Building A Cash Register

Mar 6, 2007

I want to build a cash register from excel.

I want to put many buttons, but lets say one on A1 that says $2 dollar item and name and lets say this $2 doillar item button is pushed(clicked on), it will add $2 to lets say the total say A15.

Now I can't even get a Macro to add $2 dollars to A15(or any macros to run at all, anybody have code I can copy, what I understand is you create macro name(give it letter, so yo can press letter and Ctrl to start) then start recording, then you do key strokes or mouse? Then press stop recording and you have macro?).

To get buttons to be viewed I have to go to Tools - Macros - script editor, and drag and drop(button on coding) or double click on button tool bar then File - View in Browser - . I get button but can't get it to do anything.

How do you put say A1 in code to A1=A1+5 or make a memory location out of A1. Now you can go to(while A1 is selected cell) "Insert" then "Name" then "Define" and give A1 a "Name". I can't get this name to work in coding(but I can get the name to work in cells like "Name" +5, will add cell 1 and 5, if you do it in different cell than A1).

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Debug Selection & Cash Register

Jun 7, 2009

I'm working on a sheet where I can specify sales by selection of month (Sheetname= ZoekenMaand).

Everything works fine for the months "januari" and "februari" (yes, it's in dutch ) but from "maart" it doesn't seem to work any more.

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Cash Register With Keyboard Numerical Keypad

Aug 22, 2007

With reference to Cash Register example that I downloaded from Roy Cox; is it possible to link the numerical keypad that is created in the file to the PC Keypad.
I realise I would need to use keypress functions but am unaware of the ascii for these keys. Also; how do I limit that the keypad writes it to the label? Otherwise, would I need to create a new userform instead of what was created by Roy.

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A Check Register

Nov 27, 2006

I have a spreadsheet that I have setup as a "Check Register". (I actually downloaded it from the Microsoft website.) I have modified it a little to have a small budget for the account at the top of the page, and I want to automate this a bit.

So, here is the question.

As I make the entries on the rows, how can I automatically update a cell with the result (the account balance) as I go?

Here is the formula I am using:


On my sheet I want G4 to display the result, as I go.

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Sum For A Register For Cleared Items Only

Jul 22, 2009

I'm sure this has an easy solution, but I'm having a problem putting it into a working formula. Column I lists checks numbers. Column J contains the amount of the check. Column K contains a "Y" when the check clears the account, otherwise it's left blank until the item clears. Cell O2 is where I want the balance formula.

I want O2 to look at Column K & then sum the amounts from Column J where the corresponding Column K is blank. If it were just one cell, it's a pretty easy if(k4="Y","", j4), right? But since it's a range of cells, not sure how to tell it to look down the range for all uncleared checks and put the sum in one cell.

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Check For DLL And Register If Required

Jul 14, 2008

i have created a workbook that looks for files and creates hyperlink within a worksheet to these files, to help the user I have included the title from the document properties.

To get the document properties i used the DSOFile DLL from Microsoft and added it in to my project and it works fine.

My problem is that i wish to distribute this to a large group of users within the workplace and I need a method of checking if the DLL is added in and registered, if not can it be added in and registered on the fly.

I have tried placing the DLL on a common network drive, but this could be further complicated b some users taking laptops out of office but hopefully the microsoft synch of files might take care of this.

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Checkbook Register With Monthly Budget

Aug 15, 2014

Working on a Checkbook Register/Monthly Budget.In column A I have the Check # or Type of Transaction, in column D is Debit, in column F is Credit, and in column G is Balance. I am writing the Check #, Debit, Elect., or Bill in column A.What I want to do is write a formula in column H to find all the Bills in column A and add all there Debit in column D together. I don't know if I change the word Bill to a code # if that would work or not. If it does, could I use a range of number of different bills like 200-299.

Example: If (A2-A50) = "Bill" or (200-299) add the same row # in column D for a total sum.Would like to use the code # if possible so I can budget the Bills individually if possible.

Using the Formula: =IF(ISBLANK(C3),"",G2-D3+F3) in column G for Balance, don't want to mess with this formula.

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Multi-summing For A Check Register

Sep 23, 2002

I have a column of blank cells m11 throught m22. Each cell possibly holds a value of a check that has been written but has not cleared.

One cell on my sheet contains a difference of my previous bank balance and my new bank balance after an unknown number of checks have cleared.

My bank balance was $500.00 dollars on 9/22/2002

Checks that have not cleared =

m11 = $5.00
m15 = $15.00
m16 = $35.00
m20 = $6.00


My account balance is now $489 dollars on 9/28/2002

$11.00 dollars is the difference.

It's obvious that checks $6.00 and 5.00 are the checks that have cleared!

What I am trying to do is find out a simple way to sum every number that is listed in m11:m22 in every sum combination possible.
Then display the combonation of numbers that = the difference when summed together

I know the long way to do this.........................

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Using VBA To Search Range And Register Row Number Of First Occurrence Of Each Value

Sep 25, 2013

how to search a defined range (using namned range and offset to last non empty row) and register row number for the first occurance of each ID using VBA. I made an example file where I need to search column A (search range using namned range "ID" and offset to last non empty row) and register rownumber for the first occurance of each ID in Column C.


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Automatically Add Over 100 Rows On Top Of Check Register Worksheet?

Apr 6, 2014

I need to add over 100 rows on the top of my check register worksheet, is there any way to do automatically?

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Register Of Items - Find Furthest Right Hyperlink

Nov 11, 2011

I have a register of items that sometimes get updated, the register is stored as

From row 9:how ever many hundreds of items we have

Columns A:E
Data about the item that does not change with new revisions

Column F
Current Revision

Columns G:Z
Revisions in order (ie if there had been 8 revisions
'-, A, B, C, D, E, F, G) (with higher revisions left blank)
each of which is hyperlinked to the relevant file for that revision.

What I would like is a formula in Column F that will print

1) the letter of the highest revision (Revisions are always sequential)
2) Will hyperlink the column F to the correct revision...

I used to know how to do the first half of this formula but the spreadsheet got tinkered with and now I can't remember how to do it.

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How To Create Cash Up Workbook

Apr 15, 2014

I am new to macros on excel but I am trying to create a cash up workbook. This is what I want it to do:

First Sheet should be a summary of the month with each day. From there I want it to generate 4 worksheets for every day's cash up. (which should be Daily Cash up, Credit Card Sales, Cheque Sales & Account Sales).

The Daily Cash up Sheet must pull info from the other 3 and must allow me to input cash values manually. But the cc sales, cheques sales and account sales must be pulled from the other sheets.

After completion of cash up there should be a button on the Daily cash up sheet to say Finalise, where when it is pressed it summarises all totals on the first sheet. So when I open the workbook every morning, there should be a button on the first sheet to create a new 'cash up'.

Then there should also be a button on the first worksheet for month end, so that when you press month end it finalises the month and generates a new work book for the next month.

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Petty Cash Spreadsheet

Jan 4, 2009

i am trying to set up a spreadsheet for petty cash so will have a description and an amount on the left of screen and numerous columns on the right for the transactions to be split between ...... Is there any way for me to tell it that if A2=fuel truck then the amount in column B2 needs to also be in column G2?

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Excel 2011 :: Inserting Rows In Checkbook Register

Apr 3, 2013

I've been looking for a free checkbook register template that will automatically calculate the balance as you add or subtract various amounts.

I found one which seemed to be just what I wanted but once I had reached the end of the rows for the worksheet and tried to add more rows the automatic feature quit working.

I found another Checkbook Register which seemed even better than the first one as it had a notation at the end of the rows.

It said to " Insert new rows above this point" and it had the last row greyed out.

I tried adding a new row and tested it out by adding some amount but it did not continue with the automatic calculation either.

I'm using MS Excel for Mac 2011

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Break Even Calculations In Cash Flow Row

Jan 20, 2014

I have a row which shows date by month and then a row which shows cash flow. I would like a formula to calculate the break even point in the cash flow row and return the month which this occurs. I would also like to show the number of units required to break even.

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Monthly To Quarterly Cash Flows

May 13, 2014

I am building a Discounted Cash Flow.

I have monthly cash flows rolling for 10 years, which I need to sum up into quarterly cash flows.

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Split Amount Into Different Cash Denomination

Mar 25, 2011

The amount is $1256,

Cash Denomination will be $500, $100, $50,$10,$5 and $1. I need to split the amount into the number of pieces of each domination to present to the bank when i need to withdraw salary for the workshop workers.


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Discounted Cash Flow Worksheet?

Jan 26, 2013

I am looking for a discounted cash flow worksheet where I can set the period of time to a certain number of years, set the terminal value at the end of that period of time, as well as having the ability to set the discount rate. When all three things are set, I would like to see the annual cash flows as well as the present value amount.

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VBA Code To Open A Cash Drawer!!!

Feb 16, 2010

I have Created an Excel Spreadsheet to work as a EPOS system. The only Problem i am having finishing it off is getting the cash Drawer to open at the end of a sale.

I have my Cash Drawer connected via a Rj 45 in the Back of my Receipt Printer. The Printer i have is a Star Tsp-600. I have Found out that the Open Drawer Codes are 7 or 27,7,10,50,7. I am not entirly sure what they mean though. The code that i have at the moment doesnt work it brings an error "53" file not found. This is my code

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Filter For CASH NOMS And Keep Everything Thats In The Criteria

Sep 24, 2009

i have rec data in which I need a macro that will filter for CASH NOMS and keep everything thats in the criteria but delete everthing else in cash Noms

criteria is named range "Criteria" (I5:K10)

So from this

Sheet1  ABCDEFGHIJKL4        Criteria   5RecTeamAmountRef    RecTeamRef 6CASH NOMSAMP1132.36CAETRN    CASH NOMS*AMP*.AIMS 7CASH NOMSAMP215.36.AIMS546.3      *WTRN96 8CASH NOMSINTEREST915.12WTRN96      *AMPTRH 9CASH NOMSFA5-65.36AMPTRH      *.WSTFGH 10CASH NOMSFA6-9.01CBWSSG      *WTWHAT 11CASH NOMSCA-9.01CBWSSG        12CASH NOMSDES-9.01MSFAST        13CASH LIFEUUTU-9.01CBWSSG        14CASH LIFEAMP1-9.01CBWSSG        15CASH LIFEAMP232.12.WSTFGH        16CASH LIFEAMP315975.36CBWSSG        17CASH LIFEAMP4-9.01OPTMOD        18CASH NOMSFA1-9.01CASH WTWHAT         Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4 .........................

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Cash Flow Distribution Modeling

Nov 24, 2004

I am trying to model the distribution of cash flows from a real estate investment. This is a bit complicated, but basically A1 through A37 are a series of cash flows after payment of debt service from month 0 (closing) to month 36. The real estate project has two investors, the Institutional Investor and the Developer. In this case, the Institutional Investor contributes 90% of the required project equity and the developer contributes the remaining 10%. The cash flow is distributed according to a set of parameters specifying cash flow percentage allocations and IRR targets, collectively known as a "cash flow waterfall"." As with all for-sale residential development deals, the early cash flows are negative and then turn positive as unit sales occur. The order of distribution of the cash flow remaining after debt service is paid is as follows (the waterfall):

1. Both investors receive the return of their invested capital from cash flow distributions.
1. Hurdle 1 (after the return of equity to both investors), the Institutional Investor receives 90% of the monthly cash flows and the Developer 10%, proportional to their respective overall equity contributions, until both investors achieve a 12% IRR (all IRR's to be calculated from deal inception/first dollar invested).
2. Hurdle 2, (after Hurdle 1 is satisfied), the Institutional Investor receives 60% of the monthly cash flows until the Institutional Investor achieves an 18% IRR.
3. The Final Split (after satisfying Hurdle 2) allocates monthly cash flow 50% to each investor.

On an overall project basis, the Developer should realize a disproportionate share of the cash flow after the second hurdle is hit. This is what is known as the "promote." The most recent 36 month (37 including Closing) projected cash flows are as follows:

($1,315,567) - Closing
($113,697) - Month 1

I realize this is complicated, but this structure is quite common to real estate, private equity, venture capital and hedge fund investments (along with most any joint venture deals with multiple classes of equity participants). The canned software that is out there that performs this type of anlysis is both expensive and rigid, and doesn't typically enable the required sensitivity analysis in structuring a deal.

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Checkbook Register - Auto-enter Deposits / Withdrawals On Certain Dates?

Jan 28, 2014

I'm wanting to make a checkbook register. That part I can do (I am totally an Excel idiot, but I'm fairly decent with Google and I couldn't seem to find anything about this), but I'm wondering if auto-drafts are possible. What I'd like to do is have a table of regular auto-withdrawals (or deposits, for that matter) and then on the appropriate day have them auto enter into the register. Ideally, I'd like them to enter 2-3 days in advance, or even at the beginning of the month.

For example: Netflix on the 1st, Life Insurance on the 12th, Auto Insurance on the 15th, etc.

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Offset Function For Cash Flows In Different Years

Sep 5, 2007

I have got three period like this

Period: 2010 2015 2018
Cash: 100 200 300

I would like to use a function (i am thinking offset will do the work) to put these cashflows on a timeline i.e. 2010,2011,2012 etc...

The three periods described above will be changeable, so the cashflows will adjust accordingly...

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Projection Spread Sheet For Cash Flow Purposes

Jun 2, 2009

I am trying to put together a projection spread sheet for a client for cash flow purposes. I have it laid out but I cannot wrap my head around the formula and I've tried a few. Here it is.

A1: Client Name B1: Invoice Date C1: Projected Due Date ( I have 45 days added to B1) D1: Invoice Amount E1: Jan F1: Feb G1: March H1: April I1: May J1: Juneetc...

I am trying to forcast out the invoice collection date (C1). So basically in the month of June column I am trying to say if C1 falls between June 1 & June 30th then it should equal D1 (the amount due in that month). So if the invoice has a due date (C1) that falls in that particular month than I am forecasting the cash flow in the month it's collected.

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Payback & Discounted Formulas For Uneven Cash Flows

Nov 7, 2006

formula in excel to calculate payback and discounted payback periods with uneven cash flows.

0 ($2,000)
1 160
2 200
3 350
4 395
5 432
6 440
7 442
8 444

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Building A Chart

Oct 8, 2007

I am building a chart from a pivot table and the data changes weekly therefore my chart changes weekly and I want to have the same colors on my graphs from week to week. I created this code to keep everything the same. Problem is when some of the data is not there for a given week (say no calls from a certain city) a corresponding data set doesn’t get created and the macro won’t work. Is there a way to run if the a data set is not available and to keep the colors the same?

With Selection.Border
.Weight = xlThin
.LineStyle = xlAutomatic
End With..............

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Building The Name Of A Variable

Nov 5, 2007

I need to update a Variable I called "Croy70" by making up its name from two cells

Left(Range("L" & i), 4) & Right(Range("J" & i), 2)) = i
Where i=2 and L2 is "Croydon" and J2 is "ABC70"

I apologise for this simple question, but I appear to have left my brain at home this morning and all the VBA help files are missing from the computer I'm using!

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Building Worksheet

Nov 23, 2009

I can start building.

1. User will first input Medication type in first column. Second Column - Dosage Third Column - Start Date, Fourth Column - End date

There will be multiple entries for the same medication because of dosage change. I can simply get them to insert a new row underneath each medication, and they can then input new dosage, new start/end dates

There will be a cell entry for the form start date, as it will be populated on the main page.

The solution I believe will involve an if statement, with argument being if date is still within range of start/end date, that it will generate text on particular date.

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Building A Lookup

May 10, 2006

I need to build a formula that looks up a vertical value and a horizontal value and retrieves the value where those two values meet

for example


C10 30,000 35000 45000
C11 27500 25000 30000
C12 22000 60000 23500

I need the formula to retrieve that value for grade C11 and in milwaukee which is 25,000

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Add Overtime Hours Bases On Reason Code And Whether Cash Or Time

May 31, 2013

How can I total overtime based on a "Reason Code" and whether the employee chose "Cash" or "Time" compensation?

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