Hiding Cells When The Value Of A Cell Is A Certain Number

May 5, 2009

I want to be able to hide a selection of cells, including the border formatting, when another cell has a particular value (in this case I want the cells visible only if the value in the cell is above 0). I've looked around and can't seem to find anything relevant.

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Limit Number Of Rows / Columns In Spreadsheet (beyond Just Hiding Them)?

Nov 27, 2013

I would love to be able to limit the number of rows in a specific sheet so that I can quickly carry formulas to the bottom of a worksheet without carrying them to row 1,048,576. I'm aware of options to hide rows and/or to limit the scrolling with the "view code" option on the worksheet tab; however, I'm mainly worried about worksheet performance. When I carry a formula down, I don't want to see a spinning blue circle run for minutes at a time, and I'm hoping to avoid the same spinning circle when I undo my formula. Is there any way to actually limit the number of rows, or is there any other limitation I could put in that would increase worksheet performance?

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Hiding Cells That Are Not Used

Mar 10, 2014

I've created a spreadsheet that will be protect for use by others. I want to hide cells that are not used so it just leaves to print area in view and gives a simple and clear look.

I know how to hide rows, columns etc but there are always further rows and columns there. I'm sure this must be simple.

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Count Cells By Number & Add Adjacent Cell If Number Is X

Jan 19, 2008

Create some sort of formula combination or macro that will: Recognise a cell with a value of 1, 2 or 3 in. If 3 is in the cell, the cell to its left will be counted and added to a total. If the cell that has 3 in changes the value is removed from the total. Ive tried lots of methods but i cant figure this one out!

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Hiding Cells In Worksheet

Nov 11, 2008

I've created an Excel spreadsheet (Excel 7) to help me price sign printing jobs consistently. In my spreadsheet a few cells allow me to enter markups for materials & labour rates. These are used for calculating the retail price.

I would like to give my spreadsheet to some of my customers so they can calculate the retail price of a job themselves BUT, I would like to hide the contents of those few cells where I fix the markup. How can I achieve this?

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Hiding Cells If Empty

Jan 21, 2010

I was wondering what would be the best way to go about hiding either rows or columns based on whether a particular cell is empty or not. The reason being, I want a graph and table to only display data when present.

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Hiding Individual Cells

Aug 2, 2008

is it possible using excel 2002 to hide individual cells instead of whole columns or lines

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Conditional Hiding Of Cells

Jun 25, 2009

i want to hide columns based on values of particular cell in that column.

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Number Of Cells Since Value In Cell Exceeded Given Number

Jun 1, 2014

I would like to get number of cells since the cell value exceeded a given number in a given range of numbers.


cell address cell value

a1 1
a2 1.9
a3 -1.2
a4 4
a5 3

I would like to know number of cells since value was less than 1 : the answer is 3 (a5,a4,a3)

Number of cells since number has exceeded 3: the answer is 2 cells back ie a5,a4

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Hiding Specific Cells Through Checkbox?

Apr 22, 2014

I'm looking to see if it's possible for me to leave information in specific cells hidden unless a checkbox is marked off. I do not need/want the entire column or row hidden (which I've found plenty of tutorials on via google)

I'll try to provide a basic example:

ie: Column A1: checkbox;;;Column B1: Dairy;;;Column C1: milk;;;Column D1: slim milk
Column A2: checkbox;;;Column B2: Poultry;;;Column C2: beef;;;Column D2: hamburgers;;;Column E2: bubba burgers (<--not a fan of them)

(the values in row C and D will never change - there are some instances where there are values in column E)

I need the checkboxes in column A and the information in column B visible at all times but C and D (and E) visible only if the checkbox is checked.

Here is an example code I tried creating myself (with .entirerow.hidden and .entirecolumn.hidden codes I found online). Obviously it didn't work lol, but I was wondering if there is a way to only get these specific cells to hide rather than an entire row/column.

Sub CheckBox1_Click()
If CheckBox1_Click = True ThenRange(C26, C27, D26, D27).Cells.Hidden = False ElseRange(C26, C27, D26, D27).Cells.Hidden = True End IfEnd Sub

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Hiding Cells From Dropdown List

May 27, 2014

I have seen a few threads here about this, but not for how I need it to work.

I will have a drop down list with 8 options, (Days of the week Wed to Wed, hence the 8 days lol) There will now be 8 columns, one for each day.

I want to be able to select the day from the list, and then have it hide all the columns except for the day selected. When a different day is picked, un hide that one and hide the rest.

I will attach a book in the reply...

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VBA For Hiding Cells Based On Values?

Apr 18, 2014

I'm using the below macros to hide or unhide rows based off of a value in column A. Column A contains an If statement that looks for a value in column F, and depending on whether the corresponding cell in column F contains a value the if statement returns either True or NO-IF(F>0,True,"No).

It currently takes quite a bit of time to run this macro. Given the specs on this machine, I'm convinced that there is probably some loop or inefficiency in my code.

Sub Button1_Click()
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Range("a59:A1472")


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Hiding Values In Individual Cells?

Apr 27, 2014

What I need to do is hide the value in an individual cell, dependent on whether a value (any value) has been entered in another cell. I know this must be possible somewhere in conditional formatting but I can't seem to figure it out no matter how much I try!

The table below should hopefully explain exactly what I'm after. I want to hide the value in the balance column (automatically calculated)when no transaction has taken place (ie, there is no date entered in the date column). At the moment this value appears all the time.



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Hiding Cells, Not Entire Rows Or Columns

Dec 5, 2008

I have a project that needs to be done today. What I'm trying to do is hide an area of a worksheet using a button click, then display that area when the button is clicked again. This area is approximately the lower right quadrant of the worksheet, so it shares column and row information with other data that must remain visible. Is there any way to do this?

Alternatively, I was thinking about making a duplicate of the worksheet, but omitting the area I want to hide on the duplicate sheet. The button would then hide and unhide the two worksheets, hopefully making it have the same effect as hiding or unhiding just that area. If I do this, I would need to maintain the exact same data in the visible area of the two sheets.

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Hiding Formulated Values Derived From 0 Value Cells..

Dec 7, 2009

I have a sheet with cells that will vary and change in value. The far right column (in this case G) is calculating a percentage from cells in columns D and F. At the moment only 9 rows are being used but I have made provision for the list to extend down to row 100 for future use. Cells in columns D and F are receiving their values from sumif formulas on another sheet, therefore a lot of cells are showing a 0 value for the moment (which I have formatted to show blank).

My problem is that I have cells in column G (percent formula) which are of course showing #DIV/0! due to the fact that they are calculating cells with 0 value. How can I format the cells in column G to show blank until they receive a real calculation!

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Automatically Hiding Rows Without Values In Certain Cells?

Mar 23, 2012

Does Excel have the ability to automatically hide rows without values in certain cells?

For example:


ABC1Route NumberTechnicianNumber of Units Cleaned25Tony237Don749 511Ray12613James16715Chuck21817

In this example, Rows 4 and 8 would automatically be hidden, leaving the other rows displaying. Of course, somehow I'd have to "Unhide" these rows at some point to add data if needed.

This is for a spreadsheet that is about 500 rows. Conceptually, I would automatically hide the rows w/o data in column B, analyze (or print) the worksheet, then "Unhide" the columns to enter data the next day.

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Hiding Of Columns Based On Reference Cells

Apr 25, 2006

I'm trying to determine a range of columns I would like to hide by applying HLOOKUP on certain reference cells. The following was what I did:

Sub HideColumns()
' HideColumns Macro
colx = Chr([A25].Value + 64)
coly = Chr([A26].Value + 64)
Sheets("Sheet 2").Select
Columns("" & colx & ":" & coly & "").Hidden = True
'Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = True
Sheets("Sheet 1").Select
End Sub

I'm referencing cells A25 and A26 as the range of columns I would like to hide in Sheet 2. I equated the cells in Sheet 1 to columns in Sheet 2. Unfortunately, the result was columns being hidden from column 1 to column x instead. I would greatly appreciate if anyone can kindly correct my macro. Also, may I ask how I can distribute the columns evenly after hiding/unhiding?

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Enable Command Of Hiding Cells In Protected Worksheet

Feb 17, 2009

Below is the code that I copied from another thread. But what I need is to enable this command when the sheet is protected.

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Macro For Hiding Rows Containing Empty Cells Through Different Columns

Sep 4, 2013

I created a macro that analyzes some datasets and according to different parameters it puts an X at the side of every cell that goes out of parameters. These Xs are all in columns named the same way for it to be easier to find. What I want to do is to write some macro that will hide every row where the data did not go out of parameters to be able to easily see where it did. In the following example it would need to hide the second row since there are no Xs in that row. One of the problems I'm having is that the amount of columns and rows is variable.

Functional Upset
Functional Upset


[Code] .......

Below is the piece of code that I created to try to do this (G has the value for the amount of rows). I think it is working but it is either taking too long since it has to sometimes go through over 20k lines as much times as it needs to to cover all the rows that contain Xs or its getting stuck for some reason.

Worksheets(2).Range("I3:I" & G).EntireRow.Hidden = True
K = 0
Do Until Worksheets(2).Range("I1").Offset(0, K) = ""
If Worksheets(2).Range("I1").Offset(0, K) = "Functional Upset" Then

[Code] ......

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Hiding Rows With A Cell Containing 0

Oct 25, 2006

a bit of code so that when I open a sheet (which takes data from another sheet) it hides rows which contain a zero in a certain cell?

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Hiding Hyperlink In A Cell

Nov 11, 2012

Is there a way to hide a hyperlink in a cell that it blank, at the moment I have multiple cells like below that shows the hyperlinks




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Hiding A Cell In Sheet

Jul 30, 2008

i just need to hide a cell which contains a value in excel sheet.

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Hiding Values In A Cell

Jan 10, 2010

I have 3 columns on my spreadsheet with 100 rows:

- each cell in the 3rd column has an equation in it as such:
=h4+f5-g5 which means that the current cell in column 3 is adding the value of the cell just above it + and - the values of the cells on the left to it. This works fine, the only problem is that even though nothing is entered in row 40 for example, there still is a value based on the last calculation in row 5 for example - this value shows all the way down to row 100. Anyways,

How can I hide those values in column 3 all the way down to row 100 if nothing is entered in the other 2 rows?

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Hiding Columns With A Cell Value Of 0

Dec 13, 2003

I need help on hiding a row if a cell value is 0 in a column

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Hiding Cell Formulas

Aug 10, 2006

how to hide formulas from cells without having to protect the sheet. When I tried to hide some formulas the end-user was unable to input numbers into the model because the whole sheet was protectedl.

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Hiding Row Based On Cell Content?

Jul 9, 2014

I am trying to search the cells in Column A around rows 54 to 77. And if the cell says "Yes" it should hide the row. I think I'm on the right track, but can't seem to get it work.

[Code] .....

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Hiding Columns Based On Cell Value

Aug 7, 2011

I am trying to hide columns where the Value in the cells on row 9 is "", that cell being populated with a formula where the result is "". However I am getting the Compile Error Message 'Next without For'. Any clues?

Sub GraphC()

Dim a As Integer
Dim ColumnVar As Variant

ColumnVar = Array("B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K")

[Code] .........

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Hiding Columns With Dates In Any Cell

Nov 17, 2011

Trying to hide columns that have a date in any cell: cell < TODAY() Or cell - 30 < TODAY()

Dim row As Range
Dim cell As Range
Dim col As Range

Dim lRw As Long

[Code] .......

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Hiding CheckBox Based On Cell Value

Mar 20, 2012

Here is what I have so far (debugger highlights my CheckBoxLD.Visable arguments)

Yes, this is an activeX checkbox


Private Sub Workbook_SheetCalculate(ByVal Sh As Object)
If Worksheets("Dosing").Range("BM21").Value = 0 Then
CheckBoxLD.visable = False
Else: CheckBoxLD.visable = True
End If
End Sub

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Hiding Rows On One Tab Based On Value Of Cell In Another Tab?

Dec 27, 2012

I have numerous tabs in this file, but all of the tabs all summarize to the first tab called "Annual Record".

So after "Annual Record", tabs follow as "WO1", "WO2", etc...

On the tab called "WO1", I have cell AJ5, which can have 3 status selected (Data Validation List), which is either Inactive, Open, or Completed. If cell AJ5 on "WO1" says "Inactive", then I want a named range on "Annual Record" to be hidden. Right now I have the range named "WorkOrder1". This named range is essentially rows 4-7. So if it's easier to hide rows vs. a named range, then so be it. I also would like it to happen automatically (perhaps what you would refer to as a change event). When cell AJ5 is change to either "Open" or "Completed", then the rows would unhide. I'm thinking that this would be repeated for tab "WO2". If cell AJ5 says "Inactive", then rows 8-11 on the tab "Annual Record" or the named range "WorkOrder2" would be hidden. And again, if the cell AJ5 is change to anything other than "Inactive", then the rows or range would unhide.

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