File Browsing In Macro - How To Change Default Start Location?
Sep 28, 2008
I use an image analysis program ImagePro which can call Excel within it's macro language (which seems to be visual basic). I looked up on this site how the change the drive (ChDrive command). But still when the Excel section (after With oExcel) executes the default file location in the browser is in My Documents on the C: drive.
Prior to this code Excel has been launched by this ImagePro macro, and a file Cumberland Template has been opened from the C: drive. Now I would like to do a Save As, but have Excel start at the I: drive location.
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Oct 29, 2008
When I use the GetOpenFilename() method, it seems to default to the particular users My Documents. Is there a way to force it to default elsewhere like a share drive, or the users desktop?
In the same line of thought, if I have a file named TestFile.xls. and I want to try to open it from the users desktop if they have it, how can I do this, since their desktop location is different than mine?
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Mar 26, 2007
I have had my server removed that I had my default file location, when I go in to change any of my options the first thing it does is go look for this file location and brings back an error stating it cannot find the server. I cannot find anywhere else that I could change it.
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Feb 24, 2008
When someone right clicks on a cell and chooses "Hyperlink" current folder is being displayed as a default.
is there a way to change this for a particular workbook through VBA or API calls ?
I would like to always have "c:" as the default folder no matter where the workbook is stored.
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Apr 19, 2013
I'm using Excel 2010. When I go into the Excel Options, to the Save option and try to type in a specific network drive in the Default File Location: box, I click OK and then it doesn't save the changes. I close Excel down all the way and then restart a new Excel session and it keeps going back to "LibrariesDocuments..."
It doesn't seem to be just related to Excel...having the same issue in Word and Access 2010 as well.
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Feb 14, 2012
Is there any way of making the default directory location for application.getopenfilename work properly with shared locations?
Presently I use ChDrive then Chdir but I cant use ChDrive if workbook is opened from a link in email for example. Please see below
I have a VBA routine that asks the user to load an existing file on startup.
I want the window for the file selection to open at the same folder every time. (the folder is on a shared drive)
The workbook to run the code will always be located on this same share at a fixed location.
My present code builds the path to the desired opening folder by collecting the drive letter from the current working directory (which has to be done as everybody maps there shares to different letters here, its not guaranteed to be the same! )
then i ChDrive to this letter.
Then I ChDir to letter plus myKnowndirPath
This works fine, the window always opens at my required folder. But only as long as the user has navigated to the folder containing the spreadsheet and then ran it from there. Because that way a drive letter is available.
However i found that if i sent a link to the workbook or its home folder. And the user opens the link or a windows explorer from that link and then runs file from there.
Then it stops working beacause there is no local drive letter in the working directory path. i.e. working directory shows as
'network \shareddrive
ootafolderanother arget
instead of something like
J:afolderanother arget
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Jan 7, 2013
Need to create Working order (in Excel 2007) for filling machine in my factory. Working order is changeable from day to day and the deference is product quantity. Product quantity in working order [File - Working order] is changing according to the each sales plan [7-Jan-13, 8-Jan-13] - (File Working order is Linked to the appropriate sales plan in this case - [7-Jan-13]).
Anyway, I need to change the source workbook "sales plan" from [7-Jan-13] to [8-Jan-13] by changing source workbook name in red cell [File - Working order] and not to browsing location?
All source workbooks [sales plan 7-Jan-13, 8-Jan-13]are at the same location in the same folder, only difference is the source workbook names. So, is it possible to change source workbook name (File - Working order - red cell) for all external references (File - Working order - green cells) at the same time, and avoid annoying browsing?
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Mar 11, 2014
I have the following code written but I'm wondering if it's possible to modify this to change the red line to update to the path that the workbook is saved in? Meaning that User1Folder1 would change but [Workbook1.xlsm]Sheet1'E1 would always be the same.
[Code] .......
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Feb 23, 2014
I have a requirement to download a lot of historical data files from the archieve of an website. The url goes something like this: [URL]....
This downloads file for 21022014 ie. 21-Feb-2014. I need to be able to have a facility to have a selection criteria on my user form (in excel) where I specify a date range and the macro automatically downloads all the valid excel files available within that date range (files for Saturday, Sunday and some holiday dates will not be available in the website archive database) one after the other (like at single clcik of button) into a specific location (predefined viz.. c:/Users/EOD files/) on my laptop. Best would be if I am able to select the save location run time by using a 'Browse' like feature where I go and choose my local laptop folder...same type when we try uploading a file from our laptop to the web..
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Feb 8, 2013
I do routine tasks every day which involves opening 3 different files and pasting data into my main file. The data is always in the same format, and the 3 files are saved in the same location (3 different folders through). The 3 files are saved each day and the naming convention is constant, with only the date changing. For example, the files are always saved in C:My Documents and the files are called test_05.02.2013.xls. Tomorrow the file will be called test_06.02.2013.xls and so on.
So each day I will be rolling a file forward and I want to bring in the info from each of these files based on the new day.
How to do 1, and I will do the others (because the concept will be the same).
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Sep 10, 2009
I have the following code, is it possible to direct to a default directory that the file might be in? So when I open the dialog box it will automatically redirect a directory that is stored in VBA.
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Sep 28, 2007
I have a file that has 114 rows of data. One for each office I'm working with. I need to insert 6 rows in between each of those rows and type text into some of the fields. I recorded a macro (since I don't know how to write one), but it uses a static location for the rows and data, as opposed to a relative location. So, what happens is, I get the same data entered over and over again. Also, even if I get this to work right with a relative location, I still would have to run it 114 times. I'd like to create one macro that would do the entire document. Here's what I've recorded: .....
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Feb 16, 2012
I would like to run a macro when the value of a certain cell changes.I found the following code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As range)
If Not Intersect(range("A1"), Target) Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "A1 has changed"
End If
End Sub
Cell A1 contains a lookup function. When the value of this cell changes, I would like to run the code. This code runs only when I change it manually.
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Mar 17, 2013
how to create and add password to a default windows zip file using vba excel macro.
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Jan 19, 2008
Within range Sheet1!D4:D423, how can I have a macro called RestartClock start any time the Enter key is selected within a cell for that range?
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Dec 11, 2005
On my user form, the cursor blinks in the second text box down.
How do I change it to be blinking in the first (top) text box? This is the first box that data will be entered.
Is this an option in the properties box of the textbox?
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May 30, 2008
I have a workbook with approximately 30 worksheets. This workbook already has a massive macro that I've written. I'd like to write a code that will take a designated worksheet, check to see if there is data in cell A2, if so, save it as a new workbook.
The name of the workbook should be predetermined, for example "SIA April(Previous Month) 2008(Current Year) P-Card Import Template.xls"
The months and years will need to change.
The file to save it in will also change monthly- for example- G:PCard DirectoryCloses2008 ClosesApril(previous month) 2008(current year)
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Mar 20, 2014
I am working on a project where I am virtually almost finished except for a minor change with the pie chart. I am analyzing some data and recorded a macro to do this and also the pie chart for visualization. However, I do not like the color of the default pie chart colors and would like to customize it. How could I change this within the macro I have recorded?
[Code] .....
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Dec 29, 2008
For a sheet that many non-expert users will use on different systems I need a macro that let's them save, print and send the results of their work. So I made a macro that makes a copy of only 1 sheet of the workbook and saves it with a given name to a given location. The problem is that I want a location prompt to ask the user where they want the file saved, while giving/suggesting them a fixed filename. A lot of different users will make and use their sheets so I need a certain naming policy to manage all the files. (date, location, etc)
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Aug 11, 2008
I have a spreadsheet that from a button I want to run a macro that will input todays date, the value in cell A1 as the filename into a default dialog box that is at a default file path. I have been trying to do this for several hours and can not completely get it done.
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Aug 14, 2014
I am looking for a way to show the character location number of a text file, possibly in the first row or a macro that I can run at any given location that will give me the location # I am currently viewing.
Currently, when I open the file I can see the character # at the opening screen (see attached file) but they disappear when it actually converts. I would like to be able to keep the character location ruler once the file is opened in Excel so I don't have to manually count.
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Jul 22, 2014
I am trying to apply Conditional formatting using VBA from an active cell location. I can't get it working no matter what I do.
I think I've narrowed down the problem to the bolded parts. If I have an actual cell address (C19) I can get it to work for a range starting with C19.
I need to be able to run the Conditional Format as part of a Sub. I have ActiveCell locations but the operator at the screen does not know the location to start.
This is what I have at the moment:
startCell = ActiveCell.Address(0, 0)
MsgBox startCell
ActiveCell.Resize(6, NumCavLines).Select
Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:= _
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Jul 9, 2012
I have set up a calendar control on a userform and got it to pop up when selecting one of 3 cells on a worksheet. The various bits of code making this work are below.
This code is attached to the Userform.
Private Sub Calendar1_Click()
With ActiveCell
.Value = Calendar1.Value
What I am struggling with is that I'd like to have the calendar that pops up in cell C18 (which is Date of Birth) default to starting on 1st January 1987 not todays date. Also, if there is a value in either of the 3 cells that use the calendar, then I'd like the calendar to display that date. If the cell is empty then todays date is fine for cells G3 and G26.
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Apr 17, 2008
I have a workbook save as "file1.xls" All the macros and stuff work great. I want to use this a template. The idea is to open this book at the beginning of each year and save it with the year in the name. This way I have a file for my business stuff for each year.
I have been saving along the way so I have it named "file1.xls, file2.xls, file3.xls.......up to file 7 right now."
When I save the name, the macro stop working. It seems like they are attached to the original name of the file. I will eventually save this file with a new name for my company and transfer it on to a different computer.
How do I fix this so that they will work with whatever the book is saved as?
Is there a way to have the macros save with my current workbook and transfer to my other computer when I get this project done?
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Aug 18, 2006
inability to set a default row height and still allow the occasional row that requires more space (i.e., one of it's cells has multiple lines of wrapped text) to AutoFit if necessary.
Say you have the data shown in NormalSettings.png in an Excel file (see attachments) and you want to have a little more room between the shorter rows, but not have them all set as big as the expanded rows. One way to do this in bulk is to select the entire spreadsheet and set a fixed row height, but this chops off any cells that require more space than your default height (see FixedRowHeight20.png). The only way to fix this is to manually scan through your sheet and individually select all rows with cells that need more room than your preferred row height and AutoFit them (good luck if your spreadsheet is any size...) . If you try selecting the entire sheet and choose Format-Row-Autofit, you're back to the crowded display shown in 'NormalSettings.png'.
My workaround to this annoying problem is this: choose a column that you're not using (I just select the very last column in the sheet by holding down CTRL and pressing the right arrow until the screen stops moving) and highlight the entire column by selecting the column header. Then increase the font size for that column...voila, even your blank rows will now AutoFit to the new font size rather than the font size you are using for your data...effectively increasing your default row height without sacrificing AutoFit capabilities. I find that using 16 as a dummy font size makes my data (which is font size 10, Arial) look nicely spaced out, but experiment and try stuff until you find what you like!
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Dec 16, 2008
how do i change the default settings in excel, for example when i open excel it shows numbers on both rows and columns and i want it to show letters on the colunms. i know how to change the r1c1 reference style but how do i get it to stay the way i want?
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May 17, 2009
I have got a buttion that changes various layout and borders for the page then shows a printpreview, after printprewiew closes.
Then a msgbox that askes if you would like print. Is there a way to change the defult printer between local printer and adobe distiller(.pdf) as a dropdown option box. Or Yes for Local printer and NO for adobe distiller(.pdf) using vbYesNoCancle.
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Jan 14, 2007
When I open Visual Basic Editor and insert a module,the default name
is "Module1",How can I change the default as "Mymod1" or others ,and if
I insert another module later,it can be named as "Mymod2" by default?
I have searched the registry and found nothing about the item.
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Jan 18, 2008
I am setting the fill color of a cell by setting the .Interior.Color property and using the RGB() VBA function. My VBA code saves the spreadsheet in Excel2003 format at the end of the creation process. This has worked great and my spreadsheets looked correct when reopened in Excel 2007. When these same spreadsheet files are opened in Excel 2003 the colors are all very different. Does Excel 2003 handle colors differently than Excel 2007? Is there a preferred way to specify colors that will work on both platforms?
I have attached a specific example. The color is #B4CF27 or RGB(180, 207, 39). When I open this sheet in Excel 2007 the color is a shade of green (the desired color). When I open it on Excel 2003 I get yellow. I tried swapping the red and blue values thinking there might be some byte ordering issue and it does not produce the yellow on Excel 2007.
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Aug 21, 2012
I have a CSV file contain many fields and all fields have value (positive & negative values). I have 3 questions here:
1) This file is created on Friday. So the date in Field1 is Friday's date. I want to change the date to Saturday date. How can i change it using macro?
2) I want to set the value for fields 24 until 26 to 0. I want the script to force the field value to be 0. How can i do that by using macro?..and fyi, my CSV file have header in the first row. Below i illustrate my original csv file and the expected output.
3) How can i automate the macro to run every Friday afternoon?
Original csv
Field1, Field2,....,Field24, Field25, Field26, Field27
Expected output csv
Field1, Field2,....,Field24, Field25, Field26, Field27
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