Concatenate Unique Values After Lookup
Mar 2, 2007
I am trying to come up with a user defined function to accomplish several things at once.
First, I need to lookup a reference value in one column and determine the value from another column (on the same worksheet) in the same row. Then, concatenate each "return" value (that isn't blank).
I have the following code so far, but my formula results in a zero. If I remove the On Error Resume Next, the formula results in a #VALUE error.
Public Function ConcatUnique(Separator As String, Ref As Variant, LkupCol As Range, _
RetCol As Range)
Dim lkup As Range
Dim ret As Range
Dim colDif As Long
Dim mCollect As New Collection
Dim i As Integer
Dim b As Variant
' Determine the number of columns difference between
' the lookup column and the return value column.
colDif = RetCol.Column - LkupCol.Column
On Error Resume Next
' Determine which lookup values in the lookup range match the reference value.
' When the lookup value matches the reference value, set the return range object
' to the cell in the return range (column) in the same row as the lookup value.
' Note we use the difference between the lookup column and the return column to
' determine the location of the return range object.
For Each lkup In LkupCol
If lkup.Value = Ref.Value Then Set ret = Range(Cells(lkup.Row, lkup.Column _
+ colDif))
' Store the return value in the collection object. Ignore any blank return
' values. Note we use the range value converted to a string as the key
' value.
If ret.Value <> "" Then mCollect.Add ret.Value, CStr(ret.Value)
' Loop through each cell in the lookup column range.
Next lkup
' Write each item from the collection and the separator to the final result,
' writing each value and the separator after the previous value and separator.
For i = 1 To mCollect.Count
b = b & mCollect(i) & Separator
Next i
ConcatUnique = Left$(b, Len(b) - Len(Separator))
End Function
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Jun 25, 2009
I need a formula that will make every make every cell in column A unique. This formula needs to concatenate columns H, M, and N and display the result in column A. As you can see, you can get two instances of the same value (e.g., Dog:Brown:Small for A2, A9 and A10). For this reason, we then need to concatenate a counter number on the end that increases by 1 based on the total number of matching values ABOVE the cell in column A.
For example, I need a formula in cell A12 that concatenates H12:M12:N12 and then counts the number of "Dog:Brown:Small" instances above and then appends the largest incremented value +1. This would result in "Dog:Brown:Small:0004" in cell A12 and "Cat:Black:Large:0003" in cell A13. I will then drag this formula down column A and it will dynamically execute the formula against all column A cells above it.
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Sep 15, 2009
I've been searching both here and on google but I've been unable to make use of any of the numerous suggestions and examples I've found to do this; given I'm right in thinking that this should be done with a vlookup!
I have a table in which different customers pay different prices for different products. C13 is a cell in which I want Excel to look up the correct value based on A13 and B13 (in this case C3).
I have no experience with lookup functions, which might be the reason why I can't get this to work. I bet it's pretty simple
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Jul 22, 2014
I have a worksheet (say, Sheet1) that I am going to manually import a large data set into on a weekly basis for reporting purposes. One of the columns from this data dump will have the header "Design Id" in the first row, but it may not be in the same column every time. I am trying to figure out how to create dropdown lists on a separate worksheet (say, Sheet2) in the same workbook where the data source always looks up the column containing the header "Design Id" from Sheet1 and then returns only the unique values from that column as options in the list.
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Mar 3, 2014
In column CT between rows 11:210 is the vertical data that includes duplicates. I am looking to create a formula that can lookup each value between CT11:CT210 and return only the unique values horizontally starting in cell CW9 and onwards.
Example: CT11:CT14 looks like
and so on and so forth..
I would then like this formula to return the above data (which goes all the way to CT210) in this format starting in cell CW9 - 5x20 then CX9 - 6x4 and finally CY9 - 5x8.
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Mar 26, 2014
I need to create unique IDs for all of my stock. I would like to use the concatenate function so that the first letter of each products type is taken and then joined onto a unique number. Im not sure how I will do this I was thinking that the formula looks at the largest value and adds 1 so that there are no duplicate numbers added to the first letter of the product type. E.g. the first mother board added will be "M1" the next will be "M2" as the formula has found that M1 exists and has added 1.
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Sep 10, 2009
I have the following example values in Column A and I want to concatenate each unique combination to a list.
Example necessary output:
A vs. B
A vs. C
A vs. D
B vs. C
B vs. D
C vs. D
Notice there are no duplicates (e.g., A vs. B / B vs. A). I have found many macros that will create all the duplicates but none that will create only unique.
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Mar 20, 2008
I need a mcaro to concatenate my project. I have 1 number in six separate cells that I need to be concatenated into a 3 digit number without duplicates. My data is in cells A4:C5 (six numbers) note that I have two duplicate numbers so the results should only yield (10) different 3 digit numbers, none repeated. The results could be displayed in one or two columns evenly.
My data in cells A11:C12 (six numbers) are all different so the results should yield (20) different 3 digit numbers, none repeated. The results could be displayed in one or two columns evenly. I also wanted to know will I be able to edit the macro to concatenate 5, 6, 7, 8 or even 9 numbers into 3 digit numbers without duplicates. If so, how can this been done? The results would be 5#'s:10 results; 6#'s:20 results; 7#'s:35 results; 8#'s:56 results;
9#'s:81 results.
I have included a sample file.
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Dec 15, 2013
I have a question to joint 3 functions : pivot>lookup>concatenate, to make it easier please have a look below table'
work hour
From above basic table I need to make it compact to below format:
Work Hour
Seed (04,05)
Seed (01,02,03)
what formula would suit the format above.
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Aug 24, 2009
If I have multiple entries with different but repeatable text values in one column - how do I count all unique ones ? Is there a function or does it have to be a pivot table of sth ?
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Jul 23, 2014
two formulas for one data set. The data is attached in the spreadsheet: "Product IDs". The data is a set of Master Product IDs (parent) and the Linked to them Products (children). I need to create a relationship between unique parents (Master Product IDs) and their children (Linked Products)
I need to create two formulas:
1. From the Data Set table, need to vlookup the unique value in column A (Master Product ID) and return comma delimited (concatenated) corresponding values from column B (Linked Products). So, the result will be as shown in Table 2.
2. From the Data Set table, need to vlookup the unique (de-duplicated) parent/children relationship in column A (Master Product ID) and return comma delimited (concatenated) corresponding values from column B (Linked Products). There are total 3 parent/children relationships in Table 1. So, the result will be as shown in Table 3.
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May 18, 2007
im trying to get the lookup answer based on two values the current formula i have is
which naturally returns N/A... i might even be using the wrong formula?
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Apr 7, 2014
I have a table of data (say Column1 to Column 5) with multiple rows.
Column 1 to 4 will have the lookup values in multiple rows and Column 5 data should be picked up using vlookup or other lookup function.
I managed to somehow bring all these lookup values in (Column 1 to 4) in a single column in another sheet. I am now trying to use some lookup or other functions to match this single column and pick column 5 data in original sheet. Result i am expecting is lookup value in first column and next to it column 5 value.
It is basically a lookup wherein lookup value is spread over multiple rows and columns and result column is fixed. I tried using vlookup, but lookup value column and column number had to change every time when i moved from column1 to 4.
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Jul 3, 2014
mockup.xlsxStarting out with a 9 by 11 grid.
Column A will have times that need to be referenced in a lookup. (Ex Sat 8:00am)
Row 1 will have basball field codes reference with a lookup. (Example Field 4
Cells B2:I11 have distinct codes or possibly nothing. (An example would be: Tier 1 A1-A3)
These codes will move around from time to time. They will always remain distinct within the grid, but could appear in any of the cells from B2:I11.
I have 2 columns I want to populate with values from the grid.
First is Fields. I want the first cell to populate with the baseball field found in row 1 of which the code Tier1 A1-A3 falls under.
For example if this season Tier1 A1-A3 is found in the column under Field 4, then I need to return Field 4 as a result.
Second is the time. I want the time to be populated based on what row the Tier1 A1-A3 code falls in.
For example if Tier1 A1-A3 is in the Sat 8:00am row, then I need that value returned.
In short, I need to search the grid and find a given value. I then need to use a lookup (or other tool) to return the first value in that row. And secondly via lookup return the first value in that column.
edit: added spreadsheet example. First sheet is grid in question, 2nd sheet is a typical schedule.
The first Team (Scared Hitless) is A1, the team they play first is Sands Duel Fuel (A3) They play at 11:00am on Field TR3.
You will see on the grid under TR3 and Sat 11:00 the code Tier 4 A1v3. This code is what I want to search and correlate into times on the schedule rather than doing the data entry by hand.
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Oct 28, 2007
I have scoured the Excel boards but cannot find what I am looking for. Need to do a formula approach (No Pivot Table) lookup on a dynamic table that is not necessarily in order and may have blanks in some cells or whole rows. What I would like Excel 2003 to do is report (extract) the all first occurrences of each organization number that has at least one person with a "Yes" in a corresponding column in the same row. I also need the number of persons that have "Yeses" in each of those identified Org Nos .
Data is laid out as such:
Org No. Name Not in Compliance
8631Steve Yes
8631Susan Yes
8701Peter Yes
8701Diane Yes
8701Mary Yes
8900David Yes
The answer is
In one row list the org #'s not in compliance ("Yes"). In the row just below it the number of persons:
86318701 8900
2 3 1
I have a helper column that counts the number of unique org nos, but cannot tie that to those that have Yes in the other column.
In column before Org No i have =IF(COUNTIF(b$33:b34,b34)=1,MAX(a$33:a33)+1,"") copied down.
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Oct 31, 2008
Im trying to lookup the first unique number in a column in a separate workbook and then return the value then the cell below would lookup the next unique number and return the value
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Nov 28, 2007
Index Match lookup formula does not find valid entries that exist in the lookup table. Formula: =INDEX(tbl_Costs,MATCH( F8,tbl_Costs_PN,0),MATCH("Cost",tbl_Costs_hdngs,0)). I've verified that the matching criteria and values are, in fact, in the table and have made double sure that all cells are formatted the same. the attached file and show me the error of my ways.
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Feb 6, 2010
I need VBA that will make those two columns:
1 A
1 B
2 C
2 D
2 E
2 F
2 G
3 H
3 I
3 J
into those two columns:
1 A,B
2 C,D,E,F,G
3 H,I,J
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Jul 15, 2008
I am trying to merge three cells using the following formulae =CONCATENATE(A3,": ",B3,", ",C$1,", ",C3,"") where C$1 is a title (header) I will use if C3 is populated. However, I would like to leave C$1 out if C3 is not populated.
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Aug 22, 2007
I'm trying to Concatenate values as per a condition.
The condition is being a member of group: 1
The result should be ACE but I need it to be presented in one single cell (like in C9).
(Pls see attached picture)
I tried to use SumProduct but it seems that this function handles only Numeric values.
I was able to present the result in a Range(!) of 6 cells with the Array-Formula:
=IF(B2:B7=D2,A2:A7,"") but this is not what I need.
I know how to solve this with VBA but as it is sort of an excercise I need it to be solved with sheets build-in Functions only.
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Jan 2, 2009
I am looking for a solution other than using an advanced data filter for unique records only.
I would like to take a large list (columns A:D), and automatically filter for unique records and other conditions and paste the results in different tables (Group A & Group B).
Group A only includes records with value ="A" in the checksheet column.
Group B includes records with value <>"A" in the checksheet column.
Does anyone have any ideas how to do this so that when I paste the large list in columns A:D, the other tables (Group A & Group B) are automatically populated?
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Dec 11, 2009
I want to do a lookup and return to a new list just the unique entries, such as this:
I have it working now using a pivot table to get me the unique items, but there must a be a more efficient function to do this.
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Jun 2, 2009
I am trying to concatenate the values of many cells, not the formulas in the cells, to avoid having to repetatively paste special, value. Perhaps something like this: =CONCATENATE(VALUE(AA2):VALUE(AQ2))
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Feb 4, 2014
we want to add/concatenate the values of first column and show the result in next column. The problem is fully explained in the comment section of the sheet attached. But still if you are having in getting the problem
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Jan 10, 2012
I need to concatenate all cells filled out in a column (for example A in sheet1) in a cell in sheet2. More exactly.
column A (Sheet1) (Sheet2)
aaaa cell(2,2)=aaaabbbbcccc
If I use a VBA macro I can write this VBA code
RowsNumber = Application.CountA(Sheet1.Range("A:A"))
Then loop from 1 to RowsNumber and concatenate values in cell(2,2) but I need, if this is possible, to define a FUNCTION (nested functions) in cell(2,2).
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Sep 12, 2005
I have a column say column A. It has a pattern of cells where there is a code C10A3(alpha numeric) in say A1 and then in cells A2-A9 there are descriptions (alpha only). This continues uniformally down to cell 300. So every x amt of cells down a code appears and then below this for x cells is a description. What i would like to do is create a macro to concatenate the code waith each of the descriptions and paste it in the adjacent cell to the description. So....
A1 =C10A3
A2 =Global
A3 =America
A10 =D05a9
A11 =Global
I would like to concatenate A1 and A2 and have the output in B2 (C10A3Global.)
And A1 and A3 with the output in B3 etc. This should continues until A10 (where the cell contains alpha numeric characters) where nothing is entered in B10 and then in B11 there should be D05A9Global....
The only difference between the description and the cell is numeric characters...
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Dec 18, 2008
I'm looking for a formula (VBA I'm assuming) that will help me create a unique customer ID out of data that my website generates in order to import records into my accounting system.
I have a current list of customers in CSV format with the columns: CustomerID, CustomerName, CustomerZip
Each customer in our accounting system is assigned a unique,7 digit CustomerID in the format of XXX#### where XXX are the first 3 letters of their last name, and #### is a 4 digit number (with leading 0's) to create unique ID's for customer with the same first 3 characters of their last name. SAMPLE LIST:
SCH0001, Lindsey Schubert, 75230
SCH0002, Thomas Schoembs, 53132
ADA0001, Samantha Adams, 28205
What I'd like to do is pass the formula 3 parameters (Cust_First_Name, Cust_Last_Name, Zip) and have it parse the .CSV file and either return an existing customer's current ID or generate the appropriate new, unique ID, making sure in increase the 4 digit # accordingly and insert leading 0's if necessary.
Another caveat, if possible to work with, is the ability to also pass the formula another range of cells to append to the end of the .CSV file's data for comparison reasons. There are times when I'll bulk-import orders (or we receive numerous in the same batch) and the potential exists to have two customers that would have the same CustomerID created using JUST the .CSV data. Ie. If we use the example above and have new customers of Steve Schwab and Julie Schwitzer - we'd end up incorrectly assigning them both SCH0003, where if we'd read Steve Schwab's newly created info and customer ID of SCH0003, then Schwitzer would correctly be assigned SCH0004.
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Mar 2, 2014
I need a Macro (not formula) which compares the comma separated values present in Column "I" with individual values present in Column "D" and generate the count of unique values in Column "J".
The sample sheet has been attached for reference.
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Sep 15, 2013
I have some data with recurring key values and differing values in the second column, I need to produce a unique list of key values with the second values concatenated together.(See below)
The data can be 10 rows to 5000 and I can have anything from 5 to 150 sheets (Separate data sets), a macro would go a long way to keeping me sane.
Sample data Required Output
A | B Z
1| 10 | a 10,a,b,c
2| 10 | b 11,a
3| 10 | c 12,a,b
4| 11 | a
5| 12 | a
6| 12 | b
My system is Windows 8 Excel 2010.
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Aug 14, 2014
1. Using a formula, I am trying to to obtain a list of unique values (string) (caveat: see #2) from the range E2:E10000 (arbitrarily chose 10000 - the row number is variable)(see #3).
I currently have a formula that seems to work for this purpose but I don't know how to add the condition in #2 (below)
2. To include all unique string values except those starting with the letters "IC"
3. Is there a way to make this formula so that it can only seek values up to the last row, and not go to the 10000th row if not necessary? The E column has no empty cells until after the last row that contains data.
Here is the formula I currently use which serves #1 (above):
[Code] .....
Any way to improve/simplfy this formula for the purpose describbed in #1? How can I add the condition in #2? Can you see a way to include #3? The most important issue here is #2.
Example of desired results:
Column A | Column B
CC |
DD |
DD |
IC |
IC |
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