Convert/Transpose Multiple Groups Of Rows Across Columns
Mar 9, 2009
How to convert multiple Rows recors to a single row record in a Notes(csv) format? Have update my xls file. My source is in the below format(Source.xls):
As you can see only GroupNameN, and Name_N are varibles, the rest of the fields are static. note that there is opening and closing quota for column "E" and "F" in output.xls
How to selectively transpose a row of dates to columns. I'm not sure exactly how to explain this, so below is an example of what the data look like entered into the spreadsheet:
study ID provider visit 1 visit 2 visit 3 visit 4 visit 5
I'd like to extract the data into a new table on another worksheet that looks like this:
Date provider study id visit # 7/21/13 Test Name 10001
This is just a quick example, but basically it would continue through all possible visit dates for the first study ID, then move to the next row of data (i.e. the next study ID) and extract the data from the row and transpose it in the appropriate columns moving down...
I should note that there is oftentimes more than three rows for the same account number, sometimes it could be as many as 20 rows for the same account.
I need to transpose a three column worksheet with thousands of rows containing repeats based on the value in Column A (between 2 and 11 consecutive repeats), into rows with no repeats, and the values from the repeated rows into new columns. Column A has a unique numeric value corresponding to the repeated rows. Column B has 1 of 11 values and Column C has 1 of 4 values.
The worksheet looks like this:
1 abc x 1 def y 2 ghi x 2 abc n 2 lmn x 2 def z 2 jkl y
I need to make it look like this:
1 abc x def y 2 ghi x abc n lmn x def z jkl y
I tried using the following code, but it dropped all the values from column C:
Sub kTest() Dim a, i As Long, w(), k(), n As Long Dim dic As Object, ws As Worksheet, s As String
Set dic = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") dic.comparemode = vbTextCompare With Sheets("sheet1") a = . Range("a2:b" & .Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row) End With
I am attaching a workbook " Book 1" that has the results from the above macro in the first worksheet "Final Report", the origninal data "orig data", and the format I need to get the data into "needed data".
When I was using Excel 2000, there was an Excel add-in where I could highlight rows of information and then transpose these into columns of information. Since we have upgraded to Excel 2003, the same Excel add-in does not work and I have not been able to find a simple solution to transpose my information from a horizontal view to a vertical view or the reverse.
Or do I just have to move 53 columns (weeks) of 4 rows one cell at a time to 4 columns of 53 rows (weeks)?
I have a very large sheet of all US zip codes by county name. Unfortunately, the document builder decided to list up to EIGHTEEN columns of zip codes per county name... I assume to make it easier to look at.
I now need to rebuild the sheet to have one column of county names and *one* column of zip codes, which will be a nearly impossible task if I don't find a way to automate the conversion.
Attached is a sample... sheet 1 is my initial state (except here its 5 columns rather than 18), and sheet 2 is my hoped for end state. Notice that the zip codes can, but don't always, fill every column allotted.
I'm currently faced with a spreadsheet that has data formatted like this: A 1 RandomRowofData1 2 RandomRowofData2 3 RandomRowofData3 4 RandomRowofData4 5 RandomRowofData5 6 RandomRowofData6 7 RandomRowofData7 8 RandomRowofData8 9 RandomRowofData9
Every 9 rows, a new "set" of data repeats itself (wow, this is so hard to put into words)....
I need to figure out a way to get the data in column "A", every 9 rows, to transpose itself into 9 separate columns.
A1 1. Aarvark Inn A2 Region: 3 A3 Unit: B A4 2. Avalon Home A5 Region: 6 A6 Unit: A
I want to make it so that every three items becomes a row. So that my data is like this, with the number and name being column A, the Region being column B, and the Unit being column C in the worksheet.
1. Aarvark Inn Region: 3 Unit: B 2. Avalon Home Region: 6 Unit: A
I have lot of data in Excel 2010 which I wish to bring in Columns using a Macro depending on the input value which the macro should prompt me. For E.g.:
If I select data from A1 and J1 (in practical it will be more Columns) the Macro should prompt me how many Columns would be the output on Master Sheet. If the input is 2 then it should create an output Sheet "Master" and should show the following result
It after selection I run the macro and input 3 then the output should go in three columns (A1,B1,C1) one below other. If 4 is Input then 4 Columns (A1,B1,C1,D1) will come below each other so on and so forth.
The key point is that I have over 400 columns grouped in three, offset by one row down for each (this is due to a different formula I have working). Each column is 60 numbers long (not including empty cells above data). I want to copy all of these columns into a single set of three columns on another sheet (Sheet2). (These will be the fifth, sixth, and seventh columns, E, F, and G. If it would be simpler, I could simply copy the third of each set of columns on Sheet1 (C, F, I) to column G of Sheet2. Then there would be a total of 144 columns being copied (60 numbers per column).) All of this copying has to be values-only as the original columns consist of formulas referencing outside cells. Sheet2 should look like this:.............
I'm looking for a way to count groups of alternating rows of "TRUE" values across 3 columns. There will never be an occurrence of more than one "TRUE" value per row. In the sample below, alternating TRUE values occur in rows 4 through 7, so this would be counted with the groups of 4.
I realize that the easier resolve to this request is to use Access & we are moving to that application.
I have included a worksheet as an example.
We have a 'work in progress' (WIP) worksheet that contains 12 rows of data per job. Need to know how (or if) you can sort by the "Job #:" value while maintaining the group of information necessary for each individual job.
Not a normal sort because the values aren't entered in typical side-by-side row & column format.
i need to mark some row (which has some content written in), mark other row(with data too) and switch/transpose them mutual. when i was trying transpose method, which is using for switching rowns and columns, it wrote me error, that data are overlapping. it means it cant work on same things (rows > rows, columns > columns).
I have 19 rows of data spanning 184 columns, and I'm attempting to transpose them to be 19 columns and 184 rows, which would normally be easy. The problem is I need to be able to transpose the numbers while still keeping the formulas on a separate worksheet linking/connecting to the correct cells. I almost need to be able to cut/special paste - transpose, but that's not possible... I don't think.
I have some sales history data for products which I need in one row. Each product has 4 rows x 12 columns (months) of data under each other. I need the 48 months of data in one row per product. A sample of the type of data I have is below (product A) along with the expected result. In the real data there would be many products not just one as per my example.
how do i transpose from rows to columns i have 545 names with addresses Sheet1 GH221name23 adress line124 adress line225 phone26 fax272name28 adress line129 adress line230 phone31 fax323name33 adress line134 adress line235 phone36 fax37 city384name39 fax40 city Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4
selecting each block of name+address is tedious --how can i do it in one go also the number of rows varies in each block -- at places there are 4 rows at other places 3 rows and so on
I have some summary results stated in row format by GL at the row header. I would like the GL to be the column header and the unit to be the row header. I tried using the index function but keep receiving #VALUE! error. Sample attached.
refer to the attached file. I have series of continuous data which is numbered from 1 to 100. They are arranged in vertical order. Due to some application, i need to convert them into another sheet so that they can be viewed horizontally. I used HLOOKUP to obtain the data from sheet 1. Now i have only 17 groups of data and i still have 83 more data to be input in the future. Is there any VBA code that can help me "extend" the equation in sheet2 so that whenever i key in the data in sheet1, the corresponding data will be generated automatically in sheet2?
transposing columns and rows in an Excel worksheet. This data is a table of part numbers requested vs. received over several different days. Currently, the data is sorted by date across the columns, and each date is split into two columns for requested and received. The rows are labeled with the individual part numbers.
I would like to format the data so that the part numbers appear as the column label, and each part number label is split into two columns for requested and received. Also, the date would then signify the date of each value in the table. I have attempted to use the transpose command, but this only gets me half-way there - still struggling with the splitting of the columns. I can drag a simple "= CELL" command, but the existing data is too cumbersome to build this. I thought a macro might be more efficient.
The file attached is a snap-shot of the data, but will display the formatting challenge I have. The worksheet "Given Format" is the current, while the "Desired Format" is the desired.
I want to transpose the phone number and website over where the name is? I know I can do a copy and paste special and transpose but then I have do it individuallly and I have over thousands rows.I have attached an example.
I am trying to clean up some data, which is organized horizantally AND in rows, as per the attached screenshot.
The fact that there is data horizontally across seven week days and in rows for the weeks of the year makes it impossible for me to use the simple TRANSPOSE feature, of which I am aware...
I have quite a couple of worksheets I need to apply this operation on, so manual work is the worst solution...
I have an excel spreadsheet which contains data for customers and the last date they were seen at an appointment (along with various other bits of info).
The way the data is exported from my database package means that each customer has one row per appointment, i.e. row 1 contains john smith, 01/01/2009, row 2 contains john smith, 03/03/2009, row 3 contains john smith 01/04/2009, row 4 contains joe bloggs 12/02/2009, row 5 contains joe bloggs 27/03/2009. Some customers may have 4 or 5 appointments listed whereas another customer may only have one. I need to get the appointments all onto one row per customer so that I can calculate the number of days between appointments. I have tried to use transpose, but with 8000 rows it takes forever.