Convert Or Transpose One Column Into Many Rows

Nov 15, 2006

I have a huge list, all in one column:

A1 1. Aarvark Inn
A2 Region: 3
A3 Unit: B
A4 2. Avalon Home
A5 Region: 6
A6 Unit: A

I want to make it so that every three items becomes a row. So that my data is like this, with the number and name being column A, the Region being column B, and the Unit being column C in the worksheet.

1. Aarvark Inn Region: 3 Unit: B
2. Avalon Home Region: 6 Unit: A

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Convert / Transpose Label Format To Rows

Feb 20, 2008

I need a list with a row of column headers (optional but recommended) and then rows of data. An example of what I'm working with is as follows:


1524 29TH AVENUE

1851 10TH STREET
OAKLAND, CA 94606...........

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Convert Column To Row Without Using Transpose

Jan 31, 2009

i am looking to convert data in columns to rows without using transpose but by formula. and i can drag it across to the right to keep getting new data.

i see posts mention about using functions like index, match? or other functions to do it?

i have attached the excel.

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Convert/Transpose Multiple Groups Of Rows Across Columns

Mar 9, 2009

How to convert multiple Rows recors to a single row record in a Notes(csv) format? Have update my xls file. My source is in the below format(Source.xls):


I want to convert it to a CSV file where by it can be import to Lotus Notes (output.xls):

1,1,Group,GroupName_A,"Name_A,Name_B,Name_C","CN=John Sam/OU=FIN/OU=staff/O=IBM,CN=Mary Flow/OU=FIN/OU=staff/O=IBM",CN=John Sam/OU=FIN/OU=staff/O=IBM
1,1,Group,GroupName_B,"Name_D,Name_E,Name_F,Name_G,Name_H,Name_I","CN=John Sam/OU=FIN/OU=staff/O=IBM,CN=Mary Flow/OU=FIN/OU=staff/O=IBM",CN=John Sam/OU=FIN/OU=staff/O=IBM

As you can see only GroupNameN, and Name_N are varibles, the rest of the fields are static. note that there is opening and closing quota for column "E" and "F" in output.xls

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Transpose Rows Keeping Heading In Column A And Data In Column B

Mar 2, 2011

I have an excel spread sheet with several rows of 265 (9A-IV) columns each with a heading. I would like to transpose the worksheet columns so that the heading is placed in Column A against the corresponding that is placed in column B. For example

ABCD14692571038Transpose to A1A2A3B4B5C6C7C8D9D10

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Transpose Or Convert Rows Of Data Into Columns Of Data:

Feb 12, 2009

When I was using Excel 2000, there was an Excel add-in where I could highlight rows of information and then transpose these into columns of information. Since we have upgraded to Excel 2003, the same Excel add-in does not work and I have not been able to find a simple solution to transpose my information from a horizontal view to a vertical view or the reverse.

Or do I just have to move 53 columns (weeks) of 4 rows one cell at a time to 4 columns of 53 rows (weeks)?

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Transpose Rows To Single Column

Feb 23, 2012

I'm trying to do something which I can't manage with traditional formulas and a macro might be required.

I have the following table:


1.00 6.00 11.0016.0021.00
2.00 7.00 12.0017.0022.00
3.00 8.00 13.0018.0023.00
4.00 9.00 14.0019.0024.00
5.00 10.0015.0020.0025.00

What I would need to do is take all column values and transpose is to rows, copying the header for every set, like:

ColumnA ColumnB
Header1 1.00
Header2 6.00
Header3 11.00
Header4 16.00
Header5 21.00

[Code] ...

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Transpose Each Row Every 5 Rows (of 15 Cells) Into One Column

Oct 19, 2013

I am using Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and Windows 7. I have a lot of data (1-4 thousands of rows) where each column represents a year for 15 years. Every set of 5 rows are different data for a company and the values for every year of each data are under the representative column.

I want to transpose the values for every year, of one data at a time, into one column. Then do the same for the next data.

For Example I have something like this:



If there is a way to do this for one data (i.e. data1) it will be easy to do it for the other 4. I also know how to create a macro from the Developer Tab if it is easier to create a vba code. A formula of course is ok too. I tried for hours to find a way to do this but I couldn't...

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Transpose Rows At Every Occurence Of A Value In Column

Apr 8, 2008

Transpose rows at every occurence of a value in column ...

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Transpose / Match / Array Column To Rows

Feb 27, 2014

I've tried using a Pivot Table, a Match Array V-Look Up formula I found on here (and can't seem to find anymore) that I altered to fit my cell needs, and even implemented RP-Excel.

This is an example of what I have:



This is an example of what I'm trying to do:



Additional challenges:

The actual workbook is over 4,000 rows long with a lot of various other information in neighboring columns.

The dates represent each time a specific box was filled. Some boxes only filled once, some up to 14 times. I only want up to the first five fills.

Able to try any of the following, or combinations of: Formulas, Pivot Tables, VBA, RP Excel

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Transpose Macro Varying Rows From 1 Column

Aug 22, 2009

I've trawled a few forums for a while now trying to find a macro that matches my specifications, or one I can adapt but so far have been unsuccessful, so here goes:

I have one column of data (col. A) of customer names and addresses each with an empty row in between them. The lines of data relating to each customer vary from 6 rows to 14 rows, then an empty row, then the next customer and so on - for several thousand rows.

I am wanting to create a macro that will transpose each customer to either their own row in sheet2, or to column B and then delete column A at the end.

All I can find is macros for a specific number of rows rather than varying. One way would be to have a code that 'pads' out those customers with fewer than 14 lines by inserting rows to make them 14, and then a code to transpose 15 rows at a time.

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Vlookup To Convert Row Of Cells Into Column Of Cells (transpose)

Jan 13, 2014

i'm trying to take a selected row of about 7 cells (which are obviously all positioned horizontally) and have it inserted, via vlookup using the drop down option of 'Data Validation', to another location but having all the cells lined up vertically, meaning going down 7 cells. I would guess that a shorter explanation of what i'm trying to do is to have the vlookup transpose 7 cells.

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Creating Macro To Transpose Column Data To Rows

May 22, 2012

How to create a macro to transpose rainfall data (in a column) into rows.

I have over 7200 years of data so using paste special will be very slow.

I have attached a sample of the spreadsheet below.


[Code] ..........

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Transpose Column To Rows - Referencing Columns By Number

Jun 19, 2012

I'm trying to create a macro that transposes data from columns to rows.

My source data is laid out so Column A and B contain item identifiers, and then the header for Column C to Column S contain dates (March, April, May, etc) and the row data below contains quantities for each month. This is on Sheet1.

I need my end data (on Sheet2) to have the item detail in Column A and B, the quantity in Column C and the Date in Column D. If there is a date that has no quantity then it should be skipped.

Sample Source Data (Pipes added for clarity, they aren't in the actual data)

Part |Description |June 4 |June 11 |June 18
A | PartA | 5 | | 12
(Please note June 11 has no quantity)

Sample Destination Data:

A | Part A | 5 | June 4
A | Part A | 12| June 18

Below is the start of the code, obviously I have a ways to go before it's fully functional but hopefully you get the idea how I'm trying to attempt this. Where I'm having issues right now is referencing columns by number. Is there a way to do this so I can do Column = Column + 1 to advance columns to the right? Or any better way to address this all together?

HTML Code:
Sub ConvertToRows()
Dim ReviewRow, ReviewRowEnd, PasteRow, ColumnNumber As Integer
ReviewRow = 2


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Transpose Column Into Unique Rows With Comma Delimited Values

Nov 4, 2013

I am trying to execute a script I copied from this site to transpose a column of values into unique rows. There was a very similar thread to my question, but the code does not work for my situation as I am a newbie to VBA. The referenced thread was Need to transpose multiple comma separated values

I would like to comma delimit column "D" into unique rows per value while maintaining the relationship with the data in the other columns. Here is the example of my data:

Apache Hunting Club




Tiger Branch Hunt Club


71, 72


Big "O" Hunting Club


59, 64, 65, 75, 79, 84

I want to make each value in Column D a unique row and still be associated with Column A-C. When I run this code I get a Runtime script error 9.

Sub SplitKeywords()
Dim MyArr, v As Long, i As Long, LR As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
LR = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

[Code] ......

How to correct this? My actual data spans from column A-Q and can place the "split values" in column Q.

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Excel 2007 :: Transpose Data From Column A1 To Multiple Rows

Feb 26, 2014

I need to transpose data from Column A to Row 2 and down.

The data in column A is in sections of 19 rows and then a blank cell and another 19 rows of data contimuously, It is a dynamic range and can contain many thousands of Rows.

The data needs to be transposed from Column A to row 2 (row 1 has the head line for each column) so the 19 lines of data is now spread accross 19 columns in row 2 and the next section from column A is spread accross the 19 columns in row 3 and so on.

My data looks similar to the below. (Test Number 0001 starts in A1)

Test Number 0001






I use Excel 2007

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Transpose Function: Convert The Worksheet

Nov 18, 2008

I currently have a Tab named "Rent by Month 3-08-5-29" containing the monthly rent amount for 700 locations for March 2008 - May of 2029 with the layout seen below.

Shop# 3/1/2008 4/1/2008 5/1/2008 6/1/2008 ETC..
2 $5000 $5000 $5000 $5000
3 $3000 $3000 $3000 $3000
4 $7000 $7000 $7000 $7000
18 $4000 $4000 $4000 $4000
ETC... continuing down 700 rows and over 251 columns

What I need to do is convert this worksheet so it contains the same information but resembles the following layout.
Shop# Month Rent Amount
2 3/1/2008 $5000
2 4/1/2008 $5000
2 5/1/2008 $5000
2 6/1/2008 $5000
3 3/1/2008 $3000
3 4/1/2008 $3000
3 5/1/2008 $3000
3 6/1/2008 $3000

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Convert Column Data To Rows?

Apr 20, 2014

I student data in the following format

STUD ID, Surname, Forename, Subject
0001,Smith, Stan,Biology


I would like to display it so instead of there being multiple rows per student there is just 1 row with each subject in a new column


STUD ID,Surname,Forename, Subject 1, Subject 2, Subject 3


0001,Smith,Stan, Biology, Chemistry, Physics

Is there any way I can do this quickly for hundreds of students?

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CSV: Can't Convert To One Column Only Lots Of Rows?

Jan 13, 2010

I'm trying to convert a very large list of phrases into one list of phrases in one column in excel.

The original list is separated by commas. I can get part of the list to show when I import they're coming up in hundreds of columns instead of one column with hundreds of rows. I want them to be listed horizontally, each phrase in a separate row but in one column. How do I do this? I would transpose from the columns into rows but it's cutting off the data when I import.

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Convert Repeating Rows Into Column Head

Mar 26, 2009

I have an excel spreadsheet containing data in two column layout :

States, Cities

UP, Ghaziabad
UP, Agra
UP, Lucknow
UP, Kanpur
UP, Allahabad
Punjab, Amritsar
Punjab, Ludhiana
Punjab, Jalandhar
Punjab, Patiala

How can I covert it in following layout i.e convert repeating rows into column headings ?

Punjab, UP

Amritsar, Ghaziabad
Ludhiana, Agra
Jalandhar, Lucknow
Patiala, Kanpur
, Allahabad

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Convert Multiple Rows To Columns And Add Column Headers

Oct 17, 2009

I'm currently faced with a spreadsheet that has data formatted like this:
1 RandomRowofData1
2 RandomRowofData2
3 RandomRowofData3
4 RandomRowofData4
5 RandomRowofData5
6 RandomRowofData6
7 RandomRowofData7
8 RandomRowofData8
9 RandomRowofData9

Every 9 rows, a new "set" of data repeats itself (wow, this is so hard to put into words)....

I need to figure out a way to get the data in column "A", every 9 rows, to transpose itself into 9 separate columns.

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VBA Excel To Transpose Multiple Rows And Multiple Column?

Jul 3, 2013

I was planning to transpose this sample data into the output designated below.

Original sample: (There is an empty row after every 4 entries)

Name: xxx
Email: xxx
Phone Number: xxx
Address: xxx


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VBA Code To Convert Multiple Rows As Column Header Grouped By Unique Key

Jul 24, 2014

I have data in excel sheet in the below format:

Existing view.png

How to write a VBA code or Macro to get it in below format:

Required View.png

Timestamp column is the unique key.

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Convert Hourly Time Series Data From Rows To Single Column

Jan 8, 2014

I have A:1 - X365 filled with hourly energy prices for 2013. I need to convert these to a single column - A1:A8760. I have tried writing some code and some macros with no success.

If I were to do it manually 365 times, the macro would look like this:

Copy Row A1:X1
select sheet 2
Paste Special > Transpose (fills A1:A24)

repeat for rows 2-365

Tried using this from a previous post, but it takes A1:A24 then B1:B24 and so on and makes them a single column - so it doesn't work unfortunately.

Sub MakeColumn()
Dim rng As Range
Dim LastRowSrc As Long
Dim LastRowDst As Long

Set rng = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")

[Code] .....

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Transpose Multi-Column Groups/Repeats Based On 1 Column

Mar 19, 2009

I have a sheet with 3,000 rows and only two columns. Column "A" consists of 20 to 30 different names, column "B" consists of 50 to 60 different products. I need to be able to evalute the value in column A and copy, paste special transpose all values in Column B that have the same value in column A. As an example if cells A1 through A5 is "Arizona" and cell B1 is Broccoli, B2 is Cauliflower, B3 is Apples, B4 is Oranges, and B5 is Bananas, I want to copy B1 through B5 and paste special transpose to cell C1.

This then would need to loop all the way to the bottom of the data in Column A looking for a change in value. The attached file called Sample Data has two tabs. The one titled "report" shows the raw data, the one titled "Final" shows how I would like the results to appear (column L)

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Transpose From Rows To Columns

Jun 10, 2014

A code to transpose from rows to columns.

But why doesn't it transpose like the sheet 'How it should be' but all in one row?

HTML Code: 

Sub MG10Jun34()
Dim Rng As Range
Dim Dn As Range
Dim c As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

[Code] .......

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Transpose Rows To Columns?

Sep 26, 2013

I have 19 rows of data spanning 184 columns, and I'm attempting to transpose them to be 19 columns and 184 rows, which would normally be easy. The problem is I need to be able to transpose the numbers while still keeping the formulas on a separate worksheet linking/connecting to the correct cells. I almost need to be able to cut/special paste - transpose, but that's not possible... I don't think.

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Transpose Columns To Rows

Nov 5, 2011

I have some sales history data for products which I need in one row. Each product has 4 rows x 12 columns (months) of data under each other. I need the 48 months of data in one row per product. A sample of the type of data I have is below (product A) along with the expected result. In the real data there would be many products not just one as per my example.

Sample Data

[Code] .......

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Transpose Columns Into Rows

May 17, 2013

how transpose my 4 Colunas to 1 Row




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Transpose From Rows To Columns

Dec 18, 2007

how do i transpose from rows to columns
i have 545 names with addresses
Sheet1 GH221name23 adress line124 adress line225 phone26 fax272name28 adress line129 adress line230 phone31 fax323name33 adress line134 adress line235 phone36 fax37 city384name39 fax40 city Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4

selecting each block of name+address is tedious --how can i do it in one go
also the number of rows varies in each block -- at places there are 4 rows at other places 3 rows and so on

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