Using the following code to remove empty rows based on whether a specific range of columns is empty. The code works if the cell has a zero, but not when the cell is blank. An example of the data is attached.
VB: Public Sub DelRows2() Dim Cel As Range, searchStr, FirstCell As String Dim searchRange As Range, DeleteRange As Range
Can someone pls. assist me with obtaining an Excel or VBA solution for joining data from across a range of cells/columns into one cell? The single cell containing the intended output has to include the name of the source(s) that are noted on the header column and the price corresponding to each source but would exclude the sources which did not have pricing data. Example of logic is noted below:
Cells B1 - D1 contains names of pricing sources. Cells B2 - D2 contain prices from these pricing sources. Intended output: Cell E2 would have the names of all the pricing sources that had prices as well as their corresponding prices; but would exclude those that didn't.
Lastly, pls. see attached Excel file for format of data and intended output in Column E.
I have a Sheet which gathers data from another Sheet in the same Workbook, then uses that data to produce more output. However at it's smallest it is only 2 rows of data deep and 2 columns of data wide, and at it's greatest it is 100 rows deep by 48 columns wide.
I would like to display only the relevant output by "Unhiding" the completed rows and columns.
After headings etc the rows start at 28 and the columns at N.
I have written the following which works for the rows but nothing happens with the columns,
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() Dim MyRange As Range Dim MyRow As Integer
Set MyRange = Range("a28")
MyRow = MyRange.Row If MyRange.Value > 0 Then Rows(MyRow).Select Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = False End If
Set MyRange = MyRange.Offset(1, 0) Loop Until MyRow = 128 End Sub...
I have a range called List that has 3 columns of data:
Corporate Human Resources Services PMA Corporate Procurement Director Ops Central Customer Services Lost Property Office Ops Travel Information Travel Info Call Ctr Ops Travel Information Centres Travel Info Centres
I have 3 columns on the entry sheet called Business Unit (Col A), Department(Col B) and Sub-Department (Col C). I want to limit the choice in column B to based on the selection in Column A in the form of a drop-down list e.g choosing Corporate gives a list of Human Resources Services; Procurement.
I am using the list option for field validation and the following formula in cell B2: =INDIRECT(VLOOKUP(A2,List,2,0)). I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong as I don't get a list of options just a blank cell. Do I need to use a different formula other than VLOOKUP..?
My question, and it's my first one here, is regarding the use of ListViews in Excel forms. I need to populate it with a range of several columns with data from a spreadsheet.
i have is 3 sheets in the same excel document. Sheet 1 is the mater sheet, which is a compilation of sheets 2 and 3, however the sheet layouts are different.
The sheets consist of a list of names and details. Sheet 1 has all the names in the list, however sheet 2 and 3 only have partial lists that are in a different order from the original list. The details listed next to the names in sheets 2 and 3 are different and hence a straight forward row copy and paste will not work.
What i need is to write a vba script that can take the name from the master list, search sheets 2 and 3 for the name and lookup the variables placed in next to the name, then update the master sheet accordingly, then continue to the next name on the master sheet and do the update again, and so on until all is updated. I have already thought about using lookup functions in excel however there is 1000 names on the list and around 60 details so it would be messy.
I have a spread sheet that I pull data from different columns on a particular row. The problem is the code I used works great as long as the column never moves from its current location. Is there a way to use a named range to make the following piece of code work, so no matter how many columns are added or deleted the data is pulled correctly?
I am trying to automate a process where a series of numbers would get populated according the range values. Also I am trying to get the automation to pick up the next range when finished with first one and continue with the task.
Here's what I have as start info and where I want to get to.
I have a workbook that has worksheeets for every day of the month. The data in the worksheet consists of columns (employee #, name, clock in/out times, and break penalty).
What I am trying to do is create another worksheet that searches all the other worksheets for a "yes" in the "break penalty" column and then create a list of all the employees that received a break penalty for the entire month. I would like this to be able to auto populate throughout the month as data is entered and not have to use a filter every time I want to compile this list.
I have been researching this for 3 days and I cannot find a solution. I have City, State information in A1. I also have City, State information in B1. I need to put them into City (D1) and State (E1).
I have a worksheet with 20+ columns. For this macro, I only need to focus on 4 of them. However, none of these columns are ever in a fixed position so the macro would need to find them by name and NOT by column position. Here they are...
1. Vacation Type (will only have a text value of either "Cold" or "Warm")
2. Vacation Started (will always have a date *x/xx/xxxx)
3. Vacation Ended (sometimes it will have a date '*x/xx/xxxx' and sometimes it will NOT have a date and will be truly blank)
4. Number of Days (currently has ALL truly blank cells)
Here's what I would like the macro to do...
Scenario 1 - for "Cold" values Find "Cold" text values in the "Vacation Type" column
"Cold" values WITH a date in the "Vacation Ended" columnIF there IS a date in the "Vacation Ended" column in the same row, put the number of days difference between the "Vacation Started" column and "Vacation Ended" column in the "Number of Days" column.
The amount of days in the "Number of Days" column will determine whether these cells should be highlighted GREY or RED.
Scenario 1-AIF the number of days difference is 7 days or less, highlight the cells in the "Vacation Ended" column and "Number of Days" column RED.
OR… Scenario 1-BIF the number of days difference is MORE than 7 days, highlight the cells in the "Vacation Ended" column and "Number of Days" column GREY..................................
I am trying to write a macro that will take data from column A and use it as a column header in column C, and then take the corresponding data in column B and list it under the column header in column C. When the value in column A changes it will move on to column D and then list the corresponding data from column B underneath it in column D until all of the data in the 2 columns is spread across the worksheet. Example:..............
I am attempting to make a range of cells' data be deleted if a cell outside of that range that had a name in it is no longer there. So if I have a list of names in cells A1:A6 and a range of data in cells D10:E20 that corresponds to a name in cell A2. If the name in A2 is deleted I would want the data in D10:E20 to be deleted.
I have a large database of research data where the first column contains different categories (labelled as I, II, III, IV, V, and VI). For each row there is a data value in the second column that is numeric. What I need to do is move the data so that the data are displayed in 6 columns with the data values listed each column heading according to the category label. In the example I've shown there are 6 different categories, but the number of categories (and hence the number of columns in the final resulting sheet) will change for different data sets that I'm using. Also note the the number of cases for each different category is different (so that each column will not be even in terms of the number of rows of data under each column heading). I hope I've been able to explain what I'm looking for clearly.
I've attached a sample file showing the sample data input that I have on one sheet, and then the desired re-tablulated outcome on the second. I have done this using the auto-filter function and copy/paste, but this will take far too long for the larger datasets I'm working with.
Column A is numbered 1 -100 successively Column B thru D contains data that goes with the assigned number in column A. I need to be able to move rows of data in column B through D to a different set of rows all at the same time (not one cell at a time) without disturbing the set numbers in column A. And with that, have all the other rows of data automatically adjust accordingly(not to be deleted or replaced).
I have two columns one is web addresses and the other is email addresses but the rows do not line up. I was hoping that since the second half of the email address matches the web address I could somehow sort them so that the email address column and web address column match up. Here is an example but keep in mind that this list is about 9k long and this is just a sampling so you may not see any in this example that match. Also I may have more than one email address per website.
I'm trying to find an easier way of summing alternate columns without having to pick each cell out individually.
i.e. the example table below I could easily do A2+C2 and B2+D2 - in reality my table is much wider so I'd rather not have to go along and add up 50+ columns.
I am trying to create a line graph that will incorporate multiple columns of data in one series of data. The reason I do not place all of the data in one column is because it could exceed the maximum amount of rows allowed in excel. Also I need the data split up for viewing purposes.
I can easily just graph one column but how do I combine all the columns into one line graph with the data being in separate columns. Basically all the columns will be my Y values and X values are just 1:n.
Example Below:
Column AColumn B Column C159261037114812
Now in the example all of the values are x values.
Custid loc city 123 us newyork 124 uk wales 876 in mumbai Sheet 2 custid newcustomerid 123 756 124 394
Outputsheet: Custid loc city 756 us newyork 394 uk wales 876 in mumbai
So it will check sheet1 custid with sheet2 custid. If both matches it will replace custid with newcustid.if cust id not exists it will load sheet1 recprds as usual.
I am searching for a formula that will evaluate a criteria that would be entered into a cell. I then need the total from the columns up to the point the criteria is met.
A simple example below. The criteria is in (what would be B1). Since that criteria was entered then the sum of the values in columns B, C, & D would be totaled. Excluding column E, or 516. If the value was changed to July-14, then 516 would be included in the sum.
I am trying to use defined range names in a vlookup function. The target ranges contain non-adjacent columns. The formula wizard gives me an error msg "#value" and the vlookup returns #N/A.
i'm trying to do some analyzing on an excel sheet and was seeing if there was a function that I could use to speed this up.
So in the file... I want to Group what's in Column A So the 1's together and the 2's together... Once that is selected I want to know what the largest number in Column C is...
So if the function can select 1 in column A then tell me that 10 is the biggest number in Column C....