Calculating Time All (redundant) Systems Down

Sep 20, 2013

I have redundant system groups. One group may have (for example) two computers running. Another group may have eight computers running. But within any group only one computer needs to be running for the system to be operational.

I have a row with down start date/time (Column-A) and down end date/time (Column-B) for each downtime event. In then next columns I have the start times and end times for the other computer(s) in the group.

Finally, I have a date column to the right of all others (one row per day). Next to the date column I need to have the value that represents the common time all computers in that group were down.

I don't much care if this is done with a formula or by VBA. I can split the date and time values into separate columns and format the values however needed to facilitate the calculation.

I've placed an example workbook at the following location. [URL] ...

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Calculating Time Taken And Average Amount Of Units / Time Taken?

Jun 11, 2014

I am having a little trouble with a spreadsheet I am creating, the formulas and cell formatting I should be using to enable this to work.

Here goes:

in cell E3 I have a time started (e.g 12:45 pm), In F3 i have time finished (e.g 2:30 pm)

So, what i'm wanting is the time taken in G3 and also, i have the amount of units that is entered manually in H3. I would like I3 to show the time taken per unit.

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Calculating Time And A Half And Double Time (After 40 Hours)

Feb 20, 2009

I'm battling to come up with the formula to calculate time and a half and double time. My boss wants me to show the overtime worked AFTER 40 hours has been worked. I have attached a copy of my spreadsheet.

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Calculating Time Owed Based On Time Worked

Jun 23, 2009

I know the title is a bit vague, but I cant think how else to word it!

I have a sheet (attached) which works out hours worked, and if the amount is under a specified target, it counts how much time is owed. The problem occurs when someone works more hours than the specified target.

I guess I need an IF formula of some kind, to say if the figure is over the target, to put zero in the hours owed column.

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2000 And Operating Systems

Aug 23, 2009

If I have an application developed in Excel 2000 with Vista Operating System, does it matter what operating system (XP or later) under which it runs.

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Using If( And( Formulas To Remove Redundant Entries

Nov 20, 2012

I have a spreadsheet of over 4000 rows. Column 1 is the part, column 2 is the order #, column 3 is the line # from the purchase order, column 4 is cost. I.E. Part- M12053235, Order #- 580001, Line #- 2, Cost- $563.00

Our software duplicated some of the entries and I need to find a way to remove the redundant entries.

I tried using this formula =if(and(b1=b1:b3909,c1=c1:c3909),"redundant","no")

That formula doesn't work because if it does have matching values in column 2(order #) then it looks to see if column 3(line #) matches anywhere in the spreadsheet. Since the data in this column ranges from 1-30, there is always multiple matches. So, my formula shows a redundant entry even when it is not.

I need to find a way so to check if column 3 has matching values in column 3, but only for the range of cells that corresponds to the purchase order in column 2.

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Test Speed Of Macro On Different Systems

May 26, 2007

ran the following macro on the new computer and on two other computers...

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Summing Values Conitain Redundant Spaces

Jan 1, 1970

Can we convert the numeric amount into words..i.e. Rs. 148250.00 (Rupee One Lac Forty Eight Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Only)..Is there any simple formula in xls and ms access...

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Combine Values & Omit Redundant Data

May 8, 2007

how much excel can do and the amount of experts that is willing to help out in this forum.

Is there anyway to combine all the values to omit redundant data?

For e.g.

1 Apple 28
2 Pear 55
3 Orange 35
4 Pear 22
5 Pear 15
6 Orange 18
7 Apple 25

is there any VBA codings that could automatically reduced all the above data to

1 Apple 53
2 Pear 92
3 Orange 53

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Calculating Using Time

Nov 12, 2009

Firstly, i'd like cell G5 to show the amount of time worked i.e diff between E6 & F6. Secondly I'd like help with the formula for cells AF6 & AG6 which would require AB6-AC6 divided by the frames, every time I try it I get a messed up answer.

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Calculating Time In

Sep 9, 2009

=INDEX({"$5.00","$3.00","You Were Late"},MATCH(L17,{7:00am,7:05am,7:06am},1))

i have this formula in excel...this formula sanrv1f posted to help with another question (values changed) but i thought i would work with what i wanted but i get a (Value) error

so what im trying to do is base on the system time is if the person typed in

if they were early 6:45am to 7am they get Extra $5 on top of the $5 they get for being on time.

6:55am gets $5
7:00am they get $5.00 for being on time
if they type 7:01am to 7:05am they get $3.00
if they type 7:06 to 7:10am would return You Were Late
after 7:10am would return No Pay

so Ex

D4 *answers in E4 *

7am would get $5

7:03am am would get $3

7:07am would get You Were Late

7:11am Would get No Pay

if they were on time 5 times (ie 5days in a row) they would get a bonus of $20 i tried factoring this in could not do it :/

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Calculating Time

Feb 21, 2010

basically I need an excel sheet to calculate the period of time between cells.

For instance, in A1 I write:


In A2 I write:


Unfortunately I cannot write 18-Feb-09 13:00 in just one cell because it doesn't work.

Now, in B1 I write 19-Feb-10

and in B2 I write 15:14

Now we know that 26 hours and 14 minutes have elapsed between these two times. So if I want this to automatically be calculated in B3, what do I do?

Also, how do I apply the formula to all cells in column 3 so all I have to type in is the date (in column 1) and the time (in column 2)?

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Calculating Time If Value Is Less Than Or Greater Than?

Mar 30, 2014

I'm having a DICKENS of a time on this one. To explain, I have 3 columns where time is entered: a 'Time of Call', 'Time of Arrival', and 'Response Time'. The 'Response Time' cell autcalculates by simply subtracting the 'Time of Arrival' form the 'Time of Call' and using the difference to show the response time. To make time entry into the 'Time of Call' and 'Time of Arrival' simplier for my co-workers, I formatted those cells as 00:00 so that anytime you enter a number it will convert it to a time format (i.e., if you enter in the numbers 745, it will show as 7:45 in the cell). Because of this, when the response time is configured, it does it in hundreds instead of time format. So, if you enter in 7:45 as your time of call and 8:15 as your time of arrival, it shows 70 minutes as a response time because it sees the 7:45 as a whole number...745. Therefore, 815-745 DOES equal 70, but...that's not what I'm looking for. I want it too configure this as time...not as whole numbers.

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Calculating Time That Is Goes Into Days

Apr 2, 2014

I know how to calculate the duration elapsed between start and finish time. But how can I display the total time if for eg it's ends up being 300hrs?

I need the hours spent in the building per day and then the grand total per month.

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Calculating Time Variance

Jan 26, 2009

I'm trying to calculate the variance between planned date & time of arrival vs actual date & time of arrival.

I attach the workbook as am a bit useless at explaining myself....

What I've done is in H14 subtract the actual date of arrival (F14) from planned date of arrival (C14). This result is the only way I could think of dealing with crossing over midnight. As a result I14 should subtract the actual time of arrival (E14) from planned time of arrival (B14):


This method works well when the arrival was later than expected but doesn't work if the arrival was sooner than expected.

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Calculating Turn Around Time ..

Mar 11, 2009

I've browsed the net searching for a solution to my problem and found one solution altough not entirely what i was after, but it was very close. It was provided on another forum, of which i'm not a member.

[url] ...

I have a TAT target of <= 2hours, however this is complicated by weekends, holidays and jobs received after working hours and on weekends. I've attached the file, which contains detailed information about my problem.

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Calculating The Difference In Time?

Aug 17, 2013

I'm calculating the difference in time:

9:54-9:45 = 0:09

Now to convert this in minutes (in number format), I multiply this number with 1440:

0:09*1440 = 9

When I click the cell this number is actually 9.0000005, rather than exact 9. I need it to be exact 9 since I have to match this number from other excel sheet.

To sum up:

This is what I expect:

31.99999 should be changed to 32

10.000001 should be changed to 10.

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Calculating & Formatting Time..

Jun 2, 2009

I am trying to track how long a macro takes to run from start to end.

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Long Calculating Time

Aug 26, 2008

I managed to put together an array formula to calculate the last date that a rep made a sale. It checks two other tabs in the workbook to find the date, and if none is found, it leaves the cell empty.

{=IF(MAXA(IF('Daily Compliance'!A:A=B48,'Daily Compliance'!O:O),IF('Daily Compliance 11-07 to 4-08'!B:B=B48,'Daily Compliance 11-07 to 4-08'!A:A))=0,"",MAXA(IF('Daily Compliance'!A:A=B48,'Daily Compliance'!O:O),IF('Daily Compliance 11-07 to 4-08'!B:B=B48,'Daily Compliance 11-07 to 4-08'!A:A)))}

But it takes sometimes up to 4-5 minutes to make the calculations. Is there possibly a way to simplify it so that it calculates faster, with the same results?

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Calculating Time Between Two Dates?

May 15, 2012

I need to calculate an SLA.

I have 1 column called 'Date/Time Requested' containing the time and the date together, as in:

dd/mm/yy hh:00

I also have a second column called 'Date/Time Completed' containing the date and time in the same format as above.

I need a macro that compares the two and works out the following:

< 48 hours = "Within SLA"
> 48 hours = "Outside SLA"

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Calculating Task Time

Mar 18, 2007

I have a sheet to calculate Time Elapsed based on StartDT & EndDt taking into consideration the actual working hours in any working day and the function exclude the weekend. I am not a guru in excel but i found this formula in this website .

the formula works perfectly except for the fact that in our part of the world we have "Friday & Saturday" as the weekend days instead of Saturday and Sunday.

is there a way to get this formula or any similar formula to take different weekend days and do exactly what i need?

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Calculating Flexi Time

Sep 15, 2007

I have two questions about a spreadsheet where I am trying to calculate how much flexi time has been accured.

So far I have managed to do this: ....

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Calculating Time Blocks

Apr 11, 2009

I am trying to calculate the amount of time in blocks, using a pre-determined spread. For example:

AM block is anytime between 0600-1230
PM block is anytime between 1230-1830
Evening block is anytime between 1830-0000 and the Overnight block is anytime between 0000-0600

Sounds easy enough, yeah? Let me paint an example of how I want it to calculate though:

If an employee starts at 0600 and finishes at 1400, then the AM total is 6.5 and the PM total is 1.5.

If an employee starts at 1100 and finishes at 1900, then the AM total is 1.5, the PM is 6 and the Evening is 0.5.

If an employee starts at 2200 and finishes at 0800, then all of the 10 hours must report to the Overnight total, even though some of them fall within the Evening and AM blocks.

I just can't seem to get each block to show the accurate number of hours...and to bring in the rules that I require.

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Calculating Value, Based On Time

Apr 27, 2004

I am trying to write what I believe is a fairly simple set of calculations to determine non-qualified stock option values. Before this digresses into a discussion of the merits of Black-Sholes methodology, I must tell you that this is a "101" type sheet. I'm not an economist.

The deal is that my sister (for whom I'm constructing this worksheet), gets employer stock options which vest at different intervals.

In the past year, she's gotten some options that vest in two, four, and five year increments. I'm using Excel 2002, with the analysis toolpak, and stock pricing add-in from MS.

Have today's date, date of option grant, and can easily compute time (in years) until options are fully vested.

The trick is that options with a 2-year vesting period are 50% excerciseable in one year, 100% in two.

Four-year options are excerciseable 25% per year for 4 years; 5-year are 20% for 5 years, etc.

I'm trying to write a single date-driven formula to take each grant (individually), and divide it by the appropriate divisor (based on the current date), to figure out the current value.

I can't seem to quite figure it out how to write a formula which can handle:

Shares Strike Price Date of Grant Years Until Vested Value
100 26.57 1/4/2003 5
245 45.67 2/6/2001 4

Value should equal =

(if today's price is grater than Strike Price)

(Current Price * (Shares * (% vested which is based on "date of grant" + "years until vested")) )


(Strike Price * Shares * (% vested which is based on "date of grant" + "years until vested") )

how the math to make the "% vested multiplier" work...

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Calculating Time Elapsed Over Two Days

Dec 3, 2013

I am trying to calculate the time elapsed. I have included a caption to show my formula. The problem I have is that some times are showing > 60 minutes instead of increasing the hour. When my day go over the midnight hour I get a negative number.

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Calculating The Difference Between Time Stamps?

Dec 12, 2013

I've got a spreadsheet of samples taken at certain time intervals for a period of 2.5 hours, they were collected in hh:mm:ss format. Most of them are approximately 5 minutes apart. What I'd like to do is convert the first time to 00:00:00 and then recalculate each sample from there. Is there an easy way to do this?

So, what looks like this right now:

Would look like this:

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Calculating Difference In Time After Midnight

Dec 14, 2013

I'm trying to calculate the available man hours I have for my shift/team. I have got the basic formula to deduct the time, and lost time for breaks ok, but when the shift end time crosses midnight the formula returns a "value" error message. i.e. start time = 18:00. End time = 24:00 breaks = 15 mins gives me a formula like this =TEXT(O17-N17-P17,"h:mm") and a result of 5:45

How I can make this formula work so it can calculate the variance even though the shift ends at 02:00am the following morning?

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Time Formula Not Calculating Correctly?

Feb 19, 2014

In cell BQ65, I have 7:00 pm. Next to that, in cell BR65, I have 6:00 am. This should total 11.00 hours, yet with the formula I have in cell BS65, the result is showing up as 13.00 hours, so I'm ending up with two extra hours, which is not good.

Here's the formula I have in cell BS65:


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Calculating Date AND Time Differences

Mar 21, 2006

Within 4 columns, I have a series of:
Start Dates / Start Times / End Dates / End Times
I need to create a formula which will give me the sum total of the difference between the data sets.

For example, the time difference between 8am on the 20th March and 1pm on the 21st March is 29 hours OR 1 day and 5 hours.
I need a formula which will calculate this for me.

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Calculating Time Across A 24 Hour Period

Nov 6, 2007

Calculate certain time increments for various work-shifts. I have a start time,finish time and increments of time across the spectrum of 24 hours. There are also multiple start time across the 24 hour period with some start times begining on one day and ending on the next day.


In B5 Startime is 22:00
In C5 Finishtime is 06:30

In I3 increment begins at 00:00
In I4 increment ends at 00:30

The employee working the shift from 22:00 - 06:30 would fall into the time increment of 00:00 - 00:30 where another employee working a different shift (08:30 - 17:00) would not. I'm looking for a formula that would return a 1 in a cell if the employee fell into the 00:00 - 00:30 time increment and a 0 in a cell in the employee did not fall into the time increment.

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