Change Cell Colours Based On Date Range In Two Other Cells
Sep 12, 2012
I'm creating a project calendar in Excel and for each task I have a Start Date (A) and End Date (B) in adjacent cells. To the right are corresponding date cells like a timeline set up with 52 cells representing weeks of the year. I.e Week 1 (C) starts at 02 Jul 12, Week 2 (D) starts at 09 jul 12 etc. up to 24 Jun 14 (BF).
Start Date
End date
When a start date and end date are entered in the respective columns, I need to have the color start on the cell for that range in the timeline and that color should carry out to the end date cell in the timeline. A bit like a Gantt chart but not to that detail.
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Mar 16, 2007
1st - Need a macro to change a range of cells colours based on a single cell having a value greater than 0.001. ie. cells A1 - G1 need to change to grey based on cell F1 having a value greater than 0.001 entered in it?
2nd - Also a macro for deleting the text contents of cell C1 based on cell F1 having a value greater than 0.001. Therefor if cell F1 has a number greater than 0.001 it changes the colour of celss A1 - G1 and also deletes the text in cell C1?
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Jan 27, 2014
Is there any way to Merge the cell and coloured automatically by Date range same like above picture. In the Image:
"MERIAN FROM 1/1/2014 12:01:00 AM TO 1/2/2014 10:15:00 AM" is Merged and Coloured according to Date January 1 and Time 00
Same also...
"SILVER FERN FROM 1/2/2014 1:20:00 PM TO 1/3/2014 11:20:00 AM"
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Oct 31, 2008
This is a project plan with tasks and dates. Column A is the activity number. (Example 1, 2, 3" etc). Column B is the task (Ex. "Complete Report"). Column C is number of days required to complete the task. Column D is the dependency column. (Ex. Cell D2 =1 in other words Task 2 is dependent on task 1). Column E is the date.
I would like to have a seperate start date cell and a go live date cell.
The objective is to enter a start date, and have each column E date increase based on the number of days entered in Column C. If a task is dependent on another and I change the number of days in Column C I need the dependent task to change the same amount of days.
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May 29, 2009
was looking if you could change a row of cells background colour if certain word is inputted elsewhere. in b2:f2 is data- was looking if, could these cells background colour change when yes is entered in G2? does not matter which is used, VBA or con formatting just cant work it out.
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Jan 9, 2013
Count formula. I have few cells highlihgted in different colours based on the conditional format. Is there a count formulat to count the numbers of cells based on the colours.
For Example - I have 3 cells highlighted in green, 2 in red etc. I need count formula to count all green cells and count red cells.
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Feb 27, 2014
I'm going to be using a spreadsheet to keep track of where different people are at. So if Person 1 is in Room 3, I will stick a 3 in the box next to their name and then can look at the spreadsheet whenever I need and see what room they are in. When I'm deciding what room to put a person in, though, I need to be able to quickly glance at a list of Room #'s and see what one's are still available. So I have a bank of Room #'s in the spreadsheet....1,2,3, etc.
What I'd like, is some way to set this up so that when I put, for example, "3" in the cell next to "Person 1" the spreadsheet automatically removes "3" from the bank of available Room #'s and when I delete the "3" because the person has left, it adds "3" back to the bank of available Rooms.
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Oct 21, 2009
Is it possible to select only cells of a certain colour, then change these cells to a different colour? example
I want to make the dark grey columns a light green and the red columns a lets say yellow and the text black. Is this possible??
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Jul 19, 2014
I own 3 restaurants and I use Excel to track my sales statics. I have to enter certain pieces of data on a daily basis and it can become slightly cumbersome when dealing with the sort of washed out look of Excel spreadsheets. I wanted to write a Windows application that would handle the process for me but my knowledge of programming languages is too limited and I don't really have the time to learn. What I'd like is to have a single page on my workbooks with which I can enter the data in on a field type view, and have it go to the appropriate cell on the "Raw" data sheets in the same workbook. For example:
Let's assume this is the Raw data sheet. I currently enter the data that I need here, and Excel does the rest for me. This gets hard to look at everyday when dealing with hundreds of numbers.
Net Sales
Prior Year Sales
Percent Increase/Decrease
Entering the data here would automatically fill in the data on the Raw sheet, and would know which cells to put the data into based on the date, which would of course be gotten from the =Today() formula.
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Jun 30, 2009
Using 2007, I need to conditionally format a cell colour based on 5 other cell colours that have been conditionally formatted. The 5 other cells will be coloured either red or greem. What I want to do is have an overall status cell that would be show green if all of the other 5 cells were green, amber if 4 of the other cells were green and one was red and red if 3 or more cells are red.
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Dec 25, 2012
I have created a qualification tracking spreadsheet to track when qualifications are coming due. Each cell may have a different date based on when that employee initially got that qualification. I want the cell that the initial qualification date is typed in to turn "red" after 180days, "orange" after 120 days and "yellow" after 90 days. I have a formula that does close to what I need, but it changes the cell next to it in color.
That code is as follows: =AND(A1<>"",Today()>=A1+90,B1="")
I have attached the sheet, what I am trying to do. Basically columns B-E and rows 2-35 are the ones that need the formatting.
Streiffs_Weapons_Warfare_Qual Tracker.xls
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Jul 28, 2009
I have attached an example file.. Basically I want the text in a range to change to red if one cell="Description".
Also, I want a cell's text to turn blue if it's corresponding data in the row says "Click on Title to Follow Link"
The example file explains it a lot better..
Thanks for the help.. Sorry if this may seem like a duplicate post but I was not able to get any of the examples I searched for to work that others have posted.. Also, maybe conditional formatting would be an option here but I could not get it to work as it will only meet the first condition that comes across thats true...
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Oct 1, 2011
How to Change The Tab Color Based On A Cell Date ( Thursday & Friday ) Green Color, Rest of the week blue.
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Jun 26, 2007
In an excell worksheet I need to change the color of a cell within a column based on the date entered. For example, if the date in the cell is 60 days from today's date then the cell should be green, if the date in the cell is 90 days from today's then the cell should be blue, if the date in the cell is 120 days from today's date then the cell should be yello.
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Dec 19, 2012
I work for a UK charity and have a list of funders in an Excel 2007 spreadsheet.
One of the columns refers to the date on which a new application for funding can be made to that particular funder.
In many cases new applications for funding can't be made for 1 or more years since the last application - sometimes as many as 5 years later. How to get a cell to refer to the date that it contains.
For example, say I have in cell A1 "The Acme Funding Organisation" and in cell B1 (i.e. the "Reapply when?" column) a date of 01/04/2013 (British date format, i.e. 1 April 2013) then what I want Excel to do is to look at the date in cell B1 and if that date has been reached to highlight the cell red. That way I'll know that the reapply date has been reached & that a new application can be made.
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Jan 10, 2013
I am trying to create a sheet in XL 2010.
In Column A each cell will contain a date (differnet from other cells in that column) when inspection was last done.
Column B is when the weekly inspection is due.
Column C is when bi-weekly inspection is due.
Column D is when monthly inspection is due.
Column E is when 6 monthly inspection is due.
I need a formula to change the colour of cells B, C, D & E when each inspection is due depending on the date entered in A
I am hoping its possible that the cell colour can stay for 2 days after the due date and then return back to blank after the second day.
For example if cell A1 has a date of January 1 2013 then on January 8 2013 cell B1 turns red then on January 10 2013 the cell returns back to normal.
Inspection Date
Weeekly Due
Monthly Due
6 Monthly Due
January 1 2013
Change red Jan 8 & return blank Jan 10
Change red Jan 15 & return blank Jan 17
Change red Feb 1 & return blank Feb 3
Change red June 1 & return blank June 3
Ive also attached the worksheet
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Apr 14, 2014
I have the the following spreadsheet: [URL] My formula in Columns A to E is the following:
=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:J,10,FALSE)),"Branch Not Open",VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:J,10,FALSE))
I would like to do the following in Column A: If the date in Column C is greater than today, then Column A must also say "Branch Not Open". I have tried the following:
=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:J,10,FALSE)),"Branch Not Open",VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:J,10,FALSE)),IF(C:C<=TODAY,"Branch Not Open, IF(AND(C:C=>TODAY,VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:I,9,FALSE)))
But Excel does not like the formula at all.
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Oct 9, 2013
I have two columns. In column B is the date of "last check". I column A is the date of "next check". I would like to have cell A2 in yellow color 334 days after the date entered in cell A3 and than in red color 365 days after the date entered in cell A3. Same thing for cell B2 related to date entered in cell B3. Yellow color in cells announces that check will expire within 30 days and red color that check has been expired.
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Jan 29, 2014
I am trying to put together a report tracking sheet, ie I have different test that take a different length of time to return to the office and I want to be able to see when a test should be back from the lab,ie:
A blood sample takes 1 day, a urine sample takes 3 days.
I need a formula that basically says that if the data in cell A1 = Blood, (and I have the test date in cell A2) then the data in cell A3 should says A1=Blood, A3=A2+1 to give me the test due date
I found the following formula in one of the other posts;
The problem that this will only work with two tests and I have more than two tests, I have fourteen and each takes a different length of time to process.
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May 10, 2007
I looked around at some date functions and could not find one to work.
I have a sheet that has 365 days. When I load the sheet I want to cell for today to be highlighted in some way..... color or just active.
If date = 05-10-2007 then
BackgroundColor = 17
BackgroundColor = 9
end if
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May 8, 2008
I have a spreadsheet that I enter monthly expenditure on.
Column A is expenditure during 24th to 31st
Column D is expenditure during 1st to 8th
Column G is expenditure during 9th to 16th and
Column J is expenditure during 17th to 23rd
Ive been trying to colour the columns grey if todays date is outside the above date ranges each time I open the spreadsheet so its obvious which column my expenditure needs to be entered into.
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Oct 19, 2006
I have two conditions setup in Options>View - Zero Values.", "style="background: #FFFFFF;padding: 2px;font-size: 10px;width: 550px;"");' onmouseout='GAL_hidepopup();'>formatting.htm" target="_blank">conditional formatting. The first is setup for alternate row coloring with this formula inside Conditional Formatting:
Formula is = MOD(ROW(),2)
My Second Condition is
Cell Value is between $P$10 and $Q$10. This sets the font bold and a different color. The two cell values are two dates. I want to change the cells font color and bolding as long as the value is within that date range. It works fine, but for cells that are on the row that is colored the second condition doesn't apply for some reason.
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Jan 17, 2014
creating a cell to show: no colour unless
date minus 90 days as amber
date minus 45 days as red
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Sep 6, 2013
I have a date in a cell that when it is less than today() (so yesterday's date) would turn red and the 5 cells to its immediate right would also turn red, if the date is still current then it would be green and so would the right hand cells.
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May 14, 2012
I have one excel sheet. In the first column there are various Project Codes and in the first row there are various date. Cells in the matrix contains 0 or 1 value. If value is equals to 1 that means the project was on hold during this months and if the cell value is null of 0 (Zero) it means the project was active. For a project in a particular row there are several times a project went on hold and now I want a date range showing the project's hold duration. If project went on hold more than one time the result should also give different range for each time when project went on hold.
follow the link to view the excel file.
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Jul 16, 2013
I would like to filter between a date range. the dates i need to filter between are in cells A1 and A2. this range contains the start and end of month. It is referenced from another sheet in the same workbook (='Job List'!C2).
i want to filter; greater than or equal to A1 and less than or equal to A2. How I can do it using the advanced filter method. My data range is C2:C9.
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Oct 21, 2013
I have a range (D5:BU5) that I will have various dates in each cell. At the end of the row is a percentage block. It has the formula count=(D5:BU5)/70 which gives me a percentage complete. The fun begins where some dates are based off annual, semi-annual, and quarterly. What I want to do is be able to delete cell values so they are not reflected in the final percentage. I know there is a marco that deletes the entire row but that is too much I just want a target cell.
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May 23, 2014
Hide Columns based on Date value in cell (Worksheet Change event)Looking for a worksheet_change event macro that will automatically hide columns based on a value in cell S3. S3 is a data validation pick list of months based on the 1st day of each (e.g. 1/1/2014, 2/1/2014, 3/1/2014, etc.). I have date columns in row 6 from columns T through AQ. These values are 1/1/2014 (T6), 2/1/2104 (U6), 3/1/2014 (V6)....12/1/2015 (AQ6). I would like to hide columns that have a date in row 6 (T6:AQ6) that is LESS THAN (<) the date in S3 after the cell is value is changed.
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Mar 18, 2014
I am very new to VBA. I need to have a code that will hide/unhide cells based on a date range.
Cell A1 contains the formula for todays date, based on that answer, I want to hide/unhide columns based on a weekly date range.
Today is 03/18/2014 I want excel to say If A1(Today) is greater than 03/14/2014 and less than or equal to 03/21/2014 then unhide column E and hide the rest.
Then let's say Today is 03/22/2014. I want excel to say If A1(Today) is greater than 03/21/2014 and less than or equal to 03/28/2014 then unhide column F and hide the rest.
columns in questions are D-AC
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May 6, 2014
I'm sure this will be an easy query.
These are marks scored by 5 people in 10 exams
Name of the student
A1 to K6
In each row top 5 MARKS should be filled with BLUE,VIOLET,YELLOW,RED AND PINK
If its not possible. Top 3 with dark colour, remaining 2 with light colour using conditional formatting
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