Compare A Cell With A Number Of Other Cells
Jan 13, 2009
I want to compare a cell with a number of other cells to check if their value is the same. If it is the same an IF function will perform some action.
For example I want to check if A23 is equal to B23,B24,B25.....B50
Something like IF (A23= B23 to B50,"hi","bye")
The problem is that I dont know how to write "B23 to B50" in a format Excel will understand.
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Apr 16, 2007
I need to compare the number value of 3 cells to 64 possible outcomes, of the three cells they can only have one of four possible values, How do I write the formula to do this. if cell a1 is 1,a2 is 1, a3 is 1 then thave it display the number 64, but I also need it to able to look at the same three cells, 64 different combinations, like 0,0,1 displays 21 etc.
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Apr 26, 2014
Sheet1 is Main Sheet which never will be amended and these numbers will be a source for pulling mathematical functions
See attached :
Don't be bothered about cell colors etc. They are for my reference
Will contain same Problem Ticket numbers but different (or same) values with number of 'Linked Incidents'
See screenshot
Based on Problem ID 10248
Main sheet shows 92 Linked Incidents
Value on Sheet two brings 93
If A5 Sheet2 value can be found in ColumnA Sheet1, look for a number in ColumnC, same ROW and compare it to C7 in Sheet2 ?
Bring up difference value, which in this case would be one.
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Jan 11, 2014
I am trying to save an excel sheet to .csv format with the following macro:
[Code] ......
The following part of the code needs to be modified so that the commas appear correctly in .csv file even for null values for any given column.
[Code] .....
I have attached the Sample Sheets. Source sheet and the Result sheet. The Result sheet doesn't provide the required result. Some data are missing and unwanted commas have been added. How to correct the logic in the above piece of code.
Attached File :
Result Sheet.csv‎
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Oct 4, 2009
I'd like to compare two cells, and if the first cell is either >150, <161, OR =165 AND the second cell is ="E" to output a 1, and if false, output a zero.
I have =IF(AND(AND(Sheet1!B3>150, Sheet1!B3<161, Sheet1!B3=165 ),Sheet1!E2="P"),"1","0")
But i know that is incorrect because Sheet1!B3 can not be greater than 150 AND less than 161 AND = 165. I can't figure out how to make it >150 AND < 161 OR = 161.
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Mar 6, 2007
I need a formula for: If cell c is greater than 0 and cell c is<> cell b return value of cell c in cell d; else value of cell b in cell d.
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Sep 10, 2012
I need a formula that will look at cell A1 and compare it against column B, if it finds it, show that value, if not, show "not found".
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Sep 26, 2007
I am trying to add a third if statement to my existing code looking to see if a cell in a column is blank and the corresponding cell in another column contains a number that is greater than or equal to 1. I can't figure out how to write that part of my IF statement.
If Cells(r, 4) = " " And Cells(r, 3) >= 1 Then
Cells(r, 1).Resize(1, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 35
Set rng = Union(Cells(r, 1), Cells(r, 3), Cells(r, 4))
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("G40:I40").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues)
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Cells(r, 5) = "NEW"
End If
Next r
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Oct 19, 2012
I am trying to compare two cells and if they match then I want to fill in a list on sheet one from sheet two.
I have the absolute working when I compare one cell to one cell, but I can't get it to compare one cell to a range of cells (two weeks of days)
Here is the absolute one I have working:
=IF(C1='Data Sorted'!A1,'Data Sorted'!A2,"")
Here is what I tried that doesn't work:
=IF(C1='Data Sorted'!A1:N1,'Data Sorted'!A2,"")
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Jul 10, 2014
I have three cells - A1, B1, C1 and each contains a value of yes or no.
If more than two of the cells say "yes", I want the fourth cell (D1) to display "yes."
If less than two columns say "yes", I want the fourth cell (D1) to display "no" .
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Jun 25, 2013
I've a spreadsheet and I need to find cells in Column A that contains certain text and subsequently being able to compare the data in 2 other cells (column F and Column J) and post the results of comparison in Column L. Please see the tables below:
In this table, if Range("A1") contains abc, then data in Range("f1") would be compared against Range("J1"). If F1 = J1, then Range("L1") would say "ok" otherwise "needs to check" as in Rows 2.
Please note that the amount of data varies daily.
Column F
Column L
needs to check
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Feb 22, 2008
I have a if function that i am creating in excel 2000, and it has 8 variables. I am trying to put it in a macro as it is not working as a nested if function. Here is the current if function...
=IF(B2=C2,"OK",IF(B2=D2,"OK",IF(B2=E2,"OK",IF(B2=F2,"OK",IF(C2=0,"OK",IF(D2=0,"OK",IF(E2=0, "OK", IF(F2=0, "OK", "INCORRECT"))))))
the excel file is attached for further clarity
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Jun 9, 2014
I have two sheets:
- sheet 1 ('current')
- sheet 2 ('31May')
The data in column C is the same, although sorted differently and can't be re-sorted to be the same. Where the data in column C is the same in both sheets, I want to fill columns A and B into sheet 1.
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Jan 2, 2013
I have a workbook with tons of programming I need to achieve. Here is my work book so it can be viewed.
Right now on "Protocol" Sheet I want the cells with the "Protocol 1" field to look at Admin_Panel Sheet and find the row with the same text. Then take the text in cell A of the same row and copy it to the cell below the "Protocol 1" listed on the protocol sheet.
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Jan 19, 2008
Create some sort of formula combination or macro that will: Recognise a cell with a value of 1, 2 or 3 in. If 3 is in the cell, the cell to its left will be counted and added to a total. If the cell that has 3 in changes the value is removed from the total. Ive tried lots of methods but i cant figure this one out!
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Jun 1, 2014
I would like to get number of cells since the cell value exceeded a given number in a given range of numbers.
cell address cell value
a1 1
a2 1.9
a3 -1.2
a4 4
a5 3
I would like to know number of cells since value was less than 1 : the answer is 3 (a5,a4,a3)
Number of cells since number has exceeded 3: the answer is 2 cells back ie a5,a4
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Dec 13, 2006
I have two numbers, they are version numbers, I am having problems with my If then else and elseif statements.
59821 for version
is more than
5983 for version
even though is a greater version number. Do you see where my problem is. How do I compare # by # reading it, checking to see what one is bigger and going from there. so when it gets to the 3 of the 5983 its bigger than 2 of 5982 of the
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Aug 6, 2013
I have two sets of data to compare. One is real world data, the other is forecasted data. I have real daily data for every day over about 3 months. The predictions though, there may be 4-6 predictions for ever one real daily value.
What I'd like to do is have a function that looks at Column A's date (real daily value) and Column C's date (predicted data) and if Column C equals Column A, then divide corresponding data in Column B by value in Column D.
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Feb 17, 2014
I have another problem with my previous file that I need to finish. Because I want to make it clear I'll attach the files and pictures before the middle, and what can be the end of this table.
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Mar 26, 2011
Need to find a column of numbers from one worksheet and delete them from another.
To be deleted is below:
to be deleted from is below:
Another issues is that the worksheet that needs to have the numbers deleted from has 3 columns total so the whole row would need deleting, or if its easier I could replace the numbers with 0 and then sort and delete.
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Apr 16, 2014
How can I compare the data of two columns, and if the same, to show me the number from a third column? I upload a quick sample
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Aug 2, 2006
i have two columns in tow seperate workbooks to be compared:
in say inp.xls, there is a column(COL A) containting a lot of entries(numbers) - roughly around 60,000. Now in the other workbook, say mem.xls, i have a smaller set of numbers in a colum(COL B) - roughly around 300.
Now, the problem is, COL B, has numbers which may or may not match with numbers in COL A.
* If there is a match(between COL A and COL B), the row number at the match in COL A.
* If there is no match, the row of the closest number (in COL A) before to the number in COL B.
ROW COL A-----> COL B---------->
1 2184058252 2184276560
2 2184058280
3 2184058296
4 2184058312
5 2184058320
6 2184773640
7 2184774216
8 2184774272
9 2184774424
Now, i want to find 2184276560 in COLA, since it is not there, i want it to return the row number of the closest(previous) viz. row 5(2184058320).
Now, since this is a huge comparision set, im wondering what is the best way to do it. Im using VBA....
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Aug 2, 2006
I need to compare a S/n from a huge amount of datarows in sheet 1 with the s/n in a second worksheet.
If the s/n matches i need to copy the datarow from sheet 1 to sheet 2 next to the data allready existing in sheet 2. This removing the row from sheet 1.
If there is no match found in sheet 2, the row ha's to be copied to sheet 3, this also removing the datarow.
sheet 1:
S/n -- name -- price
sheet 2:
S/n -- place -- stock
if match is found need to become:
S/n -- place -- stock -- S/n -- name -- price
if there is no match found data go to sheet 3.
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Feb 18, 2010
In the attached excel file I have two macros that create hyperlinks:
1. BalloonToNumber - Creates hyperlinks from "Oval" shapes on sheet "Op60_1" to sheet1 (column D).
2. NumberToBalloon - Creates hyperlink scheme from sheet1 (column D) to sheet "Op60_1" "Oval" shapes.
In Q #1 my macro seems to skip some shapes on sheet "OP60_1" and I simply can not figure out why.
In Q #2 my macro creates hyperlinks to shapes that do not exist and hyperlinks to numbers that are not a "100%" match, IE: 182 and 82 would share the same hyperlink?
If you open the workbook and use the hyperlinks on sheet1 they will take you to sheet "Op60_1" and shape hyperlinks from sheet "Op60_1" take you to sheet1. On sheet "Op60_1" there are some red arrows indicating the shapes that get skipped when running the "BalloonToNumber" macro.
Shape color changes as the hyperlinks are selected from sheet1.....
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Aug 24, 2012
So I have a sheet with 600 or so rows of data on a sheet called "Agent_Summary". On another sheet in the same workbook I have a list 20 peoples names. I am trying to find a way to look at the 600 or so lines on the Agent_Summary in column A and see if the name in that cell matches any of the 20 names from the "Team" Sheet. If the name on Agent_Summary is not found on the "Team" sheet then it clears the contents of that cell and moves on. Then it comes back and Deletes the blank rows. I can make it look for any 1 of the 20 names and the code works fine. How do I turn it into something that will look for any of the 20 names?
Here is my code to look for 1 of the 20 names that works great.
Sub Clean_up_Agent_Summary()
Dim Cell As Range
Dim R As Long
Dim RE As Object
Dim Rng As Range
Set Rng = Worksheets("Agent_Summary").Range("A5:A600")
Set RE = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
"Worksheets("Team").Range("A5")" is where my 1 name is and the rest are just below that. I am thinking some kind of an Array but I am stuck on getting that set up and working right.
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Jul 5, 2007
i've put this previously on here with no results. There is a formula already in there though does not work because what I want to achieve is to have Column A & Column C to Match Column E & Column F, to Return the Value YES or NO. I’ve Highlighted in ROW 947 one that should Say NO yet Says YES.
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Apr 29, 2007
I would like to create a formula that compares a number in one cell to the dates I have displayed in two different cells. If true, then I want it to display the Currency value from another cell.
|1| Due Date | Amount | 1/01/2007 | 1/15/2007
A2 is the DAY it's due
B2 is the AMT that is due
I can create an IF...THEN statement where if A2 is >= C1 BUT less than D1 then the value is B2, BUT it only works if I change A2 to an actual date which means i have to change it every month...which would not help with forecasting future transactions. So in the example above, the value would be in C2 and not D2.
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May 5, 2009
I want to be able to hide a selection of cells, including the border formatting, when another cell has a particular value (in this case I want the cells visible only if the value in the cell is above 0). I've looked around and can't seem to find anything relevant.
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Sep 20, 2012
I have column h with address number.
I have column k with street name.
In column iv i have an x an number or it is empty.
What I want to do is press a button and it starts at iv10 read that cell if empty then read iv11 etc.
When it reads x in the cell then read next witch will be a number.
iv20 x
iv21 21
So I would get columns a - ae and rows 10 - 21 displayed and wait till i press button again then when i press button it starts
iv89 x
iv90 68
then it would display a-ae 22 - 90
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Nov 4, 2008
I have 5 columns...I would like a formula to say if number in one cell and none in the other 4 cells to say "yes" otherwise say "no"
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