Copy Columns With Specific Text In Header Row
Apr 16, 2008
The column header row for a string; if the header contains one of two possible strings then copy the entire column. I've tried the following code but it's not working.
Select Case oColHeader
Case InStr(oColHeader, "how much", 1) > 0
Case InStr(oColHeader, "level of sat", 1) > 0
End Select
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Jun 24, 2014
I want to export some columns of my worksheet to a csv-file. But i don't want to export all of them, i just need for example: Columns B, D and G and inside the csv-file they should be in an different order like G, B, D .
I already thought about using "union" to select the specific columns, but i can't get this to work.
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Feb 26, 2010
I would like to BeforePrint check Left and Right Header for a specific text. If the text is different then i.e. “XYZ Test” then call sub ClearForm().
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Dec 7, 2011
I have a spreadsheet and I was wondering if there is a way to copy from a specific range in say A1:A5 in Sheet1 and paste into Sheet2 where the column matches cell A1 in Sheet1.
I am trying to do this in VBA and I was wondering if there is a way to do this.
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Jun 23, 2008
Is there a way to link a header or a portion of a header to a specific cell?
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Apr 11, 2014
I am a macro newbie and I think this is beyond me.
I've been trying all morning with no success to make a macro that will copy data from all columns of one workbook containing specified header text to a single column in a different workbook.
So for example, I've got a workbook called coupon barcodes that has multiple tabs for each person redeeming coupons on sheets 2-88 (sheet one can be skipped) and some of the columns are labeled "voucher 1" in cell A4 or B4 or C4 etc. with a list of all the coupon barcodes that customer redeemed below that. I want all of the data from all of the columns in this workbook that have the header "voucher 1" to be copied and pasted into one column (order doesn't matter) also labeled "voucher 1" in another workbook I have open called vouchering database.
There must be a way to do this that is easier than searching the internet all afternoon again
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Jun 27, 2013
Is it possible to copy text from a Excel worksheet and paste it into the custom header or can you just type in the three boxes?
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Jan 17, 2013
I'm having a 6000+ records, (contacts DB) exported in Excel 2003 format from MS Outlook.
Except the "First" and "LastName", all other contact elements are in the field "Notes" (which is the BZ column according to the exported outlook layout) multiplied by 6469 (records in total)
Useful information are included !!!
I'll give an example of a record...
Column: BZ, Row: 543 says --> "2110000000-6989000000, 1TOK_TER:17-11-010(25 DAYS LESS),
Now, I want every time to take the part of the text says "TER:something..." (part of which is date, but not every time with the known format dd-mm-yyyy, as you see here is yyy, followed by something else, with parenthesis here and maybe more data) and copy it in a new cell..., e.g:CO Column, same Row...
Above and every field which by the way is formatted as General (and it is text mainly) are made by merging older excel fields where data laid here and there, that's why you see the commas...with the method of a module with the following code:
Function MyMerge(Rng As Range)
For Each Cell In Rng
Temp = Temp & Cell.Value & ", "
Next Cell
Temp = Mid(Temp, 1, Len(Temp) - 2)
MyMerge = Temp
End Function
Note1:Records with the above string (TER:dd-mm-yyy) are 771 from 6469.
Note2: As an alternative solution I can see an extraction of the TER:dd-mm-yyy string and the copy in a new place, like the:CO Column, same Row...
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Mar 21, 2013
I am trying to track street pavement for a city and as you can imagine, there is a lot of data entry.
At the end of the day, I will need to know the total length of streets with brick, asphalt, and concrete. Column 'D' has the street material (Asphalt, Brick, Concrete) and Column 'E' will have the length. At the bottom of the sheet, under column 'E', I have cells that will show the total length for streets with Asphalt (E61), Brick (E63), and Concrete(E65), so I need a formula to enter in those cells that will look for the specific pavement materials it is totalling
Also, I am tracking streets with/without curb and gutter. If a street doesn't have it, I need to track how much will be needed. Basically, it will be the length (Column E) times 2 (both sides of the street). In column 'G' there will either be 'Yes' or 'No'. If 'Yes', then I don't need a total and the cell containg the amount of curb and gutter need (Column 'J') will be blank. However, if 'No', Column 'J' will have the total amount of curb and gutter needed ('E??' x 2)
Obviously the sheets will be different lengths so the cells will need to be copied and pasted.
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Jan 24, 2013
I have gotten a code. It goes into Sheet 1 and picks up all the Rows (entire row) in which Column A = 1.
Instead of copying the entire row, I need to just copy the row but only specific columns (i.e. Row 2, Column B,C,D,E,G).
Is there a way to specify where it pastes values in Sheet 2 (say from column D) because Column A-C have pre-filled data which do not change. And when it pastes, it has no gaps (despite a gap in the copied columns (i.e. Column F in sheet 1 was skipped)).
Sub cond_copy()
'assuming the data is in sheet1
[Code] .....
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May 29, 2014
I'm looking to write a macro code that copies two specific columns to a separate spreadsheet in the same workbook, and then sort the rows by values in ascending order.
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Mar 3, 2014
I have a code that copies a column data from one workbook to another workbook
[Code] .....
This copies only D column to A coulmn of another workbook
I want 2 more columns to copied and pasted in another workbook
G column---- C Column
H column---- E Column
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Feb 4, 2014
Sheet one contains a table of table from C6:AY7000
On Sheet 2, I want to create a summary of data from Sheet 1 based on 2 Criteria which applies to column I and N.
On Sheet 1, I have put in a formula to link to sheet 2 for the criteria to make things easier.
So BN3 = Sheet2C3
And BN4= Sheet2C4
I have managed to run my coding to filter the data that I correctly want to copy and paste onto sheet 2 - however I only want to copy specific columns.
This is the coding I have written to select and filter the correct data values.
Sub AddFilter()
' AddFilter Macro
Dim rCrit1 As Range, rCrit2 As Range
With Application
.EnableEvents = False
.ScreenUpdating = False
[Code] .......
This now gives me the correct data in the table.
I want to copy the visible cells from this table but only for columns e, dr, r, v, w, o, z, AD, AG, AQ, AW, AY
The copied data will then be pasted into sheet 2 starting in cells B9
I plan to attach a button on sheet 2, so when the user updates the values in C3 and C4, this will update values in BN3 and BN4 on sheet1, they can run my macro which will go to sheet 1, filter the data on what they have entered and paste the correct values.
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Apr 18, 2014
I need copy duplicate data to another sheet, but paste only column(1,2,4,5,6,13,14)
[Code] .....
Cross-Post : [URL] .....
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Sep 27, 2009
Yeah it is 1:33 am where I am.
I'd like to filter a column and paste only 2 columns to another sheet in the first available row.
I found a code that was posted by Tom Ogilvy and made a few adjustments: ....
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Jan 3, 2013
Is there any way to copy a column that has a specific range
=COUNTIF(B12:BE12,"*p") etc
to copy that to a column lets say 5 columns to the right without my range changing?
I need the same range in all columns, and I cant seem to accomplish this.
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Sep 25, 2013
If I'm using this function to find the specific text "EXPIRED" in the specified cells, how can I add additional cell ranges on the same sheet to this function?
D17:D34 as well as F17:F34
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Jul 29, 2014
Below is my initial code that can't get past the first line.
if right(cells(2,i),4) = "D_MA" then ..... ?
I'm trying to clear the contents of all data in each column that has the text conaining "D_MA" in that columns row 2. For instance, if cell F2 has 30D_MA, I want the macro to clear all contents in Column "F" -- but to do this for all columns that contain "D_MA" in row 2.
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Jan 26, 2006
I am trying to split names across columns. The problem is that some names
spilt into 3 columns (first, middle, last), and others split across 5 or 6
(extra names, etc.)
Is there a way to specify split, using SPACE as a delimiter, but only split
on the first TWO spaces, then leave the rest alone?
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Apr 29, 2014
What I am trying to do is to look at specific columns, then copy the data in that column from specific rows from sheet 1 (named TIA) to sheet Macro1. I think uploading a sample of the spreadsheet would be useful.
Unfortunately the spreadsheet is a living document and continues to grow in both column and rows.. The data extracted at this point is from row 7, 23-60 and copied into the new worksheet starting at A1.
1) Row 5 states the macro the column will be associated with. There can be more that one macro associated to a column.
2) When column is found, data from row 7 column (x) will be copied to sheet macro1 EX. If Cell G5 = macro1 then copy data from G7 to sheet macro1 at A1
3) When column is found, data from row 23 column (x) will be copied to sheet macro1
4) repeat requirement 3 till no more Scenario's
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Aug 27, 2012
I need to copy a specific column range K18:M180 to only columns that have an "X" on a specific row. Below is my small example.
In this example it would be in columns OPQ and WXY
1718aaa180.0 0.00 19bbb0.0 0.00 20ccc1.6 0.11 14.74 21
ddd9.0 0.53 16.93 22eee7.3 0.45 16.22 232425Sheet1
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Jan 15, 2008
Have a set of dates as column headers across a worksheet. Rows are product names. When a product is delivered, the cell is marked "delivered" for the date (in the column header) it was delivered. Need a formula that will look across each row (product), and return the date of the first cell with the value "delivered". I have: =INDEX(F19:AS19,1,MATCH("delivered",F19:AS19,0)) <for row 19. right now, but its just giving me "delivered" as the value and I cant figure out why.
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Sep 11, 2012
I have a huge data set as given follow and want to Copy a the value of treatment from the cell having Treatment description at some other sheet through VBA
'UPDATE [XYZ 1213]
SET TreatmentDescription = '000'
WHERE ( ("Abc" < 00) );'
'UPDATE [XYZ 1111]
SET TreatmentDescription = '093'
WHERE ( ("wer" < 00) );'
Like in upper code I want the output sheet 2 as Cell A1 = '000' and A2 = '093' and so on
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Jan 27, 2014
I have some specific procucts in coloum A in sheet (data), If that product was found in Sheets("allproducts"), copy all the rows and create a new sheet on the product name and save the excel.
Sub SearchForString()
Dim LSearchRow As Integer
Dim LCopyToRow As Integer
On Error GoTo Err_Execute
'Start search in row 1
LSearchRow = 1
[Code] ....
MsgBox "An error occurred."
End Sub
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Jan 27, 2014
I have some specific procucts in coloum A(a2, a3, a4, till a50) in sheet (data), If that product was found in Sheets("allproducts"), copy all the rows and create a new sheet on the product name and save the excel.
[Code] .....
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Apr 7, 2009
What I'd like to do is copy text down in column A but when a cell in column C says something like 'end of data' I'd like the copy to pick up the next row in Column A and copy down until 'end of data' and so on.
Or maybe copy text down in Column A until the text changes in col A.
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Jul 12, 2007
I tried to writer my code myself but I have a long way to go. Here is what I must do for my case:
I want a macro to find the row that include a specific text (For example "SMSC") in a range (A1:A100) then copy this entire row below the cell which has the value "OTHERS". That is, if there are 10 pieces of "SMSC" so these rows including "SMSC" should be listed below the cell "OTHERS"
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Aug 29, 2007
I have a cell that contains various data but in the cell there will be a string of characters that will begin with either ON or TN followed by numbers. What I would like to do is have the sheet look at that cell and if there's a TN12345 (or any combination of numbers) or an ON123456 (same idea as the TN) I would like the sheet to pull just the ON or TN number out and paste it in a specific cell. The ON would have it's own cell to be placed in as would the TN.
Here's an example. C5 contains various data, a mix of text and numbers but it will have either an ON or a TN or both. I would like the sheet to automatically pull the TN number out and place it in A5 and the ON in B5. I would like this process to repeat all the way through the sheet to the max amount of rows since I have no way of knowing how many rows I'll need. Can this be done with a simple IF formula or does it have to be done in VBA or is it not possible at all.
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Sep 26, 2007
I have a variable list. Each column will be 250 digits and numbers of rows will be variable. I want a macro to import a text file from a specific folder into a sheet without split it to columns. So we will work only in column A
Then macro will find B1002 wording in A1. if it is exist, it will copy the next 36 digits after B1002 wording if not then it will search A2 row. The next step will be to search and find another wording "B1001" if it finds it will replace copied 36 digits text. If it can not find B1001 wording it will go to upper row and search B1001 wording here and paste the text. This will go on till row shows #END. This means it reached the end of the list. And then macro will save this file as text file to another folder.
So macro will go to beginning to open other file in the folder and this will go on till last file in the folder.
This is the logic of the macro. Here is the sample of what I want.
Original Data: ....
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Mar 7, 2012
I want some VBA code that will:
1) automatically check the active row to see if it contains specific text (i dont' care if there is other stuff in the cell or cells), such as "truck 1 blahblahblah" and checks for specific font color, such as green.
2) if the row does, then I want it to copy ALL the cells in the active row EXCEPT Column A (which contains the date), and then paste them twice, one 21 rows down from the active row, and one 35 rows down from the active row.
3) Once copied and pasted, modify the pasted cells slightly. The first pasted cells need to say Truck 2 blahblahblah in Column C and be in blue font (instead of the original Truck 1 blahblahblah in Green Font), the second needs to say Truck 3 blahblahblah and be in yellow font. Everything else that was pasted will be the same EXCEPT they will be in blue or yellow font.
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