Concatenating Large Row Of Values?

Aug 20, 2014

Say I wanted to concatenate a row that had 10,000 values in it. How could this be achieved without having to click 10,000 cells while typing a comma in between each one?

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Concatenating Row Values With Comma?

Dec 9, 2013

I have approx 1000 rows in my spreadsheet. Each row contains one column which is a number. What I would like to do is list all these numbers side by side with only a comma seperating them. Just say the first 3 rows have the following numbers 10003, 10056, 100039. I would like to get the numbers to appear in one cell like this: 10003,10056,100039.

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Concatenating Values And Not Text?

Aug 3, 2012

I've got a workbook with several sheets, Sheet_1, Sheet_2, Sheet_3 and so on.

Each worksheet has various estimates in them and cell B61 contains a sum

I also have a summary worksheet that contains the sums from each worksheet like so:





In the sum column, isntead of having to manually type in Sheet_1, Sheet_2 and Sheet_3, I'd like to use the value listed in the Sheet_Name column

I've tried concatenating the value in the sheet_name column with !B61 but instead it uses the text value Sheet_1 and doesn't go to the actual sheet.

Is there a clever formula I can try in the sum column?

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Concatenating Unique Values In A Cell

Jun 5, 2009

I have some data in a sheet and i want the last cell in the row to contain the unique values in that row concatenated. How can it be done?

This is what i want

RowResult that I wantabbccaada

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Using Match & Large To Rank Values.

Mar 24, 2009

I'm using a Large function embedded in a Match function to a ranking.

The issue I'm having is that if there are 2 of the same values in the Top 5, it counts the first one twice rather than each one once.

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How To Find 1 Value In Range Of Other Large Values

Mar 24, 2013

I'm looking for a formula that would tell me if a value in colume E can be found in column M while the values in column M may have characters before and after the value I'm looking for. The values are alpha and numberic in many cases.

Find E2 in M:M where E2 = 0123 and is in M:M as a15012388. The "yes/no" result is marked in red where I would like to have the answer.

Looking For


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Sum Of Columns If Values Of One Column Are The Same - For Large Spreadsheets

Apr 15, 2014

I'm in need of a formula that can give me the sum of cells in a column if the values in another column are the same. For example:

Col A
John Smith
John Smith
John Smith
Jane Doe
Jane Doe
Jane Doe

Col B

Col E

The total for John Smith would be 19 and the total for Jane Doe would be 13. The problem is that this file is huge and we will have to use this formula on a weekly basis with different values each week, so it would be very difficult to use a "specific" formula for each person. Is this a possibility?

And to make it more difficult, I would then have to subtract one of those values if that row has a certain value in one of the other columns.

If values in Column A are equal to each other, sum of Column B. (Column C would contain the sum in this case.)

Column D = Column C minus B, if value of Column E is Sunday, otherwise don't subtract anything.

The total for John Smith in Column D would be 10 and Jane's total for D would still be 13.

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Large Function Is Returning To Duplicate Values?

Jun 14, 2014

I have been facing few problems while automation my production sheet through formula.

1-- I want to sort data in the descending order through below formula.


when two candidates have the same percentage then this formula does not work.

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Finding Certain Values In Large Amount Of Data

May 8, 2013

I have a large amount of data and am trying to find certain values.

Firstly - I am looking for any cell which has the number 0 in it, as I need to edit that specific cell. However, when I search for the number 0, multiples of 10 (e.g. 10,20,30,etc) come up in my search. Is there anyway to find the number 0, without also finding the multiples of 10?

Secondly - I am also looking for values over 100, is there a search function which allows me to do this?

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Detect Matching Values In Very Large Lists

Dec 9, 2009

I'm trying match values (and set a Yes / No result) from values in two very large lists.

List 1 (approx 170,000 rows) contains the 'Find What' values
List 2 (approx 980,000 rows) contains the 'In What' values

Values in list 1 will be unique in list 2, but not all values in list 1 will appear in list 2. The values in each list are all 16 character stings. This is a one-off otherwise I'd probably import into a AccessDB.

Using formulas is taking an absolute age to calculate using MATCH function, so I'm wondering if coding is the better angle.

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LARGE() Doesn't Work When Having Multiple Max Values

Feb 15, 2007

I found the thread about how to get the second best result (=LARGE(range,2)) but that can't handle when I have ywo top values and a lower third value. It still return the next value after the top value, which is the same value. I want to get the next lowest vaule.

In this row:

I want to get the value 6 and the formula =LARGE(range,2) gives the second number 7.

How do I get the second value that I want?

Maybe if I use the RANK() formula in some way, but how?

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Calculating Chart Values Over Large Ranges With Catagories

Nov 4, 2008

I am working on a custom log file for my company. It has 3 sheets and on each sheet is a service type column with drop downs and next to it an amount coumn. Every day that a service issue is requested someone goes in and chooses the service type from the drop down and enters the amount in USD. I want to add charts to the top of each sheet and on the axis i want to have service type and then the total amount spent on that catagory.

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Find The Top 5 /bottom 5 Values Using The Large/small Functions

May 28, 2009

I understand how to find the top 5 /bottom 5 values using the large/small functions, but the question I have is: How do I get associated fields. For example I attached a sample sheet with values (Fields: Ticker,TE,Sector,Return). How do I get the Ticker,Sector that the return is for. I'd like to show all the associated fields that relate to the retun, but I can't find the solution on how to do that.

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Using LARGE Formula With Index / Match To Pull Values When There Are Duplicates

Sep 13, 2012

I am attempting to use the LARGE formula to pull the top 3-5 percentages out of a field of 50-100, while using the INDEX/MATCH function to pull the corresponding "descriptor" that is associated with those top 3-5 percentages. (I need to do this across multiple data sets, but I can't get past this 'duplicate' issue) However, I am running into the problem when there are 2 percentages that are identical (WH 14 and WH 16 in pasted text below), then the INDEX/MATCH function only pulls the 1st "descriptor" and doesn't continue down to the Duplicate. how to tell excel to move to the next set of duplicate data and match the 'descriptor' to that data?

I have attached a file that should show what I am trying to do. These are the formulas I am using right now, pulled down into the 3 cells below them to get the top 3.





Warehouse S/S %
WH 1 50.00%
WH 2 57.14%
WH 3 0.00%
WH 4 50.00%
WH 5 100.00%
WH 6 60.00%
WH 7 33.33%
WH 8 66.67%
WH9 60.00%
WH 10 63.64%
WH 11 78.57%
WH 12 55.56%
WH 13 42.86%
WH 14 71.43%
WH 15 61.54%
WH 16 71.43%

Attached File: Book1.xlsx‎

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Find Row Of Large Value In Array And Return Values In Different Named Range

Feb 28, 2012

I have four named ranges (Segment, Keyword, Impressions and Dropdown) and I would like to create a formula-based ranking of keywords by impressions and clicks. Using the following array formula, I am able to return the correct values for impressions or clicks:

{=LARGE(IF(Segment=DropDown,Impressions),$H7)} where $H7 is the number ranking 1, 2, 3 etc.

My question is what array formula could be used to find which row in the array returned that number and then pulls the data from the same row in the other named ranges?

Essentially find row of {=LARGE(IF(Segment=DropDown,Impressions),$H7)} but return Keyword and Clicks on that row.

Other Notes: I cannot use pivot tables and some values might be the same which would make Vlookups not accurate for duplicate values.

Link to an example document to clarify this. [URL] .......

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Large CSV File: Too Large To Open. Split

Aug 6, 2003

I've got a 80 Mb CSV file and would like to open and work with it. Too many lines (90000 or so).

Is there a way to split ( ) this file so I can open two files instead?

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Concatenating More Than 30 Columns At One Go

May 11, 2009

I have more than 30 Columns. I want to concatenate all these columns and put the value in one cell. When I do it, Exccel gives me an error, "You have entered too many arguments for this function"

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Concatenating With Delimiters

Sep 21, 2009

I have a sheet that is going to list usernames in a range of cells (e13:e19). Who gets listed there depends on another condition. So, all the cells could have a name, or only a couple of them could have a name. In another cell I have a formula that is to concatenate the results of who is in e13:e19 range, each name to have a comma between. The problem results when not all of the cells have a name .. the commas still appear ... so results could be ted, mary, bill,,,,bob, jeff ..etc.

I am using the formula below but it still allows the non-needed commas to appear:
=MID(IF(ISTEXT(E13),","&E13,"") & IF(ISTEXT(E14),","&E14,"") & IF(ISTEXT(E15),","&E15,"") & IF(ISTEXT(E16),","&E16,"") & IF(ISTEXT(E17),","&E17,"") & IF(ISTEXT(E18),","&E18,"") & IF(ISTEXT(E19),","&E19,""),2,2000)

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Concatenating Two (2) Columns

Nov 6, 2008

This is the concatenation macro I have for 2 columns. I want to make this more general in that I would like the program to insert a new column to the right and concatenate the 2 columns based on the current cell the cursor is on and the one adjacent to the left (-1). The loop works fine, the modification I need is for the following three (3) lines.

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Concatenating The Results

Jul 24, 2009

For a visual aid I am using a msgbox to view my results. I have "Scenerio 1" and 2.
Snippet of code (CommandButton1):

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Concatenating An Array

Feb 12, 2006

I have a list of about 1,500 email addresses. To send an email I need to have a comma between each entry. I know I can use the formula =(A1&,",",&A2) to concatenate cells A1 and 2, with a comma between the 2 strings, but is there a formula to automatication do it for A1 - A1500???

Or is there an entirely different approach I should consider?

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Concatenating With A Percentage?

Apr 9, 2014

I have a table where a field is called "Expected conversions at [X%]".

X% is a monthly calculation.

So to populate the table row name I tried ="Expected Conversions At"&" "&C28 where C28 refers to a percentage calculated elsewhere in the sheet.

Cell C28 is formated to 1 decimal place. But when I refer to it in this manner it displays to many decimal places.

The result:

Expected Conversions At X.XXXXXXXXXXX

It should say:

Expected Conversions At X.X%

How do I do this so as the % is dynamic and auto updates each month?

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Conditional Concatenating

Oct 5, 2007

I've got a spreadsheet that is being somewhat auto-generated from another program that extracts four different lines of text and puts them into separate cells (Starting at W30, X30, Y30 AND Z30). I believe there are 15 possible combinations. What I would like to end up with is each cell concatenated with " - " separating each one, but ONLY if there is text there to separate.

The function code I have so far gets me very close to what I want, but there are a couple of small issues remaining. See Red Bolded Text.
Here's what I've got so far.

Code: ....

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Concatenating Data

Jan 17, 2008

I need to combine data from two adjacent columns into one in a condensed version of a spreadsheet. As the spreadsheet itself is quite big (over 20,000 rows) I was wondering if there was a quick and efficient way to doing this.

Here is a sample of what I'm working on (I know this would be better off as an image but unfortunately Photobucket is blocked at work):

Contract: Apr-2007 4000 Calls

Contract: Apr-2007 4000 Puts

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Concatenating Fractions

Apr 6, 2008

I'm trying to create a model for woodworking where I can enter fractional wood sizes and have Excel create panel sizes and board lengths for cabinetry. I can easily get the inputs formatted in fractions, but then I'd like to have a concatenation formula that joins two fractions and displays a panel size as a fraction. However, when I try to do this, the concatenation formula changes the fractions to decimals.

Example: cell A1 is 3/4" formatted as fraction. Cell A2 is 1 1/2" formatted as fraction. Let's say I want a to concatenate so that A3 reads

3/4 x 1 1/2

But when I use concatenate (A1," x ",A2) the answer in A3 reads

.75 x 1.5

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Looping And Concatenating

Nov 17, 2009

for i = 2 to i = 23

c.Offset(0, i).Value = combo_& i + 1 & .Value

next i

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Concatenating 2 Cells Into 1

Apr 27, 2007

I have 1 work book with 2 work sheets. I need the data from 1 cell on the first sheet to be merged with a cell on the second sheet, ( I could also do with this having a line being inserted) can this be done in the same cell or does the merge command only work into a new cell?

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Concatenating Many Columns To One

Aug 5, 2008

my problem is that i have a huge number of rows and columns, what i want is to concatenate the data in all the columns to the data in the first one, but separately, this is really complicated, so let us assume that i have the following table


1 ---98---13----17----19----44
2 ---94---18----20----23
3 ---19---22----245---45----62

so after concatenating the value in A to all the values in the other columns and put the result in a new column we get the following output

1---- 9813
2---- 9817
3---- 9819
4---- 9844
5---- 9418
6---- 9420
7---- 9423
8---- 1922
9---- 19245
10--- 1945
11--- 1962

also we need to take in consideration the empty cells as they must be skipped during the process, also find attached my Excel sheet that needs the modification

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Concatenating Months And Years

Oct 14, 2009

Please refer to the attached screenshot of my working spreadsheet.

I'm attempting to concatenate lines 86 and 87, month and year together.

The formula I use is: "=C86 & C87" - but I get a large number instead of "October 2009"

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Is There A Formula For Conditional Concatenating

Mar 23, 2005

I would like to concatenate cells from a column based on the match in the
preceding column with a defined value.

Col. A B
Row1: T1 Jim
Row2: T3 Paul
Row3: T1 Joe
Row4: T2 Mike
Row5: T3 Caroline

The formula should return for T1 for instance: Jim;Joe;
(for T2: Mike;
for T3: Paul;Caroline
Cells in column A can repeat any number of times.

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