I was given the formula below to calculate the quarter to date number. The months from 1/1/05 thru 12/31/07 are in cells C3-AL3.
First - can anyone explain the formula so I may understand it and possibly modify it for other uses
Second - wherever the formula has 3:3 and I copy it to the next cell below it, I have to change the 4:4 to a 3:3 - any suggestions on how to do this easily.
By the way, the formulas are in column AO, staring on row 4.
I'm trying to find out a function that allows me to evenly spread the amounts given a certain start year and quarter and end year and quarter. Let's say, I have 20 dollars and the starts in 3Q/2012 and ends in 2Q/2013. Then, the money should be spread out in four quarters. If the end is in 3Q/2013, then the spread is five quarters, and the amount distribution automatically changes.
I have spreadsheet that I use to display quarterly metrics. Within the workbook, there are two spreadsheets; (1) output (2) data.
Part 1: I want the ability to view data for any quarter of any year. In columns O-P, I have created a dropdown for the year I want to view and option buttons for the quarter I want to view.
The data is organized in one sheet and includes all information by quarter.
As an example, say I want to display data for District 112 and I want to display data for the 3rd Quarter of 2007. I am trying to create a formula that would look in the table as follows: (1) look for district 112 then (2) look for 2007 then (3) look for 3rd quarter then (4) look for units sold. I tried using a modified lookup function but didn’t have any luck.
Part 2: The second part of my question is similar to the first part but in this case I need to summarize data (cells $B$18:$D:$22).
As an example, say I want to display the total number of sales in the U.S. for the 3rd quarter of 2007. In this example, I would look in the table for the following: (1) look for Division then (2) look for 2007 then (3) look for 3rd quarter then (4) sum all based on criteria.
I am needing to create a formula that will calculate the number of paychecks and the dates for the calendar year. There is some employees that are paid bi-weekly and some bi-monthly.
For Example:
A1-Employee, A2-Hire Date, A3-Pay Frequency, A4-Number of Paychecks
Based on the hire date and pay frequency it will calculate the number of paychecks in A4.
Is this something that can be calculate with excel or would it need to be done manually.
I am looking to create a function that outputs the upcoming quarter end date based on a specified start date, for which the quarter end is based on a broken fiscal year ending december 15.
As an example, say that you sign up as a customer with an internet provider on 2014-01-01. The internet provider charges all their clients on a quarterly basis and have a broken fiscal year ending on december 15. Hence, as you signed up on 2014-01-01 you will be charged on 2014-03-15, which is the date of the company's first quarter end.
So what I would like to do is to set up a function that outputs the first date I will be charged based on the date that I sign up. If I sign up between december 2013-12-16 and 2014-03-15, the formula should output 2014-03-15. If I sign up between 2014-03-16 and 2014-06-15, the formula should output 2014-06-15 etc. etc.
I'm trying to wrtie an IF statement to display one of Q1, Q2, Q3 or Q4 based on the three letter month abbrev. All i have so far is the following, which isn't leading anywhere - and i have a feeling theres an easier way to write it.
Formula to get the Quarter number for the highest profit per Product, like in B16:F16.
The excersiser instracted us that it must be with one formula with no Macro, not User Defined Function and not openning additional colums.
I know how to find the qtr. Number - like for A2: =INT((MONTH(A2)+2)/3) but I am lost in finding how to combine the calculation for the Qtr and the most profitable Qtr. probably with MAX on SUM.
I need a formula that can automatically populate yearly quarters in separate columns based on a number of years. So if I put in 5 years - excel would populate 20 columns with Quarter 1 - Quarter 2 and so on. If I then change it to 3 years it would only populate 12 columns.
I have a worksheet containing 5 columns. A start and end date, a number of days between these dates, the quarter number of the start date (i.e. 1 to 4) and then the year.
I want to calculate the average number of days per quarter so an average of days in column C, based on the details in column D and E.
How would you calculate the amount of days of a billing period for a consulting engagement by quarter when the engagement could span multiple quarters, be within a quarter or not be in a quarter at all? Project based billing
I'm trying to come up with a formula that calculates a year to date target, taking into consideration the actual working days and the target for those days.
So for instance today is the 12th of May and my year to date percentage is 40% but it should be 100%. How do i create a formula to calculate that?
How do I calculate/display the financial year for a given date? For instance if my source cell has 25/11/2006 how do I get the result cell to show 2006/07 (or 06/07, 2006/2007, etc).
I've tried a Text() function but the best 'format_text' I could come up with was "yyyy/yyyy+1", which not only doesn't work, but would be wrong if the source date was in the second half of the financial year.
The formula that I currently have in E2, is giving me the number of years served by an employee. Is there another formula that can give me the number of years each employee has served? This is the formula that I have in E2
i have a dataset which is like a timeseries with 3 columns first is year second month third values so lets say like this
year month day value 2004 12 29 100 2004 12 30 200 2004 12 31 300 2005 01 01 50 2005 01 02 60 .....
I need to calculate the quartiles with the condition of the year or the month or even both... I suppose i need something like an array but i couldnt make it work untill now.
Example.xlsI have a list of people with 10 years of salary history for each (in ten consecutive columns on the spreadsheet). I need to calculate in excel the highest 5 consecutive year average salary for each (if they have less than 5 years with salary, then it should just average the years the do have). Some people have breaks in service (for five years, there is a blank in that entry). These years should be ignored and skipped in calculating the avergaes.
going down are stores a, b, c, d.... what i'm filing in across is the square feet of each store and what quartr or year each store came into place. so there will either be a 0 or a number Now, I want to be able to count the number of nhew stores each quarter. how do i create a formula that just recognizes it the first time there is a number and not a zero... because i will put the square feet in subsequent quarters after it opens so i can see yearly how many square feet the store had. then also, how can create a button on the page that will say quarterly numbers and a button that is annual. so that i can hide the quarterly columns and just see an annual spreadsheet... and for the quarterly button so i can hide the annuals and just see the quarters....
Column A is the COB Date Column B through N are various stock data. I would like to calculate the trend of correlations over a 4 year period. I can't seem to figure out how to manipulate the data analysis tool pak to do this.
I need to auto fill quarters but Excel fills years instead. For example I write Q1-11 in cell A1 and when dragging down it fills with Q1-12 rather than Q2-11.
I have a list of Dates (01-OCT-2011, 03-Dec-2011, 12-Jan-12, 10-FEB-2012, 03-APR-2012, etc). I would like to figure a formula that would see the the date and return the QUARTER. For example:
IF dates are between 01-OCT-2011 thru 31-DEC-2012 THEN return QTR1, IF dates are between 01-JAN-2012 thru 31-MAR-2012 THEN return QTR2, IF dates are between 01-APR-2012 thru 30-JUN-2012 then return QTR3, etc
I'm really just now sure how to do the "betweens".
I believe there is a way to summarize monthly data with the month in rows and the heading across columns. The goal is to have a formula summarize the data with Q1 through Q4 in rows and headings across columns and vice versa. Sample data attached.
In Column A, I have the dates listed as such. Common point is that, they are all 1st day of the month. In Column B, I have Quarters as such.... (Please see below)
Can I put a formula together, to round up how many months left in that particular quarter ? example
My list has dates. I am using this formula to determine the quarter for the date: ="Q"&INT((MONTH(S2)/4)+1).
As well I am using a formula to determine the month for the date: =E2-DAY(E2)+1.
In my book I have some sheets showing totals by month, in other I total up by quarter. I am experiencing a variance between the quarterly total by months and the quarterly total by quarter.
So I thought I'd try this formula to reconcile the two--but no success: =SUMPRODUCT((System=$B5)*(Created>=Lists!M$2)*(Created