Calculate BiWeekly Pay Periods
Oct 7, 2008
I have been working on solving this riddle since yesterday. What I'm trying to do is have Excel use today’s date on the computer to tell me when my Paydays are in a given month. Or have it tell me the next two or three Paydays based on Today's Date.
I can get Excel to calculate Every Two Weeks by using the formula =A3 + 14 then have each sequential field add 14 days to the previous fields date. However what I end up with is just a column of Pay Dates. Not what I'm looking for. I want to have an active page that only shows 2 or 3 future Pay Days. I want to use the function =TODAY() in my formula so that every time I open up the file it can calculate the next Pay Dates automatically.
I have been playing around with this formula:.....
All this does is tells me the First Friday of every month. This won't work for me because the Pay Periods are separated by 14 days not the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month. Here is an example of my Pay Periods: Sep 19, 2008; Oct 3, 2008; Oct 17, 2008; Oct 31, 2008; Nov 14, 2008; Nov 28, 2008; Dec 12, 2008; Dec 26, 2008; etc.......
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Feb 14, 2014
Trying to calculate the lost revenue value for when a piece of machinary is offline for a period of time based on the hrly price during that particular period. The machines come on/off line at various times during the year so i am trying to make this a bit dynamic so i only need to add new info and not have to change the formula
Column F - Off date of machine
Column G - Restart date of machine
Column H - Hrly time
Column I - Hrly price
I thought this formula (an array) would work for me
=average(if((Column H>=Column F) * (Column H<= Column G), Column I)) but it only calculates that average price for the first period and not new average prices for other periods.
what adjustments I can make to my formula or is there a better formula to use?
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Apr 28, 2013
Our company has been taken over by new mgt (Y co) on 1st Nov 2012 from old mgt (X co). Y co has the policy of providing employees with EOS benefits as mentioned below:
1st 5 yrs - 1 month salary per year
5-10 yrs - 1.5 month salary per year
+10 yrs - 2 months salary per year
But for deciding the slab, total period of service is considered. The below table provides the calculation of days as on 31st Dec 2012 based on different joining dates which I need to fix by way of formula.
Hire date
Total service (days)
X co
Y Co
1st 5 yrs
5-10 yrs
+10 yrs
[Code] ........
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Mar 8, 2014
I am trying to figure a way to search for a cell that has a specific date and time range. There are several cell titles pending on the activity. I want to find a cell that has a time ** 7:30-15:30 , 15:31-17:30, 17:31-20:30. The end result is to calculate the activity between those time periods based on the data cells.
If the date searched time field ** the activity ranges is 1635 I need to split the time and credit the activity time in the 730-1530 time and the rest on the 15:31-17:30 time
I have been able to do it on a single labor group based on time alone, but when I try to add the DATE to it my numbers go null. Eventually i will need to add 11 labor groups daily for weeks at a time .
Excel 2007
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Feb 4, 2010
I got the following table.
What formula could I use so that the amount under STP premium would display at the right cell under different time periods depending on the time of the trade date, just like the following images?
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Jun 20, 2014
I'm using this formula (below) to add the hrs between 2 time periods (4:30 pm in cell I37 and 8:00 pm in I38, then the formula is in I39) and works almost every time even when the second time goes into the am hours, except in certain instances such as: 4:30 pm to 11pm show as 30.5? But sometimes it shows the correct number, 6.5
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Feb 10, 2010
I'm trying to calculate the total hours worked for two given periods over a shift , which can span two consecutive days ie. start 15:45 and finish at 00:15 the next day. Hours worked between 6am and 6pm are paid at standard rate, whilst hours worked between 6pm and 6am attract penalty rates. Hours are cacluated in 24hr time
I have attached a copy of the timesheet that we use so you can see exactly what I'm trying to achieve, and included most of the shifts that we have.
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Nov 23, 2011
When using the Trend function, I can get the value for individual future periods. I then can get a total for the year by summing each individual future period.
What I don't know how to do is sum them all using one formula. For instance, If I know the values of periods 1-5, how would I write a formula that would sum the future values (in one cell) of periods 6-12 -- without having to sum each future period individually?
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Aug 5, 2013
I have a list of email addresses with the periods stripped before the .com, .net, etc.
How to insert the period to go from example@mailcom to Obviously the email addresses are of different lengths, but it's always 3 characters after the inserted period.
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Dec 29, 2006
I am having trouble writing a Macro to delete multiple periods at the end of each cell. Each cell looks simiar to this: Blah Blah Blah................... I am using the InStr function to find the first period but it returns a 0 everytime. Here is the code I used to find the period. I want it to delete everything after the first period and store the value back in the same cell. Right now it just stores blanks.
Sub PeriodRemover()
Dim NewContract As String, Contract As String
Application.Calculation = xlManual
i = 2
Sheets("Product Listing by Contract").Select
Contract = Range("A" & i).Value
Do Until Contract = Empty
NewContract = Left(Contract, InStr(Contract, "."))
Range("A" & i).Value = NewContract
i = i + 1
Contract = Range("A" & i).Value
Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
End Sub
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Apr 22, 2008
I have a text value which consists of two periods ".". I want to pull the value in the middle. eg. From the text value in a cell "oakland.california.usa", I want to pull "california" in another cell. All the values in column are in similar format.
1 oakland.california.usa california
Hope this is not duplication of any pre-existing thread, if it is, I probably don't know the correct keywords to query.
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Mar 20, 2009
I am trying to find a way to identify the nmber of periods where a particular value is exceeded.
Basically I have daily data on sales for 40 years and I would like to define a level of sales i.e. 23 units per day and a period i.e. 10 days and then output the number of times where the recorded sales level is greater than 23 units per day for 10 or more days.
Ideally I would like it so the sales level and period can be set in reference cells and the formula can adapt to different sales levels and periods.
The data is formatted as follows: ...
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Jun 4, 2009
I have a spreadsheet with numbers of various lengths.
Sometimes they are preceded with a period and have one at the end as well.
Examples: of their present state
Examples: of desired state
Is their a way I can create a new column and insert a formula, then drag it down so that it will delete the first or last character, if the character is a period?
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Jul 5, 2009
How can days be allocated into the periods in which they fall if they run across a number of months.
The attached sample might explain it better.
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Dec 25, 2012
I am seeking to analyse loading cycles on a beam.
I have half hourly data for five years, in two columns A: Date and B: Load in Kg. The load on the beam is not uniform over time and shows a cycle of load.
In Column C I have an AVERAGE function that returns the average load based in the 4 hour period (2 hours backward looking and 2 hours forward looking) if it is less than 50% of the maximum load.
The data in Column C returns sets of continuous vertical cells of data showing periods of low loading and empty cells where the load is greater than 50%. The sets can be as small as one cell (i.e. one hour) to a set of contiguous vertical cells for one week of low load.
My objective is to use Excel to analyse all the sets of contiguous cells in Column C to determine the time period from the first cell of each set to the last cell of that set and drop the result into another work sheet (pivot table) to further analyse these results.
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Mar 25, 2014
From G13:G33 I have an array of values of which I have computed.
E36 is where I have set my threshold value.
What is the excel formula to use, to count the PERIODS (not number of times), which this threshold value has been exceeded?
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Apr 8, 2009
How do you remove the periods in this numbering sequence with the end result being 102030405? Note also that the colum contains various combos that can be any combination of numbers from 1.01 to I use both versions 2003 and 2007....
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Mar 27, 2012
I need to produce a graph that provides the user with opportunity to define the time period, i.e. start and end dates for the data to be used in the graph.
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Aug 20, 2012
I have a source table that contains time information about shifts people work:
Source Table
Now I'm looking for way to 'enhance the resolution' of this information to an hourly basis.
This means I would like to know how many hours John worked on 1-1-2012 between 15:00 and 16:00 (0.75).
I probably need to add 24 calculated colums to the table corresponding with the hours of the day.
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Sep 27, 2007
I have a spreadsheet that holds a list of customers and the contracts they have with my company - this sheet includes the Total Contract Value in £s - so how much each customer will pay us for the service - the period of the service - so the start date of 01/01/08 to end date of 31/12/08 for example. What I then have is all the months across the top of my spreadsheet and I need to extrapolate the contract value, based on the period between the months.
Initially I had complicated formulas that simply divide the value by the number of months of the contract - however, my company has since changed the policy and requires it to be done to the day.
For example, if the value was £12,000 and the period was 12 months from 01/01/08 - to calculate January 08 it would be - 12,000 / 365 * 31, Feb would be 12,000 / 365 * 29 and so on...
Does anyone know how I can do this - bearing in mind that each contract won't be as easy as 12 months - it may be start date of 15/06/08 to 08/10/10 for example... If anyone can help me do a formula or formulae to calculate the value for each month - I would be very very grateful - as always... [/img]
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Dec 21, 2008
I want to count the number of sales in three periods. prior 7 to 12 months, prior 4 to 6 months, and over the last 3 months.
I have three letters that occur in column B of sheet 2.
A for active, P for pending, and S for sold.
The date of activity appears in column C for each event. It is in mm/dd/yyyy format. Currently I have over 5000 rows.
I would like to total the sales for each period and place it on sheet 1.
can you help or point me to the right place to read up on it. I can get the information by using a pivot table but there has to be a faster way.
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Dec 22, 2006
In the same period of time I have two countings of different stopped time.
range (A3:A23), = product code.
range (H3:H23), = time used.
with this formula I take the time used for each product. "= SUMIF($A$3:$A$23,M2,$H$3:$H$23)"
On this one I record all different lost times in the same period of time.
What I want is:
Take out from the result obtained with the above formula, the time down from SheetB.
Ex:if I used on sheetA between 7:00 and 18:00, 4:10 of the product A, I want to take to this value the downtime in the same period from sheetB.
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Aug 30, 2007
What formula should I use if I have a list of maturity dates and current investments amounts as of 06/30/07:
06/30/08 10,000
08/31/14 18,000
05/31/08 11,000
07/31/09 25,000
06/30/10 14,000
12/31/25 80,000
and the amounts need to be distributed in columns titled:
Within 1 Yr (From 7/1/07 to 6/30/08)
After 1 to 5 Yrs (From 7/1/08 to 6/30/13)
After 5 yrs (After 7/1/13)
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Oct 24, 2007
I am trying to plot two data series in one chart. The first series has monthly corn prices for last 10 years (~130 data points). The second series has bimonthly chicken prices over the last 10 years ( ~72 points). How can I plot them together?
The bi-monthly periods for the second series do not exactly coincide with calender months ( e.g. Aug 19 to Oct 13, 2007). As a result, I can not adjust the points to match with calender months.
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Feb 5, 2008
There are 2 seperate spreadsheets
S1 - "End"
No. | ID | Name | Login | Total | Jan-07 | Feb-07 | March-07 | => | Dec-07
S2 - "Datasource"
ID | Irrelevant Name | Period | State | Irrelevant Data
I need something to go through the unique IDs in the "Datasource" & find a match in the "End" spreadsheet & then insert the number "1" in the corresponding time period (matching Period with Jan-07 or which ever it's suppose to represent). The Period is written in the following format:
122007 for December 2007
12008 for January 2008
One thing, the datasource has dates for both 2007 & 2008. The end spreadsheet has 2007 in one worksheet & 2008 in another.
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Feb 26, 2014
My lookup formula is not hitting the correct period. How can this be adjusted without changing any of the "GRAY" data.
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Mar 16, 2009
I'm trying to calculate the length of a work order to develop an average and future proposal estimates.
For example:
Job received = A1
In work = B1
Job completed = C1
Total days to complete = D1
I know I can enter in D1 C1-A1 and get the correct result but I want the field to calculate A1-TODAY() until a completion date is entered. This would display the number of days the job has been in work until completed. Once completed use the C1 for calculation.
Sorta like
If(C1=">=0" then (A1-Today()) else C1-A1)
I will then use conditional formatting with block colors to indicate whether it is a completed job or in work job.
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Aug 9, 2012
I have a (very) large spreadsheet which contains a column of numbers. I am trying to work out a way to identify all of the times when this column has 3600 or more consecutive zeros. Ideally, I would like it to tell me how many and the size of these periods of 3600 or more consecutive zeros, but I would settle for something as simple as just highlighting these parts.
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Jan 8, 2008
I have spreadsheets with a lot of dates where the date separators used are periods “.” instead of slashes “/”. For example, 12.02.2008 is what shows in a cell. Where I live (Australia) that means 12 Jan 2008. My need is to have Vba code that converts these to dates; e.g. 12/02/2008 or 12-Jan-2008, etc. I can manually select the cell or cells, press Ctrl+H, replace the period characters with slash characters and it works correctly - I get 12/02/2008 – which I can then manipulate as a date. However, if I record a macro of the above actions, when I run the code the result I get in the cell is 2/12/2008 – i.e. 2 Dec 2008. The code recorded is:
Selection.Replace What:=".", Replacement:="/", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
The only time the code gives the correct result is when the month is greater than 12; e.g. 23.02.2008 is converted to 23 Feb 2008. My computer is set up with regional settings to Australia and date format day/month/year.
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Feb 1, 2008
I will need to sort the data based on some number entries being presented in Periods 1 ,2 ,3 in chronological order.. i.e. move the data of period 1 to the top , then period 2 and then period 3.
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