Add A Line Where It Counts The Number Of Cells With Either The Word "NEW" In A Certain Row
Oct 28, 2009
What I'm trying to do is add a line where it counts the number of cells with either the word "NEW" in a certain row (Countif) or the number of cells with a value in a range(Counta). CountA is not working because if I run the macro twice it adds a second total line and messes both the count and total up. COUNTIF I just cant get to work because im a VBA SUPER NOOB and im just pieceing code together from this forum and the net.
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Nov 27, 2013
I have hundreds of lines with unique tasks in each cell. I wanted to add 'P&C- ' to the front of each task and do not want to go through and add individually as it will take take.
Is there anything that can place in one cell and just drag to the last cell and complete?
Current Cell: Task A
What I need: P&C- Task A
I cannot add attachments as my work seems to have a restriction on doing it and always asks for admin password
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Jun 17, 2009
I have an array formula which reads:
However this formula only counts the number of cells (returns 96 for 96 cells) rather than adding the numbers in those cells to come to a total of 34.
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Jun 10, 2013
I am trying to see if there is a way using count or another option, of using one formula to look in a column and then spit out how many of each item are there:
i.e: lets say it says a, b, c, d etc...
Can a formula go through and say you have 3 of a, 5 of b and so on
I understand the basic of count sum iserror etc, just not sure if excel can do what I am wanting or if i should use access.
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Nov 21, 2012
The formula below was posted recently as a way to extract a numeric substring from somewhere in larger string. When I first saw this formula, how it "came up with the goods" and so I spent some time looking at parts of it to see what they did.
Although I've made some progress, I still don't fully understand it. Heres the formula, and below Ive detailed how far I've got:
I hope my findings below are correct:
1. The formula is returning the first substring of contiguous numeric characters from the full string in Cell A1
2. 9.99e + 307 ensures that the search value won't be exceeded by the returned value.
3. The Mid function uses Min(Find( to get the character position of the first numeric in A1 (so MID then has its first 2 parameters). So far so good.
4. Now... I cant work out where MID parameter 3 (the substring length) comes from. I suspect its the row function, but can't see how as this isn't an array formula, and without CTRL+Shift+ Enter, I could only get Row to return 1 in my experiments (giving me only the first substring digit).
How does the formula return the correct number of numeric characters, (apparently) without counting them?
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Jul 5, 2014
I need a code that search through a column, counts the numer of times a string occurs and creates on another sheet the unique string and the number of times it occured.
I have this columns in a worksheet
s/n name company trainer
1 ball Dell Mk
2 doll Msed Kl
3 kol Dlink Mk
4 ball Msed Cl
5 Koll Dell Gl
I need the result to appear on another worksheet like this
Name NumberofTraining
Ball 2
doll 1
Koll 2
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Aug 30, 2009
Though i wanted to rid the Na error from it when C is blank
I seen a few ways, And wanted to try the method of using Countif becouse it can be used withen the same cell without using extra cells like another method i seen "=IF(ISNA(A1),0,A1)"
what i know of countif
This function counts the number of items which match criteria set by the user.
so how the heck can the countif function be used to rid the NA of a lookup. i just cant see a relationship between counting a lookup.
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Jun 18, 2007
In cell BI38 I have a function which counts the number of F's in the range AN38:AY38. I want the cell AM38 to turn blue if the value in BI38 >=3. Is there a simple way to do this?
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Jan 25, 2008
I'm trying to create a work Rota and I'm having a bit of a problem with a certain section. In Worksheet 1 I have the following headings:
Cell A - Name
Cell B - Monday
Cell C - Tuesday
Cell D - Wednesday
Under these headings is each member of staff and the hours they work, IE L (Late), E (Early), SD (Short Day) etc. In the final Column, it counts the number of hours that this person works (Early is 7.5). In Rows 46, there is a section here to work out how many people are working earlys, which is where I have the problem.
The hours are worked out by doing a lookup function on the cell that says E, L etc and goes to a CODES sheet and pulls the value of that letter. What I am wanting to do is lookup that Letter, which and look in the cell next to it and count how many people would be on an early etc.
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Jul 31, 2014
I have an excel database where I register cases. I have in it a button that creates a folder with and ID nr that is in column A (I create new ID nr in the next row, when I press the button it will create a folder with that ID nr and inserts a blank word document in it). We have a template that we copy to the folder (depending what type of case). The idea would be that once the template is filled in and ready to print, It would take the values from the ID nr and a reference number a few cells to the right. Is it possible to tell excel to open the word document in the folder and create a PDF version with the ID nr and reference number. (there are only 2 templates, so the macro would have to look for one of the two in the folder)
The name of the templates are: "Standard" and "Other".
I guess the best way to start maybe this would be that I select the cell with the ID nr and then press a macro button to have this done.
One thing that needs to be done, is to put a copy in the same folder and another in a second folder called "Binder" in my documents folder.
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Nov 6, 2013
I have been using this function to count the number of unique text values in a data set:
It works great if I want to count number of unique text values overall. However, I want to count the occurrences of unique text values if they meet specific criteria. (Like a countifs function would if it could count unique text).
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Oct 8, 2009
I have three companies in column A, In Column B I have a date of when an item was sent to them, in Column C I have the amount of days this item has been out with that company. Is there a formula that will count the number of days an item has been out with one of the companies per month, and find an average if more than 1 item has been sent per month. Two items have been sent to company A in Sep 09, one item has been there 10 days the other 20 days, the answer I would be looking for is 15.
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Jun 9, 2009
Have problems using find and the Dictionary
What Im trying to do is find a certain word in a string then return the number associated with that word
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Sep 9, 2013
For example, on cell A1 I have 123456 Total, how do I delete the word "Total"? I have abut 2000 lines. What formula do I use?
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Sep 14, 2013
I have a range that contains a mixture of hard coded data and data pulled from a database sheet. I want to average only the hard coded data not the ones in the cells containing formula. I need this to be dynamic instead of just selecting the cells as formula might be added later on.
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Feb 17, 2014
How do I write a bar chart which reads the format of a cell instead of the content? ie I want to count how many cells in each column are amber. Amber cells have already been decided by conditional formatting.
See demo attached : bar chart demo.xlsx
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Jul 30, 2013
I have set my 'lastrow' to the last value in column A. The problem is, this code gets run whenever an autofilter is made. As a result, the 'lastrow' records itself as the last row of visible data. In reality, I need it to track the actual last row of total data.
lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
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Feb 23, 2013
I have the data to import / read in a pdf, in a doc, or in an Excel worksheet whichever is easier to use. I need to import the data, parse it into the correct cells for that row and then repeat the import until the end of the file. Not all the cells are in each group of data to import, so those cells will be null for that row. Some of the data for one cell may be in up to 14 lines in the data file. I have be concatenating these data rows into one cell. There are 48,000 lines in the file to import or I would do this manually. I am assuming that doing this in VBA would be the most efficient method.
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Aug 5, 2014
I'm trying to combine 2 cells that both have text on multiple lines separated by line breaks. I want to keep the formatting so that when both cells are combined, line one from cell 1 and line 1 from cell 2 are on the same line in the new combined cell. This is easy to do when there is only 1 line in each cell but how do you do this for cells with multiple lines? Here is an example of what I am trying to do:
First Name:
Last Name:
123 Harold Street
First Name: John
Last Name: Smith
Address: 123 Harold Street
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Jul 31, 2014
I have an excel database where I register cases. I have in it a button that creates a folder with and ID nr that is in column A (I create new ID nr in the next row, when I press the button it will create a folder with that ID nr and inserts a blank word document in it). We have a template that we copy to the folder (depending what type of case). The idea would be that once the template is filled in and ready to print, It would take the values from the ID nr and a reference number a few cells to the right. Is it possible to tell excel to open the word document in the folder and create a PDF version with the ID nr and reference number. (there are only 2 templates, so the macro would have to look for one of the two in the folder) The names of the templates are: "Standard" and "Other". I guess the best way to start maybe this would be that I select the cell with the ID nr and then press a macro button to have this done. One thing that needs to be done, is to put a copy in the same folder and another in a second folder called "Binder" in my documents folder.
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Jun 3, 2014
I have on the first tab a screen where you can fill in the name of the .doc or .pdf file.
That works fine, but now I would like that when I fill in a number and click on test, it opens te .doc and .pdf file that is attached for that number.
If you take a look at the pdf file you will see a second and a third tab.
First column is the number they need to fill in and the second column is the name of the .doc or .pdf that needs to be opened with that specific number.
How to link it and open both files for that specific number.
But not every number has a .doc as well as a .pdf.
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May 26, 2006
I have an excel program that is supposed to count word instances in a word document. I can't seem to find the right declaration for a word document.
For example to declare a workbook in excel its
Dim wb As Work Book
I've tried
Dim doc As Word.Document
Dim doc As Word.Application
as shown in some of the forum posts, but an error user-type not defined keeps displaying.
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Jan 4, 2008
My problem is I have a sheet thats structured like this:
Purchase # Item AMT
3630130685 10 20,503.04
3630130685 20 12,814.40
I need to add all items of a po to line#1.. is there a easy way to do this??
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Dec 15, 2008
I work for a localizer of text heavy software. Our developers normally use a converter to pull text out of a file and insert it into the program. This text is normally input into an Excel file since it has to correspond with files/locations in the program.
Since the space on the screen of the program is limited, we often face character limits when inputting text into Excel. Now, one cell might hold up to 255 characters, and I could restrict that with data validation, but within one cell I need to restrict each line (with a hard return) to 30 characters to fit on the screen.
So for example I have a row of cells that look like: ....
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Jun 1, 2008
I am trying to have a Number Line representing age of retirement.
I want to have a cursor on it Positioned on the number line which will move to desired age as I change the value of Cell representing Age.
Can this be done on Excel. I think so. Using User form or any thing like that will be ok as I need it for presenting a report.
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Nov 7, 2008
I am creating a review sheet/skill matrix using excel and need to be able to convert a particular selection to a number in the adjacent cell to work out the users efficiency (long story that i wont bore you with)
So basically i have a question/statement in cell A and a drop down answer menu in cell B containing up to 5 possible answers (very poor, poor, ok, good, very good). In cell C i would like to insert a formula that allocates a number dependant on the selection in cell B. So if the user selects very poor in cell B cell C states 1, if cell B has poor selected then cell C states 2 etc etc
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Jun 5, 2013
I am trying to create a spreadsheet to keep track of an online racing league that I'm in. I have created columns for the racers, and rows for the races. What I would like to do is type in 1st, and it represent the number 13 for when I do an autosum at the bottom of that column. It would be easier for me to type in the position place, instead of the points value. The position place will always carry the name numeric value. Here is what I have so far:
Start & Park Season 1.xlsm
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Dec 31, 2008
I have used this formula to get the last value in a column:
That seems to be the most elegant formula that I have seen at this Message Board.
But what about the most elegant formula to get the last word or value or error or TRUE/FALSE in a column?
I have used this formula (entering it with Ctrl + Shift + Enter):
How many of you know other more elegant or efficient formulas?
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Mar 16, 2014
I am trying to count the number of commas in each line of my Excel file. So I first decided to count the total number of rows and then count the number of commas in each row. I wrote this code. But I keep getting an error saying Next without for.
Sub Give_The_Last_Row()
LastRow = ActiveCell.Row
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Feb 12, 2010
1) This spreadsheet has 7 main sheets, UK, IBE, FIN, BENE, FRA.
2) Each main sheet has 8 sub sheets i.e UK CAT A to H, IBE CAT A to H etc.
3) col BO on the main sheets will have CAT A,B to H and can contain some other text but i'm only concerned about the CAT. Also Cat may be wrote CAT, cat or Cat etc
At the moment i'm using a loop, I had some code from another thread yesterday but this code creates new sheets if it can not find a sheet named the same
I will need to run this as 1 i.e all 7 together or 1 at a time.
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