I need to lookup a data which have 2 or more same data from the output sheet and the source sheet. i have used concatenate function but i need the invoice number also in the output sheets.
example i have a list of Order NUmber, Qty and Invoice Number. There can be a chance where the Order Number are equal but different Invoice number. I need in my output data the correct Invoice number and Qty.
I am trying to use lookup function to lookup for data in another table (we call it table A). Unfortunately, whenever the code is not in the table A, Excel will return the data from the previous row.... is there any possible way to prevent this... in another word, if the code does not exist in the table A, I want Excel to return 0 or some other figures.
I have a very large spreadsheet of customer information(I call it the master spreadsheet). Each row contains only 3 things: Account number, product bought, Price
Later I receive the money from the customer for that product(the pay sheet) that contains the exact same thing in the same order: Account number, Product bought, Price paid.
What I'm trying to do is compare the two spreadsheets so that when i receive the pay sheet of cusomters who have paid with the amount it will deduct it from the master sheet.
So it should compare account numbers when it finds a match then it should subtract the amount paid (column C) from the master spreadheet price column(column C also).
sometimes customers don't pay the right price so it has to be a subtraction so I can see if it was over paied, underpaid etc.
Right now I'm still doing it manually combining the two documents sorting it by account number and checking for matches in column A (account number).
I am currently using the formula below to lookup a name and its corresponding code. I type the code into cell A13. The name is fixed at B1. This formula then finds the name (B1) in a table and matches the column header of the code which I type into A13 and returns a value. This allows me to type in different codes and quickly see the value corresponding to the name. I also want to be able to type the coding into A13 and be able to see a listing of all of the names attached to that coding.
We get a very detailed Call Data Records(CDR) for all telephone calls made by our employees. CDR typically contains the called number, duration in seconds and cost. What is missing it the city name and country name for the called number.
For e.g. a typical CDR log would be Called # duration(secs) Cost 442075000000 40 0.02
From looking at this number, the country code is UK - 44 and the city code is 20 which is London.
I have a spreadsheet that contains Country code and city code for all major cities in the world.
Is it possible to create a lookup function, that would take the 'Called #' from the CDR and lookup the data in the CountryCity code spreadsheet and give me the called City and Contry name.
I have a long list of movies and I would like a generic code that grabs the content of a cell and places it in the search box on IMDB, and presses enter. I am thinking that I can apply this same code to a bunch of different websites (wikipedia or google for example)
That way, I can put a couple of buttons on a sheet or toolbar and use them to look up a cell value on the web. I don't program in VBA other than some low level copying and modifying code but this seems like it could be reasonably done.
What I want to do is to vlookup site IDs in column A of sheet 2, into Sheet 1. The problem is there are two criteria
1- The code finds the roads names of column B. Sheet1 in column.sheet2
2- Considering that the road names are not unique, then within the same roads checks for column C.sheet1 in column D.sheet2
3- When it find the correct value return column A.sheet2 into column A.sheet1
In the case of the picture assuming we are in cell A4.sheet 1, it would go and look for Abbotts road within range (a2:e9) in sheet2 and find several, then go and look for the next criteria which is value 890 (C4.sheet1) and when in finds it in in D4.sheet2 returns A4.sheet2 into A4.sheet1 and it needs to continue doing that until row 2700.
I've trailed through the search engine on here and I can't find an answer to this: Can you access lookup tables in Excel from VBA code? I assume you can, but can't seem to find anything on this
In my workbook I have multiple sheets but I'm attaching a very simple workbook to demonstrate what I'm trying to accomplish. In my "Lookup" tab/sheet. I want to have known Latitude and Longitude data that will exist in columns A&B. Columns C & D will have address numbers and Street Name. I would like my lookup formula to find the longitude and latitude data from my "lookup" sheet, when the matching address information is typed in, in my 2009 sheet. I have to keep the street numerics and street name separate on this worksheet as well. I believe I'll need two separate lookup formulas as I need these formulas to start in cell G4 & H4 in my "GeoCoding1" sheet. Is it possible to have four columns of data to be viewed in a lookup formula? I tried this formula in cell G4 (GeoCoding1 sheet)
I have a function that is called upon saving a UserForm. One of the Text Labels contains the ID field that I need to use to do a lookup into the first column of a Named Range and then I need to update the cell in the 4th column of that row.
From my research, I'm assuming it will go something like this:
I have 3 workbooks "ID numbers, 07 Car,and 08 Car".
I need a VBA code that will use the value in column C in each workbook, look up the value in workbook "ID numbers", column C thru G, and return values into each workbook:
Workbook ID number Column C add values to Each workbook (Column B) Workbook ID number Columns D thru E) add values to Each workbook (Columns D thru E)
See 07 Car workbook highlighted in orange, every product below the orange highlight must look like for both workbooks this after the code is ran.
I'm looking to populate a series of sequential codes based on a code prefix.
Sheet 1: Master Code list Column A = Lookup Value Column B = Code Prefix
Sheet 2 - Results page Column A - list of lookup values - sorted in value order - The number of occurances varies for each value Column B - Results list
I want to populate Column B in the second sheet with a sequential code list for each different value in column A. So for the first value it would have the prefix then proceed numerically (Prefix0001, Prefix0002, Prefix0003...) then for the next value its prefix in sequence (2ndPrefix0001, 2ndPrefix0002, 2ndPrefix003...), etc
I'm wondering if there is a way to do this all in one step or else if there is a way way to number each occurance of the lookup value in the second page, in which case the code can be concatenated easily by a lookup of the code.
I suppose on the back of this there is another query - is there a way to concatenate a number where the format is 000# where the concatenated value will retain the leading zeros? I've been trying and it is stripping them out.
I have a large database of equipment on one sheet and an input form on another. For inventory control, when a user scans a number into the input form, the main inventory sheet is updated with the current location. I have it working using functions, but I need to do this in VBA. I am looking to do the following;
User enters 2222 on the input form. The code matches 2222 on the inventory sheet, moves the activecell 10 columns and updates a value in that cell. Cell A2343 is "2222" then Cell K2343 is changed to "WAREHOUSE 4". What is the best way to find the match and then select that cell in VBA?
I'm trying to use an offset from a Named Range as my source cell in a vlookup but get a -1004 Object not defined error. When Debugged the Range.Formula appears to be blank when queried. Using Record a Macro the Reference to a named range worked fine but I could not test for an offset or the use of the range reference. What can I do to use to make this work
1 . Now i need amount to be written in sheet 1 from taking value from sheet2 based on the code. The code & description column has the same value. but it will be placed in different order
the amount should get filled up only for the status yes & no . others it should return null.
I need to pull info to additional tabs. The problem I am having is that the data is sorted daily based upon performance numbers, so the REP names in column A can change based upon the data reported in column C.
What I want to accomplish:
Pull daily data for each unique name in column A to a team tab/worksheet that will be used to report that team's daily data.
Below is a representation of the data I need to break down by Rep Name and Team.
Rep DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 REP 2 27.5% 14
I have a excel spreadsheet that has employee names, email address and DOB. The DOB format is 23/03. I need a program that will lookup the DOB row and when it matches the value I enter it extracts the employee name and email address. Once it has this information I need it to copy into an already created email template and send its off. On some days there are more than 1 person with a birthday so it will need to send multiple emails.
so this gives a part number depending on what number is placed in O6. What I need to do know is look at 2 different cells and for each combination of numbers give a different part number. so if A1 is 2 and B1 is 3 give a certain result.
i have a treatment centre with 22 rooms some with mutiple beds, i need to view occupancy in a grid form to optimise bed useage. i need to look up a date that is after arrival but before depature that matches a room number, i have tried match, index, and, vlookup etc but all this info must exist on the same row
I am trying to import data from an external source file (Excel) into an Excel sheet that will get uploaded into a db accounting system.
The source data varies month to month in the number of rows and need I to import 7 columns.
The upload file will be saved as a text file for the upload. I tried to use Import External Data, but since the rows vary in size (anywhere from 1 - 2000 rows) I had to create a named range for the entire column. Upon saving this caused all rows beyond the last row of data to have quotes in them which will kill the upload. Is there a way around this with the Import External Data, or is there a better way through some combination of INDEX, MATCH, INDIRECT or the like?
I have looked at previous v lookup questions however was unable to do a comparison to the queries which I have. Hope someone is able to help. Sending spreadsheet to hopefully clarify
Sheet 1 = downloaded orders
Sheet 2 = present Customer database
Q1 - sheet 2 column E - can I make the address show without the return stroke (square symbol)?
Q2 - how do I return in sheet 1 column b and c the information held on sheet 2 column b and c. I have tried using the post code as the look up but it is only returning around a 30% find, can you use post code and rest of the address (post codes could be partially different as off 2 independant databases) to find a true match, or at least increase the 30% find considerably.
I have a report that is run everyday showing a list of orders, on separate tabs based on facility code, that has all kinds of information. I want to be able to take today's file, and have it lookup any comments I posted on the previous day's file.
I've been messing with code all morning and can't get it right. I think my problem is the vlookup part, and I don't think my loop is right either. Here's a little bit of the code i'm trying:
I have store numbers and store volume groups (one letter indicating their sales volume). This is sorted in somewhat of a table - the volume groups are in row 4 going horizontal, the store numbers are under their respective volume groups going vertical.
I have all store numbers listed vertically on another sheet, starting in A2. I want to search for the store number in A2 within the volume group data and return the appropriate group header when it's found.
the code for lookup value of point 1 and point2 from the table ,if i key in the no.group and type of grade. eg.1 Group10 grade a value to be point1=75 point2=20 eg.2 Group16 grade B value to be point1=125 point2=172
In Sheet2 l have a list of data (more complex than the sample but l expect the answer will be the same)
I would like to enter a name (ie Rob) from column A into Sheet1 and have excel copy all of the lines with the name "Rob" into the new worksheet
I think l know how to use a lookup to copy one line but dont know how to copy multiple lines with the same lookup ie Rob
******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Broomhayes Sick.xls___Running: xl2000 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutE8E9E10E11E12E13E14= ABCDE7NameDate££Tot8Claire22/05/2007146181649Rob15/06/200718557310Claire04/06/2007119610711Sue14/04/200717345112Jane12/03/2007587813613Rob14/06/200739145314Sue28/05/20076936105Sheet1 [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name box PLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.
I have data in one column which is text based (A, B, C, D, E) and in the accompanying column is a response (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
I want to be able to find those who answered 1 and then group to letters - so if 'A', 'D' and 'E' replied '1' then I want the result of the formula to be ADE.
I have been doing this manually and just typing the results in from a print-out but am hoping I can automate and get Excel to do the work for me to eliminate inputting errors!
I have two series of dates – one daily series and the other is the hourly series – running in parallel. The daily series has the values which correspond to them – YES and NO columns which can be either 1 or 0. I need for each line on the hourly series to have the corresponding value of the YES and NO from the daily sheet. I am not sure how this can be done. I need this to be done by formulas only as this sheet only represents a condensed version of the larger workbook.