Combining 2 Cell Values - Without Losing Data
Dec 4, 2013
I have a data set that I'm trying to sort in order to be efficient for some of my team members.
Below is an example of the raw data and how I've currently got it sorted. I think my problem may be that I am trying to join a number with a string but I'm not positive.
Col A
I need to eliminate the letter from the data, add a leading zero to all single digit numbers and sort ascendingly.
My first step is to split the data into columns using the "-" as a delimiter. I end up with 2 columns as shown below.
Col A
Col B
Next I add a leading zero to Col B. The assumption is there will never be more than 99 numbers, so I use the following code:
Selection.NumberFormat = "00"
To produce:
Col A
Col B
Now all I need to do is rejoin these 2 columns before sorting. My current code is:
Sub Rejoin_Container_Number()
x = 1
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
Do While Cells(x, 2).Value ""
Cells(x, 1).Value = Cells(x, 2).Value & Cells(x, 3).Value
As many have probably already guessed, this produces the following result:
Col A
I'm looking for:
Col A
**zeroes in BOLD for reference only, result does not need to be bold**
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Jun 5, 2013
Collapsing function: I want to select cells that I want merged, and have them COLLAPSE into the first cell selected calls
Combining function: OR Select the cells I want merged, and allow me to pick a destination cell for the result COMBINE
I would like to add this functionality to all my spreadsheets in the future.
Excel-Forum-Data Collapsing sample.xls
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Jun 27, 2014
I am trying a macro to merge cell without losing the data until I find a next cell with the data - This merging should be pertain only for the column selected. Is it possible to write a macro and preform this activity.
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Aug 31, 2009
Trying to create a macro that will add the date & time & initials (i.e 8/26/09 2:34 PM JOD) into the current cell.
I've found plenty of macro's that will do this but it ends up deleting any existing text within the cell. I need to be able to add it in the middle of a text string.
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Mar 2, 2012
it should compare and see if product, model for same id is the same but brand is different and the quantity of one or more of those brands=0 then the result (In column F)should combine the brands. check the attached image for more details.
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Nov 26, 2008
I'm having trouble combining some values in cells. For example in cell A1 i have the value 372-25. In cell B1 i want to make A1 part of another value (it is an APN if you must know). So that cell would be 011-372-25-11. I would be adding 011 as a prefix to each cell and 11 as an ending. I'm sure there must be an easy way of doing this.
I have tried
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Feb 8, 2012
I have the follwoing example. Basically, there is an "X" for each posession of Andrew (cells: B1, C2, D3, E4). What I'm trying to do, in another sheet, is centralize the below information in only one row for "Andrew", with an "X" under each of his posessions (all the 4 "X"-es are now in cells B1, C1, D1, E1).
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Mar 31, 2009
I need to make an excel sheet with checkboxes (around 50) which each add a value to 1 cell when clicked.
If you click them again the value should be removed again from the cell.
So lets say I got cell A2 and I got checkbox 1 to 5. Checkbox 1 has value 1 checkbox 2 value 2 etc. up to 5.
So if I click Checkbox 1 and 4, cell A2 should display "5". If I check Checkbox 1 off it should display "4". Now I tried to do this but I really cannot get cell A2 to display "4" again (clicking Checkboxes again just adds another value).
I know why this is the case, I defined checking the checkbox as click, not as "check" but I have no idea how to do this correctly.
Little info:
I have little to no experience in VB but got some programming experience next to it. I am using Excel 2007 (forced to, work).
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Dec 1, 2013
I have the below macro which is failing to insert text into A1 of the Header Sheet, followed by the values in the designated cells that are from Sheet1. I would also like to have the values in cells J2 and K2 enclosed in single quotes.
Sub Header()
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Select
ActiveCell.Value = "create or replace" & " '" & Sheet1.Range("J2").Cell.Value & "' " & " '" Sheet1.Range("K2").Cell.Value & "' "
End Sub
how do I get it into the nicely formatted version most of you are using? The Mr Excel HTML add-in?
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Jul 15, 2009
I want to use a value in one cell as a row designation, and a value in another cell as a column designation. Ultimately, the values will be text which will refer to row and column headers. What formula would allow me to do this? example:
A1 contains B
B1 contains 2
B2 contains "tribbles"
An imaginary function might go like this........
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May 5, 2006
In the attached file (I'm sorry it is zipped, it was just too big), I gave you a snippet of my database. The actual one has 9000+ records. Over in Y4, you'll see the Sum of all the amounts (column X). Run the first macro, that is, Copy Dups, and you'll see it splits the item up by the numbers in column N. This works perfectly (or so it appears.) Then, run the Summary macro (the only other macro in there) and you will see that it pulls the Sums of each spreadsheet and places them on one nice overview page. The summary page. The only problem is, the total of the subtotals on the summary page do not match the total on the main (unadultered) page. I hope i am explaining this right. Somewhere in the macros, I am losing data from my spreadsheets so that the summary page is not equal to the un-macro'd data.
/scratches head
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Nov 14, 2008
I've got two columns:
A, B
abc, def
qwe, rty
asd, fgh
zxc, vbn
And I need to bring these together in one column so it looks like this
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Oct 30, 2013
My data is in column A , Column B and Column C, where are column C has a uniuqe value for certain rows.
Based on these uniques value, column A and Column B should be merged to singe Row without loosing data.
MY Data:
Source address
Destination address
Destination Port
IP Protocol
[Code] .......
Result expecting is :
Source address
Destination address
Destination Port
IP Protocol
[Code] .......
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Sep 20, 2013
How to convert "Excel table" to a range without loosing data connection to access?
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Dec 6, 2006
Is there a way to clear the contents of each cell in a range without losing formulas?
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Jul 9, 2012
The company I work for has kept a list of the types of objects sold with their houses and how many were bought for each customer, via an Excel document. Here's a snapshot - You can see the name of each type of object on the left, with each column afterward representing an individual customer (Each vertical row is one customer) and how many of each item they bought.
We're hoping to make a bar graph of how many of each type of item has been sold. I selected all the titles and columns of numbers and ended up with this, which is almost what we're looking for:
The problem here is that each individual customer has their own line on the graph. The Recessed Can Light one I highlighted is a good example of a lot of people who bought varying amounts of that one item. What I'm looking to do is combine the individual sales for each item and make a single bar for each representing the total sales overall, so we can gauge what the best and worst-selling items are. Is there any way to do this?
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Mar 13, 2013
I have a User Form in which users can enter R,G & B values in 3 seperate Text Boxes in order to change the colour scheme of a worksheet to suit their personal taste.
I have tried combining the 3 values into a string to give, for example, RGB(255, 182, 45)
But, of course, because it is a string variable it is enclosed in quotaion marks and so, when add to a .Interior.Color function, the qutation marks are added too and the macro fails.
I have tried altering with Left, Right, Mid and Trim but cannot get rid of the quotation marks. I also tried converting to Hex but got totally confused there!
code to convert the values in the 3 list boxes (called LBRed, LBGrn and LBBlu) into an RGB value that can be appended to .Interior.Color
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May 10, 2014
I need to have two area charts combined, but they have different x and y values. Is there another way to do this.When I try to combine them in one graph, I can only use one x-axis value.
In the excel sheet the PV needs to be the x-axis.
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Apr 15, 2008
I receive a monthly report containing a list of people, and how much is being paid for certain services. The company that sends me this list is preparing to adjust their rates and it will be retroactive back a few months.
The way they plan on doing it is by means of taking a credit back several months, then "re-paying" the correct rate. The main data will include the month for which the payment (or credit) is being made, the person's unique identifier, as well as the amount.
Here's a sample of what it would look like:
Name, ID, Month, Amount
John Doe, 123, 04012008, 25.00
John Doe, 123, 03012008, -20.00
John Doe, 123, 03012008, 25.00
John Doe, 123, 02012008, -20.00
John Doe, 123, 02012008, 25.00
So basically the above shows they paid $25.00 (correct rate) for April 08, then they took back $20.00 the prior two months (the old rate) and paid the correct rate right afterwards.
In what I need to do, this is going to be a lot of work. Is there a way to programatically merge the amounts given the member's unique ID as the "key field" as well as the same month? So it might look like the following:
Name, ID, Month, Amount
John Doe, 123, 04012008, 25.00
John Doe, 123, 03012008, 5.00
John Doe, 123, 02012008, 5.00
Just giving the sum of the amounts for a the given people in the same month?
I'm pretty good with VBA but this one is stumping me.
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Jan 17, 2013
In A1
In B1:k1
01 02 03 04 12 13 14 23 24 34
I am looking for a formula that will combine each digit together as a 2 digit value
Is this even posible?
The value in A1 could range from a 3 to 9 digit value.
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Sep 21, 2006
I have a spreadsheet that retrieves data from a 3rd party app/database. The data that is returned has two dates..
What I would like to see is..
Date range varies, but usually there are two dates retrieved. Date is pulled and display within A2:A700 Range.
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Apr 18, 2014
I have a table based on transport numbers who sometimes have doubles. Example:
Number Postcode Value1 Value 2...
106200 8500 10
106200 8500 5
106200 8600 6
106201 5500 4
106202 4000 1
106202 4000 1
So it works as following:
A transportnumber can have multiple instances of itself, such as 106200. This transport number can also have multiple instances where the postcode is the same. These are the rows i want to combine
So shortly:
Transportnumber double/triple...+ Postcode double/triple...= combine these rows.
if only transport number is double, or only postcode, then dont combine. I want it to combine 2 columns of values, one will b the kgs, other one a price.
So example of end result for 106200 would be
106200 8500 value+value (these 2 rows matched so it combined the 2 values i want it to)
106200 8600 value ( this was unique so it stays unique)
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Sep 5, 2012
The problem is when I highlight a row with some color the original color of the row is gone, so I tried this code, and again, it's removing the original format and color for the row This is the code from McGimpsey & Associates : Excel : Highlight row with background colors
PrivateSub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
Const cnNUMCOLS AsLong=256
Const cnHIGHLIGHTCOLOR AsLong=36'default lt. yellow
Static rOld As Range
Static nColorIndices(1To cnNUMCOLS)AsLong
Dim i AsLong
IfNot rOld IsNothingThen'Restore color indices
How can I retain the range's historical color so that when I deselect the row it reverts properly?
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Oct 15, 2013
i have a large amount of data with a lot of formatting (font sizes, colours, fill colours, mulltiple conditional formatting etc) and i now want to turn it into a table so i can use a data filter without mixing it up with the data that follows.
i tried leaving a blank line after it because i thought the filter only worked on a continous block of populated cells but it still includes rows after it so i'm going to define it as a table.
however, i spent ages getting the formatting right and from what i can see the action of creating a table applies new formatting. Is there a way to create the table preserving my formatting?
if not, the only workaround i can think of is to make a temporary copy of the range and use that to copy and paste the formatting back to the table. would that also work?
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Aug 2, 2006
If I have two columns which are lists of names, how do I make a new column which merges the names from each column into one list, and will refresh when new data is added to the two originals.
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Dec 13, 2013
I recieve a data file on a monthly basis. Is there a way to take all of the monthly worksheets and combine into one workbook without doing a copy paste every month?
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Jan 19, 2010
I have been trying to work between Access and Excel and my forehead is getting bruised from the brick wall in front of my desk. I am finding Excel much more useful, but request some help with the final tasks.
Column1 of Sheet1 is an identifer. This number, in some cases is repeated which is necessary for when I include this data back into the master sheet. I make note of identifing this as 'text' as to not lose any zeros or go 'scientific'.
Column1 of Sheet2 is the same identifer but does not repeat (hence fewer rows). Column2 of Sheet2 is the city name which the identifer in Column1 is located.
I need Column1 Sheet1 repeated on Column1 Sheet3 and I need the respective city name from Column2 Sheet2 in Column2 Sheet3. Once I have this I can re-insert it into the master sheet.
The two areas I am trying to learn is if I am to use an If or a Findit, and secondly incorporating the multiple sheets.
I have attached a sample file.
Excel 2007
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Dec 21, 2007
Hi i need to combine and merge difefrent data into groupings. EXAMPLE
It needs to end up as
With a 2 or 3 empty lines until the next set of data
But if for example i have this:
3 c z......................
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Apr 17, 2006
I have a spreadsheet with a name spread over 3 cells
A1 = MR
i want to create a macro or a formula that combines all of the data in these cells into the first column so that in column A1 it would read MR JOHN SMITH.
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May 17, 2006
I have set up a control sheet that gathers information over the current week, eg: amount of deliveries and total cost. On the control sheet it gives the amount of deliveries and total like at say A10 and B10, on this same page I have a 52 week colomn that needs to gather this information. Now the problem is a new delivery plan is used each week but the control sheet stays the same, how can I get the data from A10 and B10 to copy to the different lines in the 52 week sheet. Have attached the workbook for reference.
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