Checking Columns Then Copying To New Worksheet

Sep 16, 2012

I have 4 columns E,F,G,H which each column has the variant purchase cost, I need to sort between E,F,G,H and highlight which is the lowest cost on sheet 1, I then need sheet 2 to display any item that was the lowest figure from column E, then the same with sheet 3 for column F and so on to H.

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Copying Specific Columns Into A New Worksheet

Aug 20, 2008

I have a file that has various numbers of columns, some of which i need, some of which i do not. Under these columns, there are various rows, sometimes 50, sometimes 400. I need to write something that copies only the specific columns I need and pastes it into a new worksheet.

For example, in the data file there is are columns property type, loan balance current, and amortization type. I need them to be copied with the information in the rows below them to a new worksheet, to eliminate the unnecessary information in the data file.

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Copying Few Columns From One Worksheet To New Worksheet

Jun 9, 2008

I have one worksheet from which i need to copy only few columns (Ex column A,B, D,G...need not be in sequence.....) to a new sheet.can you please help me to write a macro for this.In addition: Do we need to specify the number of rows in column or is there any way to get data till the end of column automatically.

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Copying Multiple Columns From Multiple Worksheets To Summary Worksheet

Jul 28, 2013

I'm making a Excel list for trading cards (MTG) and I've divided it into different worksheets in order to sort it by the color of the cards (not really important I guess).

The issue I have is that I want it to copy certain columns (in this case C3:C1000, F3:F1000, G3:1000 ) from almost all of the worksheets into a new worksheet where it should paste them into column A, B and C.

In two of the worksheets it's also different (C3:C1000 , G3:G:1000, H3:H1000).

I've seen many where you copy one range from multiple worksheets, and that would've been okay I guess if not those two worksheets were different. I'd prefer not to change them, and I'd also prefer if I could've gotten just the information I needed also. Is this possible to do?

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Checking All Checkboxes On Worksheet?

Aug 12, 2014

Have created a small form with 5 checkboxes and a button on a worksheet. Want to check all checkboxes on the worksheet when the button is pressed.

However, I am getting "Run-time error '438': Object doesn't support this property or method". Enclosing the code for your reference.

[Code] .....

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Always Checking For Value > 0 In A Worksheet To Limit

Apr 10, 2007

In a workbook that already contains macros, is there a way to set a cell = to "" if another cell is

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Checking If Worksheet Is Added In Another Workbook With VBA

Jul 23, 2014

My company uses two excel workbooks to track campaigns, I'm looking to create a VBA script that can detect when a new worksheet is added to the other workbook when it is activated. To provide a more concrete example:

In workbook one there are worksheets : Apple, Orange, and Pear

In workbook two there are rows Titled: Apple, Orange, and Pear. Each row has formulas that pull from the specific worksheet.

Then a 4th worksheet, Grape, is added to workbook one. I'm aiming to make a script/button which when activated would notice that there is not a corresponding row named Grape and create one.

However, more simply, I could also make this work if I could just create a Script which when activated populated a column in workbook two with all the worksheet names from workbook one.

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Excel 2010 :: Checking Date For Two Columns?

Apr 15, 2013

I have two excel 2010 files that I want to run this on. Each one has about 10+ worksheets in them. I am looking to have a vba script that will look at columns D and E starting at row 4 and check if they are expiring in the next month or have already expired (before today's date). Then it would return a text file that will say which worksheet it is on, the row and column, and what date is in that cell.

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Hide Rows In VBA Macro By Checking 2 Columns

Oct 8, 2009

I've tried using multiple loops in the forum but cannot seem to figure out how to actually get them to work properly using the conditional VBA codes on two separate worksheets. The first code snippet is checking cell values from row 6 to 148 as such:

Sub Check_Shifts()
'Insure all shift entries are completed
If Range("K6").Value < "1" And Range("I6").Value < "1" And Range("G6").Value < "1" Then
Range("G6").Value = Range("F6").Value
Range("I6").Value = Range("F6").Value
Range("K6").Value = Range("F6").Value
ElseIf Range("K6").Value < "1" And Range("I6").Value < "1" Then
Range("I6").Value = Range("G6").Value
Range("K6").Value = Range("G6").Value
ElseIf Range("K6").Value < "1" Then
Range("K6").Value = Range("I6").Value
End If
If Range("K7").Value < "1" And Range("I7").Value < "1" And Range("G7").Value < "1" Then........................

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Copying And Pasting Cells From A Worksheet Into A List Format In Another Worksheet

May 18, 2006

I need help with a macro for copying and pasting of cells. I believe this should not be a problem for the Excel VBA experts, but for someone who can only record macro, I'm really at a loss.

Attached is a sample file, where sheet 'Source' is an example of the sheet from which data are to be copied. The other sheet, sheet 'Final' is an example of the final format that I need. The reason I'm doing this is I'm planning to upload my data into Access and so I need to convert them into a list format.

List of target columns in sheet 'Final' and source cells in sheet 'Source':

Column A: Biz ID - not sure if I really need this, by right it should be listed automatically once I paste the data
Column B: B2 of 'Source'
Column C: B2 of 'Source'
Column D: B1 of 'Source'
Column E: row 6, relevant column
column F: column K
column G: row 5, relevant column
column H: the specific amount

So basically I'm creating an entry for every amount in the table.

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Copying An Autofiltered Query From Worksheet A To Worksheet B In The Same Book

Jan 6, 2009

There is an autofilter applied to worksheet A, I would like to transfer only the autofiltered range from worksheet A to worksheet B, a clear worksheet B statement would also help.

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Copying A Row To Another Worksheet

Jan 11, 2010

I'm attempting to copy the contents of the first row in the "banking center" worksheet into the first rows of all the other worksheets in the workbook. Ideally, I'd like to select from A1 to the last column in row 1 to copy. Edit: Fixed a couple things but still having trouble with the copying section.

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Copying Given Row To The Next Worksheet

Oct 7, 2009

In Sheet1, I have this:

Nos. Items Enter Qty

1 Item1 5
2 Item2
3 Item3 20
4 Item4 50
5 Item5
6 Item6 3

What I want is, whenever I enter the quantity in Sheet1 it will copy the row in Sheet2, say it will start in row 5 without the blank row and it is something like this:


Nos.Items Enter Qty

1 Item1 5
3 Item3 20
4 Item4 50
6 Item6 3

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Copying To Another Worksheet

Nov 1, 2009

I have 2 workbooks, one is called AllData.xls and the other is SavedData.xls. I want to be able to copy only the highlighted data from AllData.xls and automatically populate to SavedData.xls by using a button.

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Copying Several Columns

Sep 29, 2009

Hello. I download several spreadsheets monthly that have a large number of columns (A to EZ). In every excel spreadsheet I need to copy only 18 different columns of data from the sheet which are the same columns each month, and put them into a new spreadsheet. It is very time consuming to highlight and copy a few columns at a time throughout the whole sheet.

I am not very experienced in excel, but is there a simple way to copy all of these columns at once out of the spreadsheet and paste them at once into a new one? I would think there must be some way to enter the column letters I need to pull them out.

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Moving Or Copying A Worksheet

Feb 23, 2014

Excel Move-Copy Issue.pdf

I'm simply trying to copy a worksheet (from one location within a file) and place the copy elsewhere in the file. I continue to get an error message that looks like this: "A formula or sheet you want to move or copy contains the name 'Additional_Notes', which already exists in the destination worksheet. Do you want to use this version of the name? To use the name as defined in the destination sheet, click Yes. To rename the range referred to in the formula or worksheet, click No, and enter a new name in the Name Conflict dialog box."

The term above 'Additional_Notes' is just one of MANY references which (apparently) "already exist in the destination worksheet". I tried renaming the range as described above, and when I do, the above error message essentially re-appears, but this time the term 'Additional_Notes' is replaced with another bit of text. And so on. I am not able to copy the worksheet and place it elsewhere in the file without this error message cropping up. I've used the move/copy function thousands of times.

I am able to make a copy of the worksheet and move it into a new (blank) XLS file...but NO luck copying the worksheet and placing the copy in the same file...

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Copying Worksheet In Same Workbook

Nov 18, 2008

I have a workbook with 2 worksheets. On sheet 1 (Roster) is a list of names; on sheet 2 (Summaries) is a set of calculations.

I want to create multiple copies of sheet 2 (Summaries) and name them according to the list of names on sheet 1 (Roster).

Creating and naming the worksheets appears to be working fine. The problem is that the worksheets that are added are blank, not copies of worksheet 2.

My code follows.

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Copying From One Worksheet To Another Until Text (log)

Mar 13, 2009

I’m building a data logger and all the info from data logger goes to sheet1 using serial port. I need to separate log1, log2, log3 to each individual sheet. Log1 must be copied to sheet2, Log2 must be copied to sheet3 and etc. The reason I need to separate Logs into different sheets so I can create charts for each Log automatically. Also I don’t know how big each log can be. Here is sample data what I’m getting to sheet1. I can change my datalogger to output text log1, log2, log3 to any numbers such as 9999 to make it easier. I need your help to be able sort out each data Log to each worksheet.

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Copying Data From Different Worksheet

Oct 15, 2009

The format of the data shown in sheet below is divided by '|' where it represents a cell divider.

A | B | C
ClassA | ClassB | ClassC

A | B
ClassA | Student01
ClassA | Student02
ClassB | Student01
ClassC | Student02
ClassC | Student03
ClassC | Student04

Sheet3 - Final Output
A | B | C
ClassA | ClassB | ClassC
Student01 | Student01 | Student02
Student02 | | Student03
| | Student04

Sheet3 = check if there is a match between Sheet1 and Sheet2, if there is, then use Sheet1 as a header (ClassA, ClassB, ClassC) and paste the matched data under the respective header.

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Copying Text From One Worksheet To Another

Feb 29, 2012

I have an Excel file that has several worksheets. One of the worksheets is a letter and one is an envelope. Instead of typing the name address twice I need to have th name and address info repeated onto the envelope each time I use enter info in the letter. I know how to do this with a formula but not with a text.

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Copying Macro To New Worksheet?

Mar 30, 2013

Is there any code that can be written so when a person selects a tab to be moved to a new workbook, the macro code in the existing workbook would be copied to the new sheet? I'd also like to use a button that the user could click on for the macro.

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Copying Selection From Another Worksheet In VBA

Feb 22, 2008

I have a worksheet with some arbitrary selection - it may be 1 cell, a 5 by 4 rectangle, or even a noncontiguous splattering here and there on Sheet1. I want to select the identical cells on another sheet. So I'm thinking something like

dim sht1 as worksheet, sht2 as worksheet
'set them appropriately, then...
sht1.selection = sht2.selection

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Code For Copying Value From One Worksheet To Another

Feb 5, 2010

Basically, I have a worksheet of client info on a row by row basis.

Each client has a ref number (eg A4 is the ref for the first client. A5 the next, A6 the next etc etc)

I would like to know how to copy and paste each ref number into worksheet 'Proforma Template (2)' every 11 rows down, until the end of the client list is reached.

So, copy/paste value of cell A4 into 'Proforma Template (2)' cell E9, then A5 to 'Proforma Template (2)' E20 etc (every 11 rows)

(I've read up about various types of loops but not sure where to go with it)

Once I have this on a macro, I'll use vlookup to take the rest of the data across. (im more familiar with using vlookup so should be ok there)

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Copying Worksheet To New Workbook

Jun 15, 2006

I have a workbook containing a number worksheets. I need to copy one of these sheets and move it to a new workbook before copying and pasting the contents as values and saving as a new worksheet. Ideally the new workbook I'm creating would contain no other worksheets other than the one I'm copying in.

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Copying Columns Of Data

Jan 7, 2013

I'm currently making a workbook of annual sales lists for my small business. There are separate sheets for each year (2007, 2008, etc.) where column A consists of a list of customers for that year and the next 12 columns include sales for each respective month.

The issue I'm now facing is in trying to create a new "master" sheet of sales (month-to-month) for every year (2007-2012). The problem I'm having is transposing the sales data for each month from the previous sheets. Why I'm having trouble is this new sheet will be for every customer we've ever had whereas the past annual sheets were merely for customers in those specific years.

Thus I have annual sales sheets of 800 some customers while the final sales sheet will be nearly double that. What I've been attempting is to match the customer name from the master sheet with a specific year and if matched, transpose the monthly data associated on that yearly sheet. The formula I came up with works to a certain extent and then seems to fail because the customer difference gets lost in translation. I'm doing something wrong so that it's not looking for a match out of the entire 1600.

Here's my formula I'm trying: =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP($A2, '2007'!$A$2:$A$883, 1, FALSE )), "", '2007'!B$2:'2007'!B$883)

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Copying Columns From One Tab To Another Via Macro

Dec 17, 2013

I have 2 tabs (tab 1 is "Data", tab 2 is "Compare")

Data tab is filled with results from tests I do in a lab, each test has its own row, each 'test subject' has its own column.

In the second tab I want to have the ability to pick from a drop down list one of the other columns from the first tab.

So I have 2 columns (D and F) in tab 2 with drop down lists that I have populated with the names of the test subjects (using data validation grabbing the top row in tab 1).

I have formulas set up in Column E of tab 2 for the actual comparison.. What I'd like to do is when I select a test subject (for example SubjectA), from the drop down list in $D$1.. I want to populate $D$3:$D$155 with rows 3-155 of the matching column in tab 1 (so if for example SubjectA is in column X, it would copy from tab 1 X3:X155 to tab 2 D3:D155.

So so far I have the validation part done with the drop down list.. and I have the following VB code for tab 2.

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Copying Columns From One Sheet To Another

Mar 5, 2014

I'm trying to copy some columns from one sheet to another using column numbers. Why this doesn't work?

Dim leftColumn As Integer
Dim rightColumn As Integer
leftColumn = Sheets("Hidden-Summary").Range("B3")
rightColumn = Sheets("Hidden-Summary").Range("B4")

Sheets("Hidden-Summary").Range(Columns(leftColumn), Columns(rightColumn)).Copy _
Destination:=Sheets("Summary").Range(Columns(leftColumn), Columns(rightColumn))

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Copying Print Settings From One Worksheet To Another

Aug 12, 2009

I am trying to copy the print settings(including the headers and footers) for one excel worksheet to another. I have found the following hint on internet and it works fine for copying the print setting(including the head/foot) but it is also grouping the worksheets. Click on the tab of the worksheet you want to copy. Then hold down the Shift or Ctrl key and click on the tab of the worksheet where you want the settings and click on File, Page Setup and OK. How can I just copy the print setting without grouping the worksheets?

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Copying Data From Several Worksheets In One New Worksheet

Oct 19, 2009

I'm getting reports in an Excel file with more then 30 worksheets. All of them have the same structure. I would like to add them all in one single sheet and to place the source "sheet name" in the last column. All sheets have 12 columns with different number of rows (between 1 and 100). First row in each sheet is the header of the table.

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Create A New Worksheet By Copying Another Tab With All The Codes

May 5, 2014

I am attempting to write a small code for the following scenario.I have a workbook with worksheets GP1, GP2, GP3 etc & a template page as the last tab.

All the worksheets column names are same but have different data.Last worksheet is the template for all of them. How do I create a command button in template page... upon clicking the button,

it should create a tab just before the template worksheet incrementing previous tab GP3 +1-> GP4. GP4 should be a copy of the template page along with all the vb codes associated with the template page.So tabs looks like=> GP1, GP2, GP3, GP4, template

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