Color Cells By More Than 3 Conditions

Sep 13, 2007

I am getting a "Run-time error:'13' Type Mismatch" when we try to paste a value (in this case "Y" or "N") in multiple cells at once. I did look up this error on the microsoft site and found this. which didn't seem to be the exact issue I was having because I am not using a macro.

Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim icolor As Integer
Call ChangeRowColor
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("$A:$E")) Is Nothing Then
Select Case Target
Case "y", "Y"
icolor = 4
Case "n", "N"
icolor = 3
Case "?"
icolor = 6
Case "n/a", "N/A"
icolor = 13................

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Color Cells Based On Multiple Conditions Of Different Cells

Jan 15, 2008

I’m trying to change color in cell B9 according to different conditions in Cell C9 (than on b10 according to c10 and so long until necessary - probably will be around 2000 lines). Since there are more than 3 conditions and in two cases condition depends on the color of the C Column, I can not use conditional formatting. I’ve searched and found similar forums here, but since I’m ignorant in VBA code, I couldn’t manage to make adjustments. So if you can help me with the code, I would really appreciate it!

Condition and Results required would be:

IF column C = “S” than on Column B = color cell light blue with white border
IF column C = “P” than on Column B = color cell Green with white border
IF column C = “A” than on Column B = color cell Yellow with white border
IF column C = “L” than on Column B = color cell Red with white border
IF column C = “C” than on Column B = color cell Dark Blue with white border
IF column C = “ ” than on Column B = color cell white
IF column C = “V” and has white background than on Column B = color cell white
IF column C = “V” and has a Dark Grey background than on Column B = color cell Dark Grey

I don’t know if the last two are feasible.

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Color Cells Based On Entry. More Than 3 Conditions

Nov 21, 2006

I was hoping there was an alternative to having to use so many named ranges for each sublist (there would many sublists in the actual workbook). Anyway, I'm a little uncertain about the code you posted - do the LIST and SUBLIST codes go in Source in Data Validation, or in Source in Dependent Validation Lists Based On Header Values? Can you give me a bit more instruction on this? Also, I'm trying to use the following code to color cells upon a change in value in V1 or V2, but can't get it to work. Can you kindly tell me what's wrong with it?

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address <> "V1" Or "V2" Then Exit Sub
Select Case [V1].Value
Case "A"
Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 40
Case "B"
Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 35
Case "C"
Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 36
Case "D"
Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 34
Case "E"
Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 19
Case "F"
Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 24
End Select
End Sub

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Compare Cells For Conditions & Color Corresponding Cell

Sep 26, 2007

I am trying to add a third if statement to my existing code looking to see if a cell in a column is blank and the corresponding cell in another column contains a number that is greater than or equal to 1. I can't figure out how to write that part of my IF statement.

If Cells(r, 4) = " " And Cells(r, 3) >= 1 Then
Cells(r, 1).Resize(1, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 35
Set rng = Union(Cells(r, 1), Cells(r, 3), Cells(r, 4))
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("G40:I40").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues)
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Cells(r, 5) = "NEW"
End If
Next r

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Color Cells Within Matrix Based On Conditions Outside

Jun 5, 2008

In 'MAIN REPORT' there are thousands of columns of data, of which the important columns are 'Factory No.' and 'Row No' and 'Quantity'.

Each factory has its own worksheet as well.

In each of those factory sheets there is a 15x65 grid for each of the 65 rows that are mentioned in MAIN REPORT.

I have created and IF statement that checks if there is any data in 'Quantity row' and if there is it enters a "1" in the that cell of the virtual Factory grid.

This is the formula:
=IF('MAIN REPORT'!I2="","",1)
However, this simply checks that data while there is only 1 quantity for each row of each house.

Sometimes there will be different quantities (for diff. products), and I need a formula/macro that checks the line no. column and then,

If there are 5 items in row 7 for example then it will place five "1"'s in the first five cells of row seven in the corresponding factory sheet.

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Set Cell Fill Color Based On Conditions In Two Cells?

Nov 22, 2012

I want to highlight the cell of Column 'A' of excel only when it does not contain the text like "Verify", "Validate" or "Evaluate" in its content if, the value in corresponding cell of Column 'B' holds the value 'Y'. Secondly, the column 'A' can't contains the words like 'Verify', 'Validate' and 'Evaluate' if the corresponding cell in Column 'B' holds value 'N'. So just need to highlight those discrepancies if its there.

Column A
Column B
Expected Action

Press F3
Its Fine

Verify this..
Its Fine

Need to Highlight Cell of Column A as Value in Column B is Y but the column A does not contain any value like "Verify", Validate" or "Evaluate"

Verify This.
Need to Highlight Cell of Column B as the Value of Column A contains words like "verify", "validate", "evaluate" but corresponding cell value in column B does not hold value "Y".

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Test X Conditions In Conditional Formatting: Highlight Cells Is Two Conditions Are Met

Oct 17, 2007

I would like to highlight cells is two conditions are met:Cell = 0Offset(0,-1)>0I tried the conditional format wizard and entered a formula: =IF(AND($J2=0,$I2>0)) But I keep receiving formual errors, which I understand, because it appears to be incomplete formula. But I am not sure what else I need to add to the formula in the conditional format wizard

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VB Color Formatting More Than 4 Cell Conditions

Jun 25, 2009

The code below turns numbers and dates on my worksheets(1) to text priorities on my worksheets(3), I now need to color the cell backgrounds of the results on worksheets(3). With formulas I know I can conditional format up to 3 colors (or 4 utilising the background) but I am after 6. I also know that you will look at my code and laugh as I should have done the color coding with the initial commands, but I struggled with it for 2 days and simply couldn't get it to work.

In the VB below it all works off a command button and up to the third color it works however it then gets stuck and throws up a runtime error '1004' Application defined or object defined error. I did get around this before by recording macros and effectively sticking them together but it hasn't worked on this occasion...... any ideas??? (I hope I'm not breaking any rules by pasting the code directly in?)

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Change Font Color Based On Conditions

Jan 27, 2007

I'm trying to get the font to turn red in column G if it is greater than or equal to column I, and get it to turn orange if it is between 80% of I and I. This is what I've got so far.

Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Range("G" & Target.Row) >= Range("I" & Target.Row) Then Range("G" & Target.Row).Font.ColorIndex = 3
If Range("G" & Target.Row) >= Range(("I" & Target.Row) * 0.8) Then Range("G" & Target.Row).Font.Color = 45
End Sub

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Get Conditional Formatting To Change The Cell Color Based On A Few Conditions?

Jul 19, 2013

I'm trying to get conditional formatting to change the cell color based on a few conditions.

I want the cells in column D to turn red if;

- The number in column B has a match in column A

- And the corresponding cell in column C is not blank

- And the corresponding cell in column D is blank

In the example below, cell D4 should be red

If there's a match (Column B to Column A) and;

- If cell in column C is not blank and cell in column D is not blank, do nothing.

If there's a match (Column B to Column A) and:

- If cell in column C is blank and cell in column D is blank, do nothing.

Here's the formula I attempted but didn't get it to work.


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Change Cell Background Color Based On Multiple Conditions

Aug 6, 2008

My Excel skills are basic at best, with no knowledge of VBA other than finding the VB Editor. What I'm trying to do: Attached is the file I'm working with, to give you a better idea. When a name is selected in column B, the cells in the non corresponding columns E to N should have a black background color. For example, when you select Mike in column B, the cells in that row in columns I to N, named Dave and Dean, should become black. If you select the name Dave, columns E to H (Mike) and M to N (Dean) should become black. In addition, the background color of the non-black cells should change depending on the status.

OK : green
FAIL: red
N/A: orange
Exceptions: blue

The attached file shows a few possible results, manually entered.

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Conditional Formatting To Turn Field Specific Color Based On Two Conditions

Aug 9, 2014

I am trying to work with conditional formatting to turn a field a specific color based on two conditions, one of which is variable. The first condition is a list of ongoing events (which can change) and the second condition is a set of known milestones. I want to create a control (check boxes?) that will turn a given field (which has dates in it from another calculation) to either Red, Yellow, or Green.

I was thinking two Dropdown boxes - one for the events and one for the milestones. The user would choose an event, choose the milestone, then choose a checkbox or something to change the color of a field elsewhere in the spreadsheet. Right now, I'm doing this in a very clumsy way by having three checkboxes for each milestone for each event. There are five milestones per event (so 15 checkboxes per event on Sheet2). I will likely have 70+ events so I was hoping for a better way to do this. I've done this for the first three events and need a more efficient way of doing this.

See the attachment : Event Milestones based on Go Date Uploadable.xlsx‎

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Color Column Charts Based On Font Color Data Cells

Oct 27, 2009

I have attached the relevant spreadsheet for which I need to alter the color of the columns based on Site number ( Sheet 1). % Mortality will be represented in the Y-Axis, and the Site numbers would be on the X-Axis. All columns (% Mortality) except one will be of the same color, and the one of a different color will indicate a specific site. As an example, site 86 is colored differently. The way I require the chart to look is shown on Sheet 1.

After reading through some great posts on Ozgrid, I managed to do this using conditional formatting (Sheet 2), but that sort of falls short because I am required to add a data table to the chart, and the parameter that is indicated by the column bars happens to appear twice in the data table.

I was wondering if this can be automated maybe using VBA, but with the possibility of simply matching the color of columns with the font color of respective entry in the data series.

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Color Cells Based On Color Of Preceeding Cell

Nov 18, 2007

I am looking for a very simple script that will achieve the following:

On the clicking of a button, Select and shade in a cell yellow, delete the yellow shading of the previous cell. The shading & selection should move up a column of cells, 1 at a time, in the following order:

From B10 to B9, then B9 to B8, B8 to B7 etc until the selection and shading is at B2. Once it is at B2 subsequent clicks will simply keep it at B2 (the top). Thus after 8 clicks the shading & selection should travel from B10 to B2, with only 1 cell being shaded yellow and selected at any one time.

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Macro To Color Cells Based On Their Font Color

Jun 18, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that i download from the net daily, which is seperated into columns of information.

I want to be able to look down a column and mark a cell in a seperate column if the cell font text is red.

For example looking down column A ... if the font text of a1 is red then mark the cell background colour of T1 red - if a2 text colour is red then mark the cell T2 red .... etc etc.

If the font colour in a1 or a2 ... etc etc is any other colour then do nothing.

I have 5 columns I wish to look down and mark in 5 seperate columns - I have tried to do this by conditional formating but don't know the fomula for checking font colour.

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Excel 2010 :: Color Fill A Range Of Cells If Specific Cells Not Blank

Feb 7, 2013

I am using Excel 2010 and basically i am trying to fill a range of cell with a green color if any value was enter in a specific cells. Example: I would like to fill range: A10:c13 with a green color (regardless of the cells content in this range) if a value was entered in cell C10 or C11 or C12 or C13.

I've tried conditional formatting but unfortunately I'll have to apply formatting for every cell and for a range of over hundred cells is not efficient.

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Coloring Cells By Conditions?

Nov 13, 2011

With a range of cells (a1:ao41) I want to color several cells depending on the value of that particular cell and another color when that particular and a corresponding cell have both the same value. It's some sort of sociogram The first row and column both contains names of students. Let say the students have to choose the three most populair ones to work with and the three most unpopulair ones. Positive ones get the color blue, negative ones get the color yellow. That's easy to do with conditional formatting. But now comes the tricky part. If for instance Student 3 chooses Student 7 and Student 7 chooses Student 3 the color of both cells have to be green if both positive and red if both negative. That's also do-able with conditional formatting, but it most be much easier to do with VBA. I just don't know how .

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Highlight Row When Conditions In Two Cells Are Met?

Mar 14, 2012

How do you highlight a row when conditions in two cells of that row are met? For example, I have a spreadsheet with a STATUS column ($A) and a TYPE column ($E). When the status is "open" and the type is "1", I want the row to be green. But when the status changes to "closed" I want the row to be a different color or no color at all. How do I do this?

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Copying Cells Under Certain Conditions Using VBA

Apr 16, 2008

I have found several forums with this question but none of them seem work/fit my needs

What I need to do is look in Sheet1 at column 'B' begining at row '15' (row 14 is table header) and if the cell contains "Yes" then copy 3 cell directly to the right (C15:E15 in the case of the first row) into Sheet2 into cells B15:D15 then do the same for row 16 and so on up to row 600

Creating a cut down copy of the Sheet1 which does not contain the row which determines if it should be copied.

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VBA Formatting Cells With More Than 3 Conditions

Aug 13, 2006

I have a spreadsheet which I need more than 3 conditions to the formatting - is there anyway of doing this in VBA!!! Its for a holiday chart that i'm doing - some of the items they can enter into one cell is: B (Bank Holiday) / 1 (1 days holiday) / TR ( Training day) / SL (Study Leave) / 0.5 (half day hols) and more.

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Format Cells On Conditions

Jul 12, 2007

I have a Macro that when run checks for the lowest value in a line & highlights that line. It works just as it should, infact it works better than I had planded. When I update a cell value and move to the next cell it changes the highlight.

Option Explicit

Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, _
Selection.FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
Cells(1, 1) = "Updated " & Now
Cells(1, 1).Select
End Sub

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Color Cells Based On Adjacent Cells Being Empty & Add Text

Apr 2, 2008

I’m trying to make my life a bit easier, by adding a few macros and formulas to the spreadsheet (Everything was done completely manually before I got here!!!).
What I would like to do is take two columns, which contain a start and end time for work shifts, and colour them GREEN once I have entered a name in the Worker column (Along side the two with the time), and also to fill a cell with a Yes or a No. I’m aware of auto conditioning, and I’ve tried to have a play to get this to work, but I just can’t work it out.
I have posted a link to an image which shows what I want. I hope I've explained it well enough!

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Dictionary - Deleting Cells With Some Conditions

Jul 13, 2013

I have a VBA code which checks the value of two cells in "Sheet2", and when these values are in the fourth column of "Sheet4", then dictionary is saved and after that VBA delete Entire Rows in "Sheet4" which consists these values.

Please find the code below:

Sub dictionary1()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim dico1 As Scripting.Dictionary
Set dico1 = New Dictionary

[Code] .....

Now I wonder how to add more conditions like for example: "Delete all rows in "Sheet4" which have for instance in the 6th column text "Hello" AND which have in the 7th column value greater than 10". How can I change the existing code?

This is of course just an example, but the underlying question is how can I add to these dictionaries more conditions. Of course, we can still use "Sheet2" to add some value which we want dictionary to store.

I want to use for this only dictionaries because spreadsheet is large and filtering doesn't work at all...

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Highlight Cells With Multiple Conditions

Jun 27, 2014

So I need highlighting certain cells. I have a sheet that keeps track of people's points over a series of races to determine who will make the "team". The team is selected one at a time based on the most points, starting with the leftmost column and working right. What I would like to do is highlight the highest score in each column (which I know how to do) but then tell the sheet to ignore all the other numbers in that same row. That way if the person with the most points in column one (M in my sheet) also has the most in column two (N in my sheet) Excel will ignore that number in the second column and highlight the next highest number.

I'll attach my file so there is a visual reference : ODN Points.xlsx‎

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Count Data In Cells Using Two Different Conditions

Nov 3, 2009

I have a need for a formula that is able to count the data in column that coresponds to data in another column.

Example work sheet attahced for a quikie look.

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Countif Both Conditions In A Row Of 2 Cells Exists

Jul 15, 2006

example of what I'm trying to do:
"if the number in G6 is <800 and H6 is >=20 then count the row as 1"

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Count And Sum Cells Meeting Two Conditions

May 20, 2007

I'm working out a schedule for work. Row 1 contains 31 days(columns), Row 2 28 days, Row 3 31 days...and so on for the 12 months of the year.

I've formatted each Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Holiday with color. Fridays are blue, Saturdays are green, Sundays are yellow, and Holidays are red. Monday-Thursday are no color.

Next, I fill in each day with an employee name.

Now the hard part...I want to count the number of times an employee name falls on a Monday-Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Holiday. At the bottom of the worksheet I'd like to see something like this:

Friday 4 (total number of days jones is in a blue box)
Saturday 5 (...on a green box...and so on...)
Sunday 3
Holiday 2
Monday-Thursday 50

For each employee name. Sounds easy, right? I can't get it to work!

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Populating Cells When There Are Duplicate Conditions

Oct 22, 2008

if the state, city and company name are the same, I need to make sure the address gets populated in the address column. I have included an attached sheet to clear this up.

For example,

Row 1 is Crazy Horse Saloon in Anchorage, AK and has an address and phone number
Row 2 is Crazy Horse Saloon in Anchorage, AK and does not have an address and phone number

I need it to be able to realize that the State, City, and Business all match and populate the missing information.

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Read Conditions From Cells On Worksheet?

Apr 20, 2012

I understand that if I want to do sumifs with an "or" condition, I do something like

=SUM(SUMIFS(A:A,B:B, {"Condition1", Condition2"}))

I have a lot of conditions, so I'm wondering whether there's any way I can read the the conditions from cells on a worksheet, so I don't have to type them in manually. In other words, I'd like to have the things inside the "{ }" be cell refrences.

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Counting Cells With Certain Number Conditions

May 9, 2012

I need to count all the cells in columns H, I, and J that contain a number either less than -.5 or greater than .5.

Separately, I also need to count all the cells in columns H, I, and J that contain a number either less than -.5 or greater than .5 if the corresponding cell in column G is not empty.

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