Clear And Print Tabs In A Worksheet With Checkboxes
Feb 4, 2009
I have a workbook with 100 tabs and I have an index page with checkboxes for each tab. I need a macro that will clear all of the checkboxes on the page with one button and a separate macro that will print only the checked tabs.
Can anyone write that code for me so I can just add it into my index tab?
I have placed ActiveX checkboxes on my worksheet. I would like to have some code that would uncheck them all at once, rather than some really long code unchecking each one individually (which is what I currently have). Is there code for this?
I am trying to clear check boxes and list boxes on multiple worksheets within a workbook. Below is what I have,but doesn't work. Note: the "bottom " code does work to clear selected cells of their data. I tried to create a macro for the list boxes selecting "----" which I have as the last entry in the vlookup table but was totally unsuccessful at.
Sub cleardata() Dim Obj As OLEObject Dim ws As Worksheet
I have a pretty large spreadsheet set up that invoices our clients. A few tabs in the front allow us to globally invoice if we did certain services for all clients and then we can also go into each tab and invoice each client for specific services performed on their property. Some invoices are two pages long and other may be up to seven pages long and anywhere in between... So that's the first issue, how do you find how many pages to print and then set the print range for each invoice.
The second issue centers around being able to print all the invoices at one time.
The spreadsheet is set up in this manner: A recap sheet we print to check off that each invoice was printed; an IIF statement to get the Excel info into QuickBooks; a template to set up each invoice's information with dates, dates services were performed,etc.; then there are five Global billing tabs where I can invoice all accounts globally or by their type of account (Saturday or Sunday open, 24/7 etc.); then we get into the tabs for each account. Each account has its own tab with an invoice loaded inside where we can itemize the services they received. Inside all these individual account tabs we have set up 'Zone' tabs where we can invoice all the clients we set up within a zone. There are about twenty of these tabs. Then at the end I have a few more tabs that aren't used any longer, there are about ten tabs there...
Is there a way I can hit Print and get all of my invoices to print out at one time versus having to go into each and every tab, set the print range, and then hit Print for all 250ish invoices?
This is the biggest complaint I have right now about the invoicing program I have set up...
I have seen this before in spreadsheets so I atleast know it is possible.
I have a worksheet that has 6 sheets in it. The final sheet is a formula page that only shows results if sheets 2-5 have data. Sheet 1 holds all the master data. Sheets 2-5 show subsets based on sheet 1. I manually atm filter sheet 1 for certain info and then copy paste into 2-5.
Seeing as I do this weekly. How would I go about adding in a 7th tab or even a macro that will delete all data from row3-end in tabs 2-5, then copy the appropriate data from tab 1 based on a set criteria?
I could write this in a macro just wondering if there is an easy built in way?
I have a excel file wherein background color as well as conditional formatting background color is used. However, since printout consumes huge ink for those sheets, i want that before print the code will clear all the background color (done through Fill color & conditional formatting color) and after the print activity, restore those color. the colors are given to faciliate data entry and better presentation.i have recorded the same but background is not restored when I run the code And also sometimes the code doesnot start printing.
Is there are macro that will allow me to: Clear Print Area, then Set Print Area based on user selection and finally print the Print Area to fit 1 page? I tried to search for solutions, but couldn't find any that matched my problem.
I am in need of creating a shortcut in excel where I can prompt a command to print a specified set of worksheets in an excel file, so in the future I can skip the process of manual selection.
I have an excel file with 50 tabs, naming such as : Microsoft, HP, IBM, Cisco, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Kaiser, BlueCross, BlueShield..... etc etc.
I want to create a "shortcut" to command excel to print a specific group of tabs with just one click. For example: Healthcare companies (Kaiser, Bluecross, Blueshield). Instead of manually select these companies each time, is there a way to create a one click shortcut that will automatically select the tabs I needed?
I was recently posed with the following by our PMO: "Can I, or how do I, print only those tabs that belong to specific PM? I know I can go and select just those tabs collectively and print but I hate sifting through these 40+ tabs to find the ones that belong to PM "X". Can't you just use, or create, a macro or something?"
I replied that this might be limitation of Excel but that I would research it and see.
The project template cell reference is D5, there are 11 tabs containing project info for this PM (out of 43), it is running on XP, and is in Excel 2002.
Since upgrading to Windows 2007 (I was already using Excel 2007) I am having issues with the content in the cells on the worksheet not appearing the same on Print Preview and when I print. On the worksheet the cell show to be at the best fit both horizontally and vertically. When I look at the contents under print preview, the contents are squashed from the top and cut off from the left. This happens whether I have the format in Top or Central align and is even worse if I use Bottom align. It is also somewhat worse if I have thickened boarders.
I just converted from Excel 2003 to 2007 and print previewed a worksheet and find a tiny image with a small portion of the print area. When I look at the sheet in page break preview mode, I see the 8.5 x 11 sheet broken up into approx 77 smaller sheets. When I try to move the page breaks to include the whole sheet it states the change cannot be made as it will result in an image less than 10%. I have attached two images - the first shows the print preview I get, and the second show the multiple pages when I view in page break.
I've got several rows of checkboxes, I want to be able to select 1 checkbox on a row and the others not to be selected, or if they are it automatically deselects them, and then I want to select 1 checkbox on the next row and so on.
I've been trying to make this work for several hours now and it's not throwing errors at me any more, it just doesn't work. I put a couple of checkboxes on a worksheet and am trying to identify which are checked and which are not, so that I can do something with the rows that they are located on. I'm pretty sure the rest is right, I just can't get it to identify the checkboxes as checkboxes for some reason. Eventually there will be many checkboxes, but I'm trying to get the code right before I add more. Anyway, the checkboxes are from the Control Toolbox. I looked through the forums and archives but didn't find anything that would work. If anyone could help me
Dim btn as Shape Dim num as Integer Dim ckbx as CheckBox
With Worksheets("AC") For Each btn In .Shapes If btn.Type = msoFormControl Then If btn.FormControlType = xlCheckBox Then For num = 1 To 150 Set ckbx = .CheckBoxes("CheckBox" & num) If ckbx.Value = xlOn Then End If Next num Else MsgBox("bugs") End If Else MsgBox("bugs") End If Next btn End With
I have a sheet (sheet3) with a various number of checkboxes in specific cells. I create them trough 'paste'(see code at bottom). They are named checkbox'i' (in my example I use just 1 to 3). The problems now start with adjusting the value of a checkbox with specific number. It works with checkbox1.value =true/false, but I can't manage to do it for number 'i'. So how can I call number i'?
for example: I can delete them with .name property. But with the .name I didn't succeed to adjust value
Dim sh As Shape Dim rng As Range
For Each sh In ActiveSheet.Shapes If sh.Type = msoOLEControlObject Then If TypeName(sh.OLEFormat.Object.Object) = "CheckBox" Then sh.Delete End If Next sh Or for specific numbers.............
I've have a tool/code that takes the screen prints of the active window (when I press F9) and pastes it in a word document.
But whenever I do copy some text or any other image and when I press F9 to take the screen print of the active window. I get the text pasted into the word, this is because the clipboard content has text first and then the screen print of the active window.
Instead When I press F9, I wanted the below to happen
1. Content from the Clipboard should be cleared
2. Take the screen print
3. Paste it in the word document.
Note: My tool/code already does 2 and 3. Looking for 1 alone, ,
I have an excel sheet where I can enter a text into A4, when this is valid a checkbox1 will appear if there is no value then the checkbox is invisible.
I have used a macro 'worksheet selection change' to do this but unfortunately I can only use this once in a sheet. I need to do this for upto 10 checkboxs that corrospond sequentially with text starting at A4 for checkbox1, A5 for checkbox2 etc....
The routine I have used for one check box is below. Can this be changed for multiple checkboxes?
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Range("A4") = isblank Then CheckBox1.Visible = False Else CheckBox1.Visible = True End If End Sub
I have been working on this small project and I it works to create checkboxes and check what boxes are checked. However, at the end of checking which boxes are checked there is a pop up error message saying Run-Time error '1004': Unable to get the CheckBoxes property of the Worksheet class. These are the lines of code, where is the error?
Sub IsBoxChecked() Dim titles(200) As String Dim wks As Worksheet
I searched but didn't find exactly what I needed. I have a workbook with 31 sheets. It is a price guide with each category on a separate worksheet. I figured out how to list the sheets on a separate tab. What my client wants is the ability to:
1. select certain categories for printing, the ToC, Cover and backcover pages have to print in every case
2. the ToC has to change depending on the sheets selected.
I'd rather write some code and give him an an easy command button rather then teaching him how to select non-concurrent sheets and printing only active sheets.
What I'm really stuck on is the updating of the ToC with active sheets only (category and starting page which changes depending on pages selected).
right now i am clearing a worksheet via VBA with the following: Sheet2.Cells.ClearContents
but the problem is if I had 5000 rows on that sheet, then i clear the sheet and perform an action that only displays a hundred rows.... if i then go to that sheet and press ctrl+end, it jumps to row 5000... not row 100.
so its like the original rows weren't completely cleared.
what is the vba code to totally clear a worksheet??
Gotta question about destroying the contense of a worksheet. If for instance I got a macro which uses a different source everytime I run it, and this macro gives a result in a result worksheet. How can I possibly delete the contense of the result worksheet automatically before the execution starts? What I mean is: without selecting all the cells and pressing delete or either using a for loop to go through all the worksheet cells. Is there any function which clears the contense of a worksheet? (without deleting the worksheet itself)
I have the following code in a Excel 2003 spreadsheet with hope that I can clear contents of unlocked cells in one excel file from the code stored in another Excel file.
Sub CLEARSJCCOUNT() ' ' CLEARSJCCOUNT Macro ' Macro recorded 02/21/2008 by Steve Keene '
I get the Subscript Out of Range error window when it hits the first line of code.
I've reviewed this via searching for other posts, but none seem to solve the problem directly.
i have attached a template spreadesheet that 20 people uses everyday. The template works fine but what i would like to do is write a code to clear all the content that manually entered beforeclose. For some reason code is not working properly because when i wrote code to clear the contents the buttons don't work . I also attached the spreadsheet.
I need to create a function that by selecting a sheet name in a drop down box it will remove thinformation on the sheet from a consilidated sheet. The consolidation sheet is consolidating data from 30 sheets within the one worksheet
I can only view one worksheet at a time with a particular spreadsheet. There are no tabs to click at the bottom of the screen to view the other worksheets. In excel 2007, if I click on View, then Full Screen, I get the tabs (so I can view the different worksheets) but then I lose the menu and formula bar (so when I click on a cell I can only see its contents and not the formula). I need to see the formula that is applied. This has not happened with other S/Sheets, just this particular one. what else I can do to view the worksheet tabs without full screen view?