Sumproduct - Average With Multiple Conditions?

May 7, 2012

I need to average with multiple conditions. Is there a way for sumproduct to do such a thing? How to average with conditions?

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Sumproduct With Multiple Conditions

Apr 10, 2008

My sumproduct has multiple conditions - is there a limit to the number of multiple conditions one sumproduct formula can have? I didn't think there was????

The formula looks like this, and should return results - at the moment, it returns #N/A. Does it have anything to do with the fact that I'm using named ranges?


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SUMPRODUCT - Count Multiple Conditions

Feb 16, 2006

Ive started using the sumproduct function to count multiple conditions which is useful

howveer if i want to count those records in one column that meet a condition and those records in another column that meet anyone of a number of conditions how can i do that?

the only way i can think is like the below


Rather than having to eliminate red and yellow i would like to say is green or blue.

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SUMPRODUCT Formula - Multiple Conditions?

Dec 6, 2009

Can a sumproduct formula accomodate multiple criteria?

The following is a sumproduct formula, for just one condition.

SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:A100="Red Sox"),--(B1:B100""))

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Average Based On Multiple Conditions

Dec 1, 2009

Im currently trying to report on cycle times for a certain task that is carried out on a daily basis. I have used NETWORKDAYS to calc each rows cycle time in Cell R14:R512 the code is:-


This is returning the cycle time providing both the start date/time and end date/time are filled in, or it returns blank if nothing has been filled in. I have then tried to calc the average overall cycle time in Cell R12 by using the below formula = SUM(R14:R513) / (COUNT(R14:R513) - COUNTIF(R14:R513,0))

This seems to be working proved i have two rows of data filled in. My problem lies when all the cells are blank, it then returns the DIV error. I have tried using an if statement to ignore if the cell is blank but it still returns the DIV error. Im really at a loss on this and now im not even sure if i have gone about this in the right way or if there is a better way to approach the whole task? I have attached a sample workbook to try and better explain.

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Average With Multiple Conditions, Including Dates

Aug 20, 2008

My spreadsheet is too large to attach so I'll describe it as best I can. I have names in column H, which are repeated irregularly. I have corresponding grade numbers (1-5) in column I, and I have the dates they were entered in column J. It looks something like this:

Column H Column I Column J
Name 1 4 8/10/08
Name 2 3.5 8/11/08
Name 1 5 8/11/08
Name 5 4 8/12/08

I want to average the grades (column I) for a certain name (column H) within the last 30 days, or however many days I enter. I'm using Excel 2003 with the analysis add-in. I can use SUMIF to include any two columns, but how can I write an average grade formula using both the name and date conditions? Dan Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;Come to think of it, all I need to do is sum the data. I have a denominator in a different box that I can use to average it. So in effect, I'm trying to creat a SUMIFS function.

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SUMPRODUCT Quarterly Average -> For Multiple Product Categories

Dec 31, 2013

I have data table with sales numbers by product, its wheel base, and over platform for months ranging from Aug 2013 - Nov 2013. This data table will populate with the complete month sales numbers after the month has finished going forward.

I have a table to the right of the listing the sum totals for each product (by wheel base and platform) by each quarter (rolling).

Now I need building a sumproduct average to calculate the quarterly average. This is not that simple because not all products (platform/wheel base) were available the entire quarter.

Also PLATFORM 3 in the tables are grouped - instead of listing platform 3a and platform 3b - using this in the formula:


Because not all products were available for the entire quarter - and the formula will need to count how many months that product, platform, wheel base was available during that quarter I'm guessing "=MOD(MONTH(A1)-1,3)+1" this may have to be used to count the number of months into the quarter the product was available.

Attached file. [URL] ........

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Calculating The Average Of A Column Based On Multiple Conditions

Feb 21, 2008

How do I calculate the average based on multiple conditions? Is my syntax incorrect?

Here's what i'm looking for:


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3 Conditions - SUMIF Or SUMPRODUCT Or...?

Jan 6, 2009

I have 4 columns, A B C and D. They are a mix of formats.

A= Name (text)
B= Date
C= Code (text)
D= Number

I need a formula that gives me the total from column D, provided conditions for columns A, B and C are met. The date condition is month only, so I'm using MONTH(1) for January etc.

I can find a formula if there are only three columns total (using SUMPRODUCT), but not 4.

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Sumproduct To Count From 2 Conditions...

Jan 7, 2009

I'd like to use a sumproduct function to count 2 conditions. I want to add the number of times the number 0 is entered in Column D when a 1 is entered in the same row within Column C next to it.

I'm using the formula below yet its wrong.... it gives the answer of 7 rather than 1 (see data in attached file).


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Sumproduct Where Two Conditions In The Same Column

Jan 16, 2009

I am trying to get sumproduct to work on a table where two conditions in the same column must be true (ie two employees must both have worked on the same project) in order to calculate a result. Trouble is my formula doesn't produce anything but a big fat zero.

Column A contains the list of projects. Column B has the list of employees. And column C has each employee's cost. So:

=sumproduct((column A = project1) * (column B = Joe) * (column B = Mark) * (column C))

=total cost of Project1 when both Joe AND Mark work on it.

Unfortunately, when I structure sumproduct this way, it returns zero.

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SUMPRODUCT-formula With Changing Conditions

Feb 8, 2009

I have a few varieties of SumProduct-formulae that are very helpful when dealing with numbers and/or letters in set conditions.

Like this one, which counts rows where conditions are met in four columns:
and this one, which sums the values of the same

How does one make these two do their respective jobs when one or some of the columns are conditions for the next column - with their changing values, and thereby changing conditions?

Instead of "bigger than 0,4" as the condition for the AC part, it should be something like "bigger than it's AD counterpart" (AD value on the same row).

I have a few combinations of these "internal" measurements to do (the AB in addition being < than a certain percentage of the AC, and so on) but first of all I need a solution to the placement of the > and < signs.

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Can Use SUMPRODUCT And Average Together?

May 24, 2012

Can i use SUMPRODUCT and average together? ?

I am using sumproduct to sum the total number of transactions in each country. The argument is =SUMPRODUCT(--(Sheet1!$C$1:$C$9999),--(Sheet1!$AB$1:$AB$9999=Sheet2!A4))

The Firts part C:C is a list of every transaction value, the second is the country to which the transaction took place in. is there an easy way to obtain the average transaction value as te countries are spread over the list?

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Sumproduct To Find Average

May 25, 2008

I have 3 excel sheets (A,B and C) linked to a master sheet (X). In each sheet (A,B and C), people enter unique idetifier in first column, its type (mr, ab, J) in the second column, start date in the third column and finish date in the fourth column. At the end of every week, i subtract each start date from the finish date and get the number of days spent for each unique idetifier (column N). I preiously posted a thread (Calculate difference between dates excluding weekends) to inquire about how to calculate the difference between finish date and start date and exclude the weekends. I received some nice solutions, but none has worked as the start date cane be weekend as well.

My second and major query is once i have the difference in weekedays for each unique identifier in all the three sheets, I want to calcuate the average of each identifier type (mr, ab and J) in the master sheet. In the master sheet, i have used sumproduct to calculate the average of each idetifier type from column N for each sheet. That means i have a column for A sheet, subdivided into three types, which include the average. I am using sumproduct for this. Once this is done for each sheet type, i need a final colum in the master sheet that calculates average of all mr from A, B and C together, and similarly for ab and J. The problem here is if i combine all the sumproduct formula, i am not gettng the right answer.

My formula looks like SUMPRODUCT((SheetA!$E$5:$E$40="mr")*(SheetA!$M$5:$M$40)) for all mr in sheet A. I then divide this by SUMPRODUCT((SheetA!$E$5:$E$40="mr")*(SheetA!$M$5:$M$40<>"")) to get the average of all mrs in sheet A. I do the same for sheet B and sheet C for all three identifier types. Now i want to combine the formula for all sheets together under mr, Ab and J. I thought the following should work ((SUMPRODUCT((SheetA!$E$5:$E$40="mr")*(SheetA!$M$5:$M$40))+(SUMPRODUCT((SheetB!$E$5:$E$40="mr")*(She etB!$M$5:$M$40))+(SUMPRODUCT((SheetC!$E$5:$E$40="mr")*(SheetC!$M$5:$M$40)))/((SUMPRODUCT((SheetA!$E$5:$E$40="mr")*(SheetA!$M$5:$M$40<>""))+((SUMPRODUCT((SheetB!$E$5:$E$40="mr") *(SheetB!$M$5:$M$40<>""))+((SUMPRODUCT((SheetC!$E$5:$E$40="mr")*(SheetC!$M$5:$M$40<>""))).....
But this is giving me wrong value. It is working fine when done for individual sheets, but when combined for all three sheets together, the value is wrong.

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Average Age Of Sumproduct Range?

Nov 3, 2011


There is another column with 'released' date (date the job was raised)

How would i implement a formula to calculate the average age of a certain job type in the above example?

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Finding An Average With Sumproduct

Jan 2, 2009

I’m using the following formula:


To find the number of instances where there was an issue in a certain building during a certain month.

What I can’t figure out is how to find the Average number of such instances for the past 3 months, the last 6 months & the trailing twelve months. If I change the formula to:


I get the correct sum for the months of May, June, July & Aug but I need an average number of instances per month for the last three, last 6 and TTM but not to include the current month.

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Average For 3 Conditions

May 12, 2008

I need your expert advise on how i can get the results i need. What i'm trying to do is get the average number of days given that 3 conditions are met.

1. Month Received
2. Status
3. Account

So here are the things i did

1. Named Ranges
ACCT for the Account
MR for the Month
STATUS for the status
TATQ for the no of days

2. I created a validation list in specific cells for the condition

a5 to a12 are the list of accounts
b2 for the month
d2 for the status

3. used the formula...........

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Average Based On Conditions?

Jul 1, 2014

I have attached a file where there is information in the sheet Weekly with the first row showing the same month for several weeks. add a formula in the sheet Monthly which would calculate average for each month based on the first row in Weekly sheet. Plus the grouping in the Weekly sheet is done by shops and in the Monthly sheet by food, which would I imagine make the formula more complex.

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Finding Average With Few Conditions

Nov 20, 2009

I am using EXCEL 2003. I am to find Average using few conditions. I have explained the requirement in the sample workbook.

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Return An Average Value If Two Conditions Are Met

Mar 24, 2009

I'm trying to create a formula that that returns an average value if two conditions are met. No luck here.

I need to be able to get to - Brand = Blue; Value = 2; X Count = average - from the following information. The average is 17.5

BrandValueX CountY CountZ CountGreen1213152Green1405595Blue3107686Red1164965Green21098108Green33077107Blue21796113Blue13970109Red3144963Blue1107787Red31096106Red24663109Blue2165773Red21888106Green31910

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Average Range By Conditions

Dec 6, 2007

I have written a function below which is supposed to give average of selected range and will ignore #N/A, if any. Naturally, i use array formula:

Function m_avg(mRange As Range)

m_avg.FormulaArray = "=AVERAGE(IF(ISNUMBER(mRange),mRange))"

End Function

the above doesnt work and gives me #VALUE!.

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Dollar Weighted Average Sumproduct Formula:

Dec 1, 2009

I've been trying to figure out a dollar weighted average formula in excel.

See attached file...

In sheet 1, I need to pull data from sheet 2 using a sumproduct formula to find the dollar weighted average maturity of a bond portfolio. Basically, I need to know how many days the portfolio has left to mature according to the portfolio's weighting by the amount in column H.

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Average Of Last X Cells With Conditions/Criteria

May 24, 2008

I have an excel sheet with different data columns (Column A = date, Column B = Production line, column C = total production of the line for the month, column D = complaints per milion). Within the same sheet Columns E through L have formulas and fucntions that uses Columns A thru D for calculation. Also every month a new row is added to the sheet, populating of course Columns, A, B, C and D and the other columns E thru L are populated automaticaly with the functions/formulas i have in place.

My question is within the same sheet I have 4 fixed cells I2, J2, K2 and J1. J2 and K2 depend on I2 and K2 values. Since my date changes every month (the inserion of new rows). I would like if someone can help me in how those cells I2 and K2 can be updated when i enter a value in Column C/ cell?? (??=next blank cell). I2 and K2 calucalates the averages of the last new 17 cells of columns H and L respectively.

So all i need is that cell I2 and K2 be updated automatically as soon as i add the new value in column C Example

This month
C22 = 12345 I2=Average(H5:H22) and K2=Average(L5:L22)
Next Month
C23=78901 I2=Average(H6:H23) and K2=Average(L6:L23)

So I type the input in column C everything is updated automatically. Again i dont know if i can do that with the if/offset, etc or if i need a macro.

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Average Data After Doing Sumproduct To Avoid Having Source Open

Jun 29, 2013

I am pulling data from a database and want to do an average based on data that was input per day, basically I did a SUMPRODUCT in a different file to avoid having the source open, but I can't make it average the data and disregard if there were ZEROS in that day.

Column A Column B Column C
6/25/2013 A 1.3
6/25/2013 B 1.45
6/25/2013 C 1.9
6/25/2013 D 0

In the other file I would need to summarize the average of the Data from COLUMN C based on the day but without counting the zeros

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Sumproduct OR Adding Criteria To Countif, Counta And Average

Feb 21, 2010

I trying to convert the following formula (I, II, III) and add criteria of Name and Date to the count values of “c”


I: “=COUNTIF(C2:C3100,"

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Average Elapsed Time With Conditions Using Dates & Numbers

Mar 5, 2009

Dataset is 220K rows. A small subset follows.

Using an array calc with criterions Day = 1 and Hour = 1 summed on Elapsed Time returns 81 with an average of 11.57 for 7 events of which there are 5 distinct dates.

The function =SUM(IF(D2:D14<>"",1/COUNTIF(D2:D14,D2:D14))) returns the number of distinct dates in the dataset ie 7.

Is it possible to combine these two methods to create an average of elapsed time by day and hour using a denominator of distinct dates for only that combination of dimensions?

I have attempted to calculate an item in a pivot table using a different denominator without success.

day Hour Date Elapsed Time
1 0 5/03/2009 25
1 0 5/03/2009 24
1 1 5/03/2009 23
1 1 7/03/2009 11
1 0 7/03/2009 5
1 1 8/03/2009 2
1 1 8/03/2009 8
1 1 9/03/2009 4
1 1 9/03/2009 17
1 0 9/03/2009 22
1 1 10/03/2009 16
1 2 13/03/2009 12
2 1 14/03/2009 15

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Count Unique Logs With Multiple Conditions Of Multiple Sheets

Oct 8, 2007

I've got no clue about all this, but I've had to get specific formula examples and fill in the blanks in order for my timesheet to work. There's just one final problem if somebody could please help.

This is a timesheet for a 5 day work week. I need to count the number of unique log numbers for a specific activity. The log numbers counted must be unique across the entire week, not just for each day, which means I want the formula to count the unique log numbers across multiple sheets.

The formula also has multiple conditions. I got 2 columns. The first part of the formula needs to verify a word, say, "split" and if it does it checks the adjacent cell for a unique log number. If both arguments are true, it counts the log as 1 unit.

Here is a working formula for only one page.

Here's 2 problems with this formula:
1. I will count if it encounters a blank cell in the Log numbers the first time (which will happen as not every activity we do has a log#), but it will stop counting if it encounters a second blank cell.

2. I don't know how to make it work across several sheets.

This is an alternate formula which works and skips the blank cells, but I don't know how to add the multiple condition of "split" and to have it work across multiple sheets. I just copied it Microsoft. As I said, I don't understand it, I just fill in the blanks.

SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(LEN(C4:C29)>0,MATCH(C4:C29,C4:C29,0),""), IF(LEN(C4:C29)>0,MATCH(C4:C29,C4:C29,0),""))>0,1))

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Remove Multiple Data By Multiple Conditions?

Aug 21, 2009

1. I have 4 columns (let's say D,E,I,J);

Account1 Sum1 Account2 Sum2
151 93,79 BF2479 30,00
1476757 93,79 BF7 22,00
BF2479 30,00 151 93,79
86041 84,03 23235 30,00
534 6608,45

2. I need to clean the multiple identical data in the list by both Account no. and Sum (of course the list is much longer!) so that the list should look like this:

Account1 Sum1 Account2 Sum2

1476757 93,79 BF7 22,00

86041 84,03 23235 30,00
534 6608,45

I must say that I am a beginner in Excel, so I tried to use this:


for column E, and


(which is reverse of the first one) for column J; (The ranges are the ones used in the real sheet), not for the ones in the example above!); The formula does seem to eliminate a dew unwanted data, but does not give me all the wanted results!

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How To Satisfy Multiple Conditions Using Multiple Criteria

Oct 16, 2009

I'm trying to divide my data into 6 different groups, based on 2 different criteria. First, I am not sure how to write the logical test to take 2 columns of data into consideration (using "&" and "AND" do not work; I am not sure what else to try), and second I can't figure out how to write the formula so that it can select from 1 of 6 conditions.

So, overall here is what I want:

If DL2=3 and CK2=1, then I want this to be labeled as '1'
If DL2=3 and CK2=2, 2
If DL2=1 and CK2=2, 3
If DL2=2 and CK2=2, 4
If DL2=1 and CK2=1, 5
If DL2=2 and CK2=1, 6

These 6 conditions cover all possible combinations of numbers in the two columns.

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Sum On Multiple Conditions In Multiple Columns

Nov 29, 2008

My data looks somewhat like this :

DOU Quarter Sum
0 Q1 = sum of 1's in Q1
1 Q1 = sum of 1's in Q2
1 Q2 = sum of 1's in Q3
0 Q2 = sum of 1's in Q4
1 Q3
1 Q1
1 Q4
0 Q2

A cell in the SUM column must contain the sum of 1's in column DOU if under column Quarter the value is Q1. Similarly for Q2, Q3 & Q4 if only the corresponding value under DOU is 1.

Its like.. count the number of 1's per quarter and come up with the sum in 4 distinct cells for each quarter.. i.e. quarter-wise sum/count of 1s

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