I have an excel sheet where I can enter a text into A4, when this is valid a checkbox1 will appear if there is no value then the checkbox is invisible.
I have used a macro 'worksheet selection change' to do this but unfortunately I can only use this once in a sheet. I need to do this for upto 10 checkboxs that corrospond sequentially with text starting at A4 for checkbox1, A5 for checkbox2 etc....
The routine I have used for one check box is below. Can this be changed for multiple checkboxes?
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Range("A4") = isblank Then
CheckBox1.Visible = False
CheckBox1.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
I have a sheet (sheet3) with a various number of checkboxes in specific cells. I create them trough 'paste'(see code at bottom). They are named checkbox'i' (in my example I use just 1 to 3). The problems now start with adjusting the value of a checkbox with specific number. It works with checkbox1.value =true/false, but I can't manage to do it for number 'i'. So how can I call number i'?
for example: I can delete them with .name property. But with the .name I didn't succeed to adjust value
Dim sh As Shape Dim rng As Range
For Each sh In ActiveSheet.Shapes If sh.Type = msoOLEControlObject Then If TypeName(sh.OLEFormat.Object.Object) = "CheckBox" Then sh.Delete End If Next sh Or for specific numbers.............
Attached is book in which, when a choice is selected from Drop Down list in ColumnF the macro has to do the need.
When the macro was written it was working well. But when I tried to change it as a Worksheet_SelectionChange event nothing is happenning even though a choice is selected from drop down list.
The following macro will put a checkmark in the range of A2:B100. I would like to use the current macro along with two or more other Worksheet_SelectionChange. One of the SelectionChange to put "Williamson" in the range of L2:L100 and another SelectionChange to put "Michaelson" in the range of M2:M100? Is it possible to use more than one Worksheet_SelectionChange
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Const WS_RANGE As String = "A2:B100" '
I am using Excel 2007, and I have a macro (that is working) that I would like to run whenever there has been a new selection in a dropdown list on my worksheet. I have done this many times before in other workbooks, and I have always used:
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
End Sub
To my knowledge this should trigger the macro when the dropdown selection changes. However, this time it is not working. The macro runs fine manually, but it does not run when the dropdown selection changes.
I've got a worksheet_selectionchange macro on a sheet, and another macro that you can run after it. The issue is that when the second macro runs, it also runs the selectionchange macro, and wipes some of the info that the second macro should be copying.
Is there a piece of code that I can use in the second macro to block the selectionchance code from running until it's compelte?
I dont know if this can be done, but is it possible to automatically fill a column with check boxes which correspond to data in adjacent cells? I am aware of the marlett method, but Im really looking for some sort of rigid check box appearance, where the user just needs to click, and not type a, or y, etc. I have a macro which outputs a column of numbers in column A, and I would like to figure out if it is possible for a macro to automatically add check boxes in column B for all the values which show up in column A.
This is so that when the user selects some check boxes, the corresponding values in column A are then each copied to copies of a specific sheet, thus creating a multiple copies of the same worksheet for each value. This sounds like it could make a huge memory problem (from what I've read), but Im really dealing with a very small amount of data.
I want to be able to change 2 cell info based on 4 checkboxes used. So based on a check box i check, it will populate what info i assigned to it the box. See below,
1 cell12342 cell
I have 4 checkboxes and 2 cells i need populated by whatver box i check. I have the following formula, but not sure how to tie in all the cells together.
=IF(A1,"Checked message",") If 1 CELL gets changed when checked, i need 2 CELL to change as well. Example, I checked box one and so 1CELL should change to, lets say to a set dollar amount like $12, and then 2CELL would also change to another entry say a set dollar amount, like $15 or whatever both based on checkbox one. BUT i also want to populate those same 2 cells with different amounts if i check the other boxes.
I am trying to change checkboxes caption name using a loop so that I don't have to change them individually. Here is a simplified example of what want to do:
1) I save the caption names in a array 2) I run through a loop to rename each checkboxes using the names saved in the array
Sub change_Checkbox_Caption Dim MyArray(1to3) as string Dim IndexMyArray as integer MyArray(1) = "YES" MyArray(2) = "No" MyArray(3) = "Maybe"
I currently have a spreadsheet with a userform that has multiple checkboxes. I want these checkboxes to change the value of cells depending on whether or not they are checked. 1 for not checked, 2 for checked. The column of the named range the cells are in is constant for each checkbox (though it is different for each checkbox and some checkboxes will need to change the value of a cell in multiple columns). The row changes depending on the value of a combobox on the userform. I have sorted out a code that works, but it seems very long, slow, and inefficient. I'm hopping someone can show me a better way to do it.
Private Sub CmbFinish_Click() Dim rClSkills As Range Dim rClLookup As Range Dim var1 As Integer Dim iDecision As Integer Set rClSkills = Range("TblClSkills") Set rClLookup = Range("ClassLookup") iDecision = MsgBox("Are you sure you wish to change Skills?", vbYesNo, "Continue?") If iDecision = vbYes Then var1 = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(cboClass.Value, rClLookup, 0) If CboAppraise.Value = True Then.............................
I've got several rows of checkboxes, I want to be able to select 1 checkbox on a row and the others not to be selected, or if they are it automatically deselects them, and then I want to select 1 checkbox on the next row and so on.
I've been trying to make this work for several hours now and it's not throwing errors at me any more, it just doesn't work. I put a couple of checkboxes on a worksheet and am trying to identify which are checked and which are not, so that I can do something with the rows that they are located on. I'm pretty sure the rest is right, I just can't get it to identify the checkboxes as checkboxes for some reason. Eventually there will be many checkboxes, but I'm trying to get the code right before I add more. Anyway, the checkboxes are from the Control Toolbox. I looked through the forums and archives but didn't find anything that would work. If anyone could help me
Dim btn as Shape Dim num as Integer Dim ckbx as CheckBox
With Worksheets("AC") For Each btn In .Shapes If btn.Type = msoFormControl Then If btn.FormControlType = xlCheckBox Then For num = 1 To 150 Set ckbx = .CheckBoxes("CheckBox" & num) If ckbx.Value = xlOn Then End If Next num Else MsgBox("bugs") End If Else MsgBox("bugs") End If Next btn End With
I am trying to have multiple change events work in one worksheet and can not get it to work at all.
The simple setup is, I have a column for each month of the year.
I have several rows of numbers beneath each monthly column.
What I want to do is if I enter a date in say January (my change field), I want it to "ClearContents" out all of the data in the August column.
This works fine currently.
But say the next month I enter a date in February, I want to "ClearContents" in the September column. And so on for each month.
My various attempts at this does not recognize the second change agent, so nothing occurs.
Should I try to "call" each section, or use "Else If", or some other idea?
I've tried attaching the worksheet in case that helps to see what I am attempting.
There are extra "items" on the side and below the table that will be removed if I get this "change event" working. So this worksheet is a rough draft so far.
I realize that it’s not possible to have on one sheet, multiple Worksheet Change Events, so I tried to come up with an alternative method of handling it, but quickly realized that it’s beyond my capabilities at this time.
I would like to set up a worksheet change event on each of a number of identical sheets. Each Change Event will run exactly the same macro. The exception is the “DeptStr” string value that is relevant to the sheet calling the macro .
Each sheet will be a different department.•If the Target in either range has data added, then data will be added to the cell offset one column to it’s right. •If the Target in either range has data cleared, then data will be cleared in the cell offset one column to it’s right.
•There can only be one sheet active at a time. •Only one sheet has data entered at a time. •The two non-contiguous ranges are of equal length. Ex. (C3:C52) and (E3:E52) and are uniquely named in this case,
but they are not a necessary requirement in order to solve this problem if there is a more practical method.
I have a spreadsheet using Data Validation to offer a list of text values for cells in the range E6 - E100. I have a worksheet change funtion to change the colour of the entire row based on the text chosen from the list.
What I would like to add is an input box that will appear when the value in the cell = "COMPLETE" asking for a completion date and adding the inputted date to the cell in column I in the same row.
Existing Worksheet Change Code;
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) 'Colour code rows based on order status Dim rng As Range, i As Long Dim cell As Range, Answers As Variant Dim Colors As Variant Colors = Array(24, 15, 38, 44, 42, 20, 36) Answers = Array("CLOSED", "SUSPENDED", _ "COMPLETE - Awaiting Inspection", "COMPLETE", "WORKING", _ "SCHEDULED", "READY") Set rng = Range("E6:E100") rng.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone For Each cell In rng For i = LBound(Answers) To UBound(Answers) If LCase(cell) = LCase(Answers(i)) Then cell.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = Colors(i) Exit For End If Next i Next cell End Sub
I have the following code to check and see if the user enters a number into a specific column. If so, and if the number is too high, the routine will automatically lower it to an acceptable number. However, I am wondering, is there not a simpler way to do this, besides using a bunch of OR statements?
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Column = 2 Or Target.Column = 4 Or Target.Column = 6 Or Target.Column = 8 Or Target.Column = 10 Or Target.Column = 12 Then Application.EnableEvents = False If IsNumeric(Target.Value) = True And Target.Value >= 105.6 Then Target.Value = 105.4 End If Application.EnableEvents = True End If End Sub
This works just fine, but it seems kind of sloppy to me.
I was wondering if there might be a way to put the column numbers into an array, and then simply check if the Target column equals any number in the array. But I do not know how to do that without looping.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) col = ActiveCell.Column Range("output") = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -(col - 4)).Value End Sub
In case it's not obvious, the macro places the value in the active row and 4th column of the worksheet into the range "output". The problem is, the worksheet is large and somewhat slow to recalculate. This macro forces a recalc on any selection change, but i only need it to run when the row selection changes, not the column. I'm sure there's a straightforward way to reprogram this.
The code below will put "Some text" into column B when data is pasted into column D. This only works when copying data into one cell. If I copy into multiple cells of column D then the code does not run at all.
I have a workbook with 33 worksheets (31 date tabs and a Month To Date and Year To Date tab)
I want to have a clickable cell on each of the 1-31 date tabs to point to the MTD
I know I could do this easily with a hyperlink but I would rather have a clickable cell.
I have achieved this on an individual worksheet using the following code
Code: Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If Not Intersect(Target, Range("$R$3")) Is Nothing Then Sheets("MTD").Select End Sub
My question is: Do I have to copy this to every single worksheets code or is there some way have all sheets read the same private sub? (I guess it negates the point of a "private sub")
Way to do this as it would make editing any changes easier than having to do it 31 times.
I'm trying to run a macro anytime cells G2, J2, M2, O2, P2, S2, V2, Y2, AB2, AE2, AH2, AK2, AN2, AQ2 change.
Right now I have the below code which is working well, but I only have it set for G2. Do you know what the notation is to make the target range multiple cells?
Also, I use the xlDown command in my sorting code, but later on it reverts back to "A5:AT60"... is there any way I can remove these specific cell references? I want to avoid having to re-write the macro every time my selection shrinks or expands.
Code: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Not Intersect(Target, Range("G2")) Is Nothing Then Rows("5:5").Select
I have been working on this small project and I it works to create checkboxes and check what boxes are checked. However, at the end of checking which boxes are checked there is a pop up error message saying Run-Time error '1004': Unable to get the CheckBoxes property of the Worksheet class. These are the lines of code, where is the error?
Sub IsBoxChecked() Dim titles(200) As String Dim wks As Worksheet
I have a workbook with 100 tabs and I have an index page with checkboxes for each tab. I need a macro that will clear all of the checkboxes on the page with one button and a separate macro that will print only the checked tabs.
Can anyone write that code for me so I can just add it into my index tab?
I have a multi-worksheet workbook that has many forms control checkboxes throughout it. I'm looking for some VBA that will change the background (fill) color of ALL the checkbox when it is checked (True). I've seen code for a single checkbox, but not multiple/all boxes. I know just enough VBA to be dangerous, but I'm up to learning anything new.
Can you have more than 1 worksheet change event on the same worksheet, if so, how do you name it to prevent the ambiguous name error. What code would I need to select a text value in colums e11:e15 based on the cell value in cell named STATE and place the selected value in cell e16. I have, thanks to this resource, one worksheet change event that selects a numeric value from any column E3,F3:F7 and places that value in cell C4. but the same code doesn't work for the new worksheet change event.
I have a workbook that has a sheet with a lot of columns. I also have a sheet before it which I want to put checkboxes on which will toggle columns on the second sheet hidden/unhidden.
I'm using an active X control checkbox form, but I can't figure out how to add multiple checkboxes. Is it possible? Or do I have to just create multiple individual checkboxes?
Here is the code that I'm using in the active X control: If CheckBox1.Value = False Then Sheets("Best").Columns("A:A").Hidden = False Else Sheets("Best").Columns("A:A").Hidden = True End If
I have several checkboxes in a form and the program will run different macros depending on what the user chooses. There are 9 checkboxes total. 1 checkbox activates all other checkboxes while the other eight are the options. If a user clicks the All checkbox, the other 8 are activated. If All is unchecked, the other 8 are unchecked. The trick is that I want the All checkbox to change to False if any of the 8 options are triggered to False. The problem I am having with the code I have is that if I trigger any of the options to False, the chkAll macro kicks in and turns all of the checkboxes to False, not just chkAll. Somehow, I've tried using the Change and the Click event with chkAll but it seems to be behaving the same using one or the other. I have pasted the code below as well as included an attachment of the file with the form.
Private Sub chkAcq_Click() If chkAcq.Value = False Then chkAll.Value = False End If End Sub
Private Sub chkAdmin_Click() If chkAdmin.Value = False Then chkAll.Value = False End If End Sub.........................