Can A Cell Contain Text And Perform Calculation?

Nov 17, 2009

I would like to have a cell in which there is descriptive text and the results of a calculation. For example, in row 2, I want to state the current total number of items in inventory at the top of the sheet in the center of the used cells.

Inventory Total is: SUM(A4:A64,000) as of: Date()

I can't merge cells or manipulate the text in such a way to neatly bring the text and calculation together. And there are actually 2 calculations in the example above. One to SUM the items and one to add the date.

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Perform Calculation Depending On Cell Value

Dec 14, 2012

I'm developing a financial spreadsheet.

I've got a cell "Taxable Income" and another cell "Tax on Taxable Income" in sheet2.

When I enter a value in "Taxable Income" I want "Tax on Taxable Income" to automatically calculate based on formulas in sheet1. I don't know how to get "Tax on Taxable Income" to determine which formula to apply from the different tax brackets.

For example:
If taxable income is <$18201, tax = $o
If taxable income is between $18201 and $37000, Tax on Taxable Income =0.19*Taxable Income
If taxable income is between $37001 and $80000, Tax on Taxable Income =3572+0.325*(Taxable Income - $37000)

The idea behind having formulas in a different sheet is so over time when tax rates/brackets change I only have to change the formulas on one sheet.

I know how to use basic AND, IF statements e.t.c but I can't seem to get the syntax right for this to work.

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How To Perform Calculation On Pivot

Dec 25, 2013

it is more than 5 days now that I try to perform calculation on pivot.

problem: I have one cell that I set to show values as "% of the column total" when try to perform the calculation through insert calculation field with other cell the calculation is not correct/ it seems like the "show values as "% of the column total"" disturbing the calculation resolve this thing

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Using Function To Perform A Calculation If Certain Values Are Met, Otherwise Return 0

Jun 10, 2006

As an example, cell values as follows.

A1 = 1, 2 or 3, B1 = 2.5

Is it possible to say, if A1= 1 then make C1 equal to B1+4, otherwise return the value of 0?

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Option Button (active Control) Code To Perform A Calculation

Nov 18, 2008

is it possible to choose an option button which will then perform a calculation on a cell reference? I’m trying to deduct a percentage from a total when an option button is highlighted.

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How Do I Perform An Array Multiplication If A Cell Contains A Specific Text String?

Feb 17, 2009

Sum every instance of [SPREAD]*[SIZE] where [NAME] occurs within a text string.

Please note, I'm trying to do this without creating a new column [SPREAD]*[SIZE].

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Calculation Based On Name In Cell Text

Jan 23, 2008

I'm trying to create an if statement to check to see if a cell has a value in it and return a math function. My problem is that some of the values contain more that just the name searched for. This is a basic example

10 Williams DXT if(B1="Williams",A1*.8,if(B1="Johnson",A1*.85,1))
20 Williams DPX if(B2="Williams",A2*.8,if(B1="Johnson",A2*.85,1))
30 Johnson AMV if(B3="Williams",A3*.8,if(B1="Johnson",A3*.85,1))
40 Johnson ACS if(B4="Williams",A4*.8,if(B1="Johnson",A4*.85,1))
50 Smith TWN if(B5="Williams",A5*.8,if(B1="Johnson",A5*.85,1))

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Perform Same Task To Multiple Worksheets That Contain Text Parameter

Jun 21, 2014

I am trying to do the following: I want to replace the values in A1:A3 with "0" and clear the contents of B1:B3 for all worksheets that contain "ILA" in the worksheet name. Is there a simple way to do this or another thread that already answers this question? I tried to search on the internet but found nothing useful. Here is a sample file (NOTE: there are no macros in this workbook even though it is saved as an .xlsm).

Clear and replace macro on multiple tabs.xlsm

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Excel 2010 :: VBA Routine To Perform Text Diff

Jul 19, 2013

I am looking to implement the "Compare Documents" function (available in Word 2010) in Excel 2010 through VBA programming between different text contained in two cells.

In Word this function works quite well (not perfectly), but it highlights in different ways which part has been deleted and which one has been added between an "original" document and a "revised" one.

For the nature of my job, I need to do this on a daily basis and I used to output text from Excel to Word, then compare the two text, and then copy it back to Excel.

Here comes the problem: since in Word the text is formatted (and what I'm looking for is formatted/highlighted text as output), I can't just paste it in Excel as it is: any editing, merging, splitting done on the pasted text (that eventually I need to do) makes the formatting disappear (above all with VBA functions, that can only output data and can't format it).

In other words: given two cells containing different text, I would like to be able to fill a third cell with text formatted accordingly to the TextDiff output between the two original cell.

Cells(1,1).Value2 = "my name is Andrea and I like jogging" (original)
Cells(1,2).Value2 = "my name is Giovanni and I like running" (revised)

Cells(1,3) wll contain: "my name is AndreaGiovanni and I like joggingrunning"

Obviously, since UDF doesn't allow formatting of cells, I would need to adjust the main Sub for each pair of document I have to revise, but that won't be the problem: what I need is the engine. It's been two years and a half that I do advanced VBA programming at work but it looks like I can't grasp the rationale behind the LCS algorithm.

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Perform Task Only If Cell Has Value

Jul 29, 2013

I have a large spreadsheet set up with multiple rows, I have the formula -

=a5&"repeated text"&c5

this brings back 2 results

test repeated text test
repeated text

In the instance this is the latter with no combined cell vale, how would I mass delete them?

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F4 Key Does Not Perform Absolute Cell Reference

Mar 30, 2014

I am taking an online computer class and when i enter a formula (=c5/c11) and then press f4, to make the cell c11 absolute, this does not work. Instead it brings me the "Project" right side mini screen. Is there a way to program the f4 key to return absolute results?

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If Cell Is Blank And Data In H Is A Certain Value Then Perform VLookup

Feb 4, 2014

Possible to have two spreadsheets and then perform the following tasks

1. Check If the cell in column I from cell I4 and the spreadsheet varies in length is blank and if it is - see item 2

2. The data equals certain values i.e. CDE or CDE - QUO or CDE - PRO - see item 3

3. Perfom a VLOOKUP to another spreadsheet

If the routine stops at any of the items then move to the next cell

Data is on spreadsheet - Allocations.xls
Vlookup is performed on this spreadsheet - 001 - Allocations - Blocks

The Vlookup for example is: =VLOOKUP(A5,'[001 - Allocations - Blocks.xls]CurrentDayAll'!$1:$65536.9,FALSE)

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Formula That Will Look In Col A And Perform A Subtraction In Cell B1 Between 2 Value Dates

Jan 4, 2009

i need formula that will look in Col A and perform a subtraction in Cell b1 between 2 value dates 28/12/08 -12/12/08. Though I could have done this manually but was wondering if there is formula which will avoid duplicate dates. So the formula is set and when i copy new data in Col A daily the formula should be able to pick 2 dates regardless where the second date starts at...

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VBA Macro To Select Cells With Certain Value And Perform Action On Adjacent Cell

Mar 10, 2014

Converting old reports to usable excel format. I am having trouble using VBA to set up a looping macro that would search Column A for cells with the text string: "ACTIVITY TOTAL". If cell has that value I would like to perform text to column action on the adjacent cell (R0C1). The macro recording for the test to column settings i need is :

Selection.TextToColumns Destination:=ActiveCell, DataType:=xlDelimited, _
TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=True, Tab:=False, _
Semicolon:=False, Comma:=False, Space:=True, Other:=False, OtherChar _
:=":", FieldInfo:=Array(Array(1, 1), Array(2, 1), Array(3, 1), Array(4, 1), Array(5, _
1), Array(6, 1), Array(7, 1)), TrailingMinusNumbers:=True

I have attached a sample of what I am currently working with. The actual file has roughly 6000 lines of data, so I would like the macro to go through all lines.

Attached File : LoopingVBA.xlsx‎

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Putting A Calculation Into Text

Feb 24, 2009

I want to be able to automatically put the calculation of one cell, into the text of another cell.


Cell A3 = A2-A1

And in another cell say B3, i want to be able to write text that says "The value of cell A3 is 'A3' "

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How To Make A Calculation Using Variable Text

Jul 2, 2014

I am trying to make a calculation using variable text.

My outcome cell is D3 and my two variable cells are C3 and F3. In C3 I want to be able to insert a staff members name, of which we have 6 different members of staff. In F3 i need to insert the week number which runs 1 through 6. The outcome is the individuals place on the week roster which needs to be a number between 1-6 inclusive. SO basically if F3=1 & D3=J.SMITH then I need D3 to equal 1 keepng in mind that if F3 & D3 have 6 possible variables.

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IF Text String Equals Certain Criteria Then Specified Calculation

Jul 9, 2009

I have 5 cells with drop down validation lists for the different types of window that we offer. From this list I will select the options and then input some dimensions in cell dimension fields. I then have a cell that gathers the text string from the 5 drop down cells.

My aim is to be able to calculate glass sizes from the text string and the dimensions. Each of the possible text strings will require different calculations and will define the sizes that I need to order. I know the equations that I will need for each of the options but cannot think of how to make them dependable on the text string cell.

I am looking for some way of using IF function to say if the text string returns as certain text then there is a certain calculation to calculate from the dimensions for the glass sizes that I need. I dont know if I've explained it too well nor even if its possible but if it is possible I will find a way as I have done some pretty exceiting things with excel in the past.

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Return Text Based On Calculation Result

Dec 18, 2007

I need an excel function for this...

Cell A2= 8
Cell A3= 1

If A2 < (9*A3), then Cell A4 will say "Plastic", otherwise it will look to the next function, which is If A2 < (10*A3), then A4 will say "Compact", otherwise, it will look to the next one which is If A2 < (15*A3), then A4 will say "Semi-Compact" otherwise If A2> (15*A2), it'll say "Slender". so at the end, Cell A4 can only be one of these: 'Plastic' or 'Compact' or 'Semi-compact' or 'Slender'. How can i combine all the functions together?

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Clear Cell Content Based On Another Cell Calculation

Dec 21, 2012

I have a cell A1 in sheet2 linked cell A1 in sheet1 (simply A1='sheet1'!A1). A1 in sheet1 is a data validation drop down menu.

I want to clear the content of A2 in sheet 2 everytime the content of A1 in sheet2 changes/is updated. That is everytime the value of A1 in sheet1 is changed using the drop down menu.

I tried using a Worksheet_Change event macro (which I do not fully understand) but it won't work with a cell that updates from a calculation. It also doesn't work if triggered from a cell from another worksheet (I tried linking it to cell A1 on sheet1 in this case).

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Intersect(Target, Range("A1")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
End Sub

Any simple solution to clear the content of cell A2 in sheet2 when A1 in sheet2 updates?

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Automatic Calculation Of Cell Value When One Of The Variables (cell Value) Is Changed?

Oct 31, 2013

which will calculate value of a cell when one of the variables has been changed?

To illustrate what I have in mind, an ecxample:

* User can add values to cells using UserForm
- Component name (to Cell "A1")
- Component price (to Cell "B1")
- Component quantity (to Cell "C1")


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Calculation Using Last Value In A Cell

Jan 23, 2013

I have a list of prices but some cells contain multiple values where the value has changed. I need a formula that will use the last value in a cell.

Example below. As you can see the result column has now value as its using $3.41$3.117 in the calculation (I need it to use $3.117)



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How To Perform Double VLookup

Sep 16, 2013

I have a table of data with two rows of unqiue identifiying information. I am trying to develop a formula that will allow me to do a vlookup twice, once for each row of unique identifying information to retrive the value in same row for the third column. For example:

apple red 50
aaple blue 75
aaple yellow 80
apple green 90
grape red 12
grape blue 17
grape yellow 45
grape green 41

So, I am trying to do a lookup where I can say what is the value in the third column for apple and red. Or, what is the value in the third column for grape and green.

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Perform Running Total

Feb 13, 2008

The following code works great in selecting individual cells and forming a text string with them. What I need to do is to change this slightly andi instead of just reading the cell, have the preceding value added to the current value "(Cells (e,i)" and that new runnng total value is added to the "temp" string.

The concept is 12 cells represent Jan - Dec (numbered 1-12)
I'm trying to perform a running total; where Feb(2) = (Jan(1) + Feb(2)) and Mar(3) = Feb(2) + Mar(3).....

I tried setting x to do the running total and then passing it to "temp" but I kept getting mismatch errors, or buffer overflow errors, or out of memory errors.

Is there someone who can provide some assistance with the proper way to do this? ....

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Returning Cell With A YES Or No Calculation?

Nov 11, 2013

I am trying to return a cell with a simple yes or no answer and having a little difficulty.

I have entered the following formula which is returning #NAME
Calculation needs to be as follows:

Install Cost <1.25 and Profit atleast 0.01
The YES NO needs to be in the Invite? column

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Calculation With A Blank Cell?

Feb 17, 2012

I am working with a pricing worksheet using the following formula to calculate my selling price. My problem arises when I have either one of the Exchange Rate fields blank or zero. Typically one or the other Exchange Rate would be used, and I have to be sure the one not being used is set to at least 1 or I get an error. Preferably I would like the cell to be ignored if it is blank. I've tried several options but cannot get anything to work.

I'm currently using this formula where the cells have defined names (ie US_EXCHANGE) and F# is my cost.


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Not See Value When Calculation Cell Is Blank

Jan 17, 2013

In one cell I have the formula =EDATE(D4,3) which looks to the cell to the left (which has a date in it) and in this case with the 3 it gives me a date three months in advance of the date in the cell to the left. This is for sites I visit quarterly. Then for those I visit monthly obviously the 3 is replaced with a 1. so in the cell I get the date when I next need to do my visit.

In the cell to the RIGHT of the cell which has the formula-generated date in it, is a cell in which I manually enter the date on which the next visit took place. In some cases I can't put anything into this cell because I've not been to revisit the place and so I can't put a date in. In the column to the right of this I've got the same formula as referred to above but, because the cell to the left is blank, it's returning a value which makes no sense and really, I'd prefer it that if the cell to the left is blank, the formula doesn't return any value (just leaves a blank cell instead).

So, what would I have to add to the formula above or what would I have to do to get it that if the cell to the left is blank, the formula is still there, but just returns a blank cell???

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Using A Cell With A Function In It To Do A Calculation

Feb 15, 2008

I have this formula: =IF(ROWS(H$12:H12)

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Auto Calculation In One Cell

May 20, 2008

How to use macro to build a calculation in excel using macro, so every time I type a number another cell it has value calculated without click "run" macro.

For example, I want to sum value in Range from F8 to FinalRow automatically, For example, I fill in 3 in D8, 4 in E8 and F8 show value 7; I fill in 4 in D9, 9 in E9 and F9 show value 13.

What is code for this?

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Calculation Based On Cell Value

Dec 17, 2007

I tried all those search and have no idea what to look for, sorry.

I have attached a single sheet with Footpath Budget for you to see.

In J6, we put in Y or N for Yes or No if there's a nature strip along the footpath.

Now, in cell G49 gives us the total square meters of nature strip.

What I want to do is if I put N in cell J6, cell G49 should be empty or zero because N means there's no nature strip. But if I put Y in J6, then cell G49 can give us total squares from cell C43.

So what formulas can I put in cell G49?

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How To Perform 2 Consecutive Conditional Formulas For Same Row

Dec 21, 2013

How to set some conditions for identifying trends. there are two trends I am trying to track, one if there are any 3 consecutive months where the score was >0, and the other was if there two occurrences of 2 consecutive months (tracking area 1 has that example), tracking area 2 shows the three months in a row, and tracking area 3 did not meet either. It doesn't mater if meets both in same row I only need to identify if yes or no.

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