Countif Both Conditions In A Row Of 2 Cells Exists

Jul 15, 2006

example of what I'm trying to do:
"if the number in G6 is <800 and H6 is >=20 then count the row as 1"

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COUNTIF With Two Conditions

Feb 11, 2010

I am trying to create a COUNTIF formula which will work with two conditions. If you see the attached spreadsheet you will find the data that I am trying to apply a formula to. I have my data in the table on the right. The table on the left is supposed to show the number which the number of destinations that had a certain range of visitors.

As you will see that there are 3 destinations that had 12 or more million visitors, this was counted using a basic COUNT IF formula but for the rest of my data how can I apply the formula so that the correct number of destinations are counted. For example what formula would be needed to count the number of destinations that have had 8-11.9 million visitors. I am guessing that the formula will have the conditions ">=8" and "<=11.9"?

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Countif With Conditions From Two Columns?

Dec 5, 2013

I have coded data for age range in one column and for answering yes or no to a question in a different column. I need a formula that will count the number of yes answers for each coded age range.

a= 14-15 years old, b=16-17, ect.

Column One Column Two
age(coded) Yes or No
a Y
a N
b N
c Y
a Y
b N

I need to be able to count the number of yeses for each coded age. If the formula works it should give me the following output given the sample data above.

14-15 year olds output with the data above would be 2

16-17 year olds output would be 0.

How would I write this formula? I tried countif and sumproduct (though admittedly sumproduct I don't know at all and just tried to find a similar situation and tried it with my spreadsheet).

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Countif Nested Conditions

Aug 28, 2007

I just need it to be able to test two seperate conditions on two seperate columns but i cant work out how its done

for example, i have two columns on a sheet, one called type and one area, both are text, i need to count how many items of one type are in a particular area. so if i have two columns "area" and "type" i want a total count of how many rows contain area="north" and type="b"

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Countif Multiple Conditions....

Nov 16, 2008

I have a table like this:

Name (A).....Date-in (B)....Date-out (C)

I want to count the rows (in the entire table) that B and C dates intersect with a reference dates (say J1 and J2).

It is a booking table so I want to know if the apartment is available for the reference dates (i.e. no bookings for that days).

I tried first a simple double conditional to know if a date is inside two dates but it didn't work:


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Countif With Multiple Conditions?

Apr 14, 2009

In my Sheet "List" I have list of persons working on different projects.
I prepared graph after putting conditions on Project Type, Project Size, Project Year & Position (PM Project Manger). Every thing was done a in a nice manner with the help of below formula.

PJ TYPE , PJSIZE, PJYEAR, POSITION are ranges names.


But the problem was occured that in a year if a person work on small project more than once then he will be counted only once. But if he has worked in same year on Medium or Larage project then they will be counted separately. I tried to oversome the problem with the help of Pivot Table and put manually some legend P1, P2 & P3 against the person name if he is working on same type of project in same year. then count only P1 in my formula to count how many Project Manager worked on Project. like


Now i am trying that in a separate columm of # of PM there must be a formula which only put P or 1 for a person if he is working on same project in a year but i want that p or 1 only appear against his first entry i duplicate. for other persons it automatically enter 1 or p if they are appearing only once. i have tried a lot while using countif with multiple conditions but all in vain.

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Simulating CountIf With 2 Conditions?

Apr 23, 2013

I've come across this page around simulating a countif with two conditions. Instead of two 'equal to' statements though, one is a 'less than' statement, and something does not seem to be right - I am not sure if I am getting the syntax wrong but am currently just getting #VALUE! across all cells I try and use.

Currently I have;


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COUNTIF Formulas To Calculate Different Conditions

Apr 2, 2008

I am using =COUNTIF formulas to calculate different conditions. such as, calculating how much of one product do we have and how much is is received under 30 days. i want to combine those formulas in one cell to calculate two conditions in different columns.

1-So first i found out the date difference. I used =DATEDIF(Sheet1!C10,Sheet1!E10,"d")

2-Then I found out how many of one type do we carry, using the =COUNTIF.

3-That was easy, But now i have to sepereate them into 30 or less, 60 days or less, 90 days or less.
Then i used =COUNTIF(D2:D3810,"

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Excel 2010 :: Countif For Given Month And With Given 2 Conditions

Mar 20, 2014

MS Excel Version : 2010
Attached File name : countif for 2 conditons a given month.xlsx

I want to a count with given 2 conditions AA11 / BB22 and xxx / yyy according to the month in yellow cells.

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Countif Multiple Conditions: Look At Two Columns And Set A Criteria To Count

Jan 15, 2010

I want to be able to look at two columns and set a criteria to count. I want to look at column A and if its blank then look at column B and if it has a value of more than 0 then count.

1 1.00
2 Yes 4.78
4 5.00
5 Yes 4.89
6 11.99

So this example would count 3

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Countif (check The Data For The Following Conditions, If It Meets The Crirteria Then Place A 1 In Columns)

Aug 22, 2009

the traditional count if statement doesnt return what I need. I have an array of values that need to be checked.

Column: A B C D E
Data: .25 .49 .18 (Criteria 1 Result) (Criteria 2 Result)

What I need to do is check the data for the following conditions and if it meets the crirteria I need excel to place a 1 in column D or E.

Criteria 1
If any of the coulmn data contains a value less than .5 I need a 1 placed in column D

Criteria 2
If any of the column data contains a value greater than .5 but less than 1.0, I need a 1 placed in Column E. I tried using an IF/ Count If statement, but cant seem to get it to return the result I need.

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Test X Conditions In Conditional Formatting: Highlight Cells Is Two Conditions Are Met

Oct 17, 2007

I would like to highlight cells is two conditions are met:Cell = 0Offset(0,-1)>0I tried the conditional format wizard and entered a formula: =IF(AND($J2=0,$I2>0)) But I keep receiving formual errors, which I understand, because it appears to be incomplete formula. But I am not sure what else I need to add to the formula in the conditional format wizard

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Automatically Populate Cells If Value Exists Within Range

Mar 22, 2013

I need to summarize some information from a different worksheet. Worksheet A(WS-A) is the summary and worksheet B (WS-B) is the source of information. On WS-B I have a range of values under the title "Materials" which I use to put together an estimate. This range has about 25 rows and not all of them are populated depending on the needs of the particular job.

If it matters, the Materials cells are populated by a drop down "list" from yet another worksheet. On the summary (WS-A) I want to show only the cells from WS-B that have a value in them so that if, within the Materials worksheet, there are only 6 rows that have data in them...only those 6 rows are shown on the summary worksheet.

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How To Check Whether A Text Exists In A Group Of Cells

May 5, 2009

What I want is to find out whether a value in a node can be found from a group of other nodes. I've tried lupike this, but it doesn't seem to work properly.


I guess one solution could have been using concatenate function, but why on earth can't I use the function like this: concatenate(A1:A5)? Why do I have to put each term individually?

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Compare Cells And If Exists Display Cell Value?

Sep 10, 2012

I need a formula that will look at cell A1 and compare it against column B, if it finds it, show that value, if not, show "not found".

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Find Cell That Contains Certain Text And If It Exists Compare 2 Other Cells

Jun 25, 2013

I've a spreadsheet and I need to find cells in Column A that contains certain text and subsequently being able to compare the data in 2 other cells (column F and Column J) and post the results of comparison in Column L. Please see the tables below:

In this table, if Range("A1") contains abc, then data in Range("f1") would be compared against Range("J1"). If F1 = J1, then Range("L1") would say "ok" otherwise "needs to check" as in Rows 2.

Please note that the amount of data varies daily.

Column F
Column L



needs to check


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Countif Statement: Count The Number Of Cells That Have A Value Greater Than 0 In A Range Of Cells

Jun 23, 2009

How do I count the number of cells that have a value greater than 0 in a range of cells?

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Color Cells Based On Multiple Conditions Of Different Cells

Jan 15, 2008

I’m trying to change color in cell B9 according to different conditions in Cell C9 (than on b10 according to c10 and so long until necessary - probably will be around 2000 lines). Since there are more than 3 conditions and in two cases condition depends on the color of the C Column, I can not use conditional formatting. I’ve searched and found similar forums here, but since I’m ignorant in VBA code, I couldn’t manage to make adjustments. So if you can help me with the code, I would really appreciate it!

Condition and Results required would be:

IF column C = “S” than on Column B = color cell light blue with white border
IF column C = “P” than on Column B = color cell Green with white border
IF column C = “A” than on Column B = color cell Yellow with white border
IF column C = “L” than on Column B = color cell Red with white border
IF column C = “C” than on Column B = color cell Dark Blue with white border
IF column C = “ ” than on Column B = color cell white
IF column C = “V” and has white background than on Column B = color cell white
IF column C = “V” and has a Dark Grey background than on Column B = color cell Dark Grey

I don’t know if the last two are feasible.

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CountIf Across Two Cells

Dec 14, 2013

What i want to do is count but only if another cell meets a certain criteria,,

Let me explain better,,what i want to do is count the number of 'Completed' cases by each individual, i.e. count if the cell A1 = Completed and B1 = Kevin and the same for 'Pete'

I'm sure i need some sort of nested =IF AND formula but just can't think how the nesting should look.

Parked Kevin
Started John
With AdviserPete
With AdviserPete
Started John
Started John

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Sum And Countif From Two Cells

Apr 21, 2009

I have a formula =IF(AND(F14=3,G14<2)=TRUE,1,"") which is in cell J14. I also want to 'add' to this formula an 'or statement' (I am not sure of the terminology, so taking a shot in the dark). So it would continue to complete the calculation as normal, but if there is a '1' in K14 it would also output in J14 as a 1

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CountIf Cells Are A Certain Colour?

May 1, 2009

Can I use a CountIf formula to count coloured cells that have been formatted? I tried to use a CountIf formula to count the % but because some of the warning and failing % are different that would distort my results.

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CountIF Visible Cells Only

Aug 17, 2009

I've setup a worksheet whereby rows can be Autofiltered between a start and finish date via a Userform which (after much mucking about with UK/US dates) seems to be working nicely now. With the results of the Autofilter, i wish to count certain entries (in this case entries that are in column F) in the remaining visible rows.

The Workbook is about 'Cases' worked, and column F relates to how the 'Case' is cleared (Call, Letter, Referral). Effectively I want to be able to count 'Call', 'Letter' and 'Referral' entries once the Autofilter has been applied.

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Countif Reference Two Cells

Nov 20, 2009

i have this formula:

A2 refers to a cell to complete the indirect query (DCA_RES) which refers to another range in the workbook.

Now I want to have count if A2&"_INIT" is "BB" AND if A2&"RES" is "YES"

So that I get the amount of records of resolved queries (Yes) that match my Initials (BB).

I cant think of a different formula that might work?

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CountIf Cells Which Contain Same Number

Sep 5, 2013

I have thousands of cells which contains 11 digit numeric number as primary key (suppose 19131804002). Now I want to count the cell if it contains first 4 numeric number is same (as here 1913).

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Using COUNTIF Function Across Different Cells

Apr 23, 2006

I'm trying to count the number of times a pupil gets a detention which has been rescheduled.

In the main worksheet below I want to be able to count instances like the one on row 11 where John Smith has had a rescheduled detention.

I want to be able to connect this rescheduled detention to John Smith on a different worksheet in the same workbook. On the screenshot below I would like to have Column D as a running total of rescheduled detentions.

I have tried all sorts of permutations of the COUNTIF function but without success.

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Countif For Non Matching Cells

Aug 13, 2006

How do I write a nested COUNTIF formula ( assigning a value of 1 for each cell) for a range of cells that does NOT contain "", "OFF", or "REQ OFF" ?

For example:

A row of 20 cells (A1:A20), 5 are blank (""), 3 contain the text "OFF", 4 contain the text "REQ OFF", and the rest contain anything other than the three values just mentioned.

I need a sum number for all the cells in that row that contain any other value. In this example, the output value should be 8. Out of 20 cells in the row, a total of 12 cells had either "", OFF, REQ OFF, and the remaining 8 had some other value that did not equal those.

Some sort of COUNTIF(AND(... Can't seem to figure this one out.

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Countif In Alternate Cells

Jun 19, 2007

I have a table of data that is laid out in multiples of two columns. I have attached a simplified example. Essentially all I need to do is count the contents of every second cell when it equals a specific value. If you look at my attached example it will be clearer. how I can do this using formula? (I don't want to use VBA in this instance).

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Formula To Display Column Header As Result When Any Value Exists In Cells Under Column

Jul 25, 2014

I am trying to write a formula where the column header of the row in which a value other than 0 exists, will display for each instance (row) where a value exists in an array spanning 3 columns. So the result cell could be any of the three column headers, or a combination thereof.

I started the formula in P2 of the GL Detail-2012 tab. File attached.

Here is what I started: =INDEX($M$1:$O$1,SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF($M$2:$O$67756,))). Not working.

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Pulling Data Associated With Countif Cells

May 14, 2014

I am tracking 3 different payment types, and the employee, customer and dollar amount for the transactions that can not be verified. All of this data is then transferred over the the "Summary" sheet. I found the Countif formula that will tell me how many times an employee names appears on the sheet, but I was wondering if it were possible to also calculate the dollar amount associated with those transactions.

I have attached the spreadsheet to better explain what I am talking about, but below is a very small example. I do not want to calculate the info on this page, but rather add another 2 cells next to where the number of unclaimed and the % of unclaimed are calculated on the "Summary" sheet. Sample spreadsheet2.xlsx

1 Date EmployeeCustomer $
2 1-Jan MonicaJohn Doe $65.00
3 2-Jan AshleyJane Doe $85.00
4 3-Jan MonicaJustin Doe $15.00
5 4-Jan MonicaJessica Doe $135.00
6 5-Jan AshleyJeremy Doe $100.00
7 6-Jan CheriJustine Doe $50.00
8 7-Jan CheriJace Doe $450.00
9 8-Jan JudyJackie Doe $50.00
10 9-Jan MonicaJake Doe $65.00
11 10-Jan JudyJennifer Doe$85.00

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Countif Left Cells Are Blank?

May 19, 2014

how to set up a formula that would count the number of numbers in a column, only if the cells before those cells are blank. In plain English: total the number of occurences in each column, provided the value in cellrow is the first occurence in that row starting at column A. E.G


Count would return under Column A, 1; under Column B, 1; (because row John has a value in AJohn it is ignored), under Column C, 2; under Column D, 0.

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