Converting Ping Log To Average Ping Per Hour Chart
Aug 21, 2013
So I have an Excel Table that consists of data from a Ping utility (we're having a lot of connection issues on our DSL line), every 5-10 seconds the program pings various websites like google, yahoo, etc. and logs the ping time.
I'd like to make a chart or graph that shows the average ping per Hour (or 30 minutes, or whatever) for all these sites combined, basically take an hour of pings, find the average of all or just the pings from one IP, plot.
Table is
ColA = Date Time (8/20/2013 15:57)
ColB = IP Address (
ColC = Ping (123)
ColD = Result (Succeeded/Failed)
ColD = DNS (, it's a vlookup from a table of IPs and their DNS address)
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Dec 11, 2007
I have a local area network with a couple of hundred computers which share one internet connection. Each user has a CPE (customer premise equipment) with an assigned (by me) IP. This CPE connets to the users equipment via CAT5. My responsibility is to provide internet. Sometimes users call and say their comupter cannot access the internet. I need a quick way to see if the problem lies with my network or if the problem is with the customer's computer. It seems to me that if I could open my spreedsheet with all the network connections and user data and simply ping their IP I would see if the problem is with my equipment or the users.
Column A of my spreedsheet has the actual IP addresses: thru and thru but not all are currently being used. Each row has distinct user account information. I have created a shortcut, named it PING106.bat and listed the target as %windir%system32ping.exe which I can click on and it runs. Next I inserted a hyperlink in A:107 and it does work (it brings up a DOS screen and pings three times then closes the DOS screen)... But there must be a better way. I don't want to create hundreds of shortcuts and insert hyperlinks to specific cells one at a time. It would be nice if I could click on a cell which contains an IP and know if that particular IP is up and reachable on my LAN.
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Oct 28, 2009
I would like to “ping” each computer ip address to check if it is online or offline and then write the result in Column C.
There needs to be no limit to how many ip addresses the script can ping.
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Oct 18, 2012
I'm trying to work out some code that will take the contents of a cell (either alias or IP name), carry out a ping operation and return the result into the worksheet in the next columns to the right.
I've searched this site and found something similar that returns the result of the ping to a MSGBOX but this isn't quite what I want.
The endgame is to have a For/Next loop for a list of IP addresses in (say) A1:A10 and have the results pasted into columns B, C and so on, with each line of the ping result pasted into subsequent columns.
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Apr 15, 2013
I want to create a excel file with VBA code that ping's the IP's from column A, give a response to column B (OK or NOT OK) and in column C gives the last "OK" ping date and time. Something like:
A B C OK 14/04/2013 13:10 NOT OK 14/04/2013 13:00 OK 14/04/2013 13:10
The ping process should be a continuous loop.
What I found this far involved text files and I don't want that.
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Nov 3, 2006
I have simple (or not) question:
how can I convert a digit that I input into a cell to an hour format ?
I want to achieve something like this:
- when I input a digit into a cell , for example: 9 a want to convert it to 9:00 (9 hours, 0 minutes). How can I do it ?
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Dec 12, 2013
how we could convert numbers to 24 hour time format as we key in the numbers?
As we key in 0815, it would automatically convert to 08:00.
As we key in 1345, it would automatically convert to 13:45.
What is the code we could use to put in the code of the sheet?
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Feb 10, 2008
I have a spreadsheet with the following data that elapses an entire year, broken down into 24 hourly sections per day:
column A: hour of the day (from 0 to 23)
column B: vehicle group (separated into "Passenger", "SingleUnit", and "TractorTrailer")
column C: average speed for that vehicle group for the corresponding hour
column D: total volume/number of vehicles in that vehicle group for the corresponding hour
I would like to apply a weighted average to come up with a speed value for each hour (i.e. combine the average speeds for each of the 3 vehicle groups based on their relative volumes across the entire dataset).
My final table should show only:
Hour (from 0-23), Avg. Speed (containing the weighted averages from the dataset)
Attached is a screenshot example.
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Mar 13, 2008
I'm attempting to chart 3 series over a 24 hour period (8am-8am). The 3 series are captured in 1 minute intervals. My X axis intervals is displayed hourly though. My issue is, charting goes bad at 00:00:00. i.e. it stops.
Here are the values I have on my X axis
min: .33333
max: 1.35
maj: .04167
min: .00347
cross at: .33333
Any ideas how I can get from 8am to 8am?
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Sep 4, 2006
I have created a daily schedule which has a number of factory variables taken into consideration which determine the date and time a particular product should, barring any mechanical problems, come off the machine. (see attached spreadsheet).
The date at the top will be editable by me only so that when I update the production quantities, the “date/time off” column automatically re-adjusts to the remaining quantities.
The formulas are a little long winded, but I have left them that way whilst I try and develop it. I should be able to figure out how to condense them later.
My problem is that the “date/time off” on the right works excellent, but over a 24 hr period.
Ordinarily, we work a 12 hour day (6am to 6pm) with overlapping shifts to cover breaks, and 20 mins warm up at the start of the day for the machine, thus maximising a 12 hour day.
Of course if demand exceeds the allotted time we put on overtime.
Is it possible to specify that normal days are only 12 hours so that if a product exceeds 6pm, it flows into the next day with the balance starting at 6:20am?
And, if the production for the week exceeds the time could I stipulate particular days which we deem are suitable for overtime? Ie, we decide Wednesday is a 14 hour day and not 12.
I had toyed with the idea of creating a 365 day table/calendar, on another worksheet which would have its individual allocated hours in an adjacent column and somehow link them to the date/time off, perhaps by way of a VLOOKUP, but I have been chasing my tail trying to figure out how to implement it.
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Oct 21, 2013
I work in a computer lab and we have to keep track of how many people sign in (using excel 2010), and how long they were here.
I'm looking for a way to count how many entries were made per hour for every hour someone was signed in.
For example someone signs in at 9:22 am and leaves at 3:34 pm.They were here from 9-10, 10-11, 11-12 etc.. and its getting very tiresome to go through and manually enter a "1" for each individual hour in each cell under the hour.
Is there a way I can feed the in and out times into a spreadsheet and have it automatically count how many people were in the lab each hour?
8 am
9 am
10 am
[Code] ...........
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Nov 12, 2013
Is it possible to take data in format dd:hh:mm and convert to working days - ie. 8 hour days?
For example:
02:12:15 (60 hours and 15 minutes .. or 3615 minutes)
to be converted to:
07:04:15 (7 working days: 4 hours: 15 minutes)
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Dec 2, 2013
I have a time table which some hours are 3 hours time period. I want to distribute to new table hour by hour this kind of hours, or hour to same hour period.
Attached file, defined example and detail.
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Aug 14, 2014
I'm trying to import data from a rather antiquated software package of race results and present it in a line chart showing each competitor's race result against the date it happened.
The problem is the two ways the data can be exported (shown as option A & B below) is very cumbersome and I can't work out how to create a simple line chart (like the second image) from that raw data. [URL]
What I want to do is turn this data into something like this [URL]
The only way I can think of is to convert/transpose the data into something like below. The problem is I don't know where to begin in trying to do that automatically.
I attach the workbook shown in the screenshots which contains sample data for 5 people over 3 races.
Example Workbook: SampleData.xlsx
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Mar 13, 2014
Formula (or a chart) for converting centimeters to inches.
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May 13, 2008
trying to figure out a simple baseball batting average chart.
and i can't seem to get the season average completed.
for instance
at bats -------hits-------daily avg------season AVG
2--------------1-----------.500---------.500 (d2)
3--------------2-----------.666---------.600 (d3)
4--------------1-----------.250---------.444 (d4)
3--------------1-----------.333---------.417 (d5)
so, after each game, i entering the AB, and the hits, and i would like to have a running total of the season average.
i currently have this. but, i figure there must be a way to copy the formula down and keep it easier.
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Sep 17, 2012
On this chart the X-axis are dates and the y-axis are daily scores. The chart shows each day's data point and computes a trend line. How can I dynamically calculate and display the average score as a single value somewhere on the chart? I could calculate the average in a cell outside the chart object but would like it to be part of the chart. I do not want to show the average as a separate horizontal line within the chart grid.
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Jun 24, 2014
I've created a graph from data and need to add an average/net impact/trend line to the graph. From what I've read this needs to be an XY scatter, however, several efforts later and I can't seem to get it to work for me.
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Oct 3, 2008
I'm trying to get a formula working that is basically for a rating chart. The chart is somewhat simple, but the formula is a bit complex (for me anyway)
So the details are the rating is on three axis with three levels, and here is what I need to do.
At the moment the formula below works, but it isn't 100% accurate because I actually need to take an average of F5+G5 then take that value and add it to H5 then divide by two to get the proper average of the two charts. (if that makes sense.
Here is the formula that I thought would have worked, but Excel begs to differ
I played with the brackets quite a bit thinking I had something in the wrong order, but nothing seems to work. I always get FALSE in the field and an error as well when I enter the formula.
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Jun 19, 2008
I have a dynamic Named Ranges called ChartData containing 4 values from 4 cells on the row selected. I have a chart using this Named Ranges so that the value displayed are always referring to the current row. This works fine. I created a second Named Ranges ChartAvg which is =AVERAGE(ChartData) that I project to use in the Chart. However, I need to have 4 time the same value (average) if I want to display a line in the chart.
My problem is: I don't want (and can't) enter the Named Ranges ChartAvg in 4 cells to use in the chart. I wish to create a 3rd Named Ranges called ChartAvgData that would be used in the Chart. So now, to my question : How to create a Named Ranges that is a list of (4) values, somethine like: {ChartAvg,ChartAvg,ChartAvg,ChartAvg}
This is not working, whereas {1,2,3,4} (for example) works fine.
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Jan 29, 2009
how to add an average line to pivot chart?
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Apr 4, 2014
I have a form to round to nearest quarter but if it is less than 1 hour I need it to round to a total of 1. Can this be combined in one formula.
I also need my time to be configured so that if the start time is a PM number then end time AM it does not figure right. is there a way to remove the AM/PM from time. I have already tried all the formats from number,time, & custom.
Attached is my form : Timesheet Form 2014.xlsx
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Mar 7, 2008
I'd like to convert from 24 hour standard time to 12 hour time using VBA code. For example: instead of 13:00 I need 1:00.
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May 8, 2008
I have a list of FLIGHT departure times that are listed in MIL TIME, however, there is no : in the format. Its just 4 or 3 digit numbers. I need to convert these to time in 12-hour clock. If I go to FORMAT/CELL/TIME and select 1:30pm it simply makes the time ZERO!
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Jul 12, 2013
How do I paste the first chart into the second chart but maintain the format of the second chart?
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Jun 14, 2013
E11 through E24 contains numbers and a few errors (#N/A) that need to persist (the errors need to show).
E10 needs to show the average of the numbers that are in E11 through E24, and just ignore the errors.
I have many columns like that - where the errors need to show and I need to show an average of the number/values that do appear, ignoring the errors.
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Sep 27, 2008
I have this
Select Case Hour(Format(now, "13:00"))
Case Is >= 7, Is = 15, Is = 23, Is
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Aug 28, 2012
I have a code that I have put in the ThisWorkbook section, and I thought it should work - but nothing happens....
Sub FirstSub()
Application.OnTime TimeValue(Sheets("SetUp").Range("G1").Text), "SecondSub"
ResetTime = Now() + 1
Application.OnTime ResetTime, "FirstSub"
End Sub
Sub SecondSub()
If Weekday(Now()) > 2 And Weekday(Now()) < 7 Then Call CreatePDF
End Sub
It's supposed to call a sub called CreatePDF.
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Apr 28, 2014
I have a table on excel that I would like to have an event calculated by the hour and would like to know how to, ex:
that above is where I want the formula to calculate the following:
Activiy 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Also I would like to do something similar like that but for age, ex:
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Dec 4, 2006
I do not understand how to get a macro to run exactly on the hour, each hour of a day, day after day?
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