 2006

I had posted a similar question on 10/27 but the thread has mysteriously diappeared. So, I am reposting my question. What I am trying to do is probably easily done using VBA. See attached workbook example.xls to follow along.

I have a dropdown (YES/NO) selection in Column C. I want to do the following when 'YES' is the selection for any row:

1) do a vlookup into the 'data' tab and return corresponding value in Column D
2) Lock the cell after the value is returned into Column D

If the selection is 'NO' then do nothing., ie., leave the cell blank and unlocked.

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Auto-Populate Cells Based On Dropdown?

May 27, 2014

The file is attached here. I would like to be able to autopopulate cells based on a dropdown. The first tab has the final report and the other 2 tabs are the raw files.


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Retrieving Cells Based On Dropdown List?

Jan 13, 2014

I want to be able to pick a word from a drop down list and for related information to appear in the next cell. I just don't know the function to do it.

Here's an example: I have a list of first names and second names in adjacent columns.
Excel question 1.jpg

In the 2nd sheet I have a drop down list of the first names:

Excel question 2.jpg

Is there a function to make the corresponding 2nd name appear in B1 when a first name is selected. I've seen examples where INDIRECT is used to create a dependent drop down list in B1 but I'd like the information to automatically appear.

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Formula For Correlating Cells Based On Dropdown

Jan 20, 2014

I have a dropdown list (C1 on the dashboard sheet). When January is chosen in that list I want the value in D15 on the dashboard sheet to match the value in B13 on the Target sheet...and then the same for D16 on the dashboard sheet and B13 on the Actual Sheet. When February is chosen the values should match for the month and so on.

Essentially I want the drop down list selection to populate the right numbers based on the month chosen.

TDCG Dashboard.xlsx

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Colored Cells Based On Dropdown Selection

May 23, 2013

I am trying to create a spreadsheet which allows me to select an antibiotic from a drop-down menu (refer to cell D1) on Sheet 1.jpg, which would then color the cells below based on the color-coded coverage based on another sheet (refer to D2-D17 of Sheet 2.jpg).

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Update Cells Based On A Dropdown Selection

Jun 17, 2008

I am trying to use a row of cells as update cells, where the user inputs an amount into greyed out cells, which in turn updates Sheet1!$I$2:$I$11, from which it will update other worksheets that are currently in progress. but I do not know how to go about it. Is it possible?

For each amount the user enters (for each Code Number) a date will be displayed below the amount.

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Reset Dropdown Lists Based On Other Inputs / Cells

Jul 1, 2009

Trying to create a dynamic costing spreadsheet, where the user has to make multiple selections from many dropdown lists, all of which end up showing a total cost.

So far I have managed to create relatively dynamic lists, so that the choice in one cell will dictate what options are available in the next.

But if a user selects an options form all the dropdowns, and then decides to go back and modify a previous option to something else, the effected dropdown lists do not change until you click on the drop down arrow again and see the options available have changed.

Let me try and simplify...
'Menu 1' has two option: 'A' and 'B'.
If 'A' is chosen, then the next menu, 'Menu 2', will have options '1' and '2'.
If 'B' is chosen from 'Menu 1', then the options in 'Menu 2' will be '3' and '4'.
Lets say the user chose 'A' from 'Menu 1' and then '1' from 'Menu 2'... AND THEN went back and changed their choice in 'Menu 1' to 'B'....
'Menu 2' will still be displaying '1', even though the options are only '3' and '4'.

Can I make the dependant menu's either reset or blank or highlight to show that a change made somewhere else has made them currently invalid

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VBA Copy / Paste Cells Based On Dropdown Selection?

Apr 22, 2013

I have two sheets that I am using. sheet 2 has a list of experiments in column C with information regarding the experiment in columns F - J. On sheet 1 I have a dropdown box with a list of all the experiments. When I select an experiment from the dropdown box I would like to populate columns K - O on sheet 1 with the information from columns F - J for the selected experiment on sheet 2.

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Formula To Find Two Cells Based On Dropdown List And Then Workout Difference?

Jun 5, 2014

I have a list of Names that has numbers accumulated over months. I am looking for a formula to use in a search tool that uses a drop down list to identify the name I am looking for and then the formula will show me the increase that happened in certain months.

See the attachment the result is coming from Denominators tab, I want the answer displayed in the Display tab, you will see a drop down list at C3 in Display, I am trying to show the answer in cell D9-I9.

how many the denominator has increased in that month. so for D9 it will come from denominator tab column c minus b, E9 will be d minus c

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VBA To Fill In Three Cells Based On Data Validation Dropdown List Selection

Dec 26, 2012

I've created seven names in my data validation source list on Sheet 3 in the following range of cells, A2-A7. My data drop down validation list is located on Sheet 1, A2 in the same workbook. I would like to trigger a macro based on the name I select in this drop validation drop down list that will fill out an address, telephone number, and email address in the following cells next to my data validation drop down list on Sheet 1: B2, B3, and B4. I want it to be designed so that users will select a name and have that person's corresponding address, telephone number, and email address fill right next to their name on the same sheet.

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