Move Data From 2 Columns Into Multiple Columns At Each Change
Feb 2, 2008
I am trying to write a macro that will take data from column A and use it as a column header in column C, and then take the corresponding data in column B and list it under the column header in column C. When the value in column A changes it will move on to column D and then list the corresponding data from column B underneath it in column D until all of the data in the 2 columns is spread across the worksheet. Example:..............
I found this code on Ozgrid to sort all columns of a worksheet that were continuous with no gaps or spaces that works well:
Sub CopyToA() Do While ActiveCell <> "" Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlDown)).Cut Destination:=Range("a65535").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select Loop End Sub
However, I've tried to manipulate the code myself to 1) find all columns that aren't empty then 2) sort each column individually (WITHOUT expanding the sort to other columns) and 3) combining all the numbers into one seperate column. There are many posts concerning sorting but not one that addressed this particular situation.
I am trying to move information that is pulled from a database to look cleaner and easier to read. All of the information exports out into column A only. The attachment is a brief example of what it looks like, and what I’m trying to get it to look like.
I want to move the data in col A to 5 columns C through G in groups of 16 rows. Once the last column is filled with a group of 16, it needs to fill below the first group of 16 in column B onward to column F. It should repeat this process until there is no more data in A. The attachment shows it much better than i can explain it.
I have some basic experience with formulas and macros, but I haven’t had any luck trying to manipulate any of them to give me the information the way I have shown. I would prefer to not have to manually type or cut and past the information in if possible.
I saw this thread from June Cut & Paste Macro: Move Address From Column To Row and I think this what I would like to have my macro do. I have one column which is copied and pasted as text in excel and there is several blank rows.
I attached the spreadsheet example - it has 40 lenders, with the top row being the lender name (A1), followed by address(A2), city-state (A3), two blank rows(A4-A5), lender type (A6), approved date (A7), one blank row (A8), lender specialty (A9), telephone (A10) , e-mail address(A11) and two blanks rows (A12-A13) and A14 starts over again. For this example there should be 8 columns and 40 rows (lender name, address, etc...). As I mentioned I think the previous thread's macro would work with some minor tweaks. I couldn't figure out the best way to handle the blank rows and or remove the blanks and what to add or take out of the macro code.
I am using excel 2007. I have data which, instead of being posted on multiple columns, is all within 1 column. The data most simply has the characteristics of:
AAA AAA - description BBB BBB - description CCC CCC - description and so on..
I would like to move the descriptions from column A to column B: AAA AAA - description BBB BBB - description CCC CCC - description and so on...
Column A is numbered 1 -100 successively Column B thru D contains data that goes with the assigned number in column A. I need to be able to move rows of data in column B through D to a different set of rows all at the same time (not one cell at a time) without disturbing the set numbers in column A. And with that, have all the other rows of data automatically adjust accordingly(not to be deleted or replaced).
I have an excel workbook with 8 worksheets. Each worksheet has vertical columns (approx 250 columns per sheet) of numeric data. Is there a function or macro that will combine all of this data into one vertical column without having to individually cut and paste each one into the new column?
I want to create a chart where I have 5 clustered columns, repeating 4 times(weeks). Each column(total invoices entered per user) has a error rate, which I would like to display as a line graph with markers. In other works, first column has its own line, second column has its own line etc. this spans the 4 weeks. When I create the chart now, ALL 5 the line markers are placed in the same one column. I can not move the line marker to sit on top of the column it is associated with.
How can you move data from multiple columns into a single column? I have attached a short example of the data I receive. (In reality, the data could be hundreds of columns and/or hundreds of rows, but this is representative of what I might receive). It does not need to be sorted and including the header row in its own column is optional. I do not know VBA all that well but can muddle through it if someone can give me an example of what the code should look like.
I have a large database of research data where the first column contains different categories (labelled as I, II, III, IV, V, and VI). For each row there is a data value in the second column that is numeric. What I need to do is move the data so that the data are displayed in 6 columns with the data values listed each column heading according to the category label. In the example I've shown there are 6 different categories, but the number of categories (and hence the number of columns in the final resulting sheet) will change for different data sets that I'm using. Also note the the number of cases for each different category is different (so that each column will not be even in terms of the number of rows of data under each column heading). I hope I've been able to explain what I'm looking for clearly.
I've attached a sample file showing the sample data input that I have on one sheet, and then the desired re-tablulated outcome on the second. I have done this using the auto-filter function and copy/paste, but this will take far too long for the larger datasets I'm working with.
Column A | Column B | Column C Los Angeles | Fire Dept | 3 Los Angeles | Health Services | 12 New York | Fire Dept | 8 New York | Health Services | 22 New York | Internal Services | 100 New York | Public Works | 7 Chicago | Health Services | 15 Chicago | Public Works | 56 Chicago | Social Services | 4
And I am trying to make it look like this:
Fire Dept Health Services Internal Services Public Works Social Services
Date Product Pass Fail Repair Group Product 1 P F R Group Product 2 P F R Group Product 3
I currently have raw data in Sheet 2
On sheet 1 would like to get the summary of the data as posted in the picture... unfortunately there are "groups" in the raw data and I need them separated and conformed to get an accurate picture.
I have a big table with a lot of data in it. I basically want to get rid of all of the empty cells, so that all the data that is there for the one person is all next to each other.
All the people's names are in a row for themselves so the empty cells would have to move to the left.
So, I have a column with data on rows as follows below. I need to arrange the data below in such a way that I have on first column the company name, second column the contact person and so on depending on what data is found (tel, e-mail, website).
The data is on rows and I have separated each company/group of data with a row between them. There are in total aprox 200 companies/groups of data that I need to arrange as explained above.
I have tried with transpose but I have to manually do it 200 times. I have tried with an indirect formula but the companies/groups of data do no have same amount of info/rows e.g. some lack the phone number or other data.
if there is a method to save the time and not arrange them manually.
Actinote Contact: Toine Kets Managing Director Str. Tache Ionescu 3, Et. 5, Apt. 10
If the row contains a text like ABC in multiple columns in a sheet it has to copy the whole column from that sheet and paste special into another sheet.
I have a table with one column of data. The data in this column repeats with 4 relevant pieces of information that I want to put in 4 different columns (fields) in a different spread sheet (or the same would work better and I would just delete the first column when done) keeping the same order the data is now in. The data currently repeats in a regular pattern (i.e. 123412341234 with no other data in between). I would like to do this with a macro. Could someone help write a macro that will do this
I am using Excel 2010 and need a macro that can convert data from rows to columns. I have read several posts about this subject but have no experience with macros and don't know how to change the macros to fit my scenario.
There are up to 4 vehicles/locations per account number, and I need 1 account number per row (the dots above are for spacing only and not part of the actual data).
I could do this manually but because I have so many rows of data it could take days or weeks. Is there a macro out there that can do this??
I have the following code to check and see if the user enters a number into a specific column. If so, and if the number is too high, the routine will automatically lower it to an acceptable number. However, I am wondering, is there not a simpler way to do this, besides using a bunch of OR statements?
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Column = 2 Or Target.Column = 4 Or Target.Column = 6 Or Target.Column = 8 Or Target.Column = 10 Or Target.Column = 12 Then Application.EnableEvents = False If IsNumeric(Target.Value) = True And Target.Value >= 105.6 Then Target.Value = 105.4 End If Application.EnableEvents = True End If End Sub
This works just fine, but it seems kind of sloppy to me.
I was wondering if there might be a way to put the column numbers into an array, and then simply check if the Target column equals any number in the array. But I do not know how to do that without looping.
I have a sheet which I need to arrange and it looks like -
Column A Column B Column C Column D
the values in Column B, C , D , E & F need to be in new columns based on what we have in Column A associated with "1"
Output should be - Column A Column B Column C
so whatever is in Column A associated with "0" should remain in place whereas whatever is in Colimn A associated with "1" should get added to the new columns. 0 and 1 resembles the 1 Records which are used as a split to normalize the data.
I have a big table with lots of columns for which I want a pivot to sum the data in the columns. Most likely because there are lot of blanks in the data Excel automatic makes a count of the data when I drag it into the pivot table. Now I have to change for each column one by one the Value field settings from count to sum. Is there a way to change the Value field settings for multiple columns at once from count to sum? If not can I somehow change the settings of the pivot table so default the Value field settings will be sum when I drag it into the pivot table?
I have a large spreadsheet that contains and employee number and then up to 5 entries of Dependants (each has its own column). What I need to do is have 1 for each of the dependant information instead of 5 and have multiple rows for the employee if they have more than one dependant.
At the moment I am sorting the data by dep 1 name, pasting the data into a new sheet, deleting all the dep 1 stuff, sorting by dep name 2 and pasting that.........etc.
It doesn’t take too long to do but I just wondered if there might be a quicker way as this will be something I will need to do more often.
I have names is Column A (about 200) and names in Column B (about 800) along with additional info in other columns. Column A was just added to an existing spreadsheet and will be deleted once I accomplish my task. The goal is to come up with the 200 names in column A along with the additional info in the other columns (address, phone) and to delete all of remaining names in B (about 600, 800-200) I'm trying to figure out the most efficient way to do this. I'm not sure if there is a function to match the text in Column A to Column B and at the same time move the row in Column A to match the row the name is located in Column B.
For example John Smith is currently in A1 and John Smith is in B7 and then John's phone number is in C7. I want the John Smith in A1 to move to A7. If I can make that happen for all 200 names I will then delete all rows with no entry in column A.
This is a piece of a spreadsheet meant to track patient Range of Motion performance over a max of 4 weeks. How do I calculate % Improvement [write the formula for column J] to account for the fact that sometimes a patient is discharged after being seen 2 weeks OR 3 weeks or 4 weeks. I don't want to change the formula every time.
The SUMMARY % Improvement in J7 - will be changed to the average of each individual patient % Improvement from column J.
Looks like I need a dynamic range from what I can see from Googling. Do I need to use Offset ?
I would like to take the data from worksheet1 and put into worksheet2 but limit the length of a list (the real spread sheet has over 100 rows and i would like them in 4 sets of 25 versus the example I provided). Is there an array or macro that would make this work (keeping the formatting)..
I have a spreadsheet with 10 columns which are for tags for products. Some columns are filled in for 10 products and some are not. For instance, product 1 has 7 tags while product 2 has only 2 tags and so on. Now what I am looking to do is combine all the tags for each product with a "," inbetween each one. The problem is if I just use a simple =A2&","&B2&","&C2 etc formula is that if there are only 2 tags then I get 8 ","s. I also tried it with an IF statement but by the time I was done nesting items I became cross eyed and said there has to be an easier way to do this.
I have create a spreadsheet with the data and the result that I typed into the "result" column.
The key point is that I have over 400 columns grouped in three, offset by one row down for each (this is due to a different formula I have working). Each column is 60 numbers long (not including empty cells above data). I want to copy all of these columns into a single set of three columns on another sheet (Sheet2). (These will be the fifth, sixth, and seventh columns, E, F, and G. If it would be simpler, I could simply copy the third of each set of columns on Sheet1 (C, F, I) to column G of Sheet2. Then there would be a total of 144 columns being copied (60 numbers per column).) All of this copying has to be values-only as the original columns consist of formulas referencing outside cells. Sheet2 should look like this:.............