Blinking Text VB Code

Jul 28, 2006

I'm working on setting up a report template for my manager, who is a very visual person. I'm trying to make certain values within the report more noticable by color change and flashing/blinking. I've been looking online for VBE code that causes flashing/blinking cells when cell conditions change. I've attempted using some code I was able to find and tried to manipulate it to fit my needs, however, I have not been able to get it to work.

I'm trying to get the text (not the background color) within a range (i.e.K11:K31) to flash continuously based on the cells value. The cells in question are linked to cells on another workbook which is updated on occasion.

Values may be as follows:


Cells in the range K11:K31 are linked to a similar cell range on another worksheet (i.e. the formula used is: =IF(Datasource1!K15=0," ",Datasource1!K15) ).

I keep running into with the code I've found are as follows:

1. Due to the values in K11:K31 being the result of a formula, the values/cells are not flashing.

2. The flashing is not continuous (i.e. everything I've found so far has a time limit). I have been able to manipulate the code to extend the amount of time the flashing occurs, but so far I've been unsuccessful in causing it to loop infinitely.

3. All of the code I've found so far causes the background rather than the text to flash (this is a minor issue, more of a preference on my part)..

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Blinking Text Constantly While Workbook Is Open

Jun 27, 2013

Is it possible to do blinking txt,

Currently in each sheet in my workbook in Cells A3:D3 I have different text bolded in Red, I want this to blink constantly while the workbook is open.

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Text Emphasis - "Blinking"

Dec 29, 2009

I have built a "Calculator" that requires 6 pieces of information, I'm finding that 2 pieces are consistently overlooked, is there a way to have prompts for completion "blink" to capture attention. (I'm using an If statement to highlight a pointing hand using "B" and wingdings when the selection is not completed).

I have found some code that relies on a macro being activated I would like any effects to be automated while the cell is empty and turn of "blinking" by the formula entering null when a response is entered.

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Blinking Cell

Nov 29, 2009

i am currently working on structural engineering program in excel. i want to know if there is code for a cell to blink the value on it. like for example in cell A1, i want to put a WARNING SIGN for that. i want it to blink so that it can be noticeable. is it possible?

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Blinking / Flashing Object

Sep 10, 2008

how to make an object, e.g. Oval Object to flash a solid yellow & white colour? I can make blinking cells, but not objects.

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How To Get Rectangle Blinking Using Loop

Feb 24, 2013

Ive managed to get a rectangle blinking using a do loop. But I need more than one blinking at the same time. Atm when another starts blinking the first stops.

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Conditional Blinking Cell ...

May 14, 2008

Using search i found many posts for blinking cells or flashing but i could not adapt any of them to what i need ,and since i dont know much how to, i need to blink an "Over Budget" text in cell O1, if N1 is >7000

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Conditional Blinking Cell

May 7, 2009

I tried to change it to suit my need but it didn't work. I will paste here the first portion of the code that I changed

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Test the value of the specified cell
If Target.Address = "$A$3" Then
If Target.Value >= 12 Then Call Blinker(Target)
End If
End Sub

I changed it to:

Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
Dim R As Range
For Each R In Range("$A$1:$A$10")
If R.Value < "$B$1" Then
Call Blinker
Exit For
End If
Next R
End Sub

As I don't have any formal education in VB editing, I don't even know that this is the correct way of doing it.

The other part of code that goes in standard module is unchanged. But I will post it here just for your ref:

Public Sub Blinker(ByVal rng As Range)
Dim myCounter As Integer
Do Until myCounter = 10
With rng.Interior
If .ColorIndex = 6 Then
.ColorIndex = xlNone
.ColorIndex = 6...................

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Avoid Blinking While Refresh Worksheet?

Sep 26, 2013

When I click a button on a Sheet, Certain data is copied from another sheet and paste in active sheet. While this action is taken place, whole sheet is refreshed and the image and a data is blinking for a second.

Do we have an option to avoid that blinking ?

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Removing Blinking Cursor From Textbox On Splash Screen?

Feb 2, 2014

how to get rid of the blinking cursor in a text box. I made a splash screen, added a text box, increased the font size to maximum, and when I run it there is a maximum sized blinking cursor at the end of the line of text. Just looks bad on the splash screen. Is there a hide cursor command that I can use? Or is there a better way to add text that I (obviously) didn't use?

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Set Active Cursor In TextBox (blinking Cursor)

Sep 17, 2009

I am working with a VBA userform and several textbox's, setting SetFocus and or TabIndex doesn't leave the box ready to accept input and there is no cursor shown to indicate it is ready to accept input.

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Change Text Code To Numeric Code?

Apr 3, 2014

I have problem to change text code into numerical code using macro. i have data contain text code and i would like to convert it into numeric . each text code has dedicated numerical code for example I have 4 fluids with text code text code:

FW = Fresh water
SW = Saline eater
CW = connate water
MW = Meteoric water

numeric code as follow


I would like to convert the text code into numeric code, it is easy if using excell , but it is routine job for me , i need to create macro to be more simple .

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UserForm Text Box Code (whatever Text Has Been Entered Into The Userform To Be Put Into A Cell )

Feb 1, 2010

I've created a userform with a text box and a command button (Enter)

On clicking the command button I'd like whatever text has been entered into the userform to be put into a cell (Say A1).

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How To Get Data From Text Box To Code

Jul 19, 2014

Its been 3 days im trying to use vba for excel. However after lot of struggle i was able to make user form in which i enter data in textbox1 it searches from the sheets and puts the data in the rest of text boxes On the other hand i made a code which makes a word document basically a notice. Which uses data such as names and ids from cells but now i want to mix both. As now i want is that if i search using the user-form i want to add one more button to that same user-box which executes data from that user form to put values on notice

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VB Code To Format The Text?

Mar 13, 2014

Column B has list of Balance Sheet items for business and Column D has associated values. I need to perform the following:

Look for following text and if it finds it then change the font size to 16, bold it,center align and make the associated cell in column D as mentioned below.

ASSETS ....change the cell color in column D to white (Invisible).
Cash and Bank Accounts
TOTAL Cash and Bank Accounts
Other Assets ....change the cell color in column D to white (Invisible).
TOTAL Other Assets

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Adding Text Msg To Code

Jan 22, 2010

I have the following code that updates columns A,B and C. The columns are hidden and have some 500 plus rows. Cell E2 reads the last entry in column A (a date, such as 1/22/10). I would like to add a line in the code that, if cell E2 equals todays date, will prevent a second update and display a message "Update Complete".

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VBA / Clearing Text In Code

Feb 22, 2013

I have this code in the Worksheet

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target(1).Value = "FINAL" Then Call SHOW_7
End Sub

I have this code in a module

Sub SHOW_7()
' SHOW_7 Macro
With Worksheets("Sheet7")
.Visible = xlSheetVisible
Application.Wait Now + #12:00:05 AM#


I need the word FINAL cleared off after the sheet is very hidden at the end

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Run VBA Code From Text File

Jan 11, 2008

I have an Excel workbook that will be used by multiple users who share a network drive.

I would like to set it up so that the VBA code is ran from a text file stored on the network drive containing the VBA code. Basically a macro would run from the Excel workbook and get the VBA code from the text file and then run that code. Has anyone done this before or can anyone provide the syntax for this process?

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VBA Code For Sorting Text

Mar 16, 2009

I have a column of over 1000 cells with context in it. Each cell as a keyword in parathesis associated with the context. Therefore, different context are associated with the same keyword. However, the cells with the same keywords are spread out all over the 1000 cells.


cell1: anti-lock brake system (abs)
cell2: baromic pressure (Baro)
cell3: anti brake systematic (abs)

Basic solution:
I need to create a vba code that would look through the 1000 cells for a specific keyword and copy all the cells having that keyword in parathesis into another spreadsheet or column, so I can look through them easily. so if i look for (abs) it will give me:

cell1: anti-lock brake system (abs)
cell3: anti brake systematic (abs)

Ultimate solution:
The VBA code would be "smart" enough to copy all 1000 cells in keywords order. It would give me all possibilities:

cell1: anti-lock brake system (abs)
cell3: anti brake systematic (abs)
cell2: baromic pressure(Baro)

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Text Color Code

Aug 12, 2009

Is it possible to have a code that says if I have a range of cells....say a1:d1 with d1 having a date in it....have that code say that if that date in d1 is greater than 30 days from today, make that whole range of cells (a1:d1) change color like to red.

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Use Text In Cell As Code ..

Jul 31, 2006

I would like to know if there is anyway to take text that is in a cell & make vba use it as code. Here is the line I am using it in.

MsgBox (Cells(Range("help_available").Row, Target.Column).Text)

I need it to take the text in the cell that comes up and process it as code. The text will look something like this.

"Here is the list of names:" & chr(13) & chr(13) & range(firstName)

The msgbox from above is used over and over again in different situations. Also I want the flexiblity to put the code right into a hidden cell on the spreadsheet.

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VB Code To Replace Integer To Text

Apr 14, 2014

Please refer to attached file.

I need a VB Code to do the following. Column E,I,M,Q (every 4th column until column DU), have integer number as shown and search until "REPORT END".

I need to change the integer number to following alphabet.

9 = A
18 = B
20 = C
82 = D
83 = E
84 = F.....and so on until 93 =


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Add In A Text Box Prompt That Will Modify Code

Apr 29, 2009

how to add in a text box prompt that will modify code?

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VBA Code- Cell With Text And Numbers

Apr 28, 2008

I need a macro to do this: in a cell with text and numbers, keep all the numbers started with 9 and eliminate the text. If there is a cell with two numbers stared with 9, the macro must put one on the first cell and the other on same line, on next column.


A1: mynumember918223232
A2: phone964439933 / 934554455
A3: and 916497585


A1: 918223232 B1:
A2: 964439933 B2: 934554455
A3: 916497585 B3:

All the numbers that i want to keep, starts with a 9 and all have nine numbers.

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Code To Space String Of Text

Jun 9, 2008

Need code that will indent text in a cell 5 spaces over.

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VBA Code For Text To Column In 2002

Mar 6, 2006

I have a report with details for a large number of countries. Each month, I need to copy the country details and move them to a sheet specific to that country,
e.g. UK details to a UK folder, Germany details to a DE folder. The level of details available is different for each country. So there may be 10 lines for the UK but only 5 for Germany. However, the country details always start with (e.g.) 'COUNTRY: UK' and end with ' TOTAL FOR: UK.'

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Code To Import Text Files ...

Jul 17, 2006

I am trying to write a macro which creates a new worksheet with the name kenmerk (i) and then import five different textfiles in this worksheet.

I was wondering how to define the name of the textfiles in the code. The code I get with record macro is: ...

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Compare Text Via Macro Code

Sep 28, 2006

I m trying to write some code use VBA in excel to look at cell C2 and if it equal A0 or whatever then it will put in cell D2 = "blah blah" and then go down to the next cell C3.

Select Case Range("C:C").Text
Case "A0"
Range("B1").Value = "not booked"
Case "A1"
Range("B1").Value = "Misplace documents"
Case "A2"
Range("B1").Value = "Closing cancelled"
Case Else
End Select
End Sub

I have a report that in one column codes (A1,A2,A3,B3 etc..) and these codes have a description and I want the VBA code to look at the description Code and then put in a different column the description. but Im having no luck.

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Close Text File With Code

Dec 29, 2006

I am trying to inch my way forward to writing a macro that will read in an external CSV file into a sheet (my next task will be to spread the date between multiple sheets based on regions). My first attempt at code is the following

Sub read_csv()
Dim strLine As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim filename As String
Dim ans As String
filename = "C:Documents and SettingsMichaelMina dokumentMina datakällorD123905.csv"
Open filename For Input As #1
i = 1
While Not EOF(1) And i < 10
Line Input #1, sLine
ans = MsgBox(sLine, vbOK, "hello there")
i = i + 1
' Close filename
End Sub

A couple of problems arise. When I debug the code, if I remove the comment on the close filename, the debugger complains with error 13 (incompatible types). If I comment the line and try and run the code twice in a row, I get a complaint about error 55 - file already open. I'm guessing that the close filename is the correct syntax - if it isn't, what should it be??

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Vba Executing Text Strings As Code

Apr 5, 2007

if I can send text to a macro and have VBA treat the text as a line of code?

Suppose in a worksheet in cell A1 there is the following "text"
msgbox "hi there"

can you get vba to do the following:

Sub runtext()
Mytext = sheets(1).range("a1").text
End Sub

where "XXXXXX" is a method or command that will cuase vba to evaluate the text string and run it as a line of code (returning a message box saying "hi there")

I don't want to send variables/objects to an existing method in VBA - I want to send the method to VBA....

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