Conditional Calculations & Display Of Cells

Nov 20, 2007

Conditional Calculations & Display Of Cells. (See attachment)

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Conditional Formating :: Exclude N/A Cells From Calculations

Dec 4, 2006

I have a single column of data that is, perhaps, 100 rows long.

I have ticks, crosses and 'N/A' in various cells within this column. There are no cells that are blank.

I want to count the number of ticks within the column and want to be able to say:

If the number of ticks is = 100% then it's green.
If the number is >75% and <100% then it's amber.
If the number <75% then it's red.

I also want to exclude the N/A cells from the % calculation.

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Conditional Formatting For Blank Cells To Display Custom Text

Feb 17, 2012

I have a range of cells with numeric values or blanks. I set up a Conditional Formatting rule with this range selected: New Rule > Format only cells that contain > Format only cells with: Blanks; then I set the formatting to a light green fill and on the Number tab > Category = Custom > Type: "blank"

The blank fields get the light green fill, but no text; that is, the value displayed is still blank.

I go back to edit the CF rule and change Blanks to No Blanks. The results are what I expect: the cells with numbers display the text blank and have a green fill; the blank cells have no fill (white).

This is my testing criteria. I eventually want the empty cells to display 0 (zero). I tried setting Custom > Type: 0 (the number placeholder zero) and Type: "0" (literally the number zero), and neither works.

I have tried this with Format only cells with Cell Value equal to [the address of a blank cell].

I tried to set the value as "" but kept getting =""""; and ="" became ="=""" ???

I have tried this with Use a Formula... using the len()=0, isblank(), and other approaches, all with the same results.

I also made sure the option [x] Show a zero in cells that have a zero value is checked.

With all approaches to identifying the blank cells, they ARE obviously being recognized as blank values: the fill color is being applied to the right cells; and when Not Blank is the criterion (or a negation of a formula), the blank ones are not formatted. But blank cells will not display the text as defined in the Custom Formatting.

And this isn't an issue of "If the cell displays 'blank' it's no longer blank, so the rule doesn't apply" - HERE'S WHY: I set up a second CF rule that sets the Font to red when the value is greater than zero and had this CF rule follow the CF rule for No Blanks (the test above that works). Cells with positive numbers displayed blank in red, cells with zeros or negative numbers displayed blank in black. This clarified that the actual value of the cell is being evaluated, not the displayed value after Custom formatting is applied.

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Display TEXT Only Based On Number Rating And Calculations?

Jun 15, 2014

I am trying to display result of risk assessment matrix in excel. I have three columns PROBABILITY , IMPACT and RISK RATING (probability *impact).

Probability = Very Low(1), Low(2), Medium (3), High (4), Very High (5)
Impact = Low(1), Medium(2), High(3)
Risk Rating = Low (value between 1 -3), Medium (value between 4 - 6), High (value between 7 - 15)

Is there any way that I just use TEXT in the cell (visible to user) and excel does its magic in the background using the numbers that I have for each TEXT? I don't want to display numbers.

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Conditional Formatting With Date Calculations?

Sep 30, 2013

I have two date columns named "start_date" and "Dead_line".

Both the columns are in the date format. Ex: 9/14/13 9:14 AM

i want the third column to be the "status" column.

if sysdate-dead_line < 30 % of (dead_line - start_date), then the status column should become green. if sysdate-dead_line is between 30 % and 70 % of (dead_line - start_date), then the status column should become amber. if sysdate-dead_line > 70% of (dead_line - start_date), then the status column should become red.

First the dead_line - start_date to be converted to hours, then have to do conditional formatting like mentioned above.

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Change Event For Conditional Formatting Not Firing On Formula Calculations

Sep 25, 2007

I have used the code for formatting: This works fine when typing in the numbers manualy but if I have a formula (eg:A1=b1+c1) and a1 = 15 nothing happens. Is there an update button or a better way to do this?

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Conditional Formulas-to Get A Spreadsheet To Automate Calculations Of Unit Costs Based On Variable Packaging Names

Dec 1, 2008

I am looking for a way to get a spreadsheet to automate calculations of unit costs based on variable packaging names.

I have a series of packages that are denoted by text phrases. Examples:


For our purposes let's say the package names above will always be in column A. Column B contains the frontline price of a case of product represented by the phrase in column A. Column C will contain the cost per unit of product - this is obtained by dividing column B by the number of each package arrangement that can be found in one case. Most of the time the number of package arrangements per case is denoted by the very first number in the package name (ie, 4/6/12 would be 4). This won't always be the case though (18/12 would be a package arrangement of 1).

I am looking for a way for the spreadsheet to do all of the following and return the results in column C: if the package name contains "4/6/12", divide column B by 4; if the package name contains "2/12/12", divide column B by 2; if the package name contains "6/4/12" divide column B by 6; if the package name contains "18/12", divide column B by 1; if the package name contains "24/12" divide column B by 24.

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Auto Calculations But Missing Some Cells Out

Mar 14, 2012

I have a spreadsheet which has number of formatted rows, the user can insert the formatted rows if they need more as its hard to determine if they will need one set or 50 sets.

The formatted cells are 4 rows deep and span from columns A to AR

The thing is that I want the totals at the bottom to automatically pick up the sums from say Column H but only on the 2nd row of each set of formatted cells eg. H13, H17, H21, H25 etc.

And another sum to pick up the 3rd row, e.g H14, H18, H22, H26 etc

Obviously this can be done manually by selecting control and AutoSum but I wondered if there was a pice of VBA code or a formula that i could run due to some worksheets being longer than others?

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Multiple Calculations From Different Cells With Result In One Cell?

Mar 19, 2014

I realised that the screenshot attachment makes much more sense than trying to show within post.


BILL £4.00 £4.00 £48.00
BILL £120.00 £10.00 £120.00
BILL £260.00 £21.67 £260.00
BILL £12.00 £12.00 £144.00
BILL £19.00 £19.00 £228.00
BILL £14.63 £14.63 £175.56
BILL £550.00 £45.83 £550.00
BILL £94.00 £94.00 £1,128.00

For my bills I want to work out first the monthly cost e.g. monthly(B) figure OR annual (C) /12 - and give the result in column (D)
And then work out the annual cost e.g. monthly (B) *12 OR annual figure - and give the result in column (E)

So if there is no figure in the monthly column (B), the calculation will be dividing the annual column figure by 12 and vice versa, if there is no figure in the annual column (C) then the calculation will be multiplying the figure by 12

This is probably a very simple calculation to do, but I am struggling to make sense of calculating results from different columns to give a result in the same cell.


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How Do I Display All Conditional Formatting

Jul 7, 2006

Whilst it is possible to display all the formulas on an Excel 2003 worksheet, it is only possible to display conditional formatting cell-by-cell. This is tedious when checking for any errors, which are easy to acquire when pasting from one cell to another.

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Display Conditional Formatting Rules?

Oct 9, 2013

how to display the current set of conditional formatting? I don't want to go to the cells I want a listing of all the conditional formatting rules. I am sure I have seen this somewhere in the past but cannot locate it.

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Conditional Formatting Or VBA To Display Text

Jun 6, 2013

I am working with Excel 2000

If cell D4 has a 90 or above, I want cell C4 to highlight in green, but I also want the cell to display the word green. I know how to do the former, but the latter perplexes me a bit.

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IF Conditional Function: Value To Display Only If A Check Mark

Jul 28, 2006

Can you make the first part (the logical test) be anything other than a numerical value? I want a value to display only if a check mark (using the wingding font for the check mark) appears next to certain items in a list. For example: =If(A1=checkmark,B1+C1,""). If I am not clear maybe I can explain it another way.

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Display Full List Of All Conditional Formatting In Worksheet

Feb 27, 2014

I have a worksheet with a lot of different conditions applied to a lot of cells. I'd like to do some housekeeping, but to do that, I would like a clear and complete list of all cells that have conditional formats attached to them, and what the formula/criteria is for applying said format. I don't even care what the formatting is, but that would be nice too.

So, when I go to my "Conditional Formatting" screen, I get something like:

Now, this doesn't show me much of anything about what the formula actually is. I need to select it and look around. I'd rather just get a full listing of what the rule says...

And where I might have the same rule applied to different ranges of cells And so on.

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Looping & Conditional Format: Finds A "J" It Will Apply Conditional Formatting To A Row Of 4 Cells Directly Adjacent?

Feb 9, 2009

I need to run a loop through a column of values (attachment col B) and when it finds a "J" it will apply conditional formatting to a row of 4 cells directly adjacent. The attachment is a theoretical before & after.

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Excel 2007 :: Conditional Formatting Empty Cells Based On Full Cells?

Nov 17, 2011

Working in Excel 2007. I am using excel for a data log (basically) and want it to format all empty cells in a row yellow if there is data in column A

Basically, If i have a value in A2, I want any empty cell between B2-G2 to be filled in yellow (as an idicator to the inputter that the cell needs to be completed).

there is already conditional formatting on these cells, which i want to maintain for the non-empty cells. I also have "0" as a value, so I couldn't use the basic conditional formatting setting it =0, it highlighted cells with $0.00, which i do not want.

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Excel 2003 :: Conditional Format Top / Mid / Bottom 33% Of Cells But Ignoring Blank Cells

Mar 25, 2012

I am trying to conditionally format the top middle and bottom thirds of a range of data. Problem is, that the range needs to be flexible as sometimes there may be a maximum of 36 cells with data, but sometimes there may be less (so there are blank cells in the range that need not be counted). The methods I have tried always include the blank cells, and so it is not equally formatting the thirds (as it includes the blanks cells as part of the bottom data)....

Here are the 2 methods Ive tried so far using excel 2003)
Top 34%:
$38)*34%)),MAX( $D$3:$D$38))0,LARGE($D$3:$D$38,INT(COUNT($D$3:$D
$38)*67%)),MAX( $D$3:$D$38))0,LARGE($D$3:$D$38,INT(COUNT($D$3:$D
$38)*100%)),MAX( $D$3:$D$38))

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Conditional Format Cells Containing Numbers And Letters - Ignore Cells With Number Only

Jul 11, 2014

I have a column of numbers and want to make sure everything has been entered correctly from our scanning software. Basically, I want to automatically highlight any cell that has any letter in it (e.g. z12o2 instead of 21202 or R705 instead of 5705), ignoring any cells that contain only numbers. I haven't had any luck using conditions based on formulas like =ISTEXT.

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Conditional Formatting: Cells Filled By Red Until The User Enters Text In Those Cells

Jul 18, 2006

Is there a way to set up a conditional format for several cells so that the cells are filled in with red until the user enters text in those cells??

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Conditional Or IF - Formatting Another Cells Font Based On Different Cells Text

May 3, 2013

What I am looking to do is;

If cell A2 = "Closed"

then I want cells B2 and C2 to strike through its own text.

A2= anything other than "Closed"
then B2 and C2 = Blah blah blah

but if

A2 = Closed
then B2 and C2 = Blah blah blah

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Cells Display As #######

Jun 20, 2008

I copied text from a large volume of different sources into three spreadsheets. When my webmaster went to import the data from a smaller test excerpt, he made sure that the column with the text in it had the cell formatting changed from "general" to "text".

Once this formatting change was made, some but not all, rows in the spreadsheet instead of displaying the text displayed "########". Other rows were fine.

I have tried using the TRIM command and the CLEAN command on one of the cells in order to see if this clears up the problem. But, my cell still displays as "####". For a smaller, sample spreadsheet, my webmaster fixed the problem by manually retyping the text.

I have too much text in the three spreadsheets to retype this all. Plus, when I tried retyping one sample cell, after having cleared it, I still got the "###" displayed as soon as I entered the "." at the end of the first sentence. But, other cells have periods ending sentences with no problems.

I do not know if there are additional hidden codes or some other problem in the text itself.

Does someone know of a tool or tools to clean text data so it is validly formatted as text? Or, if I should use a series of commands, I want to do them in the right order and do all of them so I don't lose any data. I have three spreadsheets each in excess of 1,000 rows, so corrupting the text is one concern and not having to retype text is the other.

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Conditional Formatting Of Blank Cells And Date Cells?

Jan 17, 2013

I have attached the sample. I need the cells without the employee or without a boss to highlight a color and i also need the date of certification to highlight if it is more than one year old.

conditional formatting.xlsx

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How To Quickly Display Given Cells Only

Jun 2, 2014

If I have a spreadsheet with 52 weeks or 365 days worth of data on it, is there a way (without using the hide function) to display dates of a certain range? For example, I only want to see the data from week 30 - week 40. Is there some kind of macro out there that I could maybe enter start date and end date in to a 2 cells (start date & finish date) and it will automatically filter it for me?

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Make Multiple Cells Display Same Value?

Jul 31, 2014

I've recently discovered that I enjoy making Excel spreadsheets as a tool to solve recreational puzzles. Mostly variations on crosswords and such. Honestly it probably takes much longer to organize everything into a sheet than it would to just solve on paper, but I seem to enjoy it this way more.

The Actual Question (for TL;DR Types):

Anyway, I am trying to find a way so that a group of cells can all copy the value of the other cells in the group, regardless of which cell the value is entered into. So I don't want there to be one "master cell" that all the cells are linked to. I want them all linked to each other.

Specifically, right now I am making a spreadsheet for a non-traditional style crossword puzzle. My intention was to make fields for the answers to each clue, with individual cells for each letter, as well as the crossword grid itself. Then I would link the cell in the clue answer to the cell in the grid, so that when the answer was filled it, it would be inserted in the proper place. But since this is a crossword, there is more than one clue with a letter that links to each cell. I could make it so that the cell in the crossword grid is the "master" and make the other two equal to it, but I would much rather be able to enter the letter into any of the three cells and have all three fill automatically.

I realize I am making this way more difficult than it really needs to be, but that is kind of what I enjoy about it. Finding creative ways to make the puzzles fit into a spreadsheet and making them more streamlined.

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Counting Cells That Display Data

Jun 12, 2009

obviously if one wants to count all cells that contain data they can use COUNTA, but what if i have a range of cells that contain IF formulas and only want to count the cells that display data?

presumably you'd have to use some variation of NOT(""), but i can't seem to make it work.

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Message Box To Display Range Of Cells

Dec 3, 2009

I am using the following code to display a range of cells from a single column (A1:A10) in a message box, with each cell value on a seperate line.

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Display First, Second, Etc Nonblank Cells In A Range

Sep 22, 2005

There will be anywhere from 1 to 5 values in each of these columns, but not
successively. There will be several blank cells inbetween these nonblank
cells, which I need stacked neatly into the first five rows at the top of the


(A10) - Apples
(A17) - Oranges
(A23) - Peaches
(A38) - Some other fruit of your choice...

(B14) - Toyota
(B21) - Honda
(B44) - Mercury...........

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Display Formula Instead Of Its Values In Some Cells

Jan 6, 2006

I encountered problem for some excel files when typing a formula but
displayed a formula instead of its calculated values, e.g.

when I entered "=100 + 100", what I exepected is to display as "200", but it
was displayed as "=100 + 100" instead.

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Display R, A Or G Depending On Text In 2 Other Cells

Apr 15, 2009

I am trying to nest a formula with IF & AND to work out a RAG status. I have 2 questions per row (in Columns I:J) which will be answered either Yes or No. For each combination I need to give a RAG status in Column K – e.g. two Yes replies give Green, 2 No replies give no and one No out of 2 will give Amber

Below is hoped for response in Column K:

ColI---Col--- JCol K

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Display Userform When Certain Cells Selected

Feb 24, 2009

I have created a Multipage Userform which I want to control the display when certain condition is met. I am using a button to call up this userform but I wanted to put some limitation to this form being displayed. This form will only be displayed when any of the cells in Column B Row 20 downwards or Column D Row 20 downwards are selected.

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