Average Range By Conditions
Dec 6, 2007
I have written a function below which is supposed to give average of selected range and will ignore #N/A, if any. Naturally, i use array formula:
Function m_avg(mRange As Range)
m_avg.FormulaArray = "=AVERAGE(IF(ISNUMBER(mRange),mRange))"
End Function
the above doesnt work and gives me #VALUE!.
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May 12, 2008
I need your expert advise on how i can get the results i need. What i'm trying to do is get the average number of days given that 3 conditions are met.
1. Month Received
2. Status
3. Account
So here are the things i did
1. Named Ranges
ACCT for the Account
MR for the Month
STATUS for the status
TATQ for the no of days
2. I created a validation list in specific cells for the condition
a5 to a12 are the list of accounts
b2 for the month
d2 for the status
3. used the formula...........
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Jul 1, 2014
I have attached a file where there is information in the sheet Weekly with the first row showing the same month for several weeks. add a formula in the sheet Monthly which would calculate average for each month based on the first row in Weekly sheet. Plus the grouping in the Weekly sheet is done by shops and in the Monthly sheet by food, which would I imagine make the formula more complex.
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Nov 20, 2009
I am using EXCEL 2003. I am to find Average using few conditions. I have explained the requirement in the sample workbook.
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Mar 24, 2009
I'm trying to create a formula that that returns an average value if two conditions are met. No luck here.
I need to be able to get to - Brand = Blue; Value = 2; X Count = average - from the following information. The average is 17.5
BrandValueX CountY CountZ CountGreen1213152Green1405595Blue3107686Red1164965Green21098108Green33077107Blue21796113Blue13970109Red3144963Blue1107787Red31096106Red24663109Blue2165773Red21888106Green31910
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May 7, 2012
I need to average with multiple conditions. Is there a way for sumproduct to do such a thing? How to average with conditions?
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Dec 1, 2009
Im currently trying to report on cycle times for a certain task that is carried out on a daily basis. I have used NETWORKDAYS to calc each rows cycle time in Cell R14:R512 the code is:-
This is returning the cycle time providing both the start date/time and end date/time are filled in, or it returns blank if nothing has been filled in. I have then tried to calc the average overall cycle time in Cell R12 by using the below formula = SUM(R14:R513) / (COUNT(R14:R513) - COUNTIF(R14:R513,0))
This seems to be working proved i have two rows of data filled in. My problem lies when all the cells are blank, it then returns the DIV error. I have tried using an if statement to ignore if the cell is blank but it still returns the DIV error. Im really at a loss on this and now im not even sure if i have gone about this in the right way or if there is a better way to approach the whole task? I have attached a sample workbook to try and better explain.
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May 24, 2008
I have an excel sheet with different data columns (Column A = date, Column B = Production line, column C = total production of the line for the month, column D = complaints per milion). Within the same sheet Columns E through L have formulas and fucntions that uses Columns A thru D for calculation. Also every month a new row is added to the sheet, populating of course Columns, A, B, C and D and the other columns E thru L are populated automaticaly with the functions/formulas i have in place.
My question is within the same sheet I have 4 fixed cells I2, J2, K2 and J1. J2 and K2 depend on I2 and K2 values. Since my date changes every month (the inserion of new rows). I would like if someone can help me in how those cells I2 and K2 can be updated when i enter a value in Column C/ cell?? (??=next blank cell). I2 and K2 calucalates the averages of the last new 17 cells of columns H and L respectively.
So all i need is that cell I2 and K2 be updated automatically as soon as i add the new value in column C Example
This month
C22 = 12345 I2=Average(H5:H22) and K2=Average(L5:L22)
Next Month
C23=78901 I2=Average(H6:H23) and K2=Average(L6:L23)
So I type the input in column C everything is updated automatically. Again i dont know if i can do that with the if/offset, etc or if i need a macro.
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Aug 20, 2008
My spreadsheet is too large to attach so I'll describe it as best I can. I have names in column H, which are repeated irregularly. I have corresponding grade numbers (1-5) in column I, and I have the dates they were entered in column J. It looks something like this:
Column H Column I Column J
Name 1 4 8/10/08
Name 2 3.5 8/11/08
Name 1 5 8/11/08
Name 5 4 8/12/08
I want to average the grades (column I) for a certain name (column H) within the last 30 days, or however many days I enter. I'm using Excel 2003 with the analysis add-in. I can use SUMIF to include any two columns, but how can I write an average grade formula using both the name and date conditions? Dan Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;Come to think of it, all I need to do is sum the data. I have a denominator in a different box that I can use to average it. So in effect, I'm trying to creat a SUMIFS function.
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Feb 21, 2008
How do I calculate the average based on multiple conditions? Is my syntax incorrect?
Here's what i'm looking for:
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Mar 5, 2009
Dataset is 220K rows. A small subset follows.
Using an array calc with criterions Day = 1 and Hour = 1 summed on Elapsed Time returns 81 with an average of 11.57 for 7 events of which there are 5 distinct dates.
The function =SUM(IF(D2:D14<>"",1/COUNTIF(D2:D14,D2:D14))) returns the number of distinct dates in the dataset ie 7.
Is it possible to combine these two methods to create an average of elapsed time by day and hour using a denominator of distinct dates for only that combination of dimensions?
I have attempted to calculate an item in a pivot table using a different denominator without success.
day Hour Date Elapsed Time
1 0 5/03/2009 25
1 0 5/03/2009 24
1 1 5/03/2009 23
1 1 7/03/2009 11
1 0 7/03/2009 5
1 1 8/03/2009 2
1 1 8/03/2009 8
1 1 9/03/2009 4
1 1 9/03/2009 17
1 0 9/03/2009 22
1 1 10/03/2009 16
1 2 13/03/2009 12
2 1 14/03/2009 15
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Apr 10, 2013
I am trying to calculate some averages. What I have is 3 columns of data in A, B, C, also the "tasks" in A are in named ranges ex: "Award Contract" is a named range - "Task_Award" and "Confirm Updates" is a named range - "Task_Updates". I've attached a sample excel sheet.
I'd like to be able to create a macro to evaluate column A, and for every row in range "Task_Award", give me the average of the corresponding cells in column C and put it in the same range of cells in column B , then, for every row in "Task_Confirm" then give me the average of the same range of cells in column C and place the result in the same range of cells in column B. This is my very first post so I hope I am doing this correctly. I have 77 of these task ranges to evaluate and it will take a long time to do it manually. I'm thinking of a loop function.
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Aug 17, 2009
I have random "X"s in a column of cells in a range called "Won". I wish to count these if the adjacent cell in another range alled "Valu" is greater than a value determined in the cell E3. The result to be entered in Cell G4. Can use Excel formulas or VBA.
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May 15, 2012
How to get the MAX of a range if 3 conditions are met.
1 after this date
2 before this date
3 Column G is equal to A2
Ranges are on sheet1
Date reference is on sheet2
range to sum is on sheet1
something like
MAX sheet1!H:H
IF sheet1!$G:$G equals $A2
AND sheet1!$P:$P,">="&EOMONTH($B2,-1)+1
AND sheet1!$P:$P,"
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Aug 16, 2009
I have a named range “Value” and wish to count all the values over the value set in cell E3. The result to be entered in cell F4.
I have a second named range “Won”, adjacent to “Value”, and wish to count these values if the adjacent cell in the “Value” range has been counted. The result to be entered in cell G4.
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May 15, 2012
How to get the sum of a range if 3 conditions are met.
1 after this date
2 before this date
3 Column G is "OTH"
Ranges are on sheet1
Date reference is on sheet2
range to sum is on sheet1
Present formula is:
=SUMIF('sheet1'!$P:$P,">="&EOMONTH($A2, -1)+1,'sheet1'!$H:$H)
This works fine but lacks the 3rd condition 'sheet1'!$G:$G ="OTH"
Advise given was to go on SUMPRODUCT but unless with (OFFSET(INDIRECT, SUMPRODUCT wouldn't work on multiple sheets. And this is for version 14...
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Aug 10, 2009
I need a macro that will delete a range with some certain conditions. I have a set of dates in column B. The dates are in the format of 2009-01-31 09:15:00.
I need to search this column to find all the dates from the day before the computers date to the first day of the month before the previous days date. For example my computer date right now is August 10, 2009. So i need the macro to find all the dates from August 09, 2009 back to July 01, 2009 and select the entire rows that meet this criteria. Then I need to delete those rows.
Tomorrow when I run the macro it would choose all the data from July 01 - Aug 10, and this will go on each day until the end of december.
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Jul 27, 2012
I have a spreadsheet which has data in rows. I need to sum the first 5 values from the left of the range which are greater than zero. BUT if there are less than 5 non zero values present I want to sum from the right of the range.
First condition:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The function would return: 1+2+3+4+5 = 15
Second condition:
0 0 0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Function would return: 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 30
Third condition:
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 9 10
The function would return: 10 + 9 + 8 = 27
I have had success with:
(using ctrl shift enter)
BUT it crashes when faced with the third condition.
I would also like to avoid ctrl-shift-enter functions if I can as I don't have much success copying them around the spreadsheet.
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May 14, 2014
1) Input data are static and helper columns can be added if needed.
2) Filter will be dynamic range (in attachement is the filter static), and the count of years can be changed on users request. So there could be only 2011, but also 2011+2012, 2012+2013+2014 etc.
3) In col 'J', the is what I know to do, but I do not want to use SUMIF+SUMIF+SUMIF... for each year (the count of years will change througt time as mentioned above).
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Mar 15, 2014
I am trying to pick certain data from a table and sum it in order to produce a formatted report.
The data has many different items of which I want to pick certain ones to sum on one line
See attached and some of the formula's that I have used, but aren't quite what I'm after
The formula I want to use is .... VLOOKUP(E5:G5,A14:C23,3,) ......
But it wont reference a range (E5:G5) !!! and I also want the formula to ignore blanks (as blanks in the data file are actual totals).
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Jul 31, 2008
My data is as follows
June 8£3.20 Loc1
June 8£3.20 Loc1
June 8£3.20 Loc2
July 8£3.20 Loc2
July 8£3.20 Loc1
July 38£15.20Loc1
July 4£1.60 Loc2
Aug 38£15.20Loc2
Aug 4£1.60 Loc1
Aug 8£3.20 Loc1
Here is what I want to do
- Avoide filtering and manually calculating data for the total expense in the month
I want to SUM all the (3)AMOUNT in the (1)MONTH of JUNE for
I know its too much to ask for but can you suggest if i can combine SUMIF or SUM(IF) or any other formulas ???
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Dec 17, 2012
I'm trying to code a clean up of some data ranges ready for priting / reporting. I need to move filtered data from the source sheet, to a new one.
The issue is, that I need to apply some logic to the rows I filter out, not something I can do with autofilter...
- Only copy rows including and BETWEEN the first and last rows where total count in col 8 is > 0
So in example1, I'd want to copy out rows P6 - 1A
- Always copy at least 5 rows when there is one value > 0 in col 8
So in example2, I'd want to copy out rows P5 - 1C, ideally...
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Nov 13, 2006
I'm creating a summary sheet that adds up all the data on sheets between start and finish where A2-A25 is SU and B2-B25 is 004*04. Background info: SU stands for SetUp, and 004*04 is a workcenter number (its not 004 times 04) I'm trying to calculate the total number of Setups for each workcenter.
gives me a #NAME? error.
Example Data on each spreadsheet:
SU 004*02
SU 004*04
SU 004*04
SU 004*02
SU 004*04
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Dec 7, 2006
In the screen shot I'm trying to find the row number where a particular price of an order has been reached. In this case, for the first order, my execution price is 1.8859, my stop loss is 1.8834 and take profit is 1.8884. I need to look and the future prices to determine which event had occured first (either the take profit or the stop loss). I though by using row numbers I would compare and which ever is smallest would mean that it occured first - the profit/loss is then calculated.
The other caveat is that an exact match may not always be available - for example, the second trade is stoped out because the highest price for the 12:35 timeframe exceeds the value I'm looking for. Still it would have triggered a stop loss.
******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Misc.xls___Running: xl2002 XP : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutH6I6J6M6H7I7J7M7H8I8J8M8I9J9M9I10J10M10I11J11M11I12J12M12=
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Sep 5, 2006
I have this macro to copy a range to another worksheet:
Sub transpose_UPCID() ' Hace el copy y paste transposed en BAUCS de los numeros de UPC"s y
' las cajas ATR
Dim rng1 As Range
Dim rng2 As Range
Set rng1 = Sheets("Sales-Inventory").Range("UPC", Range("MK_ID").End(xlDown))
Set rng2 = Sheets("Sales-Inventory").Range("Figure", Range("Figure").End(xlDown))
Sheets("BAUCS").Range("C11").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, _
Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False _
, Transpose:=True
Sheets("BAUCS").Range("C37").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, _
Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False _
, Transpose:=True
Application.CutCopyMode = True
End Sub
The only problem is that this code copies all the items and I need this code to look into Column A in the Sales-Inventory worksheet. There I have a data validation with a total of six options. I also have six differents worksheets where I need to copy the values based on that data validation. To give you and example, all items containing XX in column A copy to XX worksheet. Something like that.
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May 16, 2007
Please take a look at this sample spreadsheet.
I am trying to find out how to write a formula that will sum the values in one column if the value in a corresponding column is within a range. For example, if the item number in the first column is greater than 2 and less than 7, the sum would be 179. I believe this would be some type of SUMIF but I cannot write it.
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Dec 7, 2007
I have a VERY complex custom data validation formula that is getting crazy. I thought it might be easier to use a user defined VBA function to handle it, but was unsuccessful.
I was able to write a VBA User Defined Function & use it within my spreadsheet to derive the value of another cell, as follows: =IF(OR(ISBLANK(B12),myValidation(B12)),"OK","NG")
I tried using it as a Custom Data Validation on the cell itself (=myValidation(B12)), and I get an error: "a named range you specified cannot be found".
Can the function be used in this way or could someone suggest another way of handling this?
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Mar 15, 2013
Assume this Data in a spreadsheet
I want to count blank "PI" based on "Product name" & "Product date" occurence together
So I created intermediate field "IS Blank", and I dunno what formula can give me the below results
My obective to get this result
CountBlank for PI = 3
Product Name..... Product Date.... PI...... IsBlank "PI" [Desired Formula output]
xxx .......................ddd ...............Blank.................. 1
xxx .......................ddd ...............Blank.................. 0 (counted above for same xxx&ddd)
xxx .......................ddd222 ..........Blank.................. 1 (PD changed to ddd222)
yyy ......................ttt............... Blank....................1 (another product,yyy)
yyy .....................ttt ...............Blank......................0 (same product and date, so not counting again)
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Jan 29, 2009
I want to auto fill certain columns in sheet A from sheet B & sheet C based on conditions
For Eg:
Sheet A:
Position Name
Personnel Name
Personnel No.
I want to auto fill in Sheet A for the columns:
Personnel Name
Personnel No.
If the employee is active in Sheet B then fill in Sheet A to the related position No.
If the employee is mapped to org. (Yes) in Sheet C then fill in Sheet A to the related position No.
i have written the below formula but not working properly:
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May 30, 2008
I have a rolling calendar worksheet that I need to create a formula to auto populate the sum of 8 weeks out, 4 and 8 weeks back based on any work week date I may plug in. So on the "summary page" based on a work week date, I need 8 weeks out, 4 and 8 weeks back projections to be auto summed for 10 different part numbers. The "13 week rolling" page will continue to be updated so that everyweek another week is added and the last week will fall off. (this part can be done manually if no function can delete the oldest column) When the weeks are added it must include the workweek in question. i.e. ww25 = (8weeks out) ww25:ww32 / (4weeks back) ww25:ww22 / (8weeks back) ww25:ww18. see example workbook attached.
This has been driving me nuts for a few weeks now.
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