Break Cell Content Into New Line Where "µ" Exists
Dec 29, 2009
i want to break content of my cells in excel into lines. Normally it is done with [ALT] + [ENTER]. How can i use find and replace(or other method) to break contents of all cells where "µ" exist. I MS word that is pretty easy but i dont know how to do that in excel!
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Jul 6, 2006
I would like to write a function that enhances conditional formatting capabilities in this way: suppose that cell(4,5) contains a number that can be 0 to 5
in the adiacent cell(4,6) i want to put a function that:
1) write "NO DATA", "HIGH", "GOOD", "MODERATE", "POOR", "BAD" depending on that value
2)Choose color font depending on value
3)Choose color background depending on value
I wrote this piece of
Public Function StatusResponse(AdiacentCell As Range) As String
Dim thisStatus As String
Dim ThisFontColor As Integer
Dim ThisbkColor As Integer
Select Case AdiacentCell.Cells(1, 1)
Case Is = 0
ThisbkColor = 2
ThisFontColor = 1
StatusResponse = "NO DATA"............
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Jan 14, 2010
I can not figure out why the ChDir command doesn't change to "C:" as programmed, instead it defaults to (I'm guessing last active folder) on my "D" drive (Which is "D:Test")? My goal is to check if "PPG" exists in "C:MEASURE-6000", if not use "C:" as a default.
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Nov 6, 2009
Look at the tab "testing-allproduct" cell C2. If that value exists in the tab name "store-allproduct", cell c2, then take the value from "store-allproduct" cell a2, and put that value into "testing-allproduct cell" A2.
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Mar 22, 2009
I can't seem to find out how to use wildcards like "?" and "*" in the VBA- Replace("string","s*r","k") which should give "king"
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Feb 10, 2009
In column A, I have the following values:
chil rat
ost rat
sco rat
In column B, I need the formula so it shows values that if column A = "build", "nextg" or "datcen", then the value in column B is "nextg" and if column A = "chil rat", "ost rat", "sco rat", then the value in column B is "mig". For everything else, it should be blank.
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Jul 19, 2007
I have two worksheets, one with "supplier names", "order numbers" and "delay in days" as columns. The other one with "supplier names" and "average delays" as columns.
It is the column "average delays" that I have issues with, I need Excel to search the "supplier names" column in the "delays" sheet and identify every specific supplier name, connect the delay in days for that order and calculate the average delay in the right cell of the column "average delays" in the sheet "delay statistics".
I have tried the help files and to search this forum but I have found nothing. I have also with my knowledge tried a few different ways using the IF function but nothing so far.
This is something I started doing but it is of course far away from any truth.
This is the "delays" sheet where I want to find my info. Nothing in the delay column stands for "no delay"...Kinda obvious but you know... So even the "nothing" needs to be included in the calculation..
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Aug 16, 2008
I have 2 cells on the same worksheet both have a different user defined date added to them. C19 and C28. If I over type the date with an "A" in C28 then I need C19 to also display an "A" automatically. Both cells will need to have a user defined date added again later. Is there a way of doing this with conditional formatting?
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Oct 1, 2009
I'm looking to combine a number of worksheets into a summary sheet .. but on some the narrative is more than the 255 characters. How can I , where this is the case, insert a row below.. say input "Continued" in column A and then copy the contents of the cell which is more than 255 to the cell immediately below it.. and maybe do this again where users input more than 510 characters.
Alternatively, is there a way of getting around the copy and paste values.. where it only inputs 255 ?
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Apr 16, 2009
tell me which operator works in VBA the way the OR operator works in functions? I want to write an IF statement that will evaluate whether a variable is equal to any of the three punctuation marks ".", "?", or "!". But I'm not sure how to code it. I attempted the following:
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Jul 10, 2009
In my spreadsheet below I want to be able to enter a sales number for January, the value of cell F2.
I want cells F3 thru F12 to automatically calculate according to the "Growth Per Month" value in cell H1.
Example: If January sales are 20,000, then February should calculate to 21,000 (january * 105%).
Excel Jeanie HTMLSheet1
E F G H 1 2010 Per Month Sales XXX 5% 2 XXX XXX 3 February $ 10,000 4 March $ 5,000 XXX 5 April $ 2,500 6 May $ 1,250 7 June $ 625 8 July $ 313 9 XXX $ 156 10 September $ 78 XXX 11 October XXX 12 November $ 20 XXX 13 December $ 10 14 $ 39,990
Spreadsheet Formulas Cell Formula F3 =F2*10*H1 F4 =F3*10*H1 F5 =F4*10*H1 F6 =F5*10*H1 F7 =F6*10*H1 F8 =F7*10*H1 F9 =F8*10*H1 F10 =F9*10*H1 F11 =F10*10*H1 F12 =F11*10*H1 F13 =F12*10*H1 F14 =SUM(F2:F13)
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Jan 24, 2009
I have a file that uses dates, when a cell is in date the cell is "GREEN" but when the cell is out of date after 3 years it turns "RED". I want to add another formular so that when it gets to 2 years & 11 months the cell will go "YELLOW" for 1 month only before it turns "RED".
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May 12, 2009
I have the folowing criteria :
1) If “Completed" , then highlight as green
2) If “Pending” , then highlight as red
3) If “In Progress” , then highlight as blue
4) If “X Required” , then highlight as green
I need to include in the third conditional formatting box that if the cell populates "Completed" or "X Required", then highlight as green. Is there a formula I can use in the conditional formatting box ? I am using Excel 2000.
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Dec 20, 2008
As shown in the below image. I have some data from A13 to I 13. Currently if I put the cursor on A13 and press DELETE button then all the formatting from A13 to I13 goes off. But the data still remain there.
Is it possible then when I press DELETE the content of A13 then all the data from B13 to I13 should also get deleted ?
Excel Jeanie HTMLSheet2 *ABCDEFGHI13Key FieldEmp 11 2 4 8 5 3 7 Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4
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Apr 29, 2009
i just tried the below formulae but its not working. if Currency in col A and Currency col B is same it should be "Matched" if not same the "CCY Mismatch" and if "#N/A Sec" then "Security Not Found"
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Feb 24, 2009
I need to prevent users from entering several rows of data seperated by a "/" or a "," or a blank space ""
We use unique identifiers (around 500,000 of them) so I cant really use a drop down box to populate and then make the user select.....
If a user populates a cell with "10005486 / 10045446" or "10005486,10045446" I want to highlight a cell red and then count the instances of red cells on another tab so I can track "errors"
I was intending to use conditional formatting when a "/" or "," or " " is used within a cell. If a user makes this error, I should probably include a msgbox saying why the entry they have made is invalid also....
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Oct 22, 2009
I'm having issues with sumproduct. I can't seem to get the right info that I need. Attached is the file I'm working on. Problem: I need to get the number of people "Occupied", "Partly Occupied" and "Available" on a Monday, Tuesday etc of the current week. "Occupied" means an employee has more than 2 tasks (based on New and Active-To-Date status). "Partly Occupied" means an employee is working on 2 tasks.
"Available" means an employee has NO task at all.
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Jul 1, 2009
Cell A1: International Studies Academy (P) 9-12
Cell A2: Public
Is there a way that I can get Cell A2 to fill red when cell A2="Public" and A1 contains "(P)"?. I can't seem to get a formula to work yet.
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Apr 8, 2009
why I get a "Can't enter break mode at this time" message when stepping through the following code (using the F8 key) at the 'With NewButton' line?
(This is code from a Walkenbach book, and it runs fine if I don't step through it. I'm using Excel 2007 btw)
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Nov 20, 2009
I have attached an example workbook to this message, with the sensitive data removed. I am trying to vlookup the "cube" for the product number, into the PO worksheet, IF the vendor numbers match.
On row 2 of the "PO" worksheet, part number AC1000110, should have a cube of 2.5 for vendor # 11170. I'm trying to match the "Vendor" on the "PO" worksheet with the "Vendor" on the "Cube File" worksheet, and then return the corresponding "Cube", (in column F of the "Cube File"), in cell U2 of the "PO" sheet. So, what formula needs to be entered in cell U2?
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Nov 9, 2009
I have some very simple formulas, in fact one is just a reference to another sheet and the second a look up on that value.
I then copy those 2 formulas elsewhere and edit them to refer to a different column.
From that point on tho, the cell refuses to accept any formulas, whatever i type in is entered as text. I have to actually delete the cell competely or copy a "virgin" cell over it and then manually re-enter the formula.
As you can imagine this is making building big models extremely time consuming and annoying.
I have used countless different Excel versions on countless different company set ups and have never seen this before.
I have checked that i've not accidentally pressed CTRL + ` etc, etc, the cell will just not return a value of any sort. Though interestingly when you click the formula help button it does show the result in the dialogue box.
I'm using Excel 2003 with SP3 installed.
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Feb 14, 2009
I am having problems referrring to a range using .Cells
If I try to use the remarked code (red text), it crashes with VBA "400" error for which I cannot find any explanation. It also crashes with same "400" message if I use a cells reference to a numeric column instead of "y").
The code works using the black it loops a column in Sheet("Holidays") and loops a row in Sheet("Schedule"), then color fills 2 ranges in columns in Sheet("Schedule") when the values in 2 cells are equal.
I have attached a scaled down version of my Workbook with this code.
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Jan 30, 2009
I've got two lists - (text, but could be converted to number if easier - they're course codes which start with letter, but I could drop that). I need to take each value from the longer list (c. 900 items) & see if it occurs anywhere in the shorter list (c. 600 items) & to return a 1/0. It struck me that I should be using some form of nested "if" statement, but the actual logic required is a bit beyond me.
Most of the functions seem to require an array to match against - and as far as I can see, I have to enter that array, I can't use a column to form it. I did try VLOOKUP - but that seemed to want me to return a value that it found in a different column - so I added a column of 1s. At the moment, the two columns of numbers are on different sheets. I've got Office 2007 here, but have 2003 at home, if it works better in that.
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Jul 8, 2009
I am up against the clock, and I need to know how to display in a cell "Yes" or "No" based on a value being (or not) in a column. I have column A with values, and I want column C to show Yes/No based on if value x from say A2 exists as a whole matched valued in B2:b3000 and set c2="Yes" if it is, and no if it isn't.
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Jan 20, 2010
The formula I have checks for these conditions:
- to see if there is text is cell C221, and if there isn't then the target cell remains blank. (Working).
- if there is text in cell C221, and cell G221 is empty then the target cell should say "No". (Broken! Returns 'FALSE' value instead of "No"...)
- if there is text in cell C221, and cell G221 contains one of the 5 criteria, then the target cell should say "Yes!". (Working).
Here is the formula - how do I fix the broken bit?
=IF((C221=""),"",IF((G221="Condition 1"),"Yes",IF((G221="Condition 2"),"Yes",IF((G221="Condition 3"),"Yes",IF((G221="Condition 4"),"Yes",IF((G221="Condition 5"),"Yes"))))))
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Dec 23, 2009
I have the following code (that I borrowed) and was using it to export some worksheets to a new workbook. It worked fine for about 4 times, now it says it can't find the file path and stops on the "MkDir FolderName" line.
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Dec 2, 2009
I need "PC" to show up if I type a sentence containing "Called Parent", "Called Dad", or "Called Mon". Here is what I'm trying.
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Oct 28, 2009
What I'm trying to do is add a line where it counts the number of cells with either the word "NEW" in a certain row (Countif) or the number of cells with a value in a range(Counta). CountA is not working because if I run the macro twice it adds a second total line and messes both the count and total up. COUNTIF I just cant get to work because im a VBA SUPER NOOB and im just pieceing code together from this forum and the net.
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Aug 18, 2008
I want to reference a workbook that i mentioned quite a bit in my macro code. However, I want to be able to change this workbook by just changing one line of code rather than having to go into my rather long code to change it every time.
Here's what I have so far:
Dim MyFile As Workbook
Set MyFile = ActiveWorkbook
Dim MyTarget As Workbook
Set MyTarget = windows("week 28 O.xls")
Then later in the code I have it reference MyTarget and MyFile.
MyFile opens the current workbook that I am creating and I was hoping that I could put MyTarget.Activate into every instance where it occurs and it would reference week 28 o.xls. (originally when I recorded this it had "week 28 O.xls".activate) So what I figured is that rather than having to go in and change the 28 to a 29 in every instance in the code (about 25 of them) I would just set MyTarget = ___ that way if I want to change to week 29 in all those instances I just have to change the 28 to a 29 in the set MyTarget line and then all the references to my target would apply to the new week 29.
However I'm getting an error at the Set MyTarget = windows("week 28 O.xls") line.
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Mar 13, 2007
I have a procedure that processes data in a spreadsheet. It analyzes data in 365 sheets ( named "1" through "365") and creates a table/report with the results. When I run this on a scaled down version of my workbook (5 instead of 365 worksheets), the result is almost instantaneous. When this is on my normal workbook, the initial processing is about 1 second per day on Day 1, and the last day it speeds up to almost be instantaneous. It is not a linear relationship between the processing time (still working to get more exact timing information). Also, even if I limit my processing to 5 or 10 sheets, Days 1-10 are always slow and days 350-365 are always fast. The code being run is in the structure as shown below:
numSheets = 365
For counter = 1 To numSheets
x = CalculateSomething(counter)
Private Function calculateSomething(counter As Integer) As Integer
Dim strCounter As String
strCounter = counter
With worksheets(strCounter)
For i = 0 To someNumber
For j = 0 To someDifferentNumber
'Data analyzed on worksheet
End With
End Function
The functions obviously aren't copied and pasted/functional, but the relevant efficiency stuff should be there.
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